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Submission: On July 20 via manual from US — Scanned from US

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<form action="/scripts/wa.exe" method="post" id="subedit">
  <input type="hidden" name="SUBED2" value="CEO-L">
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          <input type="hidden" name="A" value="1"> This screen allows you to subscribe or unsubscribe to the CEO-L list. To confirm your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to a list against your will, an email message with a
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        <td scope="row" class="row-l nowrap">
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        <td class="row-l">
          <select name="L" onchange="document.forms['subedit'].submit()" id="subedit-sellist">
            <option value="ACCOUNTINGFINANCE-L">ACCOUNTINGFINANCE-L Accounting and Finance listserver </option>
            <option value="ADVISORY-L">ADVISORY-L Advisory Committee list </option>
            <option value="CAPP-L">CAPP-L Cybersecurity &amp; Physical Preparedness </option>
            <option value="CEO-L" selected="">CEO-L APPA CEO List </option>
            <option value="CFTC-L">CFTC-L Commodity Futures Trading Commission </option>
            <option value="CORPORATEASSOCIATE">CORPORATEASSOCIATE APPA Corporate Associate members </option>
            <option value="COSTSTOPRICES-L">COSTSTOPRICES-L Costs to Prices listserver </option>
            <option value="COVID19-L">COVID19-L APPA COVID-19 List </option>
            <option value="CUSTOMERSERVICES-L">CUSTOMERSERVICES-L Customer Services Listserver </option>
            <option value="DEED-L">DEED-L DEED Members </option>
            <option value="DIVERSITY-L">DIVERSITY-L Diversity, Equity and Inclusion </option>
            <option value="DRONEGROUP-L">DRONEGROUP-L Drone Interest Group </option>
            <option value="ENDSPECIES-L">ENDSPECIES-L Endangered Species Act Interest Group </option>
            <option value="ENERGYSERVICES-L">ENERGYSERVICES-L Energy Services listserver </option>
            <option value="ENVIRONMENTAL-L">ENVIRONMENTAL-L APPA Environmental List </option>
            <option value="ERT-L">ERT-L eReliability Tracker </option>
            <option value="EST-L">EST-L eSafety Tracker </option>
            <option value="FERC-L">FERC-L FERC Listserver </option>
            <option value="GENERATIONANDFUELS-L">GENERATIONANDFUELS-L APPA Generation and Fuels list </option>
            <option value="GOVERNANCE-L">GOVERNANCE-L Utility Governance </option>
            <option value="GRWG-L">GRWG-L Government Relations Working Group </option>
            <option value="HUMANRESOURCES-L">HUMANRESOURCES-L Human Resources Listserver </option>
            <option value="HYDROPOWER-L">HYDROPOWER-L Hydropower Interest Group </option>
            <option value="IIJA-L">IIJA-L Infrastructure Law Programs/Grants Listserv </option>
            <option value="INFOTECH-L">INFOTECH-L Information Technology </option>
            <option value="JACOMMS-L">JACOMMS-L Joint Action Agency Communicators </option>
            <option value="JOINTACTION-L">JOINTACTION-L Joint Action </option>
            <option value="KEYACCTSECONDEV-L">KEYACCTSECONDEV-L Key Accounts and Economic Development </option>
            <option value="LEGAL-L">LEGAL-L APPA Legal Listserver </option>
            <option value="MAC-L">MAC-L Mutual Aid Committee </option>
            <option value="MAWG-L">MAWG-L Mutual Aid Working Group </option>
            <option value="MUTUALAID-L">MUTUALAID-L Public Power Mutual Aid </option>
            <option value="NERCNAESB-L">NERCNAESB-L NERC-NAESB </option>
            <option value="NEWGENERATION-L">NEWGENERATION-L APPA New Generation List </option>
            <option value="NUCLEAR-L">NUCLEAR-L Nuclear Working Group </option>
            <option value="PMA-L">PMA-L PMA Taskforce </option>
            <option value="PUBCOMMS-L">PUBCOMMS-L Public Communications listserver </option>
            <option value="PUBLICPOWERFORWARD-L">PUBLICPOWERFORWARD-L Public Power Forward </option>
            <option value="RAILCUSTOMER-L">RAILCUSTOMER-L Rail Customer Group </option>
            <option value="RISKMGMT-L">RISKMGMT-L Risk Management and Insurance </option>
            <option value="RTOMARKETS-L">RTOMARKETS-L RTO Markets </option>
            <option value="SAFETY-L">SAFETY-L APPA Safety List </option>
            <option value="SECURITY-L">SECURITY-L APPA Security List </option>
            <option value="SSWG-L">SSWG-L Substation Working Group </option>
            <option value="SUPPLYMGMT-L">SUPPLYMGMT-L Supply Chain Management </option>
            <option value="TANDD-L">TANDD-L Transmission and Distribution </option>
            <option value="TELECOM-L">TELECOM-L Telecom Interest Group </option>
            <option value="TINYTEST-L">TINYTEST-L test list </option>
            <option value="ZTESTNONDBMSLIST">ZTESTNONDBMSLIST Test Non-DBMS list </option>
        <td scope="row" class="row-l nowrap">
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          <label for="subedit-name">Name:</label>
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          <input type="text" name="p" value="" id="subedit-name">
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This screen allows you to subscribe or unsubscribe to the CEO-L list. To confirm
your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to a list against
your will, an email message with a confirmation link will be sent to your
address. Simply wait for this message to arrive, then follow the instructions to
confirm the subscription. Alternatively, you can update your subscription
settings interactively by logging in with your LISTSERV password.

List Name: ACCOUNTINGFINANCE-L Accounting and Finance listserver ADVISORY-L
Advisory Committee list CAPP-L Cybersecurity & Physical Preparedness CEO-L APPA
CEO List CFTC-L Commodity Futures Trading Commission CORPORATEASSOCIATE APPA
Corporate Associate members COSTSTOPRICES-L Costs to Prices listserver COVID19-L
APPA COVID-19 List CUSTOMERSERVICES-L Customer Services Listserver DEED-L DEED
Members DIVERSITY-L Diversity, Equity and Inclusion DRONEGROUP-L Drone Interest
Group ENDSPECIES-L Endangered Species Act Interest Group ENERGYSERVICES-L Energy
Services listserver ENVIRONMENTAL-L APPA Environmental List ERT-L eReliability
Generation and Fuels list GOVERNANCE-L Utility Governance GRWG-L Government
Relations Working Group HUMANRESOURCES-L Human Resources Listserver HYDROPOWER-L
Hydropower Interest Group IIJA-L Infrastructure Law Programs/Grants Listserv
INFOTECH-L Information Technology JACOMMS-L Joint Action Agency Communicators
JOINTACTION-L Joint Action KEYACCTSECONDEV-L Key Accounts and Economic
Development LEGAL-L APPA Legal Listserver MAC-L Mutual Aid Committee MAWG-L
Mutual Aid Working Group MUTUALAID-L Public Power Mutual Aid NERCNAESB-L
Group PMA-L PMA Taskforce PUBCOMMS-L Public Communications listserver
PUBLICPOWERFORWARD-L Public Power Forward RAILCUSTOMER-L Rail Customer Group
RISKMGMT-L Risk Management and Insurance RTOMARKETS-L RTO Markets SAFETY-L APPA
Safety List SECURITY-L APPA Security List SSWG-L Substation Working Group
SUPPLYMGMT-L Supply Chain Management TANDD-L Transmission and Distribution
TELECOM-L Telecom Interest Group TINYTEST-L test list ZTESTNONDBMSLIST Test
Non-DBMS list Name: Email Address:
Subscription Type:

Regular[NODIGEST] Digest (Traditional)[NOMIME DIGEST]