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Submitted URL: http://greenwichjewelers.com/
Effective URL: https://www.greenwichjewelers.com/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On April 17 via api from DE — Scanned from CA
Effective URL: https://www.greenwichjewelers.com/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On April 17 via api from DE — Scanned from CA
Form analysis
17 forms found in the DOMPOST /contact#contact_form
<form method="post" action="/contact#contact_form" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="contact-form" novalidate="novalidate"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="customer" aria-label="form_type"><input type="hidden" name="utf8" value="✓"
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POST /localization
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<div class="disclosure">
<button type="button" class="disclosure__button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="CountryList"> United States (USD $) <svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="presentation" class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 00-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 00-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 00.708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 000-.708z" fill="currentColor">
<ul id="" role="list" class="CountryList disclosure__list" hidden="">
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AF">
Afghanistan (AFN ؋)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AL">
Albania (ALL L)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DZ">
Algeria (DZD د.ج)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AD">
Andorra (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AO">
Angola (AOA Kz)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AI">
Anguilla (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AG">
Antigua & Barbuda (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AR">
Argentina (ARS $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AM">
Armenia (AMD դր.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AW">
Aruba (AWG ƒ)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AU">
Australia (AUD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AT">
Austria (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="AZ">
Azerbaijan (AZN ₼)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BS">
Bahamas (BSD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BH">
Bahrain (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BD">
Bangladesh (BDT ৳)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BB">
Barbados (BBD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BE">
Belgium (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BZ">
Belize (BZD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BJ">
Benin (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BM">
Bermuda (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BT">
Bhutan (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BO">
Bolivia (BOB Bs.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BA">
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BAM КМ)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BW">
Botswana (BWP P)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="VG">
British Virgin Islands (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BN">
Brunei (BND $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BG">
Bulgaria (BGN лв.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BF">
Burkina Faso (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BI">
Burundi (BIF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KH">
Cambodia (KHR ៛)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CM">
Cameroon (XAF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CA">
Canada (CAD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CV">
Cape Verde (CVE $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KY">
Cayman Islands (KYD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TD">
Chad (XAF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CL">
Chile (CLP $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CN">
China (CNY ¥)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CO">
Colombia (COP $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KM">
Comoros (KMF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CG">
Congo - Brazzaville (XAF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CD">
Congo - Kinshasa (CDF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CK">
Cook Islands (NZD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CR">
Costa Rica (CRC ₡)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CI">
Côte d’Ivoire (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="HR">
Croatia (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CW">
Curaçao (ANG ƒ)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CY">
Cyprus (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CZ">
Czechia (CZK Kč)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DK">
Denmark (DKK kr.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DJ">
Djibouti (DJF Fdj)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DM">
Dominica (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DO">
Dominican Republic (DOP $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="EC">
Ecuador (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="EG">
Egypt (EGP ج.م)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SV">
El Salvador (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GQ">
Equatorial Guinea (XAF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="EE">
Estonia (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SZ">
Eswatini (SZL E)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ET">
Ethiopia (ETB Br)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="FK">
Falkland Islands (FKP £)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="FO">
Faroe Islands (DKK kr.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="FJ">
Fiji (FJD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="FI">
Finland (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="FR">
France (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GF">
French Guiana (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PF">
French Polynesia (XPF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GA">
Gabon (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GM">
Gambia (GMD D)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GE">
Georgia (GEL ლ)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="DE">
Germany (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GH">
Ghana (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GI">
Gibraltar (GBP £)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GR">
Greece (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GL">
Greenland (DKK kr.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GD">
Grenada (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GP">
Guadeloupe (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GT">
Guatemala (GTQ Q)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GG">
Guernsey (GBP £)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GN">
Guinea (GNF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GW">
Guinea-Bissau (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="GY">
Guyana (GYD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="HT">
Haiti (HTG G)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="HN">
Honduras (HNL L)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="HK">
Hong Kong SAR (HKD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="HU">
Hungary (HUF Ft)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="IS">
Iceland (ISK kr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="IN">
India (INR ₹)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ID">
Indonesia (IDR Rp)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="IE">
Ireland (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="IL">
Israel (ILS ₪)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="IT">
Italy (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="JM">
Jamaica (JMD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="JP">
Japan (JPY ¥)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="JE">
Jersey (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="JO">
Jordan (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KZ">
Kazakhstan (KZT 〒)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KE">
Kenya (KES KSh)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KI">
Kiribati (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KG">
Kyrgyzstan (KGS som)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LA">
Laos (LAK ₭)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LV">
Latvia (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LB">
Lebanon (LBP ل.ل)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LS">
Lesotho (LSL L)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LR">
Liberia (LRD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LI">
Liechtenstein (CHF CHF)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LT">
Lithuania (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LU">
Luxembourg (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MO">
Macao SAR (MOP P)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MG">
Madagascar (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MW">
Malawi (MWK MK)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MY">
Malaysia (MYR RM)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MV">
Maldives (MVR MVR)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ML">
Mali (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MT">
Malta (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MQ">
Martinique (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MR">
Mauritania (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MU">
Mauritius (MUR ₨)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="YT">
Mayotte (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MX">
Mexico (MXN $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MD">
Moldova (MDL L)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MC">
Monaco (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MN">
Mongolia (MNT ₮)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ME">
Montenegro (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MS">
Montserrat (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MA">
Morocco (MAD د.م.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MZ">
Mozambique (MZN MTn)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MM">
Myanmar (Burma) (MMK K)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NA">
Namibia (NAD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NR">
Nauru (AUD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NP">
Nepal (NPR ₨)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NL">
Netherlands (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NC">
New Caledonia (XPF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NZ">
New Zealand (NZD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NI">
Nicaragua (NIO C$)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NE">
Niger (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NG">
Nigeria (NGN ₦)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NU">
Niue (NZD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="MK">
North Macedonia (MKD ден)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="NO">
Norway (NOK kr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="OM">
Oman (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PK">
Pakistan (PKR ₨)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PA">
Panama (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PG">
Papua New Guinea (PGK K)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PY">
Paraguay (PYG ₲)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PE">
Peru (PEN S/.)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PH">
Philippines (PHP ₱)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PL">
Poland (PLN zł)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="PT">
Portugal (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="QA">
Qatar (QAR ر.ق)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="RE">
Réunion (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="RO">
Romania (RON Lei)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="RW">
Rwanda (RWF FRw)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="WS">
Samoa (WST T)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SM">
San Marino (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ST">
São Tomé & Príncipe (STD Db)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SA">
Saudi Arabia (SAR ر.س)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SN">
Senegal (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="RS">
Serbia (RSD РСД)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SC">
Seychelles (SCR ₨)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SL">
Sierra Leone (SLL Le)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SG">
Singapore (SGD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SX">
Sint Maarten (ANG ƒ)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SK">
Slovakia (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SI">
Slovenia (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SB">
Solomon Islands (SBD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SO">
Somalia (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ZA">
South Africa (ZAR R)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KR">
South Korea (KRW ₩)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="ES">
Spain (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LK">
Sri Lanka (LKR ₨)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="BL">
St. Barthélemy (EUR €)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SH">
St. Helena (SHP £)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="KN">
St. Kitts & Nevis (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="LC">
St. Lucia (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="VC">
St. Vincent & Grenadines (XCD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SR">
Suriname (SRD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="SE">
Sweden (SEK kr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="CH">
Switzerland (CHF CHF)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TW">
Taiwan (TWD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TZ">
Tanzania (TZS Sh)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TH">
Thailand (THB ฿)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TL">
Timor-Leste (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TG">
Togo (XOF Fr)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TO">
Tonga (TOP T$)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TT">
Trinidad & Tobago (TTD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TN">
Tunisia (USD $)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TR">
Türkiye (TRY ₺)
<li class="disclosure__item" tabindex="-1">
<a href="#" data-value="TC">
Turks & Caicos Islands (USD $)
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<span class="preheading">Question 4/5</span>
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<span class="preheading">Question 5/5</span>
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<h3>Let's create a gift collection just for you</h3>
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<label for="name">Your Name*</label>
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<div class="input-group">
<label for="email">Email Address*</label>
<p class="disclaimer">(so we can send you a link to your collection)</p>
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<h3>6 easy questions will help us pick the perfect gift options for you</h3>
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<label for="who">1. Who are you buying this gift for?*</label>
<input type="text" name="who" id="who" required="" data-parsley-group="block-1">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="label">2. How would you describe their style?*</span>
<p class="disclaimer">(check all that apply)</p>
<div class="input-row">
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="style[]" id="modern" value="modern" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="style[]" id="natural" value="natural" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style" data-parsley-group="block-1">
<label for="natural">Natural/Artsy</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="style[]" id="trendy" value="trendy" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="style[]" id="traditional" value="traditional" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="style[]" id="not-sure" value="not-sure" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<div class="input-group radio radio--list">
<div class="list-item list-item--group">
<div class="list-item">
<input type="radio" name="style2" id="bold" value="bold" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style2" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<span class="label">or</span>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="radio" name="style2" id="delicate" value="delicate" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style2" data-parsley-group="block-1">
<label for="delicate">Delicate</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="radio" name="style2" id="either" value="either" required="" data-parsley-multiple="style2" data-parsley-group="block-1">
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<span class="label">3. Which categories are you thinking of?*</span>
<p class="disclaimer">(check all that apply) </p>
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" id="rings" value="rings" required="" data-parsley-multiple="categories" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="rings">Rings</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" id="necklaces" value="necklaces" required="" data-parsley-multiple="categories" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="necklaces">Necklaces</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" id="earrings" value="earrings" required="" data-parsley-multiple="categories" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="earrings">Earrings</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" id="bracelets" value="bracelets" required="" data-parsley-multiple="categories" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="bracelets">Bracelets</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" id="all" value="all" required="" data-parsley-multiple="categories" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="all">All are fine</label>
<span class="label">4. Does the recipient prefer</span>
<p class="disclaimer">(check all that apply) </p>
<div class="input-group radio checkbox--list">
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="prefer[]" id="diamonds" value="diamonds" data-parsley-multiple="prefer" data-parsley-group="block-2">
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<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="prefer[]" id="gemstones" value="gemstones" data-parsley-multiple="prefer" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="gemstones">Colored gemstones</label>
<div class="list-item">
<input type="checkbox" name="prefer[]" id="no-stone" value="no-stone" data-parsley-multiple="prefer" data-parsley-group="block-2">
<label for="no-stone">No stones, please</label>
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<input type="text" id="price" name="price" required="" autocomplete="false" data-parsley-group="block-3">
<div class="input-group">
<label for="when">6. When do you need to present your gift?*</label>
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<span class="preheading">Done!</span>
<span class="heading2">Thank You!</span>
<p>We'll get started on your curated gift selection and send it shortly.</p>
<p class="disclaimer">(Please allow us up to 48 hours to respond, get in touch if you’re in a rush!)</p>
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Reset settings Accessibility statement FREE DOMESTIC GROUND SHIPPING & RETURNS BOOK AN IN-STORE OR VIRTUAL APPOINTMENT Search 0 Menu * ENGAGEMENT + WEDDING * Engagement Rings * All Engagement * Ready to Wear Rings * Engagement Ring Settings * Customize Your Ring * G.St Lifetime Care * Wedding Bands * All Bands * Feminine Bands * Masculine Bands * Get Started * Our Diamonds * Custom Design * FAQ's * Book a Consultation Customize Your Engagement Ring * JEWELRY * Gift Cards * CURATED COLLECTIONS * Classic Diamond Essentials * Bold Gold * Symbolic Layers * Color Drenched Jewels * Delicate & Dainty * Contemporary Creations * Shop by Category * Rings * Necklaces * Earrings * Bracelets * Charms * Shop All Jewelry * Shop by Designer * Designers A-Z * Designed by G. 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Her attentiveness was exceptional, and she > expertly translated our vision into a stunning design.” > “Greenwich St. Jewelers is the absolute best! I bought my fiance’s engagement > ring here, and it’s the only place I would ever go again for jewelry.” > “I couldn’t have asked for a better experience buying an engagement ring! Dana > was incredibly helpful throughout the whole process, and made sure we got > exactly what we were looking for without feeling rushed or pressured. Highly > recommend and will be back!” > “Molly truly listened to us, considering our thoughts, style, and emotions > when selecting an engagement ring. Her attentiveness was exceptional, and she > expertly translated our vision into a stunning design.” > “Greenwich St. Jewelers is the absolute best! I bought my fiance’s engagement > ring here, and it’s the only place I would ever go again for jewelry.” > “I couldn’t have asked for a better experience buying an engagement ring! Dana > was incredibly helpful throughout the whole process, and made sure we got > exactly what we were looking for without feeling rushed or pressured. Highly > recommend and will be back!” > “Molly truly listened to us, considering our thoughts, style, and emotions > when selecting an engagement ring. Her attentiveness was exceptional, and she > expertly translated our vision into a stunning design.” Next AS SEEN IN Grad Gifts or a Mother's Day Treat? OUR BEST-SELLING GIFTS SHOP NOW LOCK LANGUAGE SHOP MARLA AARON Diamond Essentials TRINITY STUDS SHOP BY SIZE Proposal-Ready DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS SHOP BOOK AN APPOINTMENT VIRTUAL OR IN-PERSON Discover the Modern Amulet TABAYER SHOP FAIRMINED GOLD JEWELS NEWEST IN 19 Dorian Webb DIAMOND TRELLIS BUD STUD EARRINGS $6,995 11 DIAMOND BAGUETTE CLUSTER BAND $2,100 12 Stardust by G.St PEAR DIAMOND SIGNET RING $1,650 11 DIAMOND SUNBURST CUSHION SIGNET RING $4,200 13 Stardust by G.St BLACK DIAMOND CIGAR BAND $3,450 13 Stardust by G.St BLACK DIAMOND SLIM CIGAR BAND $2,310 15 Stardust by G.St DIAMOND BLACK FINISH CIGAR BAND $9,900 10 Diamonds Do Good 8" MEDIUM DIAMONDS DO GOOD ONYX & MULTISTONE BRACELET $129 10 Ruth Tomlinson 3.5MM TEXTURED HALF ROUND WEDDING BAND $1,250 10 Ruth Tomlinson 5MM WRAP BAND WITH BRUSHED FINISH $1,640 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 > “Our greatest joy is the feeling of unearthing something unexpectedly > delightful for a customer. We believe jewelry isn’t just something you own, > it’s something that becomes part of who you are. We’re so proud to help you > discover your new favorite part of yourself.” CHRISTINA & JENNIFER SHOP OUR INSTAGRAM STORE INFORMATION OUR STORE VISIT THE STORE Visit us at our new store in Tribeca! 93 Reade St. New York, NY 10013 HOURS HOURS: Tuesday - Friday: 11-7 Saturdays: 11-6 Sunday: 12-5 **Engagement Ring and Wedding Band consultations are by appointment only on weekends. Walk-ins welcome during the week but an appointment is highly encouraged. CONTACT US Call Us at: 866.985.0353 Email Us SMALL BUSINESS. BIG HEART. We’re a small, family-run business of native New Yorkers. And like the city we love, we’re always evolving. Nestled in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Manhattan, our store is a reflection of the diverse population and iconic architecture that surrounds it. We’re so proud of our past, but we’re also continually embracing the new, whether it's discovering incredible designers, deepening our commitment to sustainability, or simply finding unexpected ways to make our customers smile. After all, jewelry is magic— and we want every single person who shops with us to feel that. Stay in touch Find out about new releases, special events and more. 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