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      <p>Seedling Height: 3-5" | Pot Size: 2.5"</p>
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        <div class="transplant-tool-date-item"> Average Last Frost Date: <span id="last-frost">----</span>
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    <p>Bringing a delightful golden orange glow to your garden, these cherry tomatoes make the perfect snack. Their tropical, sweet flavor make them a great addition to your salad. Be sure to install stakes or cages to support your plants. </p>
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Regular price $4.99 Sale price $5.99 17% OFF


Seedling Height: 3-5" | Pot Size: 2.5"

Transplant Date Calculator
Zip Code:
Recommended Transplant Date: ----
Average Last Frost Date: ----
When Will My Seedlings Ship?

All seedling orders will be fulfilled the week following your order being
placed. You will receive an email with detailed tracking once your order has
been processed.

Shipping Status
In Stock
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Shipping Status
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Default Title - $4.99 USD
[{"id":40233698492451,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default
Tomato Seedling","public_title":null,"options":["Default

Bringing a delightful golden orange glow to your garden, these cherry tomatoes
make the perfect snack. Their tropical, sweet flavor make them a great addition
to your salad. Be sure to install stakes or cages to support your plants.

Read more

Sungold Tomato Seedling

Regular price $4.99 Sale price $5.99 17% OFF

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Frequently Paired With
Self-Watering Rolling Tomato Planter Pot With Trellis
Add $119.95
15, 2024","fulfillmentDateTs":1710478800}]
Vego Garden Finishing Soil
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[{"id":40170791239715,"product_id":6891631050787,"title":"1.5 cubic
Garden Finishing Soil"}}]
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Plant Type




Plant Size

Mature Height: 4-8' vines

Mature Spread: 18"


Color: Yellow-orange

Fruit Size: Cherry 1 oz

Ideal Soil

Fertile, well draining soil.
Rich in organic matter.

Soil pH: 6.0-6.8

Ideal Temperature
70°- 85° Fahrenheit
Light Requirements
Full Sun


 * Space plants 3-4 ft apart
 * Ensure 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily
 * 1-2" of water weekly as needed. Water at the base of the plant, not on the
   leaves or stems
 * Amend with a high quality, organic fertilizer
 * Use caution - the leaves and stems of nightshades are toxic to animals


Tomatoes are a warm-season vegetable and are tender to frost and light freezes.
Be prepared to protect if there is a late cold spell. For transplants, soil
temperature should be at least 55 to 60 degrees fahrenheit. Air temperature
should not fall below 50 fahrenheit at night; optimal temperature for
transplants during the day is 70-75 fahrenheit. Estimated time to transplant
seedlings is 2-4 weeks after the last frost date for your area.
Your browser does not support iframes, but you can visit


Tomatoes, Eggplants, Herbs, and more! Let your garden flourish with Vego Garden

Shop Seedlings

Customer Service(3)
Order & Shipping(5)
How should I care for my seedlings after I receive them?

Take your seedlings out of the package before carefully removing each individual
plant from their respective cartons. Be careful as the soil may have lightly
dispersed during transportation.

Your seedlings may have dried out a little during travel. If the soil is dry to
the touch, give your plants a bit of water.

Give your plants the chance to get acclimated to their new home. Place them in a
warm, sunny spot for 1 to 2 days so they can recover from their journey before

When is the best time to plant seedlings in my area?

It will depend on where you live. To learn more, you can make use of the
transplant date calculator towards the top of the product page for the seedling
you are interested in. You can also scroll down to the “Know Your Zone” section
to learn more about the specific plant and to make use of our Hardiness Zone
tool. Just enter your zip code!

What kind of soil should I use for transplanting seedlings?

Ideally you will use a soil that is well-drained and high in organic matter
content, like Vego Garden’s Finishing Soil.

How often should I water my seedlings?

You’ll water as needed. You want them lightly moist but not soaked, like a wrung
out sponge. Don’t let them dry out or some damage could be done.

Do you offer any organic or non-GMO seedlings?

Our plants are all non-GMO, but are technically not organic. Our plants are all
grown using low-input IPM practices. We are unable to secure an organic provider
that is large enough to meet our order volume, so we went with a provider that
uses the least persistent, lowest impact treatment products possible from their
perspective. *Moving forward we hope to find more organic options.

Do you have any recommendations for fertilizing seedlings?

We recommend a fertilizer that provides essential vitamins & minerals and feeds
the indigenous soil microbes, like our Organic Slow Release Fertilizer (NPK

Can I plant my seedlings directly into the ground or should I use containers?

No matter what, you will do better with a prepared soil, like our Vego Garden
Finishing Soil, rather than directly into the ground. To further enhance the
experience you can plant in a raised garden bed or self-watering planter. To
learn more about the benefits of growing in containers, check out this blog

What kind of sunlight do the seedlings require?

All of our plants need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight once hardened off.

How can I reach out to customer service?

Our customer service team is available 7 days a week from 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM
(CST), except for holidays. You can call us at (866) 597-1888, use our online
chat, or send us an email at

What is the customer service response time?

We are working 7 days a week to take care of our customer's needs. You can
expect a response to emails or voicemails left outside of business hours within
24 hours; we often respond more quickly than that during the workday.

Do you have a phone number I can call?

Yes, we can be reached at (866) 597-1888.

What is the estimated delivery time on in-stock items?

Due to our workload, in-stock items usually are prepared for shipment within
next business day, and then are scheduled for UPS/FedEx pickup. If more than 5
business days have passed since you ordered something that is In Stock and you
have not heard anything, please contact Customer Service at

When will the Pre-Order items be shipped out?

The estimated fulfillment date is listed on the product page, please only place
your pre-order if you are OK with the waiting time. Your order confirmation
email will also have the fulfillment date.

When will [out of stock item] be back in stock?

The restock time will be listed on the product page. If you cannot find such
info, please contact our customer support.

Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii, or countries other than the USA?

Yes, we do. We can ship to these addresses with extra shipping cost. Please
contact Customer Service at with your address and the
details of your order (quantity, type, and color of beds) and they can provide
you with a quote!

What if the package gets damaged during shipping?

Because of the weight of our packages, there may be some panels bent in transit
if UPS/Fedex handle it in a rough way. No worries, you can fix this easily so
your gardening isn't delayed. Our panels are manufactured through a bending
process from flat steel coils, in other words, they were bent before. It will
not affect the corrosion resistance to bend them back. It may be hard to bend
all the panels at one time, but you can always bend them back one by one. Here
is an instructional video you may find helpful:

Have more questions?

See full FAQ here, or contact us.

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