aabhujewels.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://www.aabhujewels.com/
Effective URL: https://aabhujewels.com/
Submission: On May 01 via api from US — Scanned from CA

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Showcase a queenly look with this perfectly crafted Kundan choker set with a
Pleasing looking maang tikka. This Kundan jewelry set is Crafted with
high-quality Kundan stones and pearls, This fine Kundan handmade set flaunts a
classic and alluring design and comes in multiple...
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 * gold Gold
 * green Green
 * ruby Ruby
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Necklace Length: 3 inch Earrings Length: 2.75 inch Maangtika Length: 2 inch
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Most Gorgeous Indian Traditional Kundan & White Glass Beaded Choker Necklace Set
Necklace Length: 1 inch Earrings Length: 1 inch
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Necklace Length: 3 inch Earring Length: 2 1/2 inch Maangtika Length: 3.75 inch
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Necklace Length: 1 inch Earring Length: 1 1/2 inch
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This Ruby Kundan choker set is crafted with the finest Kundan stones and Mint
Green colored glass beads. Showcase a mesmerizing look with this Pleasing Kundan
jewelry set on any occasion. Necklace Length: 1.75 inch Earrings Length: 1 1/2
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Necklace Length: 6 cm Earring Length: 6 cm Maangtika Length: 14.5 cm
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Light Pink Beaded Kundan Choker Set/Handmade Necklace Set With Reverse Meenakari
Work This Kundan jewelry set is crafted with high-quality Kundan stones and
stunning Light Pink beads. Exude a graceful look with this alluring festive
jewelry set on any occasion. Necklace Length: 3 inch...
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Kundan Choker Set/Indian Jewelry/Bridal Jewelry/Festive Necklace Set/Partywear
Choker Set/Wedding Jewelry Set
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Kundan Choker Necklace Set / White Beaded Kundan Choker Set
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Sabyasachi Inspired Jewelry Set/Wedding Necklace Set/Bridal Jewelry Set/Indian
Jewelry/Party Wear/Bridal Wear Set
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Pearl & Kundan Choker Set / Kundan Jewelry / Kundan Necklace / Indian Jewelry /
Indian Jewellery
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Light Pink / Green / Mint Green / Dark Gray / White / Maroon Beaded Kundan
Choker Set / Handmade Necklace Set / Festive Necklace Set
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Handmade Green / Dark Peach Glass Beaded Kundan Choker Set/Jewelry Set/Festive
Necklace Set
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Antique Indian Jewelry Set Traditional Gold Plated Choker Necklace set with
Earrings/Bridal Wear/South Indian Jewelry/Wedding Jewelry/Gift for Her
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Meenakari Necklace Set/Indian Jewelry Set/Indo Western Necklace Set/Gift For
Her/Partywear Choker Set/Kundan Necklace Set
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Gold Plated Antique Hoop Earrings/Gold Hoop Jhumka Earrings/Kundan Chandbali
Jhumkas/Punjabi Earrings/Indian Earrings/Mint/Peach
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Mirror Chandbali Earrings/Kundan Earrings/Kundan Chandbali/Drop Earrings/Wedding
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Indian CZ Earring/Gold Plated Polki Earrings/Stone Earrings/Indian
Jewelry/Punjabi/Bridal Earring/Wedding Earrings
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Mirror Chandbali Earrings/Kundan Earrings/Kundan Chandbali/Drop Earrings/Wedding
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Indian CZ Jhumki/Gold Plated Polki Jhumki/Stone Jhumki/Indian
Jewelry/Punjabi/Bridal Earring/Wedding Earrings
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Indian CZ Earrings/Gold Plated Polki Earrings/Stone Earrings/Indian
Jewelry/Punjabi/Bridal Earring/Wedding Earrings
Unit price / per 
Indian CZ Jhumki/Gold Plated Polki Jhumki/Stone Jhumki/Indian
Jewelry/Punjabi/Bridal Earring/Wedding Earrings
Unit price / per 
Indian CZ Earrrings/Gold Plated Polki Earrings/Stone Earrings/Indian
Jewelry/Punjabi/Bridal Earring/Wedding Earrings
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