Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On February 21 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

Name: loginForm

<form name="loginForm" class="ring-form ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-_token_external" novalidate="">
  <div class="ring-form__control installer-form__control">
    <label><b translate="">Token</b></label>
    <div class="login__input-wrapper">
      <input ng-model="ctrl.formData.wizardToken" name="token" anchor-id="token" required="" external-validator="ctrl.error" autocomplete="off"
        class="ring-input ring-input-size_l ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-_token_external">
      <div class="installer-form__error-hint ring-error-bubble ng-isolate-scope" ng-class="{ active: active, 'ring-error-bubble_material': material }" ng-style="style" rg-error-bubble="loginForm.token">
        <!-- ngRepeat: errorMessage in getFormErrorMessages(errorBubble().$error) -->
        <div ng-repeat="errorMessage in getFormErrorMessages(errorBubble().$error)" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Value is required</div><!-- end ngRepeat: errorMessage in getFormErrorMessages(errorBubble().$error) -->
  <a class="ring-link login__show-token-link" ng-click="ctrl.showTokenLocation = !ctrl.showTokenLocation"><!-- ngIf: ctrl.showTokenLocation --><!-- ngIf: !ctrl.showTokenLocation --><rg-icon ng-if="!ctrl.showTokenLocation" class="ng-scope ng-isolate-scope ring-icon icon_c95" glyph="#ring-icon-caret-right" size="16">
<svg class="glyph_54e" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" ng-style="style" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;">
  <use ng-href="" xlink:href=""></use>
</svg></rg-icon><!-- end ngIf: !ctrl.showTokenLocation --><!-- ngIf: !ctrl.showTokenLocation && ctrl.getInstallationType() !== 'DOCKER' --><!-- ngIf: !ctrl.showTokenLocation && ctrl.getInstallationType() === 'DOCKER' --><span ng-if="!ctrl.showTokenLocation &amp;&amp; ctrl.getInstallationType() === 'DOCKER'" class="ng-scope">Show token location inside Docker container</span><!-- end ngIf: !ctrl.showTokenLocation && ctrl.getInstallationType() === 'DOCKER' --><!-- ngIf: ctrl.showTokenLocation --></a>
  <!-- ngIf: ctrl.showTokenLocation -->
  <div class="login__button-wrapper">
    <!-- ngIf: ctrl.login --><button class="button_310 button_ebb button_97b button_850 buttonWithoutIcon_b6a ringIconVerticalAlignFix_f8f light_cfe ng-scope primary_5fd" ng-if="ctrl.login" mode="primary" loader="ctrl.loading" ng-click="ctrl.login()"
      ng-disabled="ctrl.loading || loginForm.$invalid" disabled="disabled">
      <span class="content_588"><rg-icon class="icon_f6a iconMarginFix_2ae ng-isolate-scope ring-icon icon_c95" size="0">
          <svg class="glyph_54e" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" ng-style="style" style="width: 0px; height: 0px;">
            <use ng-href="" xlink:href=""></use>
          <span class="ng-binding ng-scope">Log in</span>
      <div class="js-button-loader"></div>
    </button><!-- end ngIf: ctrl.login -->

Name: dialog.dialogForm

<form name="dialog.dialogForm" class="ring-form ring-js-shortcuts ng-pristine ng-valid" novalidate=""> <rg-dialog-content></rg-dialog-content>
  <div class="ring-form__group ng-hide" ng-show="dialog.error">
    <div ng-class="dialog.styles.error" ng-bind-html="dialog.error" class="ng-binding error_3d8"></div>

Text Content

Hang in there...

An installation or upgrade is currently underway. As soon as the service is
ready, you will be redirected automatically to JetBrains YouTrack 2022.1. If you
still see this message after 15 minutes, ask an administrator to investigate.

What's new in YouTrack 2022.1.42540 version

Attention administrators!

YouTrack may be waiting for you to confirm the setup in the Configuration
Wizard. The Configuration Wizard is protected from unauthorized access with an
authentication token.

To finalize the setup:

 1. Copy the authentication token from the configuration file. To find the file,
    click Show token location below.
 2. Paste the authentication token into the input field below.
 3. Click the Log in button to access the Configuration Wizard.
 4. Follow the steps in the Configuration Wizard.

Value is required
Show token location inside Docker container
Log in

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