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    <h1 class="productFullDetail-productName-BbW">Terning</h1>
    <p class="productFullDetail-productPrice-1Js"><span class="productFullDetail-current-2sG">£399</span></p>
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    <p>Coffee Table, Natural Mango Wood</p>
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      <h2 class="productFullDetail-descriptionTitle-19S">Design</h2>
      <div class="richContent-root-11l">You may well find yourself hard pushed to finish that macchiato with this mid-century style Terning as your coffee table. Like us, you'll be mesmerised by the textured drawer fronts providing a perfect home for
        remotes, magazines and tid-bits best kept out of sight. What’s more, a tray-edge bordering the top of this light coffee table ensures your favourite cuppa stays safe on top. <br><br> This natural mango wood coffee table has a Magic Eye puzzle
        element to it – cubes stand out at you across the drawer fronts, where painstakingly precise tessellated tiles of solid wood actually lie. <br><br>
        <div style=" background-color: #F3F3F3; text-align:center; padding-top:1px; padding-bottom:1px;&nbsp; margin-top: 45px; line-height:1.5;">
          <p style="color: black; font-weight: 600; font-size:14px; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;">Have a look at more designs from our <a href="https://www.swooneditions.com/range/terning-range">Terning range</a>! <br><span
              style="color:black; font-weight: 400; font-size:14px"></span></p>

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Coffee Table, Natural Mango Wood

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Current batch: only 7 left
Delivery 1 - 2 weeks


You may well find yourself hard pushed to finish that macchiato with this
mid-century style Terning as your coffee table. Like us, you'll be mesmerised by
the textured drawer fronts providing a perfect home for remotes, magazines and
tid-bits best kept out of sight. What’s more, a tray-edge bordering the top of
this light coffee table ensures your favourite cuppa stays safe on top.

This natural mango wood coffee table has a Magic Eye puzzle element to it –
cubes stand out at you across the drawer fronts, where painstakingly precise
tessellated tiles of solid wood actually lie.

Have a look at more designs from our Terning range!


Designs are made with natural materials and are handcrafted one at a time. There
may be natural variations in colour and texture that are not product flaws, they
make your design truly one-of-a-kind.

 * Weight: 17 kg
 * Materials: mango wood, engineered drawer bases and body back panel
 * Finish: natural wood sealed, drawer bases and back panel stained to match
 * Number of drawers: two, metal runners
 * Number of shelves: one, fixed
 * Assembly: easy-to-follow instructions included

 * Our designs are handcrafted in small batches. A longer delivery time means
   it’s a popular choice and earlier batches have sold out.
 * This two-man delivery service will be to your door. Please see our FAQs for
   further details.
 * There may be a surcharge for delivery outside of mainland UK.
 * Our no-quibble returns policy is 30 days. We’ll collect the product from your
   doorstep and refund the delivery fee and the product cost. A collection
   charge may apply.

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