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Informa Markets is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

 * Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all
copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place,
London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.

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 1. Visitor Terms & Conditions



These terms and conditions apply to visitor registrations for, and attendance
at, events (each an “Event”) organised by Informa Markets (referred to as
“we/our/us”), which is a trading division of the Informa Group.  The parent
company of the Informa Group is Informa PLC.  A full list of entities within the
Informa Group is available on request.

As a potential visitor to an Event (referred to as “you/your”), please read
these terms and conditions carefully as they contain important information.  By
submitting your registration and/or by attending an Event, you agree to be bound
by these terms and conditions.

1.    Your registration (whether submitted directly by you or on your behalf)
constitutes an offer by you to Informa Markets to attend the Event in accordance
with these terms and conditions.  All registrations are subject to acceptance by
Informa Markets.  If your registration is received in advance of the Event, it
will either: (a) be confirmed in writing (including, without limitation, by
email), or (b) if written confirmation is not sent within fourteen (14) days of
us receiving your registration, be deemed to be confirmed unless we notify you
otherwise.  If your registration is received only at the Event itself, it will
be confirmed by the act of Informa Markets permitting you entrance to the
Event.  Informa Markets reserves the right to refuse to accept any registration.

2.    Your registration is issued for your personal use only.  You may not sell
or otherwise transfer your registration to others.

3.    Informa Markets reserves the right at any time to change the format
(including, without limitation, from a physical Event to a virtual Event and
vice versa), content, location, venue, opening hours, duration, dates, other
timings, participants and/or any other aspect of the Event, in each case without
liability.  Informa Markets reserves the right to withdraw any registration
after confirmation without liability.

4.    Save as expressly set out in these terms and conditions and/or as may be
otherwise expressly advised as part of the particular Event’s registration
process: (a) your registration for the Event is irrevocable and you have no
rights to cancel your registration, and (b) any registration fees you have paid
will not be refunded for any reason.

5.    Informa Markets reserves the right to cancel or change the date(s) of the
Event at any time and for any reason (whether or not due to causes beyond our
reasonable control).  In the event that the date(s) of the Event are changed to
new date(s) that are within twelve (12) months of the originally scheduled
opening date of the Event, or where the Event is cancelled but is reasonably
expected by Informa Markets to be held at any time in the next calendar year,
then, unless we notify you otherwise, your registration will be deemed to be
valid for the Event on the new date(s) or when it is next staged (as applicable)
in the same way that it would have applied to the originally scheduled Event
(and no refund of any paid registration fees will be issued).  Where all or part
of the Event is cancelled and is not reasonably expected by Informa Markets to
be held in the next calendar year, then your registration will no longer be
deemed to be valid for the Event (or the cancelled portion of the Event, as
applicable) and, at your election, any paid registration fees for the Event (or
the cancelled portion of the Event, as applicable) will be refunded or a credit
note issued for the same, and you will be released from paying any further
amount of registration fees for the Event (or the cancelled portion of the
Event, as applicable).  Service charges are non-refundable.  Personal
arrangements, including, without limitation, travel and accommodation, are at
your own risk and Informa Markets will not be liable for any costs relating to
such arrangements, even if the Event is cancelled or moved to new date(s).  You
acknowledge and agree that the provisions of this paragraph set out your sole
remedy in the event of cancellation or the changing of the date(s) of the Event
and all other liability of Informa Markets is hereby expressly excluded.

6.    Our Events, whether physical or virtual, are principally directed at
business professionals.  They are generally not intended for children under the
age of sixteen (16).  Without limitation to the foregoing, there may be some
areas of our Events where it is inappropriate or impractical for children under
the age of sixteen (16) to be present (for example, during executive conference
workshops) and Informa Markets reserves the right at any time to restrict entry
to such areas accordingly.

7.    Informa Markets reserves the right without liability to refuse admission
to, or to eject/block from, the Event (whether physical or virtual) any person
in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation) any person who fails
to comply with these terms and conditions or who, in the opinion of Informa
Markets, represents a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the
Event.  You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by Informa
Markets, the venue owners, security personnel and/or management at the Event.

8.    All unauthorised filming, sound recording and photography of the Event,
and all unauthorised transmission of audio or visual material at the Event, by
you is expressly prohibited.  You agree: (a) to surrender to Informa Markets or
destroy on demand any material in whatever media recorded in violation of this
paragraph, (b) that the copyright and other intellectual property rights in any
such material shall vest in Informa Markets unconditionally and immediately on
the creation of such material, and (c) to hold Informa Markets and all entities
within the Informa Group (as well as any employees or other representatives of
the same) harmless against any claims made in respect of such unauthorised

9.   You consent to filming, sound recording and photography at the Event, which
may include, without limitation, filming, sound recording and photography
featuring your image (the “Content”). You acknowledge and agree that Informa
Markets is the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in the Content and hereby
waive any and all: (a) rights in and to such Content, and (b) claims that you
may have relating to or arising from the Content and/or its use.  Without
limitation, Informa Markets shall be permitted to use the Content anywhere in
the World for promotional and other purposes, without any payment or

10.    The personal information that you provide to Informa Markets will be held
by us on a database and, where we have appropriate authorisation/justification
(which may include, without limitation, express/implied consent or legitimate
interests), may be shared with other entities within the Informa Group and
selected third parties internationally for promotional and other purposes.  Your
personal information may also be shared with government entities and regulatory
authorities as required by law.  At some Events, exhibitors and sponsors may use
lead capture applications or barcode scanner devices.  If you choose to allow
your badge (whether physical or digital) to be scanned by third parties at the
Event, we may pass your personal information to such third parties.  Further,
there may be certain areas of the Event at which your attendance is conditional
on your personal information being provided to third parties that have sponsored
or are managing such areas.  The use that any third parties make of your
personal information is outside of Informa Markets’ control and, to the extent
permitted by applicable law, we do not accept any liability in this regard.  For
more information about how we may use the personal information you provide to us
please see our Privacy Policy.

11.    For virtual Events only: (a) you undertake to be responsible for any
technical requirements needed to enable you to access the Event website, app or
other platform (the “Event Platform”) made available by Informa Markets to
facilitate participation in the Event.  We do not guarantee that the Event
Platform will operate continuously, securely or without errors or interruption,
and we do not accept any liability for its temporary unavailability.  We do not
guarantee that the Event Platform and/or any content thereon (including, without
limitation, any content available for download) will be free from viruses,
infections, Trojan horses, worms and/or any other code that has contaminating or
destructive properties.  You must not attempt to interfere with the proper
working of the Event Platform (for example, by attempting to circumvent security
or tamper with, hack into or otherwise disrupt any computer system, server,
website, router or any other internet connected device).  You agree to comply
with any website terms of use and/or fair or acceptable use policies indicated
on any website on which the Event Platform is hosted, (b) we do not endorse or
accept any responsibility for the content, or the use of, any goods or services
that may be identified or described on the Event Platform and we shall not be
liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection
with use of, or reliance on, any content, goods or services available on or
through the Event Platform or any website or other resource referenced therein,
(c) Informa Markets may issue you with a username and password.  Usernames and
passwords are confidential and remain the property of Informa Markets at all
times and may not be sold, assigned or transferred to any third party without
our permission.  Your username and password are personal to you.  You hereby
agree that you will not permit others to use your username or password and you
will be and remain liable for the acts of any person using your username and
password, (d) any posts, messages or other materials, information or data you
supply or upload to the Event Platform (collectively, “Materials”) will be
considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we have the right to use,
copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such Materials for any
purpose.  You hereby waive any moral rights in any Materials to the extent
permitted by applicable law.  We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to
edit or remove postings to any message boards on the Event Platform and delete
or use electronic methods to block or filter any Materials at our discretion,
but we do not have any obligation to do so.  You shall not make libellous
postings or any postings that are illegal or infringe the intellectual property
rights of any third party.  Informa Markets will not be responsible for
monitoring Materials for compliance with law, (e) you may use the Event Platform
solely for access to the Event.  Without limitation, you must not (i) download,
store, reproduce, transmit, display, copy, distribute, exploit or use the Event
Platform and/or any content thereon for your own commercial gain, (ii) use the
Event Platform and/or any content thereon in any manner other than in compliance
with law and these terms and conditions, (iii) infringe our intellectual
property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the Event
Platform and/or any content thereon, (iv) transmit, or procure the sending of,
any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other
form of similar solicitation, and/or (iv) knowingly transmit, send or upload any
data that contains viruses, infections, Trojan horses, worms and/or any other
code that has contaminating or destructive properties, and (f) we are under no
obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on
the Event Platform and, without limitation, we expressly exclude all liability
for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any
interactive service by any user, whether the service is moderated or not.

12.    For jewellery Events only: passport/national identity card numbers and
document scans may be collected from visitors to jewellery Events for the
prevention and detection of crime, and to protect the security and safety of the
jewellery Events.  Such identity verification data will be stored in Informa
Markets’ database for a reasonable time after your visit to the Event.  Informa
Markets does not use such identity verification data for any other purpose and
will not share it with any third parties unless required by law or any lawful
request of any enforcement agencies.  Informa Markets will not be able to
process your pre-registration for any jewellery Event without such identity
verification data.

13.    You expressly assume all risks associated with, resulting from or arising
in connection with your participation in and/or attendance at the Event. 
Informa Markets does not make any warranty as to the Event in general,
including, without limitation, in relation to: (a) the presence, absence or
location of any exhibitor, sponsor or attendee, (b) the number of exhibitors,
sponsors or attendees, and/or (c) the benefit or outcome (commercial or
otherwise) that you may achieve as a result of attending the Event.  All
indemnities, warranties, representations, terms and conditions (whether express
or implied) except as set out herein and/or as may be otherwise expressly
advised as part of the particular Event’s registration process are excluded. 
Informa Markets and all entities within the Informa Group (as well as any
employees or other representatives of the same) exclude all liability for any
loss, injury, disease or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection
with or arising from the Event whether direct, indirect, consequential, special,
incidental or punitive loss, injury or damage (including, without limitation,
injury or disease to persons, property damage, theft, loss of profits, loss of
business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss or corruption of data or
any other type of economic loss, injury or damage) or otherwise.  For the
avoidance of doubt, Informa Markets shall not incur any liability whatsoever for
any products displayed or sold by any exhibitor or sponsor at the Event.  The
limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to the extent permitted
by applicable law.

14.    The rights and remedies of Informa Markets are cumulative and are not
exclusive of any rights and remedies provided by law and may be waived only in
writing and specifically.  Any delay or failure to exercise any right or remedy
is not a waiver of the same.

15.    Informa Markets reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions
(without notice) from time to time and you will be subject to the terms and
conditions in force at the time that the Event is staged.

16.    In case of any discrepancy between the English and other language
versions of these terms and conditions, the English shall prevail.


You should consider carefully whether or not you will be able to participate in
any activities offered as part of the visitor programme. Informa Markets warns
that some activities may be physically demanding and/or carry inherent dangers. 
You understand that some exercise-based activities may be a risk to your
physical health and safety if you do not perform them correctly.  You accept
that, if a visitor programme exists for the Event you are attending, it is
entirely your responsibility to decide whether or not participation in any
activity offered as part of the visitor programme is appropriate to your
capabilities, aptitude, fitness and health.  If you have any concerns about your
capabilities, aptitude, fitness and/or health to participate you should consult
with (and follow the recommendations of) a medical professional prior to
engaging in any activity.  If at any time during any activity you feel unwell or
consider that it is unsafe for you to continue, please stop the activity
immediately and seek appropriate advice.  You also accept that it is entirely
your responsibility to observe all health and safety requirements and
instructions that you may be given in relation to activities.  If you are
participating in any activity that is offered virtually for participation in a
home or office environment, you should ensure that your environment is safe,
provides adequate space and is free of dangerous or hazardous objects and
materials.  Informa Markets and all entities within the Informa Group (as well
as any employees or other representatives of the same) exclude all liability for
any loss, injury, disease or damage whatsoever that you may suffer in connection
with or arising from your participation in any activities offered as part of the
visitor programme (including, without limitation, any activities held outside
of, or incidentally to, the main Event that you are attending), whether direct,
indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive loss, injury or damage
(including, without limitation, injury or disease to persons, property damage,
theft, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill,
loss or corruption of data or any other type of economic loss, injury or damage)
or otherwise.  The limitations and exclusions in this paragraph only apply to
the extent permitted by applicable law


If you wish to contact us in relation to the Site, please contact us at: Informa
Markets – Legal Department, Informa PLC, 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK /
+44 (0) 20 8052 0400  

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