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Total price:Rs. 1,898Rs. 1,661

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   Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLYEspresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 4
   WEEKS SUPPLYBrazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLYBrazilian
   Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLYRs. 1,299Rs. 1,199

   Vanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) / 10 DAYS SUPPLYVanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) /
   20 DAYS SUPPLYVanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) / 1 MONTH SUPPLYRs. 599Rs.


112 reviews
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
Tax included.

Net Weight: 280g = 20g x 14 units | 2 Weeks Supply

Bedside Chocolates for Men | Improves Stamina & Energy | Enhances Performance &
Mood | Supports Lean Muscle Gain

These delicious Dark Chocolates are made from all-natural and potent plant-based
ingredients that help boost natural testosterone production in the body,
supports immune system, increases energy & stamina and elevate mood.

Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) PECANO (Sugar
Choose Pack
Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY - Rs. 1,199 Espresso Shot (Sugar
Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY - Rs. 2,299 Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY - Rs. 1,199 Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY - Rs.
2,299 PECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out PECANO (Sugar
Conscious) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
Save Upto 12%
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Buy it now

Payment Options Available

Tax included.

[{"id":40682531946677,"title":"Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","option1":"Espresso Shot (Sugar Free)","option2":"2 WEEKS
for Men - Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","public_title":"Espresso
Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","options":["Espresso Shot (Sugar Free)","2
Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","option1":"Espresso Shot (Sugar
Free)","option2":"4 WEEKS
for Men - Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","public_title":"Espresso
Shot (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","options":["Espresso Shot (Sugar Free)","4
Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","option1":"Brazilian Orange Zest
(Sugar Free)","option2":"2 WEEKS
for Men - Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","public_title":"Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","options":["Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free)","2 WEEKS
Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","option1":"Brazilian Orange Zest
(Sugar Free)","option2":"4 WEEKS
for Men - Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS
SUPPLY","public_title":"Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 4 WEEKS
SUPPLY","options":["Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free)","4 WEEKS
(Sugar Conscious) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","option1":"PECANO (Sugar
Conscious)","option2":"2 WEEKS
for Men - PECANO (Sugar Conscious) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","public_title":"PECANO
(Sugar Conscious) \/ 2 WEEKS SUPPLY","options":["PECANO (Sugar Conscious)","2
(Sugar Conscious) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","option1":"PECANO (Sugar
Conscious)","option2":"4 WEEKS
for Men - PECANO (Sugar Conscious) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","public_title":"PECANO
(Sugar Conscious) \/ 4 WEEKS SUPPLY","options":["PECANO (Sugar Conscious)","4
{"id":40682531913909,"title":"Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","option1":"Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free)","option2":"2 WEEKS
for Men - Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","public_title":"Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) \/ 2 WEEKS
SUPPLY","options":["Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free)","2 WEEKS

Sugar Free Options Available | Soft-Centered Dark Chocolates
Safe & Effective | Calorie Conscious | No Added Dairy | No Nuts | Low Glycaemic
| Gluten Free | No Artificial Ingredients | Plant Based | Vegetarian

How to Consume: One chocolate everynight post dinner - Just like a dessert!
Recommended for Adult Men
Consume daily for a period of 8-12 weeks for optimal benefits

Additional Information

Are you feeling exhausted and struggling to keep up with the demands of a
modern, fast-paced lifestyle? Getting tired all too easily, no time or energy
for exercise or party? Our natural testo-boosting chocolates for men can help.
As you accelerate towards your 30s there is a gradual decrease in testosterone
levels leading up to andropause in Men.

With Rekindle for Men’s natural, plant-based ingredients, these candyceutical
supplements are designed to enhance your energy levels, improve your
performance, and boost your mood.

Why Rekindle For Men?

Energy & Stamina Support
We use all natural plant based ingredients to push the body to make the
testosterone you require thereby thereby increasing energy, stamina, enhancing
mood and helping reduce belly fat.

Easy & Delicious
A delicious dark chocolate bar in 3 flavours, hygienically packed in individual
wrapping, made of all-natural plant-based ingredients. Just open, eat, and

All natural ingredients ensure no dependence on synthetic additives. Rekindle
For Men ensures your body remembers that it needs to produce its own
testosterone and provides the right ingredients for it to do so.

Mindful Wellness
Resolves underlying issues that cause changes in your daily energy levels, mood,
and body.

Experience the benefits of our supplement for yourself and start feeling more
energized, focused, and productive. Try it today!


Brazilian Orange Zest : The zing of sun ripened Brazilian Orange Zest meets
hints of vanilla in a scrumptious dark chocolate ganache centre in an all
sugar-free formulation.

Espresso Shot : For all coffee lovers, to satisfy not only your cravings for
chocolates but also for Caffeine, all in a dark chocolate ganache centre in an
all sugar-free formulation.

PE٠CA٠NO (Peanuts, Caramel, Nougat*) : Meet our årelang® Special in-house
favourite blend of Peanuts, Caramel and Nougat, with a delicious smidge of
peanut butter in an all sugar conscious formulation


Powerful isolated bioactives from
Safed Musli | Ashwagandha | Panax ginseng | Gokhru | Vidarikand | Kapikacchu |
Jaiphal | Ginkgo biloba | Saffron

Formulation thought

As we age and enter our thirties and forties, we take on more work and
responsibilities, which can be stressful. Despite this, we often neglect our
health and wellbeing. A lack of nutrients in our diet can have significant
consequences beyond just vitamin deficiencies. It can lead to low energy levels,
reduced stamina, and weakened immunity. This is a major cause of decreased
testosterone levels in men, which can result in lower libido, early andropause,
and reduced energy. This chain reaction can lead to a negative mood and more

To address this issue, we have developed Rekindle for Men, that boosts
testosterone and energy. It contains:

 * Safed Musli, Gokhru, Jaiphal that help boosting the levels of precursor
   molecules, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) needed to synthesise
 * Ashwagandha helps suppressing enzymes like aromatase which converts
   testosterone into estrogen, and 5a-reductase which converts testosterone into
   dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which help the overall increase in testosterone
 * Gokshru helps increasing the concentration of androgen receptors in cells
   thereby increasing androgen sensitivity, making the body more responsive to
   testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and other androgens.
 * Vidarikand and ginsenoside-RB1 from Ginseng help boosting luteinizing hormone
   release, which boosts testosterone production. Luteinizing hormones signals
   to the testes to produce testosterone.
 * Kapikacchu helps reduce the levels of Prolactin, which is a hormone with
   reproductive, metabolic and immunoregulatory functions. Excess Prolactin
   tends to counteract testosterone in the body. It also contains high levels of
   L-DOPA which facilitates somatic motor responses in response to sexual
   stimuli in men.
 * Saffron, Jaiphal and Gingko Biloba work towards inhibiting Mono amine
   oxidase, an enzyme responsible for metabolism of Dopamine, Serotonin
   neurotransmitters. Thus inhibiting this enzyme creates increased
   concentration of dopamine leading to elevation in mood, upliftment of

Together, these natural plant-based ingredients improve immunity and promote
sexual wellness without making your body dependent on external sources of
testosterone. We recommend taking one bar a day of these consistently for 8-12
weeks to see and feel the difference.

Our Clinicals

The study was undertaken in human volunteers self administering 1 bar of
Rekindle of Men per day for a period of 90 days in the age group of 25-55 years.
The study was undertaken to determine the testosterone level pre and post
administration of Rekindle for Men containing potent saponins. The study outcome
indicates that the testosterone levels have been increased for all the age group
after consuming the Rekindle for Men chocolate. The overall average increase of
testosterone was found to be more than 20% on day 90 as compared to the recorded
Day 0 levels before consuming the Rekindle for Men chocolates.



Based on 112 reviews Write a review


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Avinash P on Mar 29, 2023

I bought this product to try the chocolate out and was not sure if it would
work. A week or so after starting it off as after dinner dessert, my trainer
told me that my work outs were getting better and my stamina had improved. I did
not notice it myself until he told me. Then I saw that my days were filled with
more energy. I would get exhausted by 8/8.30 in the evenings and after taking
these chocolates I was still not tired even at 10 in the night. It helped me
even regulate my sleep. The taste is good, one suggesting to cut down some of
the excessive packing that comes with the courier. Other than that great job!

Report as Inappropriate


Usmaan Mohammad on Jan 24, 2023

taste is superb and it also give energy to me i will order again

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Chirag B on Sep 23, 2022

I work out and used to have testosterone boosters regularly. Helped with energy
but voh guilty feeling gaya nai. My trainer showed me this chocolate. I have
been having it for over 3 months now. I really like this Rekindle for Men
chocolates. Taste is fantastic and also my performance has improved. It took 4-5
days after I started to eat them to show increase in energy, strength,
endurence. After one month my performace become much better. I like the coffee
chocolate taste best.

Report as Inappropriate


Indrakumar Solanki on Aug 16, 2022

I have diabetes and I dont remember the last time I ate a chocolate without
feeling guilty. The coffee chocolate was slightly bitter and creamy and I for
the first time in a really long time felt zero guilt. Its 70 Kcal per chocolate
- is that right?

Report as Inappropriate


Neeraj Mehta on Aug 08, 2022

Honestly I liked the chocolates and the concept. Ordered your orange flavour and
loved it for the first few days. After that the taste simply got boring. If you
can give mixed box of flavours there is something to look forward to.

Report as Inappropriate
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Rekindle For Men
Regular price Rs. 2,598 Sale price from Rs. 2,299
111 reviews
Enhances Mood, Performance & Energy
Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 8 WEEKS
SUPPLY Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 12 WEEKS SUPPLY Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar
Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 8 WEEKS SUPPLY
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 12 WEEKS SUPPLY PECANO (Sugar Conscious) /
4 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out PECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 8 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out
PECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 12 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out Brazilian Orange Zest &
Espresso Shot / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY Brazilian Orange Zest & Espresso Shot / 8 WEEKS
SUPPLY Brazilian Orange Zest & Espresso Shot / 12 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Rekindle Men
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
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Enhances Mood, Performance & Energy
Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Rekindle Men
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
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Enhances Mood, Performance & Energy
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Men's Value Pack
Regular price Rs. 2,598 Sale price Rs. 2,299
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Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEK SUPPLY
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Men's Value Pack
Regular price Rs. 2,598 Sale price Rs. 2,299
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Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEK SUPPLY
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Rekindle for Women
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price from Rs. 1,199
102 reviews
Eases Menstrual & Menopausal Discomforts
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar
Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY Espresso Shot
(Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY PE.CA.NO (Sugar Conscious) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold
Out PE.CA.NO (Sugar Conscious) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY - Sold Out
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Rekindle Women
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
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Eases Menstrual & Menopausal Discomforts
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Rekindle Women
Regular price Rs. 1,299 Sale price Rs. 1,199
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Eases Menstrual & Menopausal Discomforts
Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Women's Value Pack
Regular price Rs. 2,598 Sale price Rs. 2,299
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Eases Menstrual & Menopausal Discomforts
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY
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Restore your Sleep
Regular price Rs. 599 Sale price from Rs. 549
73 reviews
Pro-Melatonin Formula for Deep Sleep
Vanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) / 10 DAYS SUPPLY Vanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) / 20
DAYS SUPPLY Vanilla Bourbon (Sugar Free) / 1 MONTH SUPPLY
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If you are looking for the best mood-enhancing and energy booster supplements,
try this product now. Here’s why

 1. Battling age related stress, lashes out both mentally as well as physically
    on you. It sets off a chain reaction of lowered energy, reduced stamina and
 2. Biologically men start to deplete testosterone levels by about 2% each year
    post age 30 – this rate increases faster due to stress and lifestyle
    choices. This results in lowered drive and earlier onset of andropause which
    leads to a sullen mood and more stress.
    Men! If you are ready to fight tooth and nail with the ill effects of
    andropause, if you feel like your energy is chipping away bit by bit and if
    you are willing to make low testosterone a thing of the past, Rekindle for
    Men is the best energy booster supplement that should be your partner in
    crime. Whether you want to bring back your mojo, feel energetic again or
    just boost your immunity and virility, these low sugar, calorie conscious
    cocoa bars will give you all the essential nutrients and vitamins that your
    body needs to perform the way it should - all plant-based so that your body
    can recognize and absorb the ingredients and allow it to function the way it
    is meant to. We recommend one cocoa bar a day an hour before you hit the
    bed, for optimal absorption. Continue consumption for a minimum of 8 to 12
    weeks to get the best results you seek. Rekindle for Men can help with:
    Boosting energies | Increasing Stamina | Delaying the effects of Andropause
    | Sleep Better | Focus more

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Enhances Mood, Energy & Performance


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Eases Menstrual & Menopausal Discomforts


THE ORANGE ZEST!! It's a staple now. The flavour, texture and mouthfeel of the
chocolate is to die for. I've overall seen an increase in energy levels, stamina
and been in an overall great mood- I'm sure from the ingredients, but also from
the deliciousness that these cocoa bars are!

-Ashwin Rai Shetty
Film Maker and Creative Director

I am quite health conscious and prefer to avoid refined carbohydrates
completely. Arelang chocolates contain Ashwagandha and healthy properties of
Ginseng, Jaiphal, Saffron, Shatavari and flax seeds. They are low in calories
and sugar so I don’t feel guilty enjoying them - an absolute blessing in
disguise for me. I never let a night go without popping one piece of chocolate.
The perfect mood changer for me and a healthy snack, even perfect for midnight
hunger cravings. Our personal favourite is the PE.CA.NO chocolates. They have
helped boost libido, stress buster and given us insomniacs great sleep. My
husband Nabeel and me are absolutely happy to have the Rekindle chocolates for
men and women, as a part of our health journey .

-Shifa and Nabeel Adenwala
Owners - Adenwala Stones and Ceramic

I am writing to thank you, for such wonderful, low sugar, quality products that
both my husband & I relished. We especially loved the Espresso Shot and The
Orange Zest bars– the taste is simply the best and the soft center fills just
melt in your mouth. These are healthy chocolates which are perfect for that
craving for something sweet at the end of our meal! All the chocolates are
wholesome and beautifully packaged too - a far better alternative to taking
pills to improve our health & wellbeing. 

-Farah & Vineet Raina 
Founder- Pink Elephant Journeys
Fitness Instructor


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Rekindle for Men

Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLYEspresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS
SUPPLYBrazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLYBrazilian Orange Zest
(Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLYPECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLYPECANO
(Sugar Conscious) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY
Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * Espresso Shot (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * Brazilian Orange Zest (Sugar Free) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * PECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 2 WEEKS SUPPLY
 * PECANO (Sugar Conscious) / 4 WEEKS SUPPLY

Rs. 1,199 Rs. 1,299
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