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Directory words and expressions origins

The sound effect was again apparently originally titled 'man being eaten by an
alligator'. Please note that this screen version did not directly imply or
suggest the modern written usage of Aaaarrrgh as an expression of shock - it's
merely a point of related interest. The frustration signified by Aaargh can be
meant in pure fun or in some situations in blogs for example with a degree of
real vexation. The powerful nature of the expression is such that it is now used
widely as a heading for many articles and postings dealing with frustration,
annoyance, etc.

The main usage however seems to be as a quick response in fun, as an ironic
death scream, which is similar to more obvious expressions like 'you're killing
me,' or 'I could scream'. To some people Aaaaargh suggests the ironic idea of
throwing oneself out of a towerblock window to escape whatever has prompted the
irritation. That said, broadly speaking, we can infer the degree of emotion from
the length of the version used.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgh clearly has a touch more desperation than
Aaarrgh. The use of Aaaaargh is definitely increasing in the 21st century
compared to the 20th, and in different ways. Often the meaning includes an
inward element like Homer Simpson's 'doh', or an incredulous aspect like Victor
Meldrew's 'I don't believe it', and perhaps in time different spellings will
come to mean quite specifically different things.

Interestingly the web makes it possible to measure the popularity of the the
different spelling versions of Aargh, and at some stage the web will make it
possible to correlate spelling and context and meaning. For now, googling the
different spellings will show you their relative popularity, albeit it skewed
according to the use of the term on the web. I suspect that given the speed of
the phone text medium, usage in texting is even more concentrated towards the
shorter versions.

See Oliver Steele's fascinating Aargh webpage , he gives also Hmmm the same
treatment.. At the time of originally writing this entry April Google's count
for Argh has now trebled from 3 million in to 9. At Dec Google's count for Argh
had doubled from the figure to Can you help find the earliest origins or precise
sources of some relatively recent expressions and figures of speech?

Here are a few interesting sayings for which for which fully satisfying origins
seem not to exist, or existing explanations invite expansion and more detail. If
you have early recollections of use when and when or suggestions of precise
origins or authors of any of the above expressions please let me know , and I'll
publish the findings on this page in the main listing. Let me know also if you
want any mysterious expressions adding to the list for which no published
origins seem to exist.

Gold does not dissolve in nitric acid, whereas less costly silver and base
metals do. The use of nitric acid also featured strongly in alchemy, the ancient
'science' of attempting converting base metals into gold. This would naturally
have extended as a metaphor to the notion favoured by Brewer of a conjuror
preparing a trick with hands above the 'board' table , rather than below it,
where the trickery could be concealed, 'under-hand' see also underhand.

An 'across the board' bet was one which backed a horse to win or be placed in
the first three, or as Wentworth and Flexnor's Dictionary of American Slang
suggests, across the board meant a bet in which " Additionally it has been
suggested to me that a similar racetrack expression, 'across the boards' refers
to the tendency for odds available for any given horse to settle at the same
price among all bookmakers each having their own board , seemingly due to the
laying off effect, whereby the odds would be the same 'across the boards'.

I can neither agree nor disagree with this, nor find any certain source or logic
for this to be a more reliable explanation of the metaphorical expression, and
so I add it here for what it is worth if you happen to be considering this
particular expression in special detail.

The basis of the meaning is that Adam, being the first man ever, and therefore
the farthest removed from anyone, symbolises a man that anyone is least likely
to know. Out of interest, an 'off ox' would have been the beast pulling the cart
on the side farthest from the driver, and therefore less known than the 'near
ox'. This extension to the expression was American Worldwidewords references the
dictionary of American Regional English as the source of a number of such USA
regional variations ; the 'off ox' and other extensions such as Adam's brother
or Adam's foot, are simply designed to exaggerate the distance of the

Alligators were apparently originally called El Lagarto de Indias The Lizard of
the Indies , 'el lagarto', logically meaning 'the lizard'. Initially the word
entered English as lagarto in the mids, after which it developed into aligarto
towards the late s, and then was effectively revised to allegater by Shakespeare
when he used the word in Romeo and Juliet, in It seems ack S Burgos that the
modern Spanish word and notably in Castellano for lizard is lagartija, and
lagarto now means alligator.

Cohen suggests the origin dates back to s New York City fraudster Aleck Hoag,
who, with his wife posing as a prostitute, would rob the customers. Hoag bribed
the police to escape prosecution, but ultimately paid the price for being too
clever when he tried to cut the police out of the deal, leading to the pair's

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In describing Hoag at the time, the police were supposedly the first to use the
'smart aleck' expression. The Old French word is derived from Latin 'amare'
meaning 'to love'. Traditionally all letters were referenced formally in the
same way. The ampersand symbol itself is a combination - originally a ligature
literally a joining - of the letters E and t, or E and T, being the Latin word
'et' meaning 'and'.

The earliest representations of the ampersand symbol are found in Roman
scriptures dating back nearly 2, years. If you inspect various ampersand symbols
you'll see the interpretation of the root ET or Et letters. The symbol has
provided font designers more scope for artistic impression than any other
character, and ironically while it evolved from hand-written script, few people
use it in modern hand-writing, which means that most of us have difficulty in
reproducing a good-looking ampersand by hand without having practised first.

See the ampersand exercise ideas. The theory goes that in ancient times the
pupil of the eye the black centre was thought to be a small hard ball, for which
an apple was a natural symbol.


Logically the pupil or apple of a person's eye described someone whom was held
in utmost regard - rather like saying the 'centre of attention'. Strangely
Brewer references Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 3, which seems to be an error
since the verse is definitely Erber came from 'herber' meaning a garden area of
grasses, flowers, herbs, etc, from, logically Old French and in turn from from
Latin, herba, meaning herb or grass.

The word history is given by Cassells to be 18th century, taken from Sanskrit
avatata meaning descent, from the parts ava meaning down or away, and tar
meaning pass or cross over. In more recent times the word has simplified and
shifted subtly to mean more specifically the spiritual body itself rather than
the descent or manifestation of the body, and before its adoption by the
internet, avatar had also come to mean an embodiment or personification of
something, typically in a very grand manner, in other words, a " The virtual
reality community website Secondlife was among the first to popularise the moden
use of the word in website identities, and it's fascinating how the modern
meaning has been adapted from the sense of the original word.

The idea of losing a baby when disposing of a bathtub's dirty water neatly fits
the meaning, but the origins of the expression are likely to be no more than a
simple metaphor. Murner, who was born in and died in , apparently references the
baby and bathwater expression several times in his book, indicating that he
probably did not coin the metaphor and that it was already established in
Germany at that time. Thanks MS for assistance.

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Later the use of bandbox was extended to equate to a hatbox, so the meaning of
the phrase alludes to someone's appearance, especially their clothing, being as
smart as a new hat fresh out of a hatbox. In more recent times, as tends to be
with the evolution of slang, the full expression has been shortened simply to
'bandbox'. In the US bandbox is old slang late s, through to the early s for a
country workhouse or local prison, which, according to Cassells also referred
later ss to a prison from which escape is easy.

These US slang meanings are based on allusion to the small and not especially
robust confines of a cardboard hatbox. I am additionally informed thanks V Smith
that bandbox also refers to a small ballpark stadium with short boundaries
enabling relatively easy home runs to be struck in baseball games. The bandbox
expression in baseball seemingly gave rise to the notion of band's box in a
small theatre, which could be either an additional or alternative root of the
expression when it is used in the baseball stadium context.

Quite separately I am informed thanks I Sandon that 'bandboxing' is a specific
term in the air traffic control industry: " The idea is that as workload
permits, sectors can be combined and split again without having to change the
frequencies that aircraft are on. You may have noticed that for a particular
'SID' 'standard instrument departure' - the basic take-off procedure you are
almost always given the same frequency after departure.

By 'bandboxing' two adjacent sectors working them from a single position rather
than two you can work aircraft in the larger airspace at one time saving staff
and also simplifying any co-ordination that may have taken place when they are
'split'. To facilitate this the two frequencies are 'cross-coupled'. This means
that the controller transmits on both frequencies simultaniously and when an
aircraft calls on one, the transmission is retransmitted on the second
frequency. Therefore the pilots are much less likely to step on one another and
it appears as if all aircraft are on the same frequency.


Then when traffic loading requires the sectors to be split once more, a second
controller simply takes one of the frequencies from the other, the frequencies
are un-cross-coupled, and all being well there is a seamless transition from the
pilots' perspective! I am therefore at odds with most commentators and
dictionaries for suggesting the following: The 'bring home the bacon' expression
essentially stems from the fact that bacon was the valuable and staple meat
provision of common people hundreds of years ago, and so was an obvious metaphor
for a living wage or the provision of basic sustenance.

Peasants and poor town-dwelling folk in olden times regarded other meats as
simply beyond their means, other than for special occasions if at all. Bacon was
a staple food not just because of availability and cost but also because it
could be stored for several weeks, or most likely hung up somewhere, out of the
dog's reach. Other reasons for the significance of the word bacon as an image
and metaphor in certain expressions, and for bacon being a natural association
to make with the basic needs of common working people, are explained in the
'save your bacon' meanings and origins below.

Additionally the 'bring home the bacon' expression, like many other sayings,
would have been appealing because it is phonetically pleasing to say and to hear
mainly due to the 'b' alliteration repetition. Expressions which are poetic and
pleasing naturally survive and grow - 'Bring home the vegetables' doesn't have
quite the same ring.

According to Allen's English Phrases there could possibly have been a
contributory allusion to pig-catching contests at fairs, and although at first
glance the logic for this seems not to be strong given the difference between a
live pig or a piglet and a side of cured bacon the suggestion gains credibility
when we realise that until the late middle ages bacon referred more loosely to
the meat of a pig, being derived from German for back.

Whatever, the idea of 'bringing home' implicity suggests household support, and
the metaphor of bacon as staple sustenance is not only supported by historical
fact, but also found in other expressions of olden times. Given so much
association between bacon and common people's basic dietary needs it is sensible
to question any source which states that 'bring home the bacon' appeared no
sooner than the 20th century, by which time ordinary people had better wider
choice of other sorts of other meat, so that then the metaphor would have been
far less meaningful.

In other words, why would people have fixed onto the bacon metaphor when it was
no longer a staple and essential presence in people's diets? Fascinatingly the
establishment and popularity of the expression was perhaps also supported if not
actually originally underpinned by the intriguing 13th century custom at Dunmow
in Essex, apparently according to Brewer founded by a noblewoman called Juga in
and restarted in by Robert de Fitzwalter, whereby any man from anywhere in
England who, kneeling on two stones at the church door, could swear that for the
past year he had not argued with his wife nor wished to be parted from her,
would be awarded a 'gammon of bacon'.

Seemingly this gave rise to the English expression, which according to Brewer
was still in use at the end of the s 'He may fetch a flitch of bacon from
Dunmow' a flitch is a 'side' of bacon; a very large slab , which referred to a
man who was amiable and good-tempered to his wife. This meaning is very close to
the modern sense of 'bringing home the bacon': providing a living wage and thus
supporting the family. Brewer says one origin is the metaphor of keeping the
household's winter store of bacon protected from huge numbers of stray
scavenging dogs.

In that sense the meaning was to save or prevent a loss. The establishment of
the expression however relies on wider identification with the human form: Bacon
and pig-related terms were metaphors for 'people' in several old expressions of
from 11th to 19th century, largely due to the fact that In the mid-to-late
middle ages, bacon was for common country people the only meat affordably
available, which caused it and associated terms hog, pig, swine to be used to
describe ordinary country folk by certain writers and members of the

Norman lords called Saxon people 'hogs'. A 'chaw-bacon' was a derogatory term
for a farm labourer or country bumpkin chaw meant chew, so a 'chaw-bacon' was
the old equivalent of the modern insult 'carrot-cruncher'. See also 'bring home
the bacon'.


It's simply a shortening of 'The bad thing that happened was my fault, sorry'.
The word bad in this case has evolved to mean 'mistake which caused a problem'.
It's another example of the tendency for language to become abbreviated for more
efficient and stylised communications.


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