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 * January 2009
 * International Journal of Engineering Education 25(5)

Matthew G. Green
 * LeTourneau University


 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

Dan Jensen

Dan Jensen
 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

Dan Af Jensen@usafa

Dan Af Jensen@usafa
 * This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.

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Synopsis: This paper presents classroom assessment of a new design method for
contexts "frontier" to the designer. The method adds the formal consideration of
the design "context" to traditional customer needs assessment. Testing under
both controlled and classroom conditions shows the new method is extremely
effective, easy to use, and well received by students. Implementation at three
US schools has shown positive results signifying broad applicability in
education as well as field practice. Here we present the essence of the method,
results of testing, and examples.
: Product Design Context Categories
Experimental Methodology-Perceptions and Re-Usage Likelihood
: Case Study Outcomes Summary

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Design for Frontier Contexts:
Classroom Assessment of a New Design Methodology
with Humanitarian Applications

Matthew G. Green, MatthewGreen@letu.edu
LeTourneau University

Dan Jensen, dan.jensen@usafa.af.mil
US Air Force Academy

Carolyn C. Seepersad, ccseepersad@mail.utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin

Kristin L. Wood, wood@mail.utexas.edu
The University of Texas at Austin

Keywords: Customer Needs, Latent Needs, Task Clarification, Design Methods,
Countries, Assistive Technology

Synopsis: This paper presents classroom assessment of a new design method for
“frontier” to the designer. The method adds the formal consideration of the
design “context” to
traditional customer needs assessment. Testing under both controlled and
classroom conditions
shows the new method is extremely effective, easy to use, and well received by
Implementation at three US schools has shown positive results signifying broad
applicability in
education as well as field practice. Here we present the essence of the method,
results of testing,
and examples.

1 Introduction, Motivation, and Literature Background
1.1 Introduction
This paper presents classroom assessment results of a new design method
especially well
suited for contexts that are “frontier” or foreign to the designer. Engineering
educators are
recognizing the value of exposing students to need-based engineering problems
and pedagogies
[1,2]. A parallel interest is globalizing the scope of engineering education.
These important
topics are both addressed by a service-learning approach to globally-based
humanitarian projects
[3,4,5]. The importance of integrating both globalization and social needs into
the engineering
curriculum is acknowledged by the ABET criteria. Human need is also a clear
priority of the
engineering profession, as indicated in the NSPE creeda. However, the majority
of engineering
students are not familiar with the contexts in which vast needs exist, such as
among persons with
disabilities or the 4 billion people living on less than $2 a day (PPP) [6].
These conditions
represent formidable frontier design contexts, environments and situations
outside the experience
and expertise of most engineering designers, especially students.
Currently taught design methodologies advocate gathering customer needs, and
methods reference the importance of doing so within the context of use. However,
understanding design needs is notoriously problematic within frontier contexts,
where data and
contextual experience are not readily available. This challenge resonates with
organizations such
as Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW), Engineers without Borders (EWB),
Ministries International (EMI), and other humanitarian and educational
engineering high human-impact solutions in unfamiliar, frontier contexts. In
response to this
need, we have developed a basic but powerful Design for Frontier Contexts
methodology [7,8]
to improve discovery and application of contextual information vital to
successful frontier
Grounded in empirical product-context studies [9,10], the Design for Frontier
method supports gathering, documenting, and applying contextual design
information. By
improving needs assessment, the method is expected to increase the successful
application of
engineering to high human-need contexts such as poor areas of developing
countries and
assistive technologies for persons with disabilities. The new needs assessment
method can also
improve the design of mainstream consumer products to provide greater benefit to
humanity with
lower consumption of resources. The method enhances the use of context-specific
resources and
provides a common template for collaborative communication among geographically
Evaluation under controlled conditions suggests the new method is not only
effective, but also easy to use and well received by students. Classroom testing
has shown very
positive results, signifying broad applicability in education as well as field
practice. We have
sought to integrate the method into the design curricula of our departments, and
conduct ongoing
assessment for continued improvement.
Here we present the essence of the method, results of preliminary testing, and
of student projects. Templates, lecture slides, and examples in electronic
format are freely
available from the first author.

a “As a Professional Engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledge and skill to
the advancement and betterment of
human welfare …” (NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers)

1.2 Benefits of Understanding Design Context
Engineers are often called on to design for frontier design contexts outside
experience and expertise. This situation occurs by default because engineers are
a subset of
society; they design products to be used by children, remote villagers, the
illiterate, and other
groups typically not represented among design engineers. Additionally, the
importance multi-
national companies place on positioning products in a global marketplace
requires design for
customers in other countries, cultures, and economies. Although most design
engineering is
currently performed in developed countries, 86% of the world lives in a
developing country [11].
A special case of global design occurs when engineers in affluent societies
create life-improving
designs for use in high human-need environments, such as the human-powered
Freeplay Radio
initially targeted at rural African customers. (A case study of the Freeplay
Radio design is given
by Cagan and Vogel [12]). Another example is the “robust, fully articulating
dental chair and
battery-operated hand piece, all in a package you can comfortably carry on your
back” developed
by the US-based Indigenous People’s Technology & Education Center (I-TEC) to
enable dental
care in remote regions [13]. One of the top business books of 2004, “The Fortune
at the Bottom
of the Pyramid” makes the case that “the world's poor [are] potential customers
…” and that
everyone will benefit when recognizing the market potential among the 4 billion
people living on
less than $2 a day (PPP) [6]. Numerous opportunities exist for engineering
designs to improve
the quality of life on a global scale, many of which are in frontier design
contexts. In addition to
the large international development programs of many wealthy nations, smaller,
governmental organizations such as Engineers for A Sustainable World (ESW),
without Borders (EWB), and Engineering Ministries International (EMI), are also
acting upon
such opportunities.
The product definition stage is critical for the success of any new product, and
particularly problematic for frontier design contexts. An opportunity exists to
increase the
success of any product design process, particularly when addressing a frontier
context, through
the application of formal methods for discovering, documenting, and addressing
the product
design context during the design process. Understanding how context factors
influence customer
needs and preferences greatly enhances the chances of defining products which
will satisfy and
delight customers.
A first benefit of improved contextual understanding is to facilitate and
organize the
needs gathering process. This contextual understanding will improve the quality
and quantity of
information gathered within resource constraints, and illuminate latent customer
needs which
might be missed otherwise. Designers will be able to select and interview
customers more
effectively and better understand and classify the information received in
interviews. This
improvement is particularly important when the people interviewed view the
product need
through lenses of different context scenarios, and thus report different and
sometimes conflicting
needs as a result. This difference in context scenario viewpoint can easily
become muddled or
go completely unnoticed if the interviewer is not adequately prepared to
identify and document
contextual information.
Second, improved contextual understanding results in better target
specifications by
illuminating contextual influences on customer preferences for product attribute
values. Current
techniques prescribe capturing the “voice of the customer,” but provide
insufficient guidance on
how to translate these data into quantifiable numbers. QFD is an excellent
technique to organize
and document this conversion; however, even where benchmarking is possible, it
is left to the
designer to translate the voice of the customer into a meaningful metric and
target value. For
example, the customer request of “light-weight,” must be translated into a
quantity such as mass
in kg. Even more difficult than quantifying a target value is the problem of

appropriate metrics for qualitative needs such as “easy to use” (possibly
measured by “number of
steps to operate”, and/or “minutes”) or “good beverage taste” (possibly measured
by “saturation
and bitterness levels”) [14]. The customer may clearly indicate the need for
portability, but
setting specifications accordingly for mass and volume depends heavily on the
context of
transportation method and frequency.
Third, improved contextual understanding better equips designers to leverage
benchmarking data from known contexts in order to design for unknown contexts by
understanding how the contextual changes influence customer preferences. Forming
targets has traditionally relied heavily on benchmarking, but this activity can
be difficult or
impossible in frontier design contexts in which comparable designs are sparse.
With an
appropriate contextual understanding, product definition information from an
accessible and
information-rich environment may be intelligently brought to bear upon a
frontier and
information-scarce context. A product context framework and the concept of a
functional family
(a group of products which solve the same primary need) will provide the
designer with tools to
maximize domain cross-over of benchmarking information, intelligently selecting
and adapting
information from existing products that may exhibit some similarities, but do
not occur in the
target context. One example is the design of a $100 above-knee prosthetic by a
US University
for a charity hospital in Kenya [15]. The challenges of accessing and
understanding Kenyan
customers were partially addressed through local access to US amputees, and
translating the knowledge gathered into the frontier Kenyan context.
1.3 Cross-Cultural Design in the Literature
Understanding and accounting for cultural factors is a classic and major hurdle
in frontier
design problems. The following sources reference the importance and implications
of various
cross-cultural factors.
Courage and Baxter [16] include a case study by Ann [17], “Cultural Differences
Affecting User Research Methods in China” citing numerous cultural differences
challenges to market research. Differences mentioned include: differing cultural
concepts can
cause difficulty in translating language without loss of actual concepts; a
greater focus on
relationships requires more attention to building trust and respecting privacy
of the home than in
western countries, and the intuitive/subjective mentality vs. the
scientific/rational focus of the
West can reduce effectiveness of objective and direct interview approaches. The
discussion of
these differences shows both the challenge and importance of understanding the
cultural context.
Crawley et al. [18] present the “Design, Development and Marketing of Solar
for the rural poor of African countries. They specifically address Kenya, which
has a large
population without hope of access to electricity in the near future; more than
90% of households
use kerosene lighting, and 70% also use scarce cash supplies to buy batteries.
Crawley et al.
employ focus groups and general discussions to gather information about what
customers want
in a solar lantern. They note the importance of: (1) picking groups not
subjugated by a few
dominant members, (2) holding surveys during the day for travel safety of
participants, and (3)
focusing on individuals with incomes similar to the target customers, who often
had significantly
different spending patterns than wealthier individuals. The authors note that
development is in general expensive and high-risk for companies in developing
countries, and
for the new products they design, conventional customer needs gathering
techniques are often
incomplete and inaccurate in accounting for lifestyles and cultures.
Chen et al. [19] advise that when tapping global markets, multinational
companies must
be wary of segmentation errors on two extremes: attempting to standardize the
product for
significantly different markets, or excessive customization for essentially
similar markets. A
balance must be struck which properly accommodates real and important
differences, without

unnecessarily undercutting economies of scale through standardization. Examples
of major
differences faced when political and/or cultural boundaries are crossed include:
language, ethnic,
religious, social structure, tradition, literacy, income patterns, geography and
infrastructure, product distribution, advertising, and legal climate.
Chen et al. [19] predict that “... multicultural factors are the most difficult
issues for
organizations to address … [and will be a] future direction in NPD [(New Product
Development)].” They address the need for research in this area, commenting “…
there are few
successful or effective techniques available for the evaluation of multicultural
factors in
customer requirements.” Chen et al. propose one system employing a laddering
technique and
radial basis function (RBF) neural network to help overcome multicultural
barriers to customer
needs gathering. A mobile phone design case study is included. The cultural
factors addressed
primarily deal with the customer context.
Other design researchers also explicitly address the consideration of “culture”
in the
design process. Culture may be defined as the customary beliefs, values, social
forms, and
material traits of a group of people that are learned from preceding generations
adaptation from [20]). Ellsworth et al. [21] report on the “effects of culture
on refrigerator
design.” This paper does not define culture, but references the “needs and
values” of customers
which differ from place to place. The authors build a case for improved cultural
among design engineers, stating that products will be more successful worldwide
as design
engineers account for cultural needs. The authors propose the development of a
Design for
Culture (DfX) methodology, citing a lack of attention to the subject evidenced
by a dearth of
literature and suggesting that cultural considerations must include not only
marketing but also
design. They suggest studying the use of similar products across different
cultures to begin
development of such a method. Refrigerators were chosen for this study because
they are in
widespread use globally and the designs have stabilized with distinct
differences in various
countries. The paper itemizes a number of macro physical differences (such as
volume, energy
efficiency, and construction) in refrigerators used in the US, Europe, Japan,
and Brazil, and
comments on the apparent cultural reasons for these differences. Ellsworth et
al. conclude by
suggesting the following categories of cultural aspects to account for:
aesthetic appeal, cultural
habits (e.g. tendency to snack), traditions, available resources, and the
physical environment.
Donaldson [22,23] proposes various items to improve product design for
countries, and comments extensively on the particular barriers and problems
associated with
designing for this context. Some of Donaldson’s findings may be generalize-able
to other
frontier design contexts.
Donaldson, et al. [24] describe Customer Value Chain Analysis (CVCA) as a tool
improve identification of needs and requirements in the product definition
phase. One of the
case studies is a micro-irrigation pump successfully designed and marketed in
Kenya, implicitly
illustrating the applicability of the CVCA tool to the complexities of projects
in this economy
and culture.
Donaldson and Sheppard [25] provide detailed observation and analysis of product
design practice in Kenya, an example of a “less industrialized economy.” They
analyze design
practice in the informal sector, the formal sector, and by donor-funded groups.
They identify
four types of product design: (1) imitated design, (2) imported design, (3)
basic original design
and (4) specialty design. Donaldson and Sheppard note that virtually all Kenyan
products are
designed outside the country or are imitations of imports. The local language
has no complete
equivalent for the verb “to design” and designers and producers typically view
sketching, pondering and brainstorming” as an extravagance. No formal design
processes such
as those defined in design literature were observed in the formal or informal
sectors, and NGOs

followed semi-formal processes. Economic and political instability along with
monopolies are possible contributors to the lack of attention to customer needs
and the associated
product definition steps. These findings suggest the continued importance of
design until the local sectors begin designing products in response to customer
needs, and
likewise the need for design methodologies applicable in frontier design
Terpenny et al. [26] report Virginia Tech’s inclusion of assistive technology
design for
developing countries into the first year curriculum to excite engineering
students and begin
building their global and social consciousness. The work reports that students
from diverse
backgrounds and interests responded very positively to “international awareness
and human
centered activities.”
Hariharan et al. [27] report two case studies suggesting student engineering
projects in developing countries and “other culturally unfamiliar situations”
greatly benefit from
“immersive experiences,” such as creating and testing prototypes. (In these
cases the prototypes
were trials of a new method, rather than trials of a physical product.) The
experience of
“prototyping” the new method in the target context brought about a shared
understanding across
disciplines and cultures. These findings suggest the validity in some cases of
an “experiencing
before understanding” approach.
Lewis et al. [28] seek effective engineering design curriculum for developing
and thus open a line of research into the different design processes (reverse
specification-based, needs-based, AI) best matched to the different types of
design needs (such
as product copying, government contracts, consumer products, and mature
products.) Their focus is not so much design for developing countries, but
effective design
within developing countries.
Gordon [29] touches on the cultural nature of design from a sociologists
perspective, and
the ways in which designed artifacts “design” – or change – the users. This
highlights the
importance of design engineering possessing a thorough knowledge of users
beyond interaction with the product to be designed. Gordon additionally notes
that division of
labor separates the product designer creating meaning in the product from the
end user who then
attempts, perhaps unsuccessfully, to create apply their own meaning.
Cannon and Leifer [30] strongly emphasize the importance of perception or
“seeing” in
effective design, a skill best learned when students are mentored to ask their
own questions
rather than being “spoon-fed” exact requirements. Asking the right questions is
a key, they
suggest, to the vital design skill of judging (and vetting) creative idea
alternatives. The overseas
product-based-learning course presented stressed cross-cultural issues and
enhanced student
opportunities to “see” new problem approaches and thus increase innovation.
Enderle [31] overviews three NSF funded capstone programs which design devices
persons with disabilities. In all three of the case studies, “problem
definition” is lumped in as
part of “project selection,” usually involving client interviews. The paper
states determining
requirements is “one of the most important parts of the design process,” and
notes that the
process of preparing questions and conducting an interview is very time
intensive, and may
require follow-up trips. All three of these cases involve significant student
contact with the end-
user or those representing them. Even though the importance of problem
definition is
recognized, there is no formal support mentioned to guide students in
formulating, asking, and
applying relevant interview questions. Although it may be assumed students were
given some
verbal classroom guidance, an opportunity exists here for formal methods
providing guidance on
how to conduct a thorough, efficient interview and then translate interview
results into

1.4 “Context” and Design in the Literature
Language context adds to word meaning, and in the same way design context adds
productb “meaning” in the eyes of the customer. Therefore designers must
understand and
account for context in the design process, defined in this paper as:

Context – the circumstances or setting in which an object occurs, and which
influences its

Numerous authors reference the influence of context on product design, and many
explicitly express its importance. Our previous work [9,10], for example,
present empirical
studies of the influence of product design usage context on customer
preferences. These studies
include: exploration of customer needs and attributes of functional product
families, customer
product choice surveys, and an exploration of how individual factors of a target
usage context
influence customer preferences for product attributes. The empirical studies of
two product
families showed that: (1) different context scenarios exist within the same
functional family and
even the same products, (2) the customers surveyed prefer different products for
different context
scenarios, and (3) clear relationships exist between context factors and
attributes of the preferred
products. In summary, customer preferences depend heavily upon product context.
Clarkson, et al. [32] report a large-scale study of the UK health system to
recommend a
design approach to improve patient safety. They report that improving patient
safety requires an
improved understanding of the context of the health care system. “Without a
understanding – from a design perspective – of the healthcare services as a
complex system of
interacting organizations, professions, care environments, procedures and tasks
… there can be
no certainty that discrete design solutions will contribute to patient safety”
(italics added).
Sutinen, et al. [33] report results of an empirical study of an IT-based
management tool. They map the requirements management process, identify tools
information needed by various participants, and recommend a process for
introducing new
requirements management tools into the product development process. Among other
they observe that, “the requirements specifications used in the cases studied
could have been
enriched by adding requirement context information … and scenarios in order to
provide a better
understanding of why the requirement is stated” (italics added).
Maier and Fadel [34] discuss the consideration of context in choosing design
They suggest that the concept of function is well suited to capture design
aspects characterized
by input/output relationships, whereas the concept of affordance is well suited
to describe the
more complex relationships involved when the interrelationships among the
context of the
artifact, designer, and user are taken into account. In other words, the role of
information is an important factor in the selection of appropriate design
Norman’s classic work [35] enumerates a myriad of design problems in “everyday
things” causing them to be very difficult to use successfully. As part of this
discussion, Norman
gives significant attention to the interactions among objects and users, and
offers design
guideline “do’s and don’ts.” Many of the difficulties in everyday things
described by Norman
occur from lack of proper accounting for the context of how and where the
products will be used,
and the context of who (and with what capabilities) will be using them.
Moskal et al. [36] present the development of the Humanitarian Engineering
program at
the Colorado School of Mines, USA. One of the major program outcomes is that all

b “product or system” is simplified to “product” from this point forward to
enhance readability

(2,500 impacted as of 2007) would be able to “explain how engineering solutions
are impacted
by the surrounding economic, environmental and societal context …” (emphasis
1.5 Examples of Context in Design
A World Bank meta-study of village stove programs identified 16 major causes of
(or success) [37]. Eight of these reasons appear to be directly tied to how well
context is
understood and addressed such as failure to: account for actual conditions of
use, resemble the
traditional cooking system, accommodate large pieces of wood, or use locally
available materials
The report highlights the importance of context [37 p. 28]:
For assessing consumer needs … determine the existing patterns of stove use …
used and food dishes typically prepared …[and] regional requirements.

Two guidebooks for persons with disabilities in developing countries illustrate
importance of context [38, 39]. Wheelchairs from wealthy nations are often
abandoned in the
different contexts of developing countries from a failure to satisfy customer
needs. In contrast to
wheelchairs commonly seen in the US and Europe, ground level cooking requires a
solution (shown in Table 1), hilly terrain may require a donkey, and rocky
terrain requires large
Table 1: Different Mobility Products for Different Contexts [39]
Design Need Context Context-Appropriate Product

Meals Cooked Low to the Ground Enables Reaching the Pot

1.6 Discussion: Implications of Context for Product Design
The previous sections detail the importance of a thorough understanding of
context, especially in cross-cultural or other frontier design situations. This
importance is
apparent in many literature sources and illustrated in the examples given of
village cook stove
programs and mobility enabling devices. This information affirms the importance
of accounting
for contextual factors in order to design products delivering customer
satisfaction. Without such
contextual understanding, product development teams are at a marked disadvantage
competition that has obtained usage context insights. Just as importantly, in
terms of the thesis
of this paper, the potential success of student design teams is significantly
diminished without an
understanding of contextual information, for frontier design problems, but also
any design
problem given the typical limited experience of higher-education students.
Methods for
systematically and repeatably developing contextual information are thus needed.
Such methods
will arm students with a powerful tool in their engineering toolbox. These
methods will also
increase the potential success of student design projects, providing more
rewarding and
motivating higher education experiences.

2 The Contextual Needs Assessment Methodology
2.1 Product Design Context Framework
Table 2 summarizes a framework for design context reported in prior work [9,10].
framework sub-categories “how,” “where,” and “who” conveniently organize the new
needs assessment method. (1) Usage context factors include the application and
environment in
which the product will be used such as task frequency, weather, and
infrastructure; (2) customer
context factors include consumer values, practices, and demographics such as
wealth and
education level; and (3) market context factors include aspects of competing
Benchmarking [14] is a well known method to explore the market context, and
customer context
is partially explored through currently prescribed needs assessment methods.
However, even
with activity diagram techniques [14], a large gap remains for tools to
accurately discover and
applying usage context information.
Table 2: Product Design Context Categories
Category Sub-Category Sample Context Factors
• Application task
• Usage frequency
• Transportation mode
• . . .
• Infrastructure (e.g. energy supply and cost)
• Weather and climate
• Maintenance and parts availability
• . . .
• Physical Abilities
• Skills and education
• Cost expectations
• . . .
• Features of available products
• Performance and quality of available products
• Cost of available products
• . . .

2.2 Contextual Needs Assessment Method
Figure 1 summarizes the proposed contextual needs assessment method [7,8]. The
method improves task clarification through the formal support of discovering and
contextual information in a format readily applied throughout the design
process. The method
incorporates traditional customer needs methodologies, but extends significantly
beyond these by
formally incorporating contextual information. Step (1) calls for identification
of as many of the
relevant contextual factorsc as feasible by utilizing any of the factor
identification techniques
provided (Table 3, with detail in [8]). Templates are the most basic and
powerful technique
provided for context factor identification, and a recentd version is given in
Appendix A. Step (2)
of the method involves translating each factor identified in Step one into the
form of one or more
questions. Step (3.1) may be fulfilled with established needs elicitation
techniques such as

c A single characteristic of a product’s usage context. For example, “usage
frequency” or “product surroundings.”
d Current versions are available electronically from the first author.

like/dislike or articulated use. Step (3.2) involves answering the questions
generated in Step two
through customer interviews or research. Step (4) refers to standard needs
techniques such as affinity analysis. Step (5) involves segmenting the different
factor value
groups to be addressed by one or more products.

1. Identify relevant contextual factors
2. Generate list of contextual questions to be answered
3. Gather customer needs and factor values
3.1. Gather customer needs
3.2. Gather factor values
4. Aggregate customer needs into weighted list
5. Aggregate factor values into context scenario(s)
Figure 1: Contextual Needs Assessment Methodology
Table 3: Context Factor Identification Techniques
• Use context factor checklists, such as the template provided (Appendix A)
• Translate customer needs and product reviews into factors
• Translate black box model into factors
• Translate activity diagram into factors
• Translate available data (e.g. physical characteristics) and experiences
• Identify functional family members, noting attribute distinctions

The contextual needs assessment methodology facilitates and directs the process
discovering, documenting, and applying contextual information and is easily
adaptable to a
variety of design needs. The straightforward method provides valuable structure
and insight for
organizing and driving the needs assessment process, and the templates place the
power of
contextual assessment in the hands of even novice engineers who are tackling a
design need
outside of their experience and expertise. More details of the methodology are
available [7].
3 Case 1: Undergraduate Reverse Engineering of Consumer Products
3.1 Design Team Background
The University of Texas at Austin Department of Mechanical Engineering
curriculum includes a senior design methods course followed by a semester of
capstone design.
Students apply design methods in a semester-long project reverse engineering and
re-designing a
consumer product. The textbook [14] presents a three-phase design process: (1)
task clarification
(understanding the re-design need), (2) concept generation, and (3) concept
(detailed design and prototyping). In the first phase students use a number of
tools to understand
the re-design need such as: a mission statement, a checklist of technical
questions, and
articulated-use or like/dislike customer needs interviews [14,40]. Additionally,
students perform
reverse-engineering steps such as prediction, product teardown, and functional
modeling to
identify re-design avenues. Students choose one or two high-priority re-design
avenues, based
on the understanding gained of the re-design need. Accuracy and completeness of
needs is critical to maximize the re-design value added to the customer. This
design methods

course is chosen as a case study in part because students are already learning
design methods and
are therefore open to learning and implementing a newly developed method.
Additionally, since
the students are near the end of their undergraduate degree they are a good
representation of the
design engineers the proposed methodology is intended for.
3.2 Classroom Delivery of the Methodology
For this study task clarification lectures from past semesters are augmented
additional steps intended to enhance understanding of the re-design need
context. Students are
provided the five-step method shown in Figure 2 and an Excel template in which
each worksheet
tab corresponds to one step of the method. The method would ideally be presented
in an interactive class lecture format in which each step is illustrated “live.”
After each step is
partially demonstrated, a completed version of the template in Appendix A would
be reviewed in
a prepared example and distributed via a courseware website. However, classroom
realities limit
the time available, so in this case the methodology is reviewed in a single
lecture with an
emphasis on conceptual understanding of the methodology and detailed exploration
left for
homework. (Although the study results are very positive, there is also evidence
of the need for
increased teaching time to improve understanding of the method).

Procedure for Gathering Customer Needs & Product Context
1. Brainstorm interview questions: “What do we need to know about Where, How,
2. Customize context questions template: add, delete, and modify questions as
3. Interview customers using product in a realistic context:
3.1. Actively question customer during product use, recording “voice of the
3.2. Ask any remaining* questions in the customized context questions template
4. Form customer needs list: Translate voice of customer; combine & prioritize
5. Form context scenario by combining context answers to each question
[Advanced: Identify distinct context scenarios to address with a multi-product

* Note: some questions may already be answered, or may be better answered
through research.
Figure 2: Contextual Needs Assessment Methodology – Case Study Version
3.3 Methodology Results – Customized Context Questions
Fourteen out of 20 design teams volunteered their data for this study. The data
are analyzed in detail to assess patterns and insights into how the teams
customized the context
questions template. A major purpose of this assessment is to glean insight to
improve the
generalized template (an earlier version of Appendix A) for future use.
Virtually all of the
customized questions written by the teams take one of the four forms listed in
Table 4.
Modifications which depart from form #1, although helpful for the team’s
specific project, are
often not appropriate for a template intended to be generalizable across
products and types of
design other than reverse engineering and re-design. Dozens of modifications and
additions to
the general template are derived from careful analysis of the data, and these
are incorporated into
the updated context questions template provided in Appendix A. More detail is
provided in [7],
including details of each change made to the template as a result of this case

Many teams included suggested responses in the wording of questions (e.g.
questions) to facilitate both correct interpretation and consideration of
multiple possibilities.
Listing suggested responses in the customized template clarifies the question
and can make it
more specific to the design problem. The drawback is potentially biasing the
interviewee with
suggested responses to the point of suppressing an actual response.
The use of a scale was included in one team’s data (“rate needed durability on a
scale of
1-10”). Such a numerical scale provides some value, and semantic scales hold
even greater
potential for future work.
In the final analysis, design teams found that the questions provided matched
perception of important contextual issues, and new questions introduced are
distilled into
generalizable form and incorporated into newer versions of the template.
Table 4: Four Forms of Context Elicitation Questions
1. Question Form: What is _______ (context factor)?
Example: What is the cost & availability of possible energy sources?
Analysis: This question is the most basic and direct type, and is the form of
almost all
of the elicitation questions in the generalized template.
2. Question Form: How satisfactory is the current product for (context factor)?
Example: Are you satisfied with how long the current product’s batteries last?
Analysis: This question bears similarity to a like/dislike interview technique
and in
the same way it is most effective when the current product is similar to the
product (as is the case with reverse engineering re-design).
3. Question Form: How will (or does) the future (or current) product interact
with the
Example: What energy sources would you use to power the product?
Analysis: This question bears similarity to an articulated use interview, and
both customer and interviewer to have a clear mutual understanding of the
being discussed.
4. Question Form: What product attributes are needed in light of (context
Example: How long should the batteries last for jogging?
Analysis: Although accurate answers to this question are very valuable, they are
difficult to obtain from customers. Sometimes it is necessary, however, as in
the case
of customer expectations such as costs.
3.4 Survey Results – Designer Perceptions of the Method
An online survey measured designer perceptions of the contextual needs
method. The survey reports data on: participant background, perceived value of
methodology and re-use likelihood, and perceptions of the usability and
usefulness of the
methodology. Survey results for the reverse-engineering class are extremely
positive in all
Fifty-seven students responded to the survey, 61% of the class of 94. The survey
participants self-reported demographics indicate 84% are male and 16% female
with an average
age of 22.1 (ranging from 21-31) and an average GPA of 3.4 (ranging from
2.5-4.0). 80% of the
students agree they were personally “very involved” in using the contextual
needs assessment

3.4.1 Perceived Value of Methodology and Re-Use Likelihood
Figure 3 shows the perceived value of the contextual needs assessment
compared with other “benchmark” methodologies shown in Figure 4. (Students have
not used
traditional needs assessment methods, so other aspects of design methodology
familiar to the
students must be used as a comparison.) The figures combined show that the new
has an equal or higher perceived value than the benchmark methods shown. Both
distinguish between perceived value for the respondent’s actual class design
project and for a
foreign product. The data shows, virtually without exception, that students
believe design
methodology has even more value for products in a foreign context than for those
in a familiar
context. The graphs additionally show a level of re-use likelihood averaging
between neutral
and likely.
(1) Brainstorm Factors
(2) Customize Template
(3.1) VOC Interview
(3.2) Ask Questions
(4) Form Needs List
(5) Form Scenario
Steps 1-5 Combined
Actual Product Foreign Product Will Use Again
Val ue
A Little
Val ue
Val ue
UnlikelyVer y

Figure 3: Experimental Methodology – Perceptions and Re-Usage Likelihood
A: Background research
B: Technical questioning
C: Mission Statement
D: Black Box
E: Activity Diagram
Steps A-E combined
Actual Product Foreign Product Will Use Again
Val ue
Val ue
A Little
Val ue
Val ue
Ver y
UnlikelyVer y

Figure 4: Benchmark Methodologies – Perceptions and Re-Usage Likelihood
3.4.2 Perceived Usability and Usefulness of Methodology
Table 5 presents survey data rating the perceived usability of the contextual
assessment method. The data show a high level of agreement with all statements
related to
usability, and neutral agreement on whether the method needs improvement. Table
6 similarly
shows a high level of agreement for the perceived usefulness of the method.
Table 5: Perceived Usability of Experimental Method
disagree Disagree Neutral /
Undecided Agree Strongly
I understand how to gathe
information using the above method.
0% (0) 2% (1) 2% (1) 81% (46) 16% (9)
I like using the above method. e
0% (0) 14% (8) 28% (16) 49% (28) 9% (5)
The above method does not need

improvement. e

0% (0) 24% (13) 49% (27) 22% (12) 5% (3)
The above method is not difficult to

understand and use. e
4% (2) 12% (7) 18% (10) 58% (33) 9% (5)

e Opposite question asked and responses reversed for consistent data
interpretation (better is to the right).

Table 6: Perceived Usefulness of Experimental Method
disagree Disagree Neutral /
Undecided Agree Strongly agree
Using the above method helped me
understand the design need. 0% (0) 4% (2) 12% (7) 66% (37) 18% (10)
I would consider using the above
method again in the future. 0% (0) 0% (0) 14% (8) 68% (39) 18% (10)
After using the above method, I do

not still feel uncertain about the
design need. e 0% (0) 14% (8) 28% (16) 46% (26) 12% (7)
Using the above method will/did help
our re-design provide better custome
satisfaction. 2% (1) 5% (3) 21% (12) 47% (27) 25% (14)
Our re-design will/would not have

been the same even without the
above method. e 4% (2) 19% (11) 39% (22) 32% (18) 7% (4)
I am likely to use the above method
again in the future. 0% (0) 2% (1) 25% (14) 59% (33) 14% (8)
3.4.3 Participant Free Response Comments Regarding Methodology
The free response comments in the online survey are generally very positive
the contextual needs assessment methodology. Sample characteristic responses are
listed below,
with analysis comments included in italics.
• “[The method] really helps in organizing all of the data … It is very
effective in
identifying our customer needs.” Analysis: Some students commented positively on
the effortless organizational structure the template provides.
• “I felt like we overdid the contextual information. A lot of questions we
had no use for the customer. Some but not all data was used for our [customer
needs].” Analysis: Perceived redundancies of the method are noted; however the
many experts agree needs assessment should give a very thorough coverage due to
the high cost of missing needs.
• “The method allows for a clear definition of customer needs. Knowing the
importance and most vocalized needs helps spotlight the areas of the product
could benefit from redesign.”
• “Though it was tedious going through the entire process, I do feel like it
ensured the
results we were looking for. It would be difficult to make it any more concise.”
Analysis: Students may find this method initially very tedious, but will
(hopefully) see
its benefits later.
The free response results also show that some students did not understand or
apply the
method correctly. The misconceptions evident in their comments suggest that more
instruction and instructional materials are needed. It is notable that the
survey results were very
positive despite these misunderstandings, and plausible that better instruction
would lead to even
better results and more favorable student perceptions of the method.

• “Don't give such a well done template for the context questions. I felt that
one of the
best parts of the likes dislikes methods was brainstorming questions to ask … So
students when we are given such a defined sheet we loose some of the learning by
thinking of these questions ourselves.” Analysis: This student did not
understand that
brainstorming questions is part of the method (steps 1 and 2).
• “Minimize context questions and let interviewer feel more free to ask
questions based
on how the interview is flowing.” Analysis: This is a part of the method. The
interviewer is encouraged to stray from the context questions for clarification
and to
probe more deeply.
• “The design context process almost needs to be led by the like/dislike method
in order
to allow the costumer to voice their own thoughts before being prompted by
questions.” Analysis: This student did not understand that the method specifies
the like/dislike (or similar) interview technique (step 3.1) should be used
prior to the
context questions (step 3.2).
3.5 Conclusions from Case 1
Case 1 demonstrates that within an undergraduate reverse engineering setting,
contextual needs assessment methodology can be realistically deployed and well
received, and
result in significant improvement in needs assessment. Data analysis identifies
eight new context
factors and eighteen question revisions to improve the generalized template.
Survey results show
students rated the contextual needs assessment methodology of medium-high value
for their
product and high value for a foreign product, comparable to the perceived value
of benchmark
methodologies such as a black box and activity diagram. The majority of students
rate the
proposed methodology as usable and useful. Free response comments are favorable
towards the
method, but reveal misunderstandings indicating the need for more thorough
4 Case 2 Synopsis: Graduate Original Design of Assistive Devices
4.1 Design Team Background
The second case study is conducted within the graduate Product Design and
class at the University of Texas at Austin, which culminates with students
delivering fully
functional prototypes to local “customers” with physical disabilities. Projects
require the novel
synthesis of $100-$300 of low to medium technology, follow the product
development process
[14] taught in the class. For example, the switch activated ball thrower (Figure
5) is a portable
device enabling students with limited mobility, strength, and coordination to
participate in ball
throwing activities integrated with their peers [41]. Since 1994, over twenty
teams from UT
Austin have presented at the annual RESNA conference as winners of the
international student
design competition [42].

Figure 5: Switch Activated Ball Thrower [41].
The contextual needs assessment method was delivered for the graduate
prototyping class
in essentially the same way as for the undergraduate reverse engineering course
(Figure 2). The
graduate class is divided into three teams of 5 to 6 students each, and all
three teams submit their
contextual needs assessment data for the study. The three projects included: (1)
fold clean
laundry for storage (with portability and switch activation), (2) automatically
provide a rocking
motion to a chair to sooth students with cerebral palsy, and (3) provide
rehabilitative stimulation when activated by visually impaired students in a
4.2 Methodology and Survey Results – Customized Questions and Designer
Similar to the reverse engineering undergraduate teams in Case 1, virtually all
customized template questions in the Case 2 study take one of the four forms
listed in Table 4.
Again modifications which departed from form #1, although helpful for the
specific project,
were often not appropriate for a template intended to be generalizable across a
variety of design
projects. Dozens of modifications and additions to the general template are
derived from careful
analysis of the data, and these are incorporated into the updated context
questions template
provided in Appendix A. More detail is provided in [7], including details of
each change made
to the template as a result of this case study.
An online survey measures designer perceptions of the contextual needs
method, essentially identical to the survey discussed in Section 3.4 . The
survey data include:
participant background, perceived value of the methodology and re-use
likelihood, and
perceptions of the usability and usefulness of the methodology. Similar to Case
1, survey results
for Case 2 are extremely positive in all aspects. Most respondents and their
teams were “very
involved” in using the contextual needs assessment method. Data shows
participants have a high
level of previous design experience and virtually all believe in the importance
of design in both
education and engineering practice.
4.2.1 Perceived Value of Methodology and Re-Use Likelihood
Figure 6 shows the contextual needs assessment methodology has equal or higher
perceived value than the standard “benchmark” methodologies shown in Figure 7.
Both figures
distinguish between perceived value for the respondent’s actual class design
project and the

perceived value for a foreign product. The data shows virtually without
exception that students
believe design methodology has even more value for products in a foreign context
than for those
in a familiar context. The graphs additionally show a level of re-use likelihood
between neutral and likely.
(1) Brainstorm Factors
(2) Customize Template
(3.1) VOC Interview
(3.2) Ask Questions
(4) Form Needs List
(5) Form Scenario
Steps 1-5 Combined
Actual Product Foreign Product Will Use Again
A Litt le
Val ue
Ver y
UnlikelyVer y

Figure 6: Experimental Methodology – Perceptions and Re-Usage Likelihood
A: Background research
B: Technical questioning
C: Mission Statement
D: Black Box
E: Activity Diagram
Steps A-E combined
Actual Product Foreign Product Will Use Again
Val ue
Val ue
A Little
Val ue
Val ue
Ver y
UnlikelyVer y

Figure 7: Benchmark Methodologies – Perceptions and Re-Usage Likelihood

4.2.2 Perceived Usability and Usefulness of Methodology
Table 7 presents survey data rating the perceived usability of the contextual
assessment method. The data shows a high level of agreement with all statements
related to
usability, and neutral agreement on whether the method needs improvement. Table
8 similarly
shows a high level of agreement for the perceived usefulness of the method.
Table 7: Perceived Usability of Experimental Method
disagree Disagree Neutral /
Undecided Agree Strongly
I understand how to gathe
information using the above method.
0% (0) 0% (0) 6% (1) 69% (11) 25% (4)
I like using the above method.

0% (0) 0% (0) 6% (1) 62% (10) 31% (5)
The above method does not need


6% (1) 19% (3) 62% (10) 12% (2) 0% (0)
The above method is not difficult to

understand and use.

0% (0) 0% (0) 19% (3) 69% (11) 12% (2)
Table 8: Perceived Usefulness of Experimental Method
disagree Disagree Neutral /
Undecided Agree Strongly agree
Using the above method helped me
understand the design need. 6% (1) 0% (0) 6% (1) 69% (11) 19% (3)
I would consider using the above
method again in the future. 0% (0) 0% (0) 12% (2) 50% (8) 38% (6)
After using the above method, I do

not still feel uncertain about the
design need.
0% (0) 12% (2) 6% (1) 75% (12) 6% (1)
Using the above method will/did help
our re-design provide better custome
satisfaction. 0% (0) 0% (0) 19% (3) 69% (11) 12% (2)
Our re-design will/would not have

been the same even without the
above method.
0% (0) 6% (1) 62% (10) 19% (3) 12% (2)
I am likely to use the above method
again in the future. 0% (0) 0% (0) 12% (2) 69% (11) 19% (3)
4.2.3 Participant Free Response Comments Regarding Methodology
The free response comments in the online survey are very positive regarding the
contextual needs assessment methodology. Not surprisingly, the responses from
students performing original design were more positive than responses from the
students re-designing more familiar consumer products. Sample characteristic
responses are
listed below, with analysis comments included in italics.
• The method is very effective at capturing customer/design needs in frontier
scenarios and was heavily used by my team to build the basis of our entire
interview activities.

f Opposite question asked and responses reversed for consistent data
interpretation (better is to the right).

• I feel very confident that we asked all the questions we needed, due in large
part to
having such a complete checklist.
• This method is extremely effective. If I had only used the like/dislike method
team would have very little information about the customer needs of our product.
like/dislike method is very difficult to use when designing a very innovative
different product.
• This method helps us gather the data for the frontier design [context] easily;
in a
normal design method it will take a lot of interviews to get the data.

Some criticisms of the contextual needs assessment method and suggested
are as follows:
• … this method is very good [and efficient], but it takes a lot of time …
• There’s the assumption that the customer knows what he needs.
• At times what a customer communicates [is inaccurate] … observation and
interaction point those discrepancies out and can be useful in the design
Analysis: This is a classic weakness of customer self-reported information. The
articulated-use portion of the interview prescribes observation when feasible,
but this
is limited to observing the environment when no comparable product exists.
• … some customers who do not think of a product in such detail … tend to get
annoyed or bored. Analysis: Some teams prioritize questions and adapt the list
to the
customer’s attention span.
• Brainstorming questions … after an initial discussion with the customer … may
facilitate forming a much more effective questions template.
• I think the method should involve the manufacturing part of the design process
• [Provide] more generic context questions … to capture an even wider sphere of
customer/design needs. [Provide further guidance] in generation of specific
for peculiar design needs from the [template]. Analysis: Increasing the breadth
of the
template is one result of these case studies, and continues as future work.
• Most times when the customer is asked to give quantitative values … the values
very [far from practical]. It is always better to perform such interviews …
using an
existing product or compare the expected values with some analogous product …
Analysis: This is an important avenue for future work, and can be addressed in
part by the development of semantic inquiry scales.
5 Conclusions and Call to Action
The case studies in this paper provide strong quantitative and qualitative
support for the
usability, usefulness, and designer acceptance of the proposed contextual needs
method. The case studies further illustrate application of the method, and
provide data for

continued improvement of the usefulness and generality of the method. Table 9
summarizes the
outcomes of the two case studies discussed here. Case 1 demonstrates that within
undergraduate reverse engineering setting, the contextual needs assessment
methodology can be
realistically deployed and well received, and result in significant improvement
in needs
assessment. Survey results show students rated the contextual needs assessment
methodology of
medium-high value for their product and high value for a foreign product,
comparable to the
perceived value of benchmark methodologies such as a black box and activity
diagram. The
majority of students rate the proposed methodology as usable and useful. Free
comments are favorable towards the method, but reveal misunderstandings
indicating the need
for more thorough teaching. Case 2 demonstrates very similar results to Case 1
for graduate
teams performing original design in a frontier context. These case study results
provide strong
justification for continued improvement and applications of the methodology
leading towards
widespread dissemination in education as well as in field practice.
Table 9: Case Study Outcomes Summary
Case Study Outcomes
Case 1:
UT Reverse
Assessment of designer perceptions of usefulness, usability, and re-use
likelihood Æ
validation of method in undergraduate reverse engineering application
Analysis of template customization Æ template revisions to increase usefulness
Case 2:
UT Assistive
Assessment of designer perceptions of usefulness, usability, and re-use
likelihood Æ
validation of method in graduate original frontier design application
Analysis of template customization Æ template revisions to increase usefulness

Although many exciting avenues for future expansions remain, the methodology is
already well suited for widespread implementation. The overwhelmingly positive
reviews and quantitative data from the case studies demonstrate the contextual
needs method is
not only classroom-ready, but also project-ready. As data is catalogued from a
variety of
institutions employing the method in varied project domains, the growing
(database) can rapidly and effectively be transferred across projects and teams
to continue
improving the application of engineering design to frontier design contexts.
The teaching materials and templates used in the case studies proved effective;
the survey data also suggests that additional teaching would significantly
improve performance
of the methodology. Further, instructional materials customized to the unique
needs of
humanitarian design teams from organizations such as Engineers for a Sustainable
Engineers without Borders, and Engineering Ministries International have an
important role to
play. The materials should include a data reporting mechanism (serving as an
input to the data
archiving discussed in the previous paragraph) and foster a community of
collaboration. This
community might loosely follow the example of the open source software community
in which
every individual may contribute, and central organization and quality control
are provided (as in
the case of Red Hat Linux). The methodology should be made accessible to those
who need it
and will build upon it through the appropriate publication outlets. To foster
this community, a
web repository will archive the most recent general templates along with
completed project
templates to facilitate information re-use.

The authors would like to recognize the contributions of Julie Linsey’s work on
systematic methods and tools for innovative and efficient conceptual design,
with particular
focus on design-by-analogy. The work reported in this document was made
possible, in part, by
the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship program, the
University of
Texas at Austin College of Engineering, a grant from the National Science
Foundation, and the
Cullen Trust Endowed Professorship in Engineering No. 1. Any opinions, findings,
recommendations are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the


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Appendix A: Context Questions Template v3.0 – One-Page Reference Version
HOW: Usage Application WHERE: Usage Environment WHO: Customer Characteristics
a0 task application
What specific purpose(s) will
product be used for? How
will the product be used? e0

Where and in what type of surroundings
will product be used?
What in the surroundings might
influence what the product must be like? c0 user
Who will use the product? (Choose it? Buy
What user characteristics affect what the
product must be like?
a1 task function
What major function(s)
should the product provide? e1


How noisy are product surroundings?
How much noise from the product is
acceptable? c1 user skills
& education
How skilled/experienced is the user with the
What is the user's education level?
a2 task quality
What quality of the primary
function is needed? e2

What weather/climate will product be
exposed to? c2 physical ability
Does the user have any physical conditions
that may cause difficulty performing the task?
(strength, control, range-of-motion, vision).
a3 task process
What is the current usage
How will product change the
current usage process? e3


What objects and substances will
product interact with? Will product be
exposed to any unusual substances or
conditions? c3 user tolerance
for complexity
What is the most complex product the user is
comfortable using? Must this product be less
complex? How long is user willing to spend
learning the product?
a4 task frequency
How often will product be
used? e4

(when in use) How much space is available for using
product? c4 relevant customs

and practices Are there any cultural practices or
expectations related to this product?
a5 task duration
How long will product be
used each time? e5

How and where will product be stored?
How much space is available for storing
product? c5 cost expectations:
About how much is the buyer willing to pay to
purchase this product?
a6 task quantity
How much quantity of the
product's output is needed?
At what rate should the
product perform? e6

aesthetics of
What do the product surroundings look
How should the product interact w/ the
surrounding aesthetics? c6 cost expectations:
How much is the user willing to pay/work
monthly to operate this product?
a7 task
How roughly will product be
handled/treated? e7

& parts
cost &
What is the cost & availability of
maintenance & parts? c7 cost expectations:
How much is the user willing to pay/work
monthly to maintain this product?
a8 transportation
type & amount
How often, how far, and in
what way will product be
transported? e8


& cost
What is the cost & availability of possible
energy sources (human, battery, gas,
electric, biomass)? c8 time expectations:

setup & operation
About how much time is the user willing to
spend to setup this product? To operate this
product? How valuable is saving time?
a9 operator
What physical position will
the user be in (standing,
sitting, hands occupied)?

c9 safety expectations
What product safety concerns does the user
have? What safety features is the user
expecting? What dangers must be avoided?
What is the most dangerous product familiar
to the user? Must this one be less dangerous?
a10 cleaning
How and where might the
product be cleaned?

c10 durability
How long does the user expect the product to
c11 purchase context Where and how might the product be
purchased?How would the buying decision be
made (research, referral, impulse)?

Biographical Sketch

Matthew Green, LeTourneau University
MATTHEW G. GREEN is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at
LeTourneau University,
Longview. His objective is to practice and promote engineering as a serving
profession, with special
recognition of opportunities to improve the quality of life for people with
physical disabilities and in
developing countries. Topics include the design of affordable transportation,
training engineers to design
for marginalized populations, needs assessment in frontier design environments,
assistive devices for
persons with disabilities, and remote power generation. Contact:

Daniel Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy
DAN JENSEN is a Professor of Engineering Mechanics at the U.S. Air Force
Academy. He received his
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He has worked
for Texas Instruments,
Lockheed Martin, NASA, University of the Pacific, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
and MacNeal-
Schwendler Corp. His research includes development of innovative design
methodologies and
enhancement of engineering education.

Carolyn Seepersad, University of Texas-Austin
CAROLYN CONNER SEEPERSAD is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at
University of Texas at Austin. She received her PhD in mechanical engineering in
2004 from the George
W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of
Technology as a Hertz Fellow
and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. She received a B.S.
in Mechanical
Engineering from West Virginia University in 1996, a B.A. in Philosophy,
Politics, and Economics from
Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar in 1998. Her research is focused on
collaborative design of
products and materials, multi-scale design, topology design, and robust design.

Kristin Wood, University of Texas-Austin
KRISTIN WOOD is the Cullen Trust Endowed Professor in Engineering at The
University of Texas at
Austin, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Wood’s current research
interests focus on product
design, development, and evolution. The current and near-future objective of
this research is to develop
design strategies, representations, and languages that will result in more
comprehensive design tools,
innovative manufacturing techniques, and design teaching aids at the college,
pre-college, and industrial
levels. Contact: wood@mail.utexas.edu.

Caption Summary
Figure 1: Contextual Needs Assessment
Methodology................................................................ 10
Figure 2: Contextual Needs Assessment Methodology – Case Study Version
............................ 11
Figure 3: Experimental Methodology – Perceptions and Re-Usage
Likelihood.......................... 13
Figure 4: Benchmark Methodologies – Perceptions and Re-Usage
Likelihood........................... 14
Figure 5: Switch Activated Ball Thrower [41].
............................................................................ 17
Figure 6: Experimental Methodology – Perceptions and Re-Usage
Likelihood.......................... 18
Figure 7: Benchmark Methodologies – Perceptions and Re-Usage
Likelihood........................... 18

Table 1: Different Mobility Products for Different Contexts [39]
................................................. 8
Table 2: Product Design Context
Table 3: Context Factor Identification Techniques
...................................................................... 10
Table 4: Four Forms of Context Elicitation
Questions................................................................. 12
Table 5: Perceived Usability of Experimental
Method................................................................. 14
Table 6: Perceived Usefulness of Experimental
Method.............................................................. 15
Table 7: Perceived Usability of Experimental
Method................................................................. 19
Table 8: Perceived Usefulness of Experimental
Method.............................................................. 19
Table 9: Case Study Outcomes Summary



... A base teórica compreendeu os temas: Tecnologia Assistiva (BLASCO;GRAY,
2016;SPECK;STEEL et al., 2014;GRAY, 2013;FEDERICI;SCHERER, 2012;GREEN;et al,
2009), Gestão de Design (ME- RINO, 2016;BERSCH, 2013;PICHLER et al, 2016),
Gestão Visual de Projetos (KASALI;NERSESSIAN, 2015;SIBBET, 2013;KOCK;et al,
1996) e Gestão/Desenvolvimento de Projetos (PERSAD;et al, 2007;ROZENFELD,
2006;AUSTIN et al, 2001). A partir desta base teórica, foram identificados 4
passos principais envolvendo as etapas 1 (Levantamento de Dados) e 2
(Organização e Análise de Dados) em projetos de TA, as quais foram denominadas:
Preparar, Levantar, Converter e Analisar. ...
... A base teórica compreendeu os temas: Tecnologia Assistiva (BLASCO;GRAY,
2016;SPECK;STEEL et al., 2014;GRAY, 2013;FEDERICI;SCHERER, 2012;GREEN;et al,
2009), Gestão de Design (ME- RINO, 2016;BERSCH, 2013;PICHLER et al, 2016),
Gestão Visual de Projetos (KASALI;NERSESSIAN, 2015;SIBBET, 2013;KOCK;et al,
1996) e Gestão/Desenvolvimento de Projetos (PERSAD;et al, 2007;ROZENFELD,
2006;AUSTIN et al, 2001). A partir desta base teórica, foram identificados 4
passos principais envolvendo as etapas 1 (Levantamento de Dados) e 2
(Organização e Análise de Dados) em projetos de TA, as quais foram denominadas:
Preparar, Levantar, Converter e Analisar. ...
... No passo 'Preparar' , o objetivo é selecionar e organizar os procedimentos a
serem adotados na coleta de dados com o público alvo do projeto, por isso,
encontra-se no início da etapa 1 -Levantamento de Dados. Neste passo, as
decisões envolvem: o que coletar (quais dados eu preciso do usuário), como
coletar (quais procedimentos ou equipamentos vou utilizar) e com quem coletar os
dados (definir os sujeitos para realizar a coleta dos dados) (MERINO, 2016;GRAY,
2016;STEEL et al., 2014;GREEN;et al, 2009). ...

Conjunto de ferramentas (Toolkit) para o Levantamento, Organização e Análise de
dados em projetos de Tecnologia Assistiva.
Full-text available
 * Oct 2018

 * Rosimeri Franck Pichler
 * Giselle Schmidt Alves Díaz Merino

O projeto de Tecnologia Assistiva apresenta desafios como: volume de dados,
articulação da equipe e gestão do projeto. Assim, o objetivo é incorporar um
Toolkit para projetos de TA em uma metodologia projetual (GODP), auxiliando na
gestão das etapas de levantamento, organização e análise de dados com equipes
multidisciplinares. A partir do levantamento teórico, foram definidos 4 passos
(Preparar, Levantar, Converter e Analisar), e propostas 4 ferramentas e 1 manual
de Instruções. Como contribuições à TA, a incorporação do Toolkit, pode
facilitar a coleta de dados com usuários PCD e sua utilização no desenvolvimento
do projeto.
Show abstract
... No desenvolvimento de projetos de TA, a atenção para as capacidades e limi-
tações do indivíduo, seu contexto de uso e demandas do produto, compreendem um
processo complexo, envolvendo um grande volume de dados que precisam ser
coletados, analisados e utilizados pelas equipes multidisciplinares na obtenção
de soluções mais adequadas (PICHLER et al, 2016). Neste sentido, alguns autores
propõem modelos que visam contemplar estes itens (usuário, contexto, atividade e
TA) no processo de desenvolvimento do projeto, a saber: o Software USERfit
(ABASCAL;) que propõe um ambiente colaborativo de projeto e se baseia no
levantamento de informações sobre o usuário, a tarefa e o ambiente; o método
NIMID (BLASCO;), que permite a identificação das necessi- dades do usuário, da
tarefa e do ambiente, utilizando a linguagem e classificação proposta pela CIF
(Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade) a fim de en- corajar a
colaboração entre os membros da equipe de projeto; o NARA (SMITHJACKSON;) que
propõe um quadro guia ao processo de análise das necessidades do usuário e o
estabelecimento de requisitos de projeto; e o método Contextual Needs Assessment
(GREEN;) que visa facilitar a identifica- ção das necessidades do usuário
baseado em perguntas gerais sobre o contexto de uso (como, onde e quem). ...
... A base teórica compreendeu os temas: Tecnologia Assistiva (BLASCO;GRAY,
2016;SPECK;STEEL et al., 2014;GRAY, 2013;SCHERER, 2012;GREEN;, Gestão de Design
(MERINO, 2016;BERSCH, 2013;PICHLER et al, 2016), Gestão Visual de Projetos (
KASALI;NERSESSIAN, 2015;SIBBET, 2013;KOCK;et al, 1996) e Gestão/De-
senvolvimento de Projetos (PERSAD;ROZENFELD, 2006;AUSTIN et al, 2001). A partir
desta base teórica, foram identificados 4 passos principais envolvendo as etapas
1 (Levantamento de Dados) e 2 (Organização e Análise de Dados) em projetos de
TA, as quais foram denominadas: Preparar, Levantar, Con- verter e Analisar. ...
... No passo 'Preparar' , o objetivo é selecionar e organizar os procedimentos a
serem adotados na coleta de dados com o público alvo do projeto, por isso, en-
contra-se no início da etapa 1 -Levantamento de Dados. Neste passo, as decisões
envolvem: o que coletar (quais dados eu preciso do usuário), como coletar (quais
procedimentos ou equipamentos vou utilizar) e com quem coletar os dados (de-
finir os sujeitos para realizar a coleta dos dados) (MERINO, 2016;GRAY,
2016;STEEL et al., 2014;GREEN;. ...

Contribuições do Design Gráfico na sua elaboração de Manual de instrução para
uso de cadeiras de rodas motorizadas
 * Sep 2018

 * Camila Medina
 * Cassia Domiciano
 * Luis Paschoarelli
 * Fausto Medola

As cadeiras de rodas motorizada (CRMs) são tecnologia assistivas destinadas à
pessoas que não conseguem utilizar cadeiras de rodas de propulsão manual. Os
manuais de instrução das CRMs devem apresentar conteúdo gráfico e textual que
facilitem o uso do produto pelos usuários. Este estudo avaliou manuais de
instrução de cinco CRMs disponibilizadas pelo SUS em seus aspectos gráficos e
textuais. Os resultados apontam deficiências no conteúdo gráfico (fontes
pequenas, alinhamento inadequado, entre outros) e textual (p.e. sentenças
negativas, texto corrido). A partir desta demanda, são apresentadas
recomendações para o design desses manuais de instrução sob a ótica do Design
Show abstract
... Empathising with users is either a direct or indirect common goal for many
need-finding and user-study techniques such as contextual need analysis, journey
maps and personas (Brown, 2008;Camburn et al., 2017;Chasanidou et al., 2015;
(DI) Learning Modules, 2021; Green et al., 2009Green et al., , 2005Green et al.,
, 2006Green et al., , 2004Tushar et al., 2020). Moreover, products, services, or
systems that enhance end-user interactions have proved to be successful in the
market Saunders et al., 2011). ...
... Contextual enquiry is a vital part of any user-centric design process,
especially as a tool to gather user satisfaction with any PSS. Contextual Need
Analysis (CNA) helps understand how users' interaction with a PSS would vary
according to the use conditions or circumstances (Green, 2005;Green et al.,
2009Green et al., , 2008Lauff et al., 2021). This quality makes CNA an ideal
tool for extreme-user experiences since the contexts of use can enable or
disable users. ...

Designing with the Extreme-user Experiences Engineering Product Development
Full-text available
 * Aug 2021

 * Sujithra Raviselvam
 * Kristin Lee Wood

Extreme-user experiences have a unique potential to enhance designer creativity
by altering one’s perception of their own designs. This shift in perception is
achieved by incorporating the perspectives of extreme-users who experience the
latent unmet needs among the rest of the population and have the potential to
inspire design professionals. Works in the past have observed this potential (as
the extreme-users) among the older adult users and users with reduced physical
or cognitive abilities for the products, services, or systems (PSSs) that
primarily target the mainstream general population users. While simulated
experiences that emulate reduced physical and cognitive abilities are adopted to
improve designers’ understanding of the needs among such extreme-users, they are
seldom applied beyond the realms of assistive and inclusive design solutions,
especially as a tool for design creativity. Therefore, there is an opportunity
to advance creativity in mainstream PSSs design by systemic adoption of
extreme-user experiences. In this thesis, we empirically test the underpinnings
of extreme-user experiences and simulated extreme-user experiences for design
creativity. We also analyse the necessity and impact of a systematic guided
approach using extreme-user inspired design methods that inform designers of the
experiences that would enhance the usability of their PSSs design. We finally
present a framework that proposes four stages that one could adopt to design
with extreme-user experiences. Additionally, we discuss the interactions between
the Design Innovation (DI) process model and the proposed Extreme-user
Experience Design Framework with which we aim to stretch the frontiers of the
mainstream design process.
Show abstract
... According to Plos et al. (2012), the Most papers related to AT innovation
are specific to the design phase of the product, as a mean to pursue innovation.
We identified activities regarding Universal Design (Björk, 2009;De Couvreur &
Goossens, 2011;Riley, 2009), Design for context (Green, Jensen, Seepersad and
Wood, 2009), Instructional Design (Filatro & Piconez, 2004), Inclusive Design
(Dewsbury, Rouncefield, Clarke and Sommerville, 2004), Universal Design for
Learning (Hall, Meyer and Rose, 2012;Messinger & Marino, 2010), Product
Ecosystem (Tobias, 2007), Design centered on the user (Burton, Reed and
Chamberlain, 2011;Czarnuch & Mihailidis, 2011;Dewsbury et al., 2004;Green et
al., 2009;Messinger & Marino, 2010) and Design related to politics and education
(Boone & Higgins, 2007;Messinger & Marino, 2010;Riley, 2009;Wattenberg, 2004).
... According to Plos et al. (2012), the Most papers related to AT innovation
are specific to the design phase of the product, as a mean to pursue innovation.
We identified activities regarding Universal Design (Björk, 2009;De Couvreur &
Goossens, 2011;Riley, 2009), Design for context (Green, Jensen, Seepersad and
Wood, 2009), Instructional Design (Filatro & Piconez, 2004), Inclusive Design
(Dewsbury, Rouncefield, Clarke and Sommerville, 2004), Universal Design for
Learning (Hall, Meyer and Rose, 2012;Messinger & Marino, 2010), Product
Ecosystem (Tobias, 2007), Design centered on the user (Burton, Reed and
Chamberlain, 2011;Czarnuch & Mihailidis, 2011;Dewsbury et al., 2004;Green et
al., 2009;Messinger & Marino, 2010) and Design related to politics and education
(Boone & Higgins, 2007;Messinger & Marino, 2010;Riley, 2009;Wattenberg, 2004).

Opportunities and Challenges on Assistive Technology Innovation: a Systematic
Literature Review on People with Disabilities
 * Jan 2016

 * Fabio Santana
 * Ivo Rodrigues Montanha Junior
 * Marcio F Catapan
 * Fernando Forcellini

... In between data collection for the no-function condition, participants
studied the engineering design process generally learning about product
opportunity gaps [56] and customer needs assessment [57,58]. Material on
functional modeling or functional decomposition was intentionally delayed until
after the study for the no-function condition. ...

Functional Modeling Supports System Representation
 * Jun 2023

 * Alexander R. Murphy
 * Henry Banks
 * Robert L. Nagel
 * Julie Linsey

Understanding how engineers formulate and evolve mental models holds the
potential to inform the development of materials that benefit systems thinking.
A first step toward realizing this benefit is measuring and assessing change in
mental models following educational interventions. In this work, engineering
students' mental models are elicited of common household products before and
after learning functional modeling and are compared to the mental models of
students' who do not learn functional modeling. Results show statistically
significant improvements in mental model representations on all three given
systems after the functional modeling intervention, whereas no significant
differences were found for students who did not learn function. Further, results
show statistical improvements in identification of system components common to
three systems and higher mental models scores for participants with prior
experience disassembling the product. Taken together, these results suggest that
functional modeling likely supports the ability to communicate knowledge,
retrieve knowledge, and/or interpret existing mental models of engineered
systems providing a foundation for systems understanding and communication. As
we improve our understanding of how students form, change, and communicate their
mental models of engineered systems, educators can shape curricula to facilitate
the skills necessary for the comprehensive systems understanding that is
important for professional engineers and designers.
Show abstract
... Empathizing with users is either a direct or indirect common goal for many
need-finding and userstudy techniques, such as contextual need analysis, journey
maps and personas ((DI) Learning Modules, 2021;Brown, 2008;Camburn et al.,
2017;Chasanidou et al., 2015;Green et al., 2009Green et al., , 2006Green et al.,
, 2004Green et al., , 2005Tushar et al., 2020). Moreover, products, services,
and systems that enhance end-user interactions have proved successful in the
market Saunders et al., 2011). ...

Extreme-user conditions to enhance design creativity and empathy- application
using visual impairment
 * Jan 2022

 * Sujithra Raviselvam
 * Dongwook Hwang
 * Bradley Camburn
 * Kristin Lee Wood

Extreme-users who experience physical, sensory or cognitive challenges can help
identify latent needs across a majority of the general population users.
Identifying these latent needs may open doors to novel products, services, and
systems. Empathic design techniques of simulation tools and scenarios allow
designers to experience a range of extreme-user perspectives. However, research
still lacks a thorough understanding of the potential impact of such techniques,
especially their potential to uncover and address latent needs. This paper
strengthens the understanding of simulation tools and scenarios by analyzing two
user-centered workshops that applied simulated scenarios to empathize with users
with visual impairments (VIs), and uses an empathic similarity metric to
evaluate the empathic outcomes in conjunction with self-evaluated empathy. In
addition to empathy, creativity is measured for the concepts shared by 36 (x2)
workshop participants and 13 participants with VIs. Empirical analysis of the
results, across two sequences of controlled studies, supports the potential of
simulated scenarios in evoking participant creativity and empathy.
Show abstract
... Although most of the articles are related to specific SL projects, the main
difference between both categories was that the first one does not include the
name or title of the project. General/SL results included, among others, the
following topics: general views of Engineering for Developing Communities (EDC),
which integrated social needs into the engineering courses and proposed new
courses where SL was implemented (Bielefeldt et al., 2005;Ropers-Huilman et al.,
2005;Duffy et al., 2007;Dukhan and Schumack, 2009;Green et al., 2009;Lucena et
al., 2010;Hayden et al., 2011;Vernaza et al., 2012;Whitman and Mason,
2013;Balascio, 2014;Hayford et al., 2015;McLean et al., 2018); the technology
integration framework for SL (Salam et al., 2019); studies to analyze the impact
of the experience on students, faculty, and/or the affected communities (Mehta
and Enger, 2004;Bauer et al., 2005;Zoghi and Pinnell, 2005;Banzaert et al.,
2006;Schaffer et al., 2007;McCormick et al., 2008McCormick et al., , 2010Duffy
et al., 2009;Huyck et al., 2009;Swan and McCormick, 2009;Paterson, 2010;Wiggins
et al., 2011;Reynaud et al., 2013;Love et al., 2014;Armstrong et al., 2019);
attitude toward SL between male and female students (Tsang, 2001;Thompson et
al., 2005;Tucker et al., 2013;Lens and Dewoolkar, 2015); analysis of ethics,
civic, and social responsibility (SR) attitudes through SL (Williams,
2002;Zoltowski et al., 2013;Bielefeldt and Canney, 2014) and classroom
discussions and critical reflection articles integrated into the ABET assessment
plan (Newbolds et al., 2017); specific programs, such as EPICS program, designed
for the integration of undergraduate engineering students from different
engineering disciplines and from different educational levels, and SL
incorporation throughout a College of Engineering (Service-Learning in Civic
Education, SLICE) from University of Massachusetts Lowell, which is integrated
into the mandatory first-year curriculum and has as its goal to serve as an
introduction to engineering design for freshmen with limited technical
backgrounds in engineering (Oakes et al., 2001;Immekus et al., 2005;Dutta and
Haubold, 2007;Burack et al., 2008;Foster and Spivey, 2012;Cummings et al.,
2013;Underwood, 2013); and others. ...

Assessment Methods for Service-Learning Projects in Engineering in Higher
Education: A Systematic Review
Full-text available
 * Jul 2021

 * Marián Queiruga-Dios
 * María Jesús Santos
 * Miguel Angel Queiruga
 * Araceli Queiruga-Dios

Service-learning (SL) helps engineering students to be involved in community
activities and to be motivated by their studies. Although several reviews and
research studies have been published about SL, it is not widespread in sciences
and engineering at the university level. The purpose of this research is to
analyze the different community services or projects where SL is implemented by
engineering students and faculty and to identify the procedures that were
usually implemented to assess SL-based courses and activities. Assessment could
be considered as the evaluation of a specific module and the engineering
competencies, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the SL program, the
assessment of the participation of the student in those programs, and the
assessment of whether students have achieved certain outcomes or gained specific
skills. We conducted a systematic review with a search in three scientific
databases: Scopus, Science Direct, and ERIC educational database to analyze the
assessment methods and what that assessment covers. From 14,107 publications
related to SL, 120 documents were analyzed to inform the conclusions of this
study. We found that SL is widely used in several universities as experiential
education, and it is considered an academic activity. The most widely used
assessment technique is a survey to evaluate the engagement and attitudes of
students and, to a lesser extent, teamwork presentations.
Show abstract
Design Innovation Methodology Handbook – Embedding Design in Organizations
Full-text available
 * Jun 2021

 * Carlye Lauff
 * Wee Yu Hui
 * Kenneth Teo
 * Kristin Lee Wood

The Design Innovation Methodology Handbook represents a contribution to our
design journey. This handbook was developed by a number of contributors from the
United States and Singapore. Through a co-creation effort and common interests
to innovate together, the intent is to make a difference for all persons in our
communities and society. Readers are provided with a meaningful and practical
guide, reference booklet, and living document in which to engage Design
Innovation at the apex of Design Thinking and Systems Thinking, and beyond.
Appreciation is conveyed to all of the contributors in developing this handbook.
We sincerely hope that this guide will inspire and embolden all readers and
partners to push the the boundaries of human-centered systems innovation across
ones entire portfolio and strategic plan. In doing so, the future will be
bright, and we will have an impact beyond anything we can imagine or foresee. We
wish you the very best as you embrace your personal Design Innovation journey.
To Design Innovation, and Beyond!!
Show abstract
Design Innovation (DI) Methodology Handbook - Embedding Design in Organisations
ISBN: 978-981-18-1207-1
Full-text available
 * Jun 2021

 * Carlye Lauff
 * Wee Yu Hui
 * Kenneth Teo
 * Kristin Lee Wood

The Design Innovation Methodology Handbook represents a contribution to our
design journey. This handbook was developed by a number of contributors from the
United States and Singapore. Through a co-creation effort and common interests
to innovate together, the intent is to make a difference for all persons in our
communities and society. Readers are provided with a meaningful and practical
guide, reference booklet, and living document in which to engage Design
Innovation at the apex of Design Thinking and Systems Thinking, and beyond.
Appreciation is conveyed to all of the contributors in developing this handbook.
We sincerely hope that this guide will inspire and embolden all readers and
partners to push the the boundaries of human-centered systems innovation across
ones entire portfolio and strategic plan. In doing so, the future will be
bright, and we will have an impact beyond anything we can imagine or foresee. We
wish you the very best as you embrace your personal Design Innovation journey.
To Design Innovation, and Beyond!!
Show abstract
Design Innovation (DI) Methodology Handbook - Embedding Design in Organisations
ISBN: 978-981-18-1207-1
Full-text available
 * Jun 2021

 * Carlye Lauff
 * Wee Yu Hui
 * Kenneth Teo
 * Kristin Lee Wood

The Design Innovation Methodology Handbook represents a contribution to our
design journey. This handbook was developed by a number of contributors from the
United States and Singapore. Through a co-creation effort and common interests
to innovate together, the intent is to make a difference for all persons in our
communities and society. Readers are provided with a meaningful and practical
guide, reference booklet, and living document in which to engage Design
Innovation at the apex of Design Thinking and Systems Thinking, and beyond.
Appreciation is conveyed to all of the contributors in developing this handbook.
We sincerely hope that this guide will inspire and embolden all readers and
partners to push the the boundaries of human-centered systems innovation across
ones entire portfolio and strategic plan. In doing so, the future will be
bright, and we will have an impact beyond anything we can imagine or foresee. We
wish you the very best as you embrace your personal Design Innovation journey.
To Design Innovation, and Beyond!!
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Product-Based Learning in an Overseas Study Program: The ME110K Course
Full-text available
 * Jan 2001
 * Int J Eng Educ

 * David M. Cannon
 * Larry John Leifer

Experience in a foreign country has long been considered a vital Part of a
well-rounded education. Engineering students, though, seem to have been
considered an exception; many students and educators see such experience as
being unnecessary, or an unaffordable luxury given the large number of subjects
that are required in the undergraduate curriculum. Stanford University has made
a commitiment to making overseas study available to as many students as
possible, including those who don't traditionally participate, A prime example
of that effort is found in the Spring quarter Stanford Center for Technology and
Innovation, a program held at its A Kyoto, Japan overseas campus, targeted
specifically (it students in engineering and science programs. Required courses
are made available through videotape, live discussion, and such, with the
support of on- and off-site professors and teachers' assistants. Expanding on
this, we have begun an overseas design project course, aimed ultimately at
fulfilling the ABET capstone design course requirements for upper-level
engineering students. In this paper we report briefly on the first iteration of
the course, taught in the Spring quarter of 1998 in collaboration with Prof.
Itsuo Ohnaka of Osaka University Students in the course teamed up to work on
design projects sponsored by four Japanese companies. Because of this unique
setting, it was possible to educate the students about the influence of culture
on design, creativity, perception of needs; about conventional and unusual
approaches to teamwork; and about often culture-dependant assumptions about what
criteria an acceptable solution must possess. Studying design in such a foreign
context, we have found, can be an extraordinary, eye-opening experience,
enabling students to better see the context of their future work, especially as
more and more it-ill take place in a global arena. The course was taught again
in the Spring of 2000, and included students from Osaka University in the
project teams. As of this writing, preparations are underway to carry it out
again in the Spring of 2001 in Kyoto and Berlin overseas campuses, with further
Show abstract
Approaches to Product Design in Kenya: Is Design Practice Universal?
Conference Paper
Full-text available
 * Jan 2004

 * Krista Donaldson
 * Sheri D. Sheppard

Design discussions and debates tend to be focused in and on more industrialized
economies (MIEs). In this paper, product design approaches in Kenya are
investigated and questions relating to the universality and applicability of
design process are explored. Data on informal sector, formal sector and
donor-funded design were analyzed in the context of interviews with local
producers. Emerging patterns of detailed design acquisition resulted in the
delineation of four observed approaches to the design of common-use products in
Kenya: imitated design, imported design, basic original design and specialty
design. Of the 200+ products examined, a negligible number might be considered
original designs targeted specifically at the local market. Most designs
originate outside the country or are imitated from imported products. The
approaches to product design and findings regarding design activity are
discussed with comment made regarding the appropriateness of the MIE-style model
to design in less industrialized economies.
Show abstract
Computer Support for Requirements Management in an International Product
Development Project
Conference Paper
Full-text available
 * Jan 2004

 * Krister Sutinen
 * Göran Gustafsson
 * Johan Malmqvist

Requirements management is a challenging task. For complex products, many
thousands of requirements need to be managed, i.e. initially set, allocated,
changed, verified etc. An approach to solving this problem is to use IT-based
requirements management tools. The paper presents an empirical study of the
application of such a tool in an international defense material development
project through participation in the project team as well as through interviews,
with the aim to observe and explain the use and utility of the tool. The
requirements management process in the product development project has been
mapped out through the adoption of a qualitative system approach, and by using
multiple information sources, such as project documentation, interviews and
project participation. More specifically, we have identified different actors’
needs for tools and information, and the process of introduction, training and
utilization of a requirements management tool. The findings are presented,
analyzed and discussed with respect to the factors that underlie the observed
phenomena. Finally, guidelines are presented for how to introduce requirements
management tools in product development projects.
Show abstract
Global Engineering And The Liberal Arts
Conference Paper
 * Jun 1998

 * Steve Vanderleest
 * Edward G. Nielsen

Service-Learning: Engineering in Your Community
 * Jan 2014

 * Marybeth Lima
 * William Oakes

A selection of sociologies: The sociology of work
Conference Paper
 * Jan 2003
 * Int J Eng Educ

 * CC Gordon

This paper will examine the role of the social in design Practice. In aid of
understanding and enacting that role, it will examine the kinds ofsociology that
could be involved in design practice and education. Topics considered include
the fundamentally social and cultural nature of design, and the of design to the
sociologies of work, science and technology, organisations, education, and
Show abstract
An Overview of the National Science Foundation Program on Senior Design Projects
to aid Persons with Disabilities
 * Jan 1999
 * Int J Eng Educ

 * John Enderle

This paper provides an overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Senior
Design Projects to Aid Persons with Disabilities program. In 1988. the NSF
started to provide a mechanism whereby student engineers at universities
throughout the United States designed and constructed devices for persons with
disabilities. This program combined the academic requirement of a design
experience with enhanced educational opportunities for students, and improved
the quality of life for disabled individuals. Students and university faculty
provided, through their normal ABET accredited senior design class, engineering
time to design and build the device or software, and the NSF provided funds,
competitively awarded to universities, for supplies, equipment and fabrication
costs for the design projects. Described in this paper are some experiences at
several universities in this program and an annual publication that describes
all of the projects carried out in this initiative.
Show abstract
The Design of Everyday Things
 * Jan 1990

 * Donald Arthur Norman

Integrating Service Oriented Design Projects In The Engineering Curriculum
Conference Paper
 * Jun 2002

 * Matthew G. Green
 * Alan Dutson
 * Kristin Lee Wood
 * Dan Mcadams

Engineering curricula are undergoing continual advancements. Faculty seek to
apply new techniques and strategies to interest students, to address their
diverse backgrounds, and to achieve a balance between theory and practical,
hands-on applications. One area of advancement is project-centered education. To
provide students with realistic applications, projects are being used as an
instructional vehicle. The extent of the projects depends on the type of course,
ranging from support projects in analytical courses to backbone projects in
design courses. No matter where a course falls in this range, a key question in
project-centered curricula is the type of projects that should be used. In this
paper, we propose a service-oriented strategy for choosing projects. This
strategy provides a number of advantages to students and faculty. These
advantages are described in the context of basic implementation principles and
four case studies. Results are shown for an undergraduate design methods course,
an undergraduate capstone design course, two graduate-level product development
courses, and a Masters of Science research project. Introduction
Project-centered education is becoming an emphasis of many engineering
curricula. As part of this emphasis, unique opportunities exist to expose our
students to a variety of design or open-ended projects. Service projects, or
those that emphasize human need, represent one such opportunity. According to
the NSPE Engineers' Creed, Professional Engineers are called upon to "place
service before profit … and the public welfare above all other considerations."
In this spirit, it is possible to create successful service projects that
directly benefit a number of groups in our society: those marginalized by
disasters, persons with disabilities, and the rural poor of developing
countries. In the US, nearly 10% of the population copes with a severe
disability 1 . Worldwide, many national economies have led to lifestyles with
persons struggling for physical survival on a daily basis. A coarse measure of
the distribution of technology indicates one-third of our world's population
lacks access to electricity 2 . Engineering curricula should acknowledge these
abundant opportunities for service-oriented design projects in our increasingly
global society, and seek reliable methods for delivering and realizing such
projects with our students. This paper presents four approaches exemplifying the
integration of human need projects into student design work. These approaches
are: (1) an undergraduate design methods class in which teams design new
concepts, such as a heat exchanger for medical relief teams; (2) an
undergraduate capstone design class in which students deliver a working
prototype, such as a wheelchair positioning unit; (3) two graduate prototyping
classes in which students deliver a working prototype, such as an assistive
lock-opener for persons with physical disabilities; and (4) an MS thesis
research program for developing countries, with such projects as a handbook for
Show abstract
Effects of Product Usage Context on Consumer Product Preferences
Conference Paper
 * Jan 2005

 * Matthew G. Green
 * Junjay Tan
 * Julie Linsey
 * Kristin Lee Wood

We present a framework for understanding product usage context and its impact
upon customer needs and product preferences. We conduct customer interviews with
two sets of representative products from the functional families of “mobile
lighting” and “food boiling” products. Customer interviews lead to
identification and characterization of distinct product usage contexts.
Interactive surveys measuring customer product choice support the hypothesis
that customer product preferences differ for each usage context identified.
Further analysis shows that attributes of these chosen products are related to
factors of the usage context (e.g. mass is related to transportation mode).
These results demonstrate that valuable insight for product design is available
through an understanding of usage context, and future work will refine and test
methods to formally bring contextual information to bear on product design.
These capabilities will be especially important for contexts in which needs
assessment has traditionally been difficult, such as with latent needs and
frontier design environments.
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July 2018
Harry Glorikian, MBA, has over three decades of experience building successful
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Precision Medicine has made significant inroads in the management of patients
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Conference Paper


June 2006
 * Matthew G. Green
 * Julie Linsey
 * Carolyn C Seepersad
 * [...]
 * Kristin Lee Wood

A new design method for frontier contexts is given a classroom assessment. The
method adds the formal consideration of the design context to traditional
customer needs assessment. Testing under both controlled and classroom
conditions shows the new method is extremely effective, easy to use and well
received by students. Implementation at three US schools has shown positive
results signifying ... [Show full abstract] broad applicability in education as
well as field practice. Here we present the essence of the method, results of
testing and examples.
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 * Matthew G. Green

Not available Mechanical Engineering
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Conference Paper
Full-text available


August 2006
 * Matthew G. Green
 * Julie Linsey
 * Carolyn C Seepersad
 * [...]
 * Dan J. Jensen

The need exists to develop foundational knowledge, methods, and tools to equip
engineers in discovering, documenting, and acting upon contextual information
important for successful product design. In response to this need, this paper
addresses a gap in current design methodologies which inadequately support
accounting for contextual information. Formally accounting for contextual
information is ... [Show full abstract] especially challenging when the design
context is frontier (unfamiliar) to the designers, as is often the case with
high human-need projects. Based on a classification framework, literature
search, and empirical study, a contextual needs assessment methodology is
developed to assist the designer in discovering and documenting the "how,"
"where," and "who" factors of the context framework. Experimental assessments
and an application of the approach to an inventive product provide quantitative
and qualitative measures of the usability, usefulness, and designer acceptance
of the proposed contextual needs assessment method. These exciting results
provide strong justification for the widespread dissemination of the methodology
in education as well as in field practice.
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Conference Paper


January 2005
 * Matthew G. Green
 * Junjay Tan
 * Julie Linsey
 * [...]
 * Kristin Lee Wood

We present a framework for understanding product usage context and its impact
upon customer needs and product preferences. We conduct customer interviews with
two sets of representative products from the functional families of “mobile
lighting” and “food boiling” products. Customer interviews lead to
identification and characterization of distinct product usage contexts.
Interactive surveys ... [Show full abstract] measuring customer product choice
support the hypothesis that customer product preferences differ for each usage
context identified. Further analysis shows that attributes of these chosen
products are related to factors of the usage context (e.g. mass is related to
transportation mode). These results demonstrate that valuable insight for
product design is available through an understanding of usage context, and
future work will refine and test methods to formally bring contextual
information to bear on product design. These capabilities will be especially
important for contexts in which needs assessment has traditionally been
difficult, such as with latent needs and frontier design environments.
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