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Submission: On March 02 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST ./SignIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fAI4&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1

<form method="post" action="./SignIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fAI4&amp;AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1" id="frmPage">
  <div class="aspNetHidden">
    <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwULLTIxMDExOTc5MTJkGAEFHl9fQ29udHJvbHNSZXF1aXJlUG9zdEJhY2tLZXlfXxYCBQ1jaGtSZW1lbWJlck1lBQlidG5TaWduSW4sZx37t4yrd5yvaWbIyakA6QjHtohjsaZrYtI/dArngg==">
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  <div id="tabMenu">
    <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <tr valign="bottom">
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                    <table id="tab_signin" class="tab" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <tr height="4" valign="middle">
                          <td width="4" nowrap=""><img src="./UI/images/?LD"></td>
                          <td width="64" nowrap=""><img src="./images/null.gif"></td>
                          <td width="4" nowrap=""><img src="./UI/images/?RD"></td>
                        <tr height="20" valign="middle">
                          <td colspan="3" align="center">Anmelden</td>
                  <td class="sep"><img src="./images/null.gif"></td>
          <td width="1%" nowrap="" align="right">
            <h1 style="display: none;">Adinfinitum</h1><img src="./images/ai.jpg">
          <td colspan="2" nowrap="" align="right" class="subNav">&nbsp;</td>
        <tr valign="middle" class="hotRow">
          <td colspan="2"><img src="./images/null.gif"></td>
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          <td colspan="2">
            <div id="localeInsert">Adinfinitum</div>
        <tr valign="middle" class="hotRow">
          <td colspan="2"><img src="./images/null.gif"></td>
        <tr valign="middle" class="botRow">
          <td colspan="2"><img src="./images/null.gif"></td>
  <div class="box" style="display: none;"><img class="warning" src="./images/warning.png" alt="warning">**Please Note** Between 11 PM &amp; 8 AM EST this Saturday and Sunday (8/11 &amp; 8/12), you will not be able to access the site. Due to this
    planned outage, there may be a delay in accessing your ads and invoices on Sunday morning. We appreciate your patience.</div>
  <div id="cnt" style="margin-top: 100px;">
    <div id="cnt">
      <div id="signInBox">
        <div class="tr">
          <div class="bl">
            <div class="br">
              <div class="ctrl email">
                <label for="txtEmail">Mail-Adresse: </label><br>
                <input name="txtEmail" type="text" id="txtEmail">
              <div class="ctrl pwd">
                <label for="txtPass">Passwort: </label><br>
                <input name="txtPass" type="password" id="txtPass">
              <div class="ctrl">
                <input id="chkRememberMe" type="checkbox" name="chkRememberMe">
                <label for="chkRememberMe">Stay Logged In</label>
              <div class="ctrl">
                <input type="image" name="btnSignIn" id="btnSignIn" src="./images/login/login.gif">
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      <div> Adinfinitum © 2001-2022 Presteligence. All Rights Reserved.<br> All additional content may be protected under copyright by its respective owner(s). </div>

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**Please Note** Between 11 PM & 8 AM EST this Saturday and Sunday (8/11 & 8/12),
you will not be able to access the site. Due to this planned outage, there may
be a delay in accessing your ads and invoices on Sunday morning. We appreciate
your patience.


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