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Inside Hitachi
Management Digital Environment Global Diversity Equity & Inclusion Employee
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 1. HOME
 2. Keiji Kojima
 3. President & CEO Messages / Seize new growth opportunities to accelerate our
    organic growth as One Hitachi!

 1. HOME
 2. Keiji Kojima
 3. President & CEO Messages / Seize new growth opportunities to accelerate our
    organic growth as One Hitachi!


Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en
Keiji KojimaLeader’s MessagesCEOTop Stories
President & CEO Kojima's message in response to the announcements of our
consolidated financial results for FY2023 and progress of the Mid-term
Management Plan 2024.

Today, we announced consolidated financial results for FY2023 and the progress
of the Mid-term Management Plan 2024. ("MMP 2024")

The performance of the three sectors in the FY2023 has been solid, driven by the
tailwinds of digital transformation (DX) and green transformation (GX),
resulting in increased revenue of 8,564.3 billion yen and Adjusted EBITA of
867.4 billion yen. Core Free Cash Flow (FCF) reached a record high of 571.4
billion yen. I am truly grateful for everyone's hard work, which has contributed
to these remarkable achievements.

Regarding the MMP 2024, we expect to achieve the desired overall financial
structure. As we observe significant market changes ahead, we shall proactively
challenge to achieve the next phase of growth.

The emergence of generative AI has raised expectations for productivity
improvement and the expansion of IT infrastructure. Construction of data centers
is rapidly expanding to process the exponentially increasing amount of data. We
will provide value leveraging our technologies for data centers, including
power-grids and hybrid cloud.

With the increase in DX and GX investments, semiconductor, battery, and
biopharma manufacturing markets are expected to expand significantly. By
utilizing Hitachi's measurement and inspection equipment, line building
business, and battery solutions, we can expect to seize significant growth

Furthermore, the steady expansion of our installed base in social infrastructure
and industrial fields has created significant opportunities for deploying
digitalized services. Let's expand our service business that provides solutions
to our customers such as improved availability and advanced maintenance through
customer co-creation.

As you can see, there are significant growth opportunities where we can leverage
our strengths of IT x OT x Products. To achieve further growth, we plan to
implement growth investment of approximately 1 trillion yen, flexibly.

Let's seize new growth opportunities by speeding up the management and business
decision and accelerate organic growth as One Hitachi.

April 26, 2024

If you have any comments to President & CEO Kojima regarding this message,
please send to <kojima.message.qx@hitachi.com>.
When sending your comment, please indicate your name and the names of division
and company.
Personal data given to us will be used only for exchanging thoughts on this
Please note that your comment will be shared with the appropriate division if

Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en
Keiji KojimaLeader’s MessagesCEOTop Stories


 * President & CEO Messages / Together, we can achieve sustainable growth
   Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en
 * Profiles of Hitachi, Ltd. New Executive Officers - Part 2
   Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en
 * Hitachi Founder Namihei Odaira 150th Anniversary Project to Launch!
   Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en
 * Labor-Management Top-Level Dialogue: Keiji Kojima, President & CEO, and
   Miyuki Hanzawa, Central Executive Committee Chair in Japan
   Chihiro Kanazawa @ hitachi-internalnews-en

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Personal information provided will solely be used for the purpose of internal
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outsource internal communication activities.

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