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Good for Business.
Great forPeople.Benefits.Rewards.Efficiency.Insights.Oversight.


Give us a call to get a program tailored to your company’s needs.855-531-3491



Get full visibility into all the ways your employees use their company Cards
with American Express @Work®1


Take action to control employee spending — and add to your bottom line with
American Express @Work®.1


Options available to earn Membership Rewards® points for individual employees or
for the company to earn points or cash back in the form of a monthly statement
credit on the centrally billed statement.

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Slide 1 of 3Currently Selected Slide
Corporate Green Card
Slide 2 of 3
Corporate Gold Card
Slide 3 of 3
Corporate Platinum Card®

   Annual Fee: $75
   Best for core employees and occasional travelers
   Learn More
    * Earn 3% Uber Cash on eligible rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats.
      Enrollment required. Terms Apply3.
    * Hilton HonorsTM Silver Status4. Enrollment required.
    * Global Assist®Hotline5
    * 24/7 Customer Service

   Annual Fee: $250
   Benefits and features to help frequent business travelers take productivity
   on the road
   Learn More
    * Earn 5% Uber Cash on eligible rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats.
      Enrollment required. Terms Apply3.
    * $100 Airline Fee Credit. Up to $100 a year in credits for baggage fees and
      more at one selected airline.6
    * Hilton HonorsTM Silver Status4. Enrollment required.
    * $100 LoungeBuddy Credit. Earn up to $100 in Statement Credits annually on
      lounge access purchases made directly through LoungeBuddy.7

   Annual Fee: $550
   For senior executives and seasoned travelers who want premium business travel
   Learn More
    * $189 CLEAR® Plus Credit13. Up to $189 back per calendar year after you
      charge your CLEAR Plus membership to your Card.
    * Earn 5% Uber Cash on eligible rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats.
      Enrollment required. Terms Apply3.
    * American Express Global Lounge Collection®9
    * $200 Airline Fee Credit10. Up to $200 in credits a year for baggage fees
      and more at one selected airline.



 * Turn industry-specific insights into company savings.11
 * Get ahead of spending with customized spending limits for employees with
   American Express @Work®.1
 * Catch unusual employee expenses with real-time alerts.


 * Your company chooses between rewards programs based on different employee and
   company needs.2
 * Enjoy a streamlined submission process between employees and finance.
 * Get premium travel benefits to help make life on the road less complicated.

Feel the backing of our world-renowned customer service

Get started now.


Professional Services
Green Tech
The American Express Corporate Program for Startups offers the option of Full
Corporate Liability with no personal credit score impact, plus select benefits,
rewards, and business tools that come with American Express Card Membership.
Terms apply.
Learn More
Discover extensions to repay terms to suppliers, leverage unsecured credit and
earn the rewards of your Card on eligible vendor payments. Terms apply.
Learn More
Discover the Wholesale software and e-commerce payment solutions that the
American Express® Corporate Program has to offer. Plus take advantage of
opportunities to earn cash back in the form of a statement credit or Membership
Rewards® points, if enrolled, on travel and supplies. Terms apply.
Learn More
Professional Services
Flexibility to accommodate your business spending. Perks and rewards for the way
you do business. Terms apply.
Learn More
Help fund life-saving biotech breakthroughs, pharma equipment, or healthcare
technology — and take advantage of premium travel benefits to help get them into
the right hands. Terms apply.
Learn More
Green Tech
Discover the ways that businesses focused on sustainable construction and energy
management systems can benefit from the American Express® Corporate Program’s
extended buying power, Corporate Cash-Back and Membership Rewards® programs.
Terms apply.
Learn More



Extend is a payments app that allows you to create and send virtual Cards for
supplier payments using your American Express® Card. Enrollment Required.12


Automated Payment Solutions lets you save time and earn rewards on your Card by
automating your accounts payable process.13


vPayment gives you single-use account numbers that can help you control spending
and reduce the risk of fraud.14

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Call our specialists at
855-531-3491 or fill out the form to request a call.



Chat with a specialist to apply and build a program to fit your company’s needs.



If approved, enjoy the efficiency and control of your new program.

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Get the spending power that comes with the option of Full Corporate Liability
and no personal guarantee.15
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business owners.
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Annual Revenue

Less than $4M$4M - $25MMore than $25M
Full Name
Business Name
Business Email
Phone Number
All fields are mandatory.

By providing your email address and phone number, you agree that American
Express may contact you with information about our products and services. For
information about how we protect your privacy, please read ourPrivacy Statement.



Use of American Express @ Work® is restricted to employees, contractors and/or
agents that the Company, and its representatives designate for the sole purpose
of performing online account queries and maintenance, including accessing and/or
creating reports relating to the Company's American Express® Corporate Card
programs. @ Work is available to all companies with an American Express
Corporate Card program.
Enrollment is required. To enroll in @ Work, please contact your American
Express Representative or call 1-888-800-8564.


Individual Membership Rewards Program
Enrollment in the Membership Rewards® program is required. The Corporate Green
Card and the Global Dollar Card - American Express® Corporate Card is charged a
$55 annual enrollment fee. A program fee is not applied for the Corporate Gold
Card, Corporate Platinum Card®, Global Dollar Card - American Express® Corporate
Platinum Card, and Global Dollar Card - American Express® Corporate Executive
Gold Card. Some Corporate Cards are not eligible for enrollment. For a full list
of eligible Corporate Cards, please see the full Membership Rewards Terms and
Conditions. Card Member eligibility for enrollment is based upon the company’s
participation in the Membership Rewards program. Get one Membership Rewards
point for every dollar or for every two dollars of eligible purchases charged on
enrolled Corporate Green Cards, Corporate Gold Cards, and Corporate Platinum
Cards®, depending on the earn rate selected by the company for its employees
enrolled in the Membership Rewards Program. Eligible purchases are purchases for
goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible purchases do NOT
include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of travelers checks,
purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other cash equivalents.
Terms and Conditions for the Membership Rewards® program apply. Visit
membershiprewards.com/terms for more information. Participating partners and
available rewards are subject to change without notice.
The value of Membership Rewards points varies according to how you choose to use
them. To learn more, go to www.membershiprewards.com/pointsinfo.
Corporate Membership Rewards Program
Enrollment in the Corporate Membership Rewards program is required. Only the
American Express® Corporate Green Card, American Express® Corporate Gold Card,
and Corporate Platinum Card® from American Express are eligible to enroll in the
Corporate Membership Rewards program. The Program Administrator is charged a $90
annual enrollment fee for each enrolled Corporate Green Card. A program fee is
not applied for the Corporate Gold Card and Corporate Platinum Card®. Get one
Corporate Membership Rewards point for every dollar of eligible purchases
charged on enrolled American Express® Corporate Cards. Eligible purchases are
purchases for goods and services minus returns and other credits. Eligible
purchases do NOT include fees or interest charges, cash advances, purchases of
travelers checks, purchases or reloading of prepaid cards, or purchases of other
cash equivalents. If the Corporate Card Member is transferring from an existing
Membership Rewards program to the Corporate Membership Rewards program, the Card
Member will have 30 days to use any existing Membership Rewards points before
they are forfeited.
The redemption value of Corporate Membership Rewards points varies according to
how you choose to use them.
For the full terms and conditions for the Corporate Membership Rewards® program
please visit americanexpress.com/corporatemrterms for more information.
Participating Corporate Membership Rewards partners, available rewards, and
point levels are subject to change without notice.
Corporate CashBack Terms and Conditions
With the American Express Corporate CashBack® Program, companies can earn one
percent (1%) cash back on eligible purchases made with the Corporate Green Card
earning Corporate CashBack. The cash back is issued in the form of a monthly
statement credit to the company’s centrally billed account. To earn the one
percent (1%) statement credit, American Express must receive and post full
payment for all of the transactions included on the company’s billing statement
prior to your next statement date. Company will not receive a statement credit
if the Card account is cancelled or in default. The annual fee(s) for each
Corporate Green Card earning Corporate CashBack include (i) an annual membership
fee of up to $75 and (ii) an annual program fee of $90, which will be billed to
the Card account.
The Corporate CashBack® Program must be requested by the Company and is subject
to American Express approval. The following transactions are not eligible
purchases and will not earn the cash back statement credit: purchases of
American Express® Travelers Cheques or American Express® Gift Cheques; foreign
currency purchases and any related fees; convenience check transactions;
purchases and reloads of prepaid cards; Card account fees and charges (including
but not limited to late payment fees, Card account annual fees, interest charges
and delinquency charges); fees for Card Member services enrolled in by the
Company and/or the Card Member.


U.S. Corporate Platinum Card® from American Express and U.S. American Express®
Corporate Gold Card Members are eligible to earn Uber Cash equaling 5% of
eligible spend on rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats paid for using their
Gold or Platinum Card. U.S. American Express® Corporate Green Card Members are
eligible to earn Uber Cash equaling 3% of eligible spend on rides with Uber and
orders with Uber Eats paid for using their Green Card. Enrollment required.

Uber Cash is a payment currency for use with purchases made through Uber
Services. Uber Cash earned through this benefit (i) can only be used in the U.S.
to pay for rides with Uber, orders with Uber Eats, and Lime bikes and scooter
rides booked via the Uber app, (ii) will have a value of one U.S. dollar ($1)
available to Card Members to pay for one U.S. dollar ($1) in eligible purchases
and (iii) will be added automatically to the Card Member’s Uber Cash account.

To enroll in this benefit, Card Members must open the latest version of the Uber
or Uber Eats app, select their Business Profile, and add and select their
eligible American Express Corporate Card as the method of payment. When
prompted, the Card Member must press "Join Program." Upon completion, Card
Members will receive a confirmation email from Uber. If the account number of
the enrolled eligible Card changes, or the Card Member wants to use a different
(eligible) Corporate Card account as the payment method for the benefit, the
Card Member would need to re-enroll in the benefit using the relevant Card
account number. Card Members can contact Uber Support through the app regarding
any issues they have enrolling.

Eligible spend on rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats include total
amounts paid by eligible Card Members, in the U.S., for orders with Uber Eats,
Pool/Express Pool trips, UberX, XL, WAV/Assist, Comfort, Connect, Pet and Select
trips, and Green, Black and Black SUV trips, and tips to delivery people or
drivers, but excludes car rentals, cancellation fees, portions of trips covered
by a promotional value, portions of trips covered by another user through split
fare, external trip fees such as damage and cleaning fees, upfront purchases of
Uber Cash, credits, and subscription passes, and taxi, bike, and scooter rides.
The eligible spend must be paid for using an eligible Corporate Card, and
changes to the Card Member's Card details must be updated in the Uber App. Cards
added to an Uber account through a third party such as Apple Pay or PayPal will
not be eligible. American Express reserves the right to suspend eligibility for
the benefit if we suspect any violation or abuse.

If a Card Member earns Uber Cash under the benefit for a transaction and then
changes the payment method for the transaction to a method that is not eligible,
then Uber will remove the Uber Cash from the Card Member's Uber Cash account. In
the event a Card Member does not earn Uber Cash under the benefit for a
transaction and then changes the payment method for the transaction to an
eligible Card under their Business Profile, then Uber will add the Uber Cash
earned under the benefit for the transaction to the Card Member’s Uber Cash

Terms apply. Visit
for details on Uber Cash. Offer is subject to change at any time without notice
to you. Fulfillment of the offer is the sole responsibility of Uber.


As a Corporate Green/Gold Card Member you are eligible to enroll in
complimentary Hilton Honors Silver status. Benefit available only to American
Express Corporate Green and Corporate Gold Card Members and is not transferable.
Once you request enrollment in the Hilton Honors program, American Express will
share your enrollment information with Hilton. Hilton may use this information
in accordance with its privacy policy available at
hiltonhonors.com/privacypolicy. If your Green/Gold Corporate Card is cancelled
for any reason, your complimentary Hilton Honors Silver status provided with the
Card will be cancelled. American Express reserves the right to change, modify or
revoke this benefit at any time. Hilton reserves the right to deactivate your
Hilton Honors Silver status if you do not book and pay for a stay of at least
one night at an eligible Hilton property between enrolling in the benefit and
the end of the following calendar year. Hilton also reserves the right to
deactivate your Hilton Honors Silver status if you do not book and pay for a
stay of at least one night at an eligible Hilton property each calendar year
thereafter. If Hilton deactivates your Hilton Honors Silver status because you
have not met the aforementioned requirement in a given year, you will be able to
re-enroll in Hilton Honors Silver status through American Express. Silver status
benefits are subject to availability and vary by hotel;
see Hiltonhonors.com/MemberBenefits and Hilton.com/en/hilton-honors/benefit-terms/ for
additional details. The Hilton Honors Program, including the benefits of Hilton
Honors membership, are subject to Hilton Honors Terms and Conditions;
see hiltonhonors.com/terms. ©2023 Hilton


While Global Assist® Hotline coordination and assistance services are offered at
no additional charge from American Express, Card Members are responsible for the
costs charged by third-party service providers. For full Terms and Conditions,
see americanexpress.com/GAterms.


Benefit is available to US Corporate Gold Card Members only. To receive
statement credits of up to $100 per calendar year toward incidental air travel
fees, Card Member must select a qualifying airline at
americanexpress.com/corporate/airlinechoice. Only the Basic Card Member or
Authorized Account Manager(s) on the Card Account can select the qualifying
airline. Card Members who have not chosen a qualifying airline will be able to
do so at any time. Card Members who have already selected a qualifying airline
will be able to change their choice one time each year in January at
americanexpress.com/corporate/airlinechoice or by calling the number on the back
of the Card. Card Members who do not change their airline selection will remain
with their current airline. Statement Credits: Incidental air travel fees must
be charged to the Card Member on the eligible Corporate Gold Card Account for
the benefit to apply. Incidental air travel fees must be in US dollars and must
be separate charges from airline ticket charges. Fees not charged by the Card
Member’s airline of choice (e.g. wireless internet and fees incurred with
airline alliance partners) do not qualify for statement credits. Incidental air
travel fees charged prior to selection of a qualifying airline are not eligible
for statement credits. Airline tickets, upgrades, mileage points purchases,
mileage points transfer fees, gift cards, duty free purchases, and award tickets
are not deemed to be incidental fees. The airline must submit the charge under
the appropriate merchant code, industry code, or required service or product
identifier for the charge to be recognized as an incidental air travel fee.
Please allow 6-8 weeks after the qualifying incidental air travel fee is charged
to your Corporate Gold Card Account for statement credit(s) to be posted to the
Account. We rely on airlines to submit the correct information on airline
transactions, so please call the number on the back of the Card if statement
credits have not posted after 8 weeks from the date of purchase. Card Members
remain responsible for timely payment of all charges. To be eligible for this
benefit, Corporate Gold Card Account(s) must be active and not in default at the
time of statement credit fulfillment. For additional information about this
benefit, call the number on the back of your Card.


American Express® Gold Card Members can earn up to $100 in statement credits per
calendar year when they use their Gold Card to purchase lounge access directly
from LoungeBuddy, either through the LoungeBuddy website or the LoungeBuddy app.
Please allow 6-8 weeks after the purchase is charged to the Card Account for
statement credit(s) to post. Card Members should call the number on the back of
their Card if statement credits have not posted after 8 weeks from the date of
purchase. Card Members are responsible for timely payment of all LoungeBuddy
charges. To be eligible for this benefit, Card account(s) must be active through
the time of statement credit fulfilment. Statement credit may be reversed if the
LoungeBuddy purchase is returned. American Express relies on accurate
transaction data to identify eligible LoungeBuddy purchases. No enrollment
required. Please consult LoungeBuddy’s terms and conditions for more


The benefit is available to Corporate Platinum Card Members. Card Members are
eligible to receive up to $189 in statement credits per calendar year for CLEAR
Plus membership when charged to an eligible Card. Card Members who established a
CLEAR Plus membership using another payment method and who would like to take
advantage of the $189 Fee Credit for CLEAR must contact CLEAR customer service
to change the payment method on their CLEAR Plus membership to an eligible Card.
CLEAR Plus memberships automatically renew each year unless canceled and CLEAR
will charge the applicable membership fee to the Card CLEAR has on file.
American Express has no control over the application and/or approval process for
CLEAR, and does not have access to any information provided to CLEAR by the Card
Member or by CLEAR to the Card Member. American Express has no liability
regarding the CLEAR Plus program. Membership for CLEAR is per person, and a
separate application must be completed for each individual. If a Card Member's
application is not approved by CLEAR, CLEAR will refund the charges. If the
statement credit benefit has been applied before CLEAR refunds the charges, that
statement credit will be reversed. For additional information on the CLEAR Plus
program, including information regarding the application and/or approval process
and for a list of participating airports and stadiums, as well as the full terms
and conditions of the programs, please go to www.clearme.com. The CLEAR Plus
program is subject to change, and American Express has no control over those
The CLEAR statement credit benefit applies to this program only. Other program
applications including, but not limited to, Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® NEXUS,
SENTRI, and Privium are not eligible for this statement credit benefit.
Please allow up to 6-8 weeks after a qualifying transaction is charged to the
eligible Card account for the statement credit to be posted to the Card account.
If you do not see a credit for a qualifying purchase on your eligible Card after
8 weeks, please call the number on the back of your Card. Card Members remain
responsible for timely payment of all charges. To be eligible for this benefit,
Card account(s) must be active through the time of statement credit fulfilment.
If American Express does not receive information that identifies your
transaction as eligible, you will not receive the statement credit. For example,
your transaction will not be eligible if it is not made directly with the
merchant. In addition, in most cases, you may not receive the statement credit
if your transaction is made with an electronic wallet or through a third party
or if the merchant uses a mobile or wireless card reader to process it.



U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members are eligible for access to the
participating lounges in the American Express Global Lounge Collection. All
lounge access is subject to space availability. Each lounge program within the
Global Lounge Collection has its own policies and access to any of the
participating lounges is subject to the applicable rules and policies.
Participating lounges reserve the right to remove any person from the premises
for inappropriate behavior or failure to adhere to rules, including, but not
limited to, conduct that is disruptive, abusive, or violent. To be eligible for
this benefit, Card Account must not be cancelled. Please refer to each program’s
terms and conditions to learn more.


U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members have unlimited complimentary access to all
locations of The Centurion Lounge. Card Members may bring up to two (2)
complimentary guests into The Centurion® Lounge locations in the U.S., at Hong
Kong International Airport and at London Heathrow Airport. Refer to the specific
location’s access policy for more information. All access to The Centurion
Lounge is subject to space availability. To access The Centurion Lounge, the
Card Member must arrive within 3 hours of their departing flight and present The
Centurion Lounge agent with the following upon each visit: their valid Card, a
boarding pass showing a confirmed reservation for a departing flight on the same
day on any carrier and a government-issued I.D. Note that select lounges allow
access to Card Members with a confirmed reservation for any same-day travel
(departure or arrival). Refer to the specific location’s access policy for more
information. Failure to present this documentation may result in access being
denied. A Card Member must be at least 18 years of age to enter without a parent
or legal guardian. All Centurion Lounge visitors must be of legal drinking age
in the jurisdiction where the Lounge is located to consume alcoholic beverages.
Please drink responsibly. American Express reserves the right to remove any
person from the Lounge for inappropriate behavior or failure to adhere to rules,
including, but not limited to, conduct that is disruptive, abusive or violent.
Soliciting other Card Members for access into our Lounge is not permissible.
Hours may vary by location and are subject to change. Amenities vary among The
Centurion Lounge locations and are subject to change. Card Members will not be
compensated for changes in locations, rates or policies. In addition to the
complimentary services and amenities in the Lounge, certain services, products
or amenities may be offered for sale. You are responsible for any purchases
and/or servicing charges you perform in The Centurion Lounge or authorize our
Member Services Professionals to perform on your behalf. Services provided by
Member Services Desk are based on the type of American Express Card used to
enter the lounge. American Express will not be liable for any articles lost or
stolen or damages suffered by the purchaser or visitor inside The Centurion
Lounge. If we in our sole discretion determine that you have engaged in abuse,
misuse, or gaming in connection with lounge access in any way or that you intend
to do so, we may remove access to The Centurion Lounge from the Account. Use of
The Centurion Lounge is subject to all rules and conditions set by American
Express. American Express reserves the right to revise the rules at any time
without notice.


This benefit is available to U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members. Card Members
receive complimentary access to all US locations of the Escape Lounges. Card
Member must present their valid Card, a boarding pass showing a confirmed
reservation for same-day travel on any carrier and government-issued I.D. Card
Member must be at least 18 years of age to enter without a parent or legal
guardian. All Escape Lounge visitors must be of legal drinking age in the
jurisdiction where the Lounge is located to consume alcoholic beverages. Please
drink responsibly. The eligible flight must be booked on a U.S. issued American
Express credit card and Card Members may bring up to two complimentary guests
per visit. Card Member must adhere to all house rules of participating lounges.
Card Members and their guests will receive all of the complimentary benefits and
amenities afforded to the Escape Lounge customers, as well as access to purchase
non-complimentary items. Some product features may be subject to additional
charges. Escape Lounge locations are subject to change.


This benefit is available to U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members. Platinum Card
Members must present their valid American Express Card, government-issued I.D.,
and boarding pass to the Delta Sky Club ambassador. Boarding pass must show a
reservation for a same-day Delta-operated flight (Delta or Delta connection)
departing from or arriving at the airport in which the Delta Sky Club is
located. Name on boarding pass must match name on the Card. Eligible Card
Members on departing flights can only access the Delta Sky Club within 3 hours
of their flight's scheduled departure time. During a connection between
Delta-operated flights on the same ticket, you may use the Delta Sky Club in
your connecting airport at any time during the layover. Delta reserves the right
to limit access for non-revenue flyers at any Delta Sky Club. Access to Delta
Sky Club partner lounges is not permitted. Individuals must be at least 18 years
of age to access Delta Sky Club, and 21 years of age to access locations with a
self-service bar, unless accompanied by a responsible, supervising adult who has
access to the lounge. Eligible Platinum Card Members must adhere to all Delta
Sky Club House Rules while accessing participating airport clubs. Participating
airport clubs and locations subject to change without notice. Eligible Corporate
Platinum Card Members may bring guests into the Delta Sky Club subject to the
most current Delta Sky Club access and pricing policies, and must use their
valid Corporate Platinum Card as the payment method for guest access. Guests
must also be flying on a same-day Delta-operated flight. Guest access and fees
subject to terms and conditions of participating airport clubs.
For the most current Delta Sky Club access and pricing policy, please visit
Delta.com/skyclubaccess. All Delta Sky Club rules apply to Delta Sky Club
membership and use. To review the rules, please visit Delta.com/skyclub. Benefit
and rules subject to change without notice. Additional restrictions may apply.


This benefit is available to U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members. Platinum Card
Members have complimentary access to select Lufthansa Business Lounges
(regardless of ticket class) and Lufthansa Senator Lounges (when flying business
class) when flying on a Lufthansa Group flight. To access the Lufthansa lounges,
Platinum Card Member must present their government issued I.D., a same-day
departure boarding pass showing a confirmed reservation on a Lufthansa Group
flight (Lufthansa, SWISS and Austrian airlines) and a valid Platinum Card. Card
Members must adhere to all rules of participating lounges. Participating lounges
and locations subject to change without notice. Additional guest access and fees
subject to terms and conditions of participating lounges. In some Lounges the
Platinum Card Member must be at least 18 years of age to enter without a parent
or guardian. Must be of legal drinking age to consume alcoholic beverages.
Please drink responsibly. For the most current list of Lufthansa lounges, guest
access requirements, rules, and pricing policy, please visit


This benefit is available to U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members. Card Members
receive complimentary access to any global location of Plaza Premium Lounges.
Card Member must present their valid Card, a boarding pass showing a confirmed
reservation for same-day travel on any carrier and government-issued I.D. In
some cases, Card Member must be 21 years of age to enter without a parent or
guardian. Card Members may bring up to two (2) guests into Plaza Premium Lounges
as complimentary guests. Must be of legal drinking age to consume alcohol.
Please drink responsibly. Card Member must adhere to all house rules of
participating lounges. Card Members and their guests will receive all of the
complimentary benefits and amenities afforded to the Plaza Premium Lounge
customers, as well as access to purchase non-complimentary items. Some product
features may be subject to additional charges. Plaza Premium Lounge locations
are subject to change.


This benefit is available to U.S. Corporate Platinum Card Members. Corporate
Platinum Card Members and Additional Corporate Platinum Card Members may enroll
in the Priority Pass™ Select program. Priority Pass is an independent airport
lounge access program. You acknowledge and agree that American Express will
verify your Card Account number and provide updated Card Account information to
Priority Pass. Priority Pass will use this information to fulfill on the
Priority Pass Select program and may use this information for marketing related
to the program. Once enrolled, Corporate Platinum Card Members with a valid Card
Account may access participating Priority Pass Select lounges by presenting
their Priority Pass Select card and airline boarding pass. If the Card Account
is canceled, you will not be eligible for Priority Pass Select and your
enrollment will be canceled. When visiting a Priority Pass Select lounge that
admits guests, Corporate Platinum Card Members receive complimentary access for
up to two accompanying guests. After two guests, the Card Account on file with
Priority Pass Select will be automatically charged the guest visit fee of the
Priority Pass Standard program for each additional guest after you have signed
up for the additional guest visit and it has been reported to Priority Pass by
the participating lounge. Some lounges limit the number of guests or do not
admit guests. In some lounges, Priority Pass Select members must be 21 years of
age to enter without a parent or guardian. Priority Pass Select members must
adhere to all house rules of participating lounges and access to participating
lounges is subject to all rules, terms and conditions of the applicable lounge.
Amenities may vary among airport lounge locations. Conference rooms, where
available, may be reserved for a nominal fee. Priority Pass Select lounge
partners and locations are subject to change. All Priority Pass Select members
must adhere to the Priority Pass Conditions of Use, which will be sent to you
with your membership package, and can be viewed at www.prioritypass.com. Upon
receipt of your enrollment information, Priority Pass will send your Priority
Pass Select card and membership package which you should receive within 10–14
business days. If you have not received the Priority Pass card after 14 days,
please contact American Express using the number on the back of your American
Express® Card. To receive immediate access to lounges after enrolling in
Priority Pass Select, you can activate your membership online by using your
Priority Pass Select membership details to receive a Digital Membership Card.
For a step-by-step guide on the activation process, visit priority


American Express offers access to additional lounges in the Global Lounge
Collection where U.S. Platinum Card Members have unlimited complimentary access
to participating locations. Card Members must present their valid Platinum Card,
a government-issued I.D., and a boarding pass showing a confirmed reservation
for same-day travel on any carrier. Guest access and associated fees are subject
to the terms and conditions of the participating lounge provider. Participation,
locations, rates, and policies of lounges are subject to change without notice,
and Card Members and their guests will not be compensated for such changes.
Amenities, services, and hours may vary by participating lounge and are subject
to change without notice. American Express and the participating lounge will not
be liable for any articles lost or stolen, or damages suffered by the Card
Member or guests inside the participating lounge. For participating lounges with
a self-service bar, the Card Member may be required to be of legal drinking age
in the jurisdiction where the participating lounge is located to enter without a
parent or legal guardian. All Card Members and their guests must be of legal
drinking age to consume alcoholic beverages. Please drink responsibly. Each
participating lounge may have their own policy allowing for children under a
certain age to enter for free with the Card Member who is a parent or legal
guardian. Card Member must adhere to all house rules of participating lounges.
Participating lounges reserve the right to remove any person from the premises
for inappropriate behavior or failure to adhere to rules, including, but not
limited to, conduct that is disruptive, abusive, or violent. If American
Express, in its sole discretion, determines that the Card Member or their guests
have engaged in abuse, misuse, or gaming in connection with access to
participating lounges in any way, or that the Card Member or their guests intend
to do so, American Express may take away the access benefit from the Account.
American Express and the participating lounge reserve the right to revise the
rules at any time without notice. For the most current list of participating
lounges and access requirements, please use the Lounge Finder feature in the
American Express App or visit www.americanexpress.com/findalounge.


Benefit is available to Consumer and Corporate Platinum Card Members only. To
receive statement credits of up to $200 per calendar year for incidental airline
fees charged to the eligible Card, Card Member must select one qualifying
airline through their American Express Online Account or the link for their Card
 * American Express Platinum Card®:

Qualifying airlines include Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines,
Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Spirit Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and
United Airlines, and are subject to change. Only the Basic Card Member or
Authorized Account Manager(s) on the Card Account can select the qualifying
airline. Card Members who have not chosen one qualifying airline will be able to
do so at any time. Card Members who have already selected one qualifying airline
will be able to change their choice one time each year in January through their
American Express Online Account or by calling the number on the back of the
Card. Card Members who do not change their airline selection will remain with
their current airline. Statement Credits: Incidental airline fees must be
charged to the Card Member on the eligible Card Account for the benefit to
apply. Incidental airline fees charged by both the Basic and Additional Card
Members on the eligible Card Account are eligible for statement credits.
However, each Card Account is eligible for up to a total of $200 per calendar
year in statement credits across all Cards on the Account. Incidental airline
fees must be separate charges from airline ticket charges. Fees not charged by
the Card Member's selected airline (e.g. wireless internet and fees incurred
with airline alliance partners) do not qualify for statement credits. Incidental
airline fees charged prior to selection of a qualifying airline are not eligible
for statement credits. Airline tickets, upgrades, mileage points purchases,
mileage points transfer fees, gift cards, duty free purchases, and award tickets
are not deemed to be incidental fees. The airline must submit the charge under
the appropriate merchant code, industry code, or required service or product
identifier for the charge to be recognized as an incidental air travel fee.
Please allow 6-8 weeks after the qualifying incidental air travel fee is charged
to your Card Account for statement credit(s) to be posted to the Account. We
rely on airlines to submit the correct information on airline transactions, so
please call the number on the back of the Card if statement credits have not
posted after 8 weeks from the date of purchase. Card Members remain responsible
for timely payment of all charges. To be eligible for this benefit, Card
Account(s) must be not canceled and not past due at the time of statement credit


OneSight® is available in the United States only. To get access to OneSight® and
its tools, you must be enrolled in American Express @ Work® and @ Work
Reporting. To enroll, your company’s Program Administrator should call


Card enrollment required for U.S. eligible American Express Business, Corporate
or Corporate Purchasing Card. Separate enrollment with each of Extend and
American Express required to utilize combined product offering. There is no fee
to generate American Express virtual Cards. Users must agree to Extend's terms
and conditions available at app.paywithextend.com/terms. The supplier must be an
American Express accepting merchant. To learn more, please contact your Extend


Users may be required to enroll their eligible American Express Business,
Corporate or Corporate Purchasing Card for virtual payments on the American
Express B2B Payments Card Enrollment portal. Users must sign up with one of our
participating financial software providers and are subject to their terms. Fees
may apply. To learn more, please contact your American Express representative.

Not all Cards are eligible to get rewards. Terms and limitations vary by Card


vPayment can help reduce the risk of fraud with transaction-level controls which
allow your company to set a specific date range and pre-authorization amount for


Eligibility for the American Express Corporate Program for Startups is
determined by American Express in its sole discretion based on creditworthiness
and other factors. Applicants will be required to set up automatic payments and
to provide American Express with ongoing access to view one or more of the
company's business bank accounts, which American Express will use to help
determine spending capacity.


With full corporate liability, the company in whose name the Corporate Program
was opened (and not the individual Card Members) is liable for all amounts due
in connection with that Corporate Program, including, without limitation all
charges made using any card, account access device or other payment device
issued under that Corporate Program.
Request a callApply by phone


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