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Brain Health | Natural Medicine


You may think your memory loss is just a sign of getting older, but one of these
9 drugs could actually be damaging your brain.

Click here to see the list of drugs before it's too late…



Find out if you are at risk>>


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

This presentation is intended to provide cutting-edge health information.
Nothing on this site should be interpreted as personal medical advice.
Always consult with your doctor before changing anything related to your





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 1. Your Three Free Welcome Gifts: Insider’s Book of Secrets, Miracles from the
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 2. The HSI Member’s Alert Newsletter. Each month we will send you a private
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    This thorough 8-page report is a breeze to read – and makes sure you always
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 3. Breaking News E-Alerts. Just like the rest of the news in the world,
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With so many Member benefits to take advantage of, you might now be wondering
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That’s why, as soon as you join, we’ll send you a brief email summarizing all
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Everything is spelled out in crystal clear information as soon as you join. It
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We pride ourselves on being a completely independent organization. And we only
print the truth.

In fact, we’re SO picky about the cures we recommend to you… we reject almost of
everything we find that claims to be a “natural miracle.”

The truth is, most are snake oil, pure bunk or just don’t have the science to
prove that they work.

That, my friend, is how you can trust you’re getting a science-backed solution.

Becoming a member is simple… just fill out the form on the next page, and pay
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Hello. I’m Dr. Allan Spreen, MD.

And if you’re over the age of 60 and concerned about even mild memory loss, I
have an urgent warning…

Right now, all over America, doctors are diagnosing seniors with severe

And it could be because of 9 common prescription pills for seniors…

…that may now be linked to Alzheimer’s-like symptoms.

And if you take any prescription medications at all – and you feel like your
memory isn’t as sharp as it once was…

…you need to see the list of the 9 memory-robbing drugs immediately.

This “drug dementia” could affect more than 1,429,000 American seniors this year

The problem is urgent… and it’s already spreading across America…

It’s already happened to Catherine K., 87, from Mitchell, South Dakota, who was
kind enough to share her story online…

When Catherine started asking about people who had passed away 40 years ago…

Her doctor told her devastated family: “I’m sorry. Catherine has Alzheimer’s

“It’s time to put her in a nursing home.”

The exact same thing happened to Betty W., a retired school teacher from Lake
Charles, Louisiana.

When her family noticed she was losing her temper easily, they took her to see
her doctor.

She told him she was feeling confused and that “it feels like Niagara Falls in
my head”…

Her doctor diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s disease…


But here’s the most sinister part of this…

Neither Catherine nor Betty actually had Alzheimer’s disease.

In both these stories, their doctors made terrible errors.

And it’s happening all over the country to seniors right now.

You see, 9 common prescription medications for seniors – you very likely popped
at least one of these pills this morning –

Have now been shown to exactly MIMIC the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

I’m talking about severe memory loss… confusion… irritability…

For seniors taking one of these 9 common pills, their spouse, children, AND
doctor might think they have Alzheimer’s.

And unless they go off the pills – which never happens – no one would ever
suspect they may not have Alzheimer’s.

Remember, the only way doctors know for sure someone actually had Alzheimer’s is
to do an autopsy…

So seniors could be losing their memories… and their minds… for no reason at

Do NOT let this happen to you or a loved one.

If you're worried about your memory slipping…

If you are laughing off those “senior moments” more often than you used to…

And if you don’t feel as mentally sharp as you did a few years ago...

…read this full presentation.

It could help you RESTORE your fading memory and bring back the brain you had
decades ago…

I’m going to show you how common pills you are likely taking every single day…

Have now been positively linked to what I call “Type II” Alzheimer’s Disease.

I’m also going to show you why YOUR doctor may not know about this memory
killer. (It’s not his fault – I’ll explain in a moment.)

And I also want to tell you about a new way to help restore your memory…

And help “roll back” the age of your memory and brain.

This is backed by science and it does NOT involve any prescription drugs.

No, it’s much more powerful than that.

And I’ll tell you all about it in a moment…


There’s a memory loss epidemic happening in America right now and no one is
talking about it.

Both Catherine and Betty had severe memory loss and mental decline brought on,
not by dementia…

But, instead, linked to the COMMON prescription drugs they were taking.

The devastating symptoms mimic Alzheimer’s so closely that their doctors
misdiagnosed them.

In fact, I call it “Type II” Alzheimer’s because, like Type II diabetes, it’s
not a “natural” disease…

“Type II” Alzheimer’s is actually memory loss caused by common drugs you could
be taking right now.

That’s why I’m also calling it “Drug Dementia”.

When Catherine and Betty stopped taking the drugs, their memories returned.

There are actually 9 common prescriptions in total that are now linked to “Type
II” Alzheimer’s.

And if you don’t know them, you need to immediately…

Catherine’s daughter said “And to think that this wonderful lady would have been
locked up in a nursing home, drooling, unable to think -- because of dumb
doctors and bad medicine. That is Hell.”

Luckily, Catherine was able to get off the drugs that were causing her
Alzheimer’s-like symptoms…

And, because you’re watching this now, I’m going to make sure you get this
important information now.

You see, I work for the world-renowned Health Sciences Institute.

We’re a private health research organization that is committed to revealing the
dangers of our “modern medical system”…

And protecting real Americans like you – especially those of us over the age of


And put it all in a free report for you and your family called: The Insider’s
Book of Secrets.

And we’ve published this new book, at our own cost, so we can provide a free
copy to every American who takes advantage of this special opportunity…

On page 35 of your free copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets, I show you the 9
common senior drugs that are linked to misdiagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease or

Make no mistake: If you’re taking one of these drugs right now, you need this

In your free report, I’ll show you exactly how to identify these drugs – so you
can see if you or your spouse is taking one...

I’ll show you the science behind all of this…

And, if you are taking one of these memory stealing pills…

I’ll also tell you everything about how to help restore a fading memory.

In a moment, I’ll show you how you can request your own free copy of this
life-saving report – The Insider’s Book of Secrets – mailed straight to your
door at our expense.

You’re going to be so glad you found this video today.


The scary truth is, even if you don’t take one of the 9 “memory erasing” drugs,
you could still get Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

After all, they’re now an epidemic for seniors in our country.

And losing your memory and your mind is probably the most terrifying thing
anyone over the age of 60 worries about…

That’s why, on page 17 of your free copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets, I
also reveal:

My tips to help FIGHT Alzheimer’s and dementia – with the power to roll back
your brain’s “clock”.

I’m talking about restoring the power of the mind…

And EASING the fear of having to worry about Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Friend, this secret is a game-changer for you, your spouse, and your friends.

And the only place to get it is on page 17 of your Insider’s Book of Secrets.

If you’re asking: How did this one get buried?

Well, the truth might be a little hard to stomach…

But what I’m about to show you is essential for defending against losing your
memory as you age.

I’ll explain everything now… but let me start by telling you a little more about

My name, again, is Dr. Allan Spreen, MD.

I’m Chief Medical Advisor for The Health Sciences Institute, a private
membership organization just outside Washington D.C.

We’re a patriotic group of doctors, scientists, and folks just like you.

We’ve uncovered a lot of dirt over the 21 years we’ve been around… but NOTHING
this huge.

I might even be putting myself at risk to publish this report today — but it’s
my duty, both as a doctor and a proud American who loves his country.

I’ve actually been tracking this story for years…

And even I didn’t want to believe that this kind of thing could actually happen
in America.

But the proof is right in front of us…


They can cause innocent, healthy seniors to be misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s

Did you know the FDA receives more than 2 million consumer complaints about
prescription drugs every single year!?

And seniors are at the most risk.

More than 31,000 seniors will die this year from complications related to their
legally prescribed medications.

Not to mention how many end up in nursing homes – their minds shot, unable to
recognize their own families…

All from common drugs prescribed by their doctors?

But what can you do?

Your well-meaning doctor prescribes them for high blood pressure, cholesterol,
diabetes, whatever it is.

Which is why you need to know about the very real remedies and treatments for
the diseases that plague us… Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, MS, heart disease…
even cancer.

And, today, we’re exposing everything and revealing every disease-fighting
secret so Big Pharma loses… and you win.


 * A cancer treatment that could beat chemotherapy? Starts killing cancer cells
   in vitro in just hours… You won’t believe this one… Page 1
 * The easy secret to fighting Alzheimer’s and dementia memory loss with the
   power to roll back your brain’s “clock”. How did this one get buried? The
   truth comes out today… Page 17
 * The only solution that helps ease arthritis pain and REJUVENATE arthritic
   joints. Are you ready for a brand-new outlook on life? Page 11
 * Want deep, restful, healing sleep night after night? You’ll be amazed by this
   new sleep wonder… Page 23
 * There’s a deadly symptom of heart failure that your doctor may not know! This
   is MUST-READ information about fatal heart attacks… Plus, there’s a simple
   solution for protecting your heart now, if you know where to look. Page 29

You see, there are TRUE cures if you know where to look.

In fact, in many countries around the world… these therapies are PRESCRIBED by

And reports are flowing in that they’re working for grateful patients with
cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more.

But why not here… in the greatest country in the world?

Well, it interferes with Big Pharma’s money machine.

You see, these are all NATURAL disease treatments… discovered by top scientists
right here on God’s green earth.

And you can’t patent a plant extract or an herbal disease treatment. And if you
can’t patent something, you can’t sell it for big profits.

So why would Big Pharma even waste their time?

It makes WAY more sense for them to try to replicate the cure with something
artificial that will become their next cash cow.

But, finally, that ends TODAY.

I’ll show you every detail on natural treatments you need to know about…

And you’ll also hear from “hopeless” people who have had their lives changed
forever, you’ll see the results from rock-solid scientific studies…

That’s correct – we have arranged to send you everything you need to know about
these 5 astonishing disease remedies…

And we also want to make sure you have access to all there is to know about the
9 drugs that can cause “Type II Alzheimer’s”…

So we’ve printed up everything you need in the free report we call,

The Insider’s Book of Secrets.

And we’re ready to mail it right to your door. Today.

We feel it’s our duty as Americans and patriots. And it’s the ONLY way to stop
Big Pharma.

But, a fair warning, the information I’m about to share is so explosive… and Big
Pharma is SO powerful…

They can wipe all traces of this video from the internet at any moment.


I’ll give you full details in a moment on how you can claim your FREE report.

But let me tell you exactly what you’re getting. We’re jumping right in with #5
– and it’s an absolute shocker.

For the first time ever, there's been a BIG step forward in the fight against

It's NO match for this natural discovery.

It’s all thanks to this breakthrough that comes from one of the strangest places
on earth… a rare type of sour honey!?

Keep watching and I’ll explain…

Cancer. Just the word alone will make anyone’s heart drop in fear. Maybe you
have a loved one going through treatment right now and you know exactly how
devastating the disease can be…

Maybe you’ve even worried about it yourself… wondering how a diagnosis would
impact your own life… your family, friends, even pets… 

It’s a completely rational fear, considering the fact it’s estimated that there
are 14 MILLION Americans living with some form of cancer right now…

…and 1.6 MILLION new cases expected to be added by the end of this year alone.

But, instead, we're all told the same thing:

“Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are the only way.”

But I don’t make a single red cent off ANY cure…

So I can’t wait to share this exciting news with you today…

In the heart of the Brazilian jungle, a tiny, remote area exists where special
bees create one of the rarest substances on earth…

It’s a type of “sour honey” that has remained untouched for thousands of years.

Until it was recently tested in a lab and delivered these near-miraculous

 * Within 24 hours, Sour Honey was shown in vitro to demolish breast cancer
   cells on the spot – killing 13% of the cells in just the first day alone!
 * And in a separate study, looking at human-like tumors on mice, tumor growth
   was halted a full 50% with Sour Honey.
 * And on two different aggressive types of prostate cancer cells, Sour Honey
   was shown in vitro to boost the speed in killing the cells, destroying up to
   75% of the cancer cells in the study!

How does it work so fast—and so effectively?

Well, unlike chemo drugs that work through “mass extinction”… attacking every
cell in your body and destroying the good with the bad…

This rare Sour Honey works on a whole other level…

First, it teams up with your body’s own natural chemistry to selectively target
“grow” signals that cancer cells put out as they multiply and spread.

Next it marks all of those nasty little cells (kind of like a label maker) –
letting the body know that they are bad news.

Then it swoops into action on the “marked cells,” destroying masses of cancer
cells and only cancer cells.

So your normal, healthy cells stay untouched and continue to thrive.

But that’s not all…  the thing that makes Sour Honey so one-of-a-kind, is that
it has a dual-mechanism for killing cancer cells.

Meaning, in addition to eliminating cancer cells directly, it’s even been shown
in studies to drive cancer cells to kill THEMSELVES.

I’ll save you the boring science lecture and tell you everything you need to
know next.

Remember that “grow” signal I mentioned earlier?

In the medical world, it’s called PAK1 (or Protein Activated Kinase)—and more
than 70% of cancers rely on it to invade and spread through your body.

So Sour Honey’s dual-action job is truly what makes it special… it fights cancer
cells directly, but it ALSO cuts off cancer at the source.

Specifically, when cancer cells are signaling your body, forcing it to “make
more cancer”…

Sour Honey jams up their signal codes, and the tumors have no choice but to

There are even over 299 lab studies on Sour Honey and cancer – with remarkable


But Sour Honey isn’t just some lab experiment either…

In fact, the lucky folks who have already discovered it are reporting
near-miraculous results...

Like this case study report from Dr. Osamu Mizukami and his patient Bill G.

Bill was a 49-year-old man suffering from stage III stomach cancer… and
desperate to live long enough see his only daughter graduate from college.

He had a surgery scheduled to remove the deadly tumors in his stomach,
but—terrified of going under the knife—he agreed to meet with Dr. Mizukami and
try one last treatment.

Dr. Mizukami immediately put Bill on the Sour Honey protocol, then sent him

When Bill went back to meet with his surgeon a few months later – they were BOTH
shocked to find this miracle…

Every single cancer cell had disappeared... GONE.

There was no trace of cancer left in his body.

Of course Bill’s surgeon immediately canceled the procedure... and Bill NEVER
had to reschedule.

That was 7 long years ago, and he is still healthy today – all thanks to the
Sour Honey that saved his life.

This kind of result is so rare in the world of cancer treatment…


I recently sat down with Dr. Mark Kaylor, who uses Sour Honey on almost all of
his cancer patients, to talk about how they’ve responded to treatment.

“I’ve treated a lot of late-stage cancer patients, people whose lives were on
the line. I’ve never had a patient decline when I added [Sour Honey] to their
treatment. My patients continue to do well.”

Did you know that in countries around the world—like Japan—Sour Honey is openly
given as a PRESCRIPTION by doctors to fight cancer?

Meanwhile, here in the U.S., doctors who practice natural medicine have to
tiptoe around the FDA to tell their patients what Sour Honey can really do to
heal them—even though it’s 100% legal.

But as I mentioned earlier, Sour Honey is extremely rare—and even harder to

Drug companies have already acknowledged that Sour Honey will be the future of
mainstream cancer treatment, but after trying to create an artificial version
for 20 years… they’ve all but given up.

There’s simply nothing else in the world like the real thing.

That’s why it’s so important you know the FULL details on Sour Honey…

Let me be clear…

Everything is revealed on page 1 of your full report… The Insider’s Book of

And, as an American citizen, you are eligible to receive one free copy right
now… when you take advantage of this special offer from the Health Sciences

Just keep watching and I’ll tell you how to claim it next, because the
information The Insider’s Book of Secrets contains could be your only lifeline
if you ever face a deadly diagnosis.

In your copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets you’ll finally have full access to
information about the biggest cures and insights I can offer.

For the first time, I’ll pull back the curtain on new treatments for dementia,
arthritis, cancer and so much more…

This 65-page report is completely uncensored.

And if you leave this video at any point, this information might not be here if
you ever decide you want it later.

And you’d miss cure #4 in our countdown… the unlikely nutrient that has been
shown to help turn back the brain’s clock…

…giving Alzheimer’s patients their lives back, and new hope for how we treat the
disease in the future.

What would you say if I told you that there’s a unique salad ingredient that can
be supercharged to help fight Alzheimer’s?

…bringing back long and short term memories, the ability to do everyday tasks…

and more!

It’s nothing short of a miracle.

You see, Alzheimer’s is our fastest growing disease – with over 5.4 million
Americans suffering at this very minute, and an additional victim being taken
every minute of the day.

By year 2050, it’s expected to claim someone new every 33 seconds.

Worse yet, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, 1 in 3 seniors will DIE
with the disease.

At this rate… Alzheimer’s is considered out of control. It’s an absolute

But with that many people in need of help…


With sales around $5 billion now, and a forecast to DOUBLE that number to $10.4
billion by 2021…

It’s clear Big Pharma isn’t interested in the cure. Only the cash.

Luckily, there’s a better way.

Because that unique “salad” nutrient I mentioned earlier is changing lives – and
you can get every detail on it today.

It all started when scientists noticed something curious… they found that the
same powerful nutrient naturally produced in our brains is also found in a salad


Called “PDS,” it acts like armor for your brain. In fact, it’s the #1 protector
of the membranes that surround the delicate nerve cells in your brain.

While there’s much that’s still to be understood about Alzheimer’s disease and
how it chooses its victims, one thing is for certain:

The root of all Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory-related diseases comes directly
from those nerve cells deteriorating…

So if you can build the membrane back up and protect it, the nerve cells can
regain their capability and the brain thrives… healthy as can be.

But, luckily, the solution is so simple. And it’s as safe as eating a salad…

(Only you won’t have to choke down a single vegetable to make this reversal
technique to work for you.)

When scientists realized that PDS also exists elsewhere in nature (in
mega-amounts!), they extracted it and put it through a series of tests on senior

Researchers noted that the changes were so dramatic, it was like rolling back
their brains’ clocks 12 full years.

Here’s what happened in the first clinical study…

149 senior patients suffering from a wide range of memory problems were divided
into two groups.

The first was given 300 mg of PDS once per day for 12 weeks…

The other? A phony placebo “treatment” to make them think they were doing the
same protocol.

But the proof was in the PDS group, and what happened next will blow your mind…

By the end of those 12 weeks, only the group taking the REAL thing found that
their memory had significantly improved… with the most improvement shown in
their ability to remember names and faces.

How their families must have cried the happiest tears, when they returned home
and recognized their husbands, wives, children and grandchildren once again…

Do you have a loved one suffering from the ravages of Alzheimer’s Disease?


To watch the light return to their eyes as they remember you once again?

But PDS doesn’t just stop with the gift of remembering names and faces… it was
even able to pull patients out of the depths of dementia – keeping their minds
crystal clear even after they stopped taking it.

That’s right!

In a second group of senior patients suffering from dementia…

Researchers saw drastic memory improvement (especially in their word recall)
using the same PDS Protocol in just 12 weeks.

But when the researchers followed up with the patients in their homes a full 3
months after the study ended, they were shocked to find that their brain
improvements were still as strong as the day they left the lab!

So even though the patients hadn’t continued doing the PDS Protocol on their
own, their minds were just as sharp and they were able to remember words just as
easily as 3 months before.

I want to stop for a second and point something out that’s very important… the
fact that they no longer had to take it, but still saw the same results…


I can’t wait to show you how to put PDS to work for you… again, it is something
your body already creates naturally.

And all the details are waiting for you on page 17 in your free copy of The
Insider’s Book of Secrets.

Show your copy to your own doctor, and I’m positive he’ll be impressed by the
articles inside. (He might even start using some of them himself!)

You’ll be amazed by everything this book contains.

I can’t wait to send you your free copy to get started… but, before I do, you
MUST hear about amazing cure #3 on our countdown…

If I offered you a piece of candy… one with a powerful ingredient that was shown
to help ease your arthritis pain in just 7 days… would you take it?

Or would you think that it sounds too good to be true?

Before you decide for yourself… here’s what Big Pharma has been keeping under

Did you know that there are currently over 301 drugs on the market to treat
arthritis pain?!

Maybe you even take one or two of them yourself (like Celebrex, prednisone, or
meloxicam), because if you’re suffering from severe pain – you know there’s
nothing worse than seeing how it can rob you of all the joys in life…

Or that creeping feeling when you realize that pain now is a permanent part of
your life… and what if it gets worse?

Or when it gets too bad to manage, how will you go on?

Big Pharma knows this feeling SO well, they prey on helpless people living in
constant pain… while pushing pure poison down their throats.

Every day, painkillers take enough lives to fill out a football team roster…

And, worst of all, these are honest folks with prescriptions, taking them AS
directed. No junkies or abusers here…

So why doesn’t the FDA let the American public know how dangerous these pills
are? It’s simple really… pain pills are the darlings of the prescription world.

And they’re how Big Pharma can afford to fill their closets with Italian leather

In 2010, the Centers for Disease Control estimated that enough prescriptions
were being written for painkillers to medicate EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN ADULT
around the clock for an entire month.

And Consumer Reports found that 300% more prescriptions are being doled out
today, when compared to a decade ago.

Studies have shown that when dealing with chronic pain, like Arthritis,
Fibromyalgia or Multiple Sclerosis, painkillers offer ZERO relief in the battle

Why? Because—by design—their only purpose is to help with short-term pain (like
if you had a tooth pulled or a broken bone).

They don’t go to the root source of your pain to cure what’s causing it… instead
they only mask the symptoms.

With so many people dependent on them, it’s no wonder Big Pharma wants us to
keep using them forever.

They would be furious to lose all of that cash.

In fact, they’ll probably have to put their mega-yachts up for sale when word of
THIS gets around…

A TRUE arthritis solution exists…


This wonder substance is called EG-M, and it naturally contains mega-amounts of
collagen, plus more than a dozen amino acids, essential proteins, and healing

…all things that your body craves to be healthy and pain-free.

So when researchers were able to extract EG-M and put it to the test in the lab,
they were blown away to see their patients’ pain EASED starting in as little as
7 days.

And by the end of the short study, every single person in the group reported an

 * 72.5% decrease in overall pain
 * 75.9% reduction in range-of-motion related pain
 * And even a 43.7% increase in flexibility

And, again, this was all starting in just 7 days!

Now, EG-M checked the box of being able to relieve wide-spread pain while
working FAST.

But could it do the same for something more targeted? Like… arthritic knees and

So, in the next study, 44 patients with severe arthritis in their knees and hips
were given 500 mg once a day for 8 weeks.

And even though the study was supposed to last 8 weeks, patients reported to the
researchers on day 10 that they were already seeing dramatic improvements…

And on day 60, they reported feeling a full 35% better for pain, and 29% less

The way EG-M works is genius – because the second you start using it, it goes to

First it helps ease pain and stiffness quickly… to get you back to doing all the
things in life you love most.

All the while working to help rejuvenate joint tissues —the foundation for happy
joints, and a pain-free you.


But can pain pills do all that? NOPE. Not even close…

That’s what makes EG-M so superior.

And I’ve saved the best part for last… I promised you every detail, and that’s
what you’ll get in your free copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets.

You see, EG-M is NOT a diet, drink or even an intense protocol. In fact, it’s a
special ingredient that's now available in chewy type of candy with a delicious
cherry flavor.

Eat a piece of candy a day with this powerful EG-M ingredient and say so long to
pain for good!? Yes, it could really be that easy…

But, a fair warning, The Insider’s Book of Secrets contains information on the
ONLY source of EG-M I trust…

I found that the internet is crawling with imposters claiming to have the same
type and amount of EG-M in various products, but they’re all as fake as a $3

Don’t waste your time or your money… just say “YES!” to claim your free
Insider’s Book of Secrets guide in the next few minutes.

Inside you’ll get details on:

 * Page 1 – The Sour Honey secret that can kill cancer cells two ways:
   exterminating them on contact AND forcing them to self-destruct
 * Page 17 – The amazing PDS for fighting Alzheimer’s and Dementia, for a
   razor-sharp memory
 * Page 11 – The only way to get the joint-rejuvenating EG-M in a delicious
   “arthritis candy.”
 * And so much more…


The drug companies are going to be livid when news of the #2 cure gets out…
because it’s a problem that affects over 50 million American adults right this

Deep, restful sleep is crucial for the human body to function normally,
but—sadly—most of us also consider it a luxury.

Whether it’s falling asleep, staying asleep, or just feeling like we GOT some
good rest… why is it so hard to do?

Well, it turns out that “bad sleep” is actually hard-wired into us as we age.

It has to do with the amount of REM sleep (that’s the deepest kind) that we get
tons of as children… but drops off more and more as we get older.

The older we get, the harder it is to sleep through the night. And that even
goes for the healthiest human beings on the planet.

So if you’re a senior, you could be doing all the right things… watching your
caffeine before bed, making sure you’re staying active, and your bedroom is
distraction-free … and your body STILL won’t let you sleep!

No wonder we’re desperate to get some good sleep… because we physically CAN’T.

With so many Americans practically begging for sleep—you can bet Big Pharma is
salivating over the idea of that payday… with seniors being their prime target.

Unfortunately, Big Pharma is also conveniently leaving out the fact that their
“harmless” little sleep pills do the most damage to folks over the age of 60.

There’s overwhelming proof that if you’re over the age of 60 and have taken a
sleeping pill in the last year, chances are you could…

 * Suffer from confusion or memory loss
 * Fall and break a hip
 * And even end up in the hospital unexpectedly

In fact, emergency room visits have DOUBLED in the last 5 years due to sleeping

But if even if you’re lucky enough to avoid the hospital, a broken bone, or
memory problems… there’s one even bigger risk that Big Pharma is covering up…

A 2014 study recently found that—across the board—sleeping pills increase your
risk of early death 200%. 200%!

And even folks who took an occasional pill weren’t immune…

In fact, people who took less than 1.5 pills per month were 350% more likely to
face death before their time.


That’s why I’m also so excited to show you the details on this natural sleep
trick that can help give you the good night’s sleep you deserve—the safe way.

That deep restful REM sleep I mentioned earlier?

Well, scientists have found a way to trick your body into creating more of it…
by calming the chemical receptors in your brain that control how you feel, think
and react.

Think of it as a “light dimmer”… it doesn’t completely turn off those signals,
it just takes them out of overdrive to put you in a super relaxed state. And the

No more insomnia… or anxiety keeping you awake at random hours… just peaceful
sleep, and the feeling of true rejuvenation the next morning when you open your

And best of all… it’s completely natural.

Surprisingly enough, this trick is actually over 3,000 years old—and is even
PRESCRIBED by doctors in countries around the world.

It’s not meditation (or some new-agey mumbo jumbo), a calming essential oil or
even a presciption pill you take before bed…

Nope, it’s actually a simple sleep formula made of all-natural ingredients. You
have to see all the details to believe it.

Because it just puts your body into a calmer, NOT a sleepy or “zombified” state,
you can enjoy the brain benefits around the clock.

And because every ingredient is non-habit forming, you can feel good knowing
that you can use it as often as you need it—without fear of addiction.

Or feel free to use it once, even if you just need it to get you through an
especially tough time.

Listen to the story of 60-year-old Denise C. who recently went through this
hellish nightmare…

“It was an unbearable year. Both of my parents died, and then my daughter had a
stillborn child. I was filled with despair. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep.
Then one day at church, a friend gave me [the sleep cocktail recipe] to try. And
things started to get better. I was still very sad, but I didn’t feel like I
needed to walk around with a bag on my head. I slept better, ate better. I got
through everything I needed to get through. I’m a nurse, and I wouldn’t have
hesitated to take an antidepressant if I needed it, but this really worked.”

No one should have to go through this kind of horror, but just imagine having
the solution on-hand and ready for a friend or loved one in their time of need?

Just like Denise’s church friend, you could be that same blessing to someone

Just open to page 23 in your free copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets… to
learn the full sleep formula recipe, and all the scientific studies that show
how well it can work.

With thousands of raving new fans turning to this easy trick for a boost at
night, you can see why Big Pharma is now terrified at the thought of giving up
their precious payday (with over $58.1 billion in sales per year).

How sad for them… how will they come up with the cash to pay for their
beachfront mansions then?

So they want to make sure you NEVER hear about this natural sleep solution, or
try it out for yourself.

But as soon as you RSVP for your gift and say “YES! I’m ready” they’ll be
powerless to stop you.

But if you wait, leave this video and decide you need to think about the
decision to completely restore your health, your copy could be gone.

And you’ll know that the Big Pharma executives have won.


We’re just moments away from revealing the #1 secret treatment AND giving you
full access to your complimentary copy of The Insider’s Book of Secrets.

And I’ve saved the most important for last.

I’m about to reveal a hidden symptom that HALF of all seniors have—but don’t
know it—that could send them straight into a fatal heart attack…

Forget everything you’ve heard about heart attacks and how to avoid them… here’s
the story no-one is talking about.

And here’s the scariest part… even if you’re the healthiest person you know…
eating all the right foods, exercising daily, keeping your blood pressure and
cholesterol in check…

You could still be a PRIME TARGET for this lethal disease.

And by the time you start to actually feel the symptoms—unfortunately you’re
already too late.

But luckily there is one way to check to see if you have this terrifying
disease—only Big Pharma doesn’t want you to hear a thing about it.

Why? You guessed it… COLD. HARD. CASH.

It makes sense for them… they have hundreds of drugs to “treat” all of those
heart health issues.

And those hundreds of drugs are shilled to the tune of $64.4 BILLION, in fact.

Except every single one doesn’t do jack for one of the potential causes of fatal
heart attacks…

What is it? To put it simply… scientists aren’t exactly sure why this happens to
some and not others, but it has to do with the way your body processes calcium.

For the people that process calcium normally, it goes straight to the places
where your body needs it: to strengthen your bones and keep them healthy.

But for people that don’t process it normally, that same calcium is robbed from
your bones and ends up in the wrong place (like the blood vessels and heart)
where it’s bad news.


All the while, this calcium depositing is gradually building up in your body’s
organs and arteries where it doesn’t belong… slowly turning your insides into

But don’t panic if you’re worried this might be you. Luckily, you have all the
details available to you now…

#1 -- There’s a quick test you can learn about that can help reveal the

#2 – AND there’s also a natural way to help fight any stone-hardening damage
it’s already done.

Start reading the information on page 29 of The Insider’s Book of Secrets

It could give you everything you need for many many more healthy years with your
loved ones.

Everything you need to know about the test and Stone-Fighter Technique start on
page 29 of The Insider’s Book of Secrets.

This is the ONLY place you will hear about the lethal stone symptom – and don’t
expect the media or even your own doctor to bring it up. (Sadly, they may still
be in the dark too…)

Can you imagine having the peace of mind knowing what’s really happening in your
body behind the scenes…

Surely that would be worth spending the few seconds it takes to RSVP for your
free book, right?

I can’t wait for you to claim your copy today—look for the instructions and
don’t miss your chance… because it’s coming up soon.

The Insider’s Book of Secrets is a must-have resource you simply can’t be
without… it’s the only book the world-over that contains not one—but 5 REAL
science-backed remedies for the most feared diseases to mankind.

Our motto? “We only publish the cures we’d want our own parents to use.”

These rare cures and treatments are simply unlike anything else in the world,
because they’re natural.

When you RSVP for your Insider’s Book of Secrets, you’ll immediately have access
to full details on:

 * Cure #5 – The Sour Honey Secret. Flip to page 1 and discover one of the most
   promising natural cancer fighters. Could this mean the end of chemo? No
   wonder they never wanted this to get out!
 * Cure #4 – The Amazing PDS. On page 17 you’ll discover the easy secret to
   fighting Alzheimer’s and Dementia with the power to roll back your brain’s
 * Cure #3 – The E-GM Solution that eases arthritis pain. Your chronic pain has
   finally met its match! Are you ready for a brand-new outlook on life? (page
 * Cure #2 – The Good Sleep Formula on page 23 that helps keeps your mind
   focused and calm during the day, and gives you deep, restful sleep night
   after night. You’ll be amazed.
 * Cure #1 – The Stone-Fighter Technique that can battle deadly calcium build-up
   in your body’s organs. This is MUST-READ information to save you from a fatal
   heart attack… turn to page 29 first thing.

But wait… there’s even more.

Even though we consider these the 5 best cures we’ve found in our 20-year

…we realize that there are hundreds of other incredible natural cures and
solutions just waiting to be discovered from around the world.

So, in addition to your copy of Insider’s Book of Secrets, I’d like to add a
SECOND gift for you today—free of charge.

It’s called Miracles from the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures and at a
full 560 pages long, this massive resource is a must-have for your natural cure
library. Here’s why…

For 20 years, we’ve scoured the globe to bring you the best cures and healing
solutions for nearly every affliction, big and small.

From the far reaches of East India, to the rainforests of Brazil… there are
hundreds upon hundreds of natural healing wonders we’ve discovered during our

And now they can all be yours -- at your fingertips.

From allergies to diabetes… from fatigue to kidney pain… from osteoporosis to
wrinkles… and more.


Don’t believe me? Just take a look at a small preview of what’s inside…

 * Page 27: The easy tongue trick to help wipe out migraines FAST
 * Page 120: The special enzyme that can battle blood clots
 * Page 147: How to stamp out inflammation using the “silkworm’s secret”
 * Page 179: The one-step trick to help remedy COPD
 * Page 447: How to put the brakes on sleep apnea (in just one night!) And so
   much more!

In fact, there are over 86 different cures and healing miracles inside.

So imagine the blessing you could be for someone else when you share Miracles
from the Vault with them.

(A fair warning though: You may not get your copy back!)

Especially not when your friends and neighbors notice YOU feeling and looking
better than ever, with the help of secrets like…

 * Page 186: Finally leaked! The secret energy “weapon” used by pro-athletes
 * Page 237: The natural moisturizer that can help ease joint pain… AND smooth
 * Page 266: How to help heal bone fractures in half the time using an ancient
   Chinese secret
 * Page 292: The natural diabetes crusher shown to be 3x stronger than Metformin
 * Page 328: The memory-boosting breakthrough that supercharges brain cells
 * Page 323: The tasty herbal tea extract that sends blood sugar plummeting
   (along with a couple dress sizes)
 * And even more incredible breakthroughs…

I guarantee that when you open your package with these two gifts (totaling over
600 pages), and look over just a few of the articles inside – you’ll be blown
away by what you see.

But don’t take my word for it…

With over 370,355 copies published – there’s simply not enough time here to show
you every story from the people whose lives have been changed…

But here are just a few I just found:

When you open your copy of Miracles from the Vault… you’re expecting nothing
less than a miracle.


So in addition to your copy of Insider’s Book of Secrets … today you’ll receive
the 560-page book Miracles from the Vault. With incredible secrets inside like…

 * Page 71: The mineral secret—found in a unique WATER source—that can actually
   begin to fight cancer and destroy tumors in just weeks
 * Page 513: The surgery-free eye drop solution to remedy cataracts
 * Page 249: Hippocrates’ 2000-year old lost secret has been found! It’s an
   all-natural fat blocker that makes you feel full and helps you to shed pounds
 * Page 21: How to get your hands on the “miracle blanket” for pain. Skeptical?
   I was too… then I saw how people’s lives were changed…
 * And there’s even more waiting for you…

Friend, THIS is how we fight back (AND WIN).

Against Big Pharma, against their dishonest cronies, and against their
un-American way of profiting off honest, hardworking folks like us…

They may try to control everything in this country, but they will never control
YOUR health.

And it all starts with your free copies of Insider’s Book of Secrets and the
560-page Miracles from the Vault.

Are you with me? Ok, good.

I’m sure by now you’re itching to get your hands on your two free gifts, and I’m
ready to help you claim them.


In the next minute or so, a button will appear below this screen that says “Yes!
I want my free gifts.”

Just click on it when you see it.

And then, to claim your free gifts, all we ask in return is that you support our
mission by becoming an HSI member yourself today.

You see, every single cure you heard about here was first shared with our
private society of members.

And now I want to make sure you never miss one of our upcoming breakthroughs.

That’s why we’re offering you the chance to join HSI today as part of our
exclusive membership.

What exactly does that mean? Well, here are just a few of the benefits you’ll
receive when you join today.

As an HSI member, you’ll be entitled to:

 * Your Two Free Welcome Gifts: Insider’s Book of Secrets AND Miracles from the
   Vault. Shipped free right to your doorstep, these two books are 600 pages
   chock full of breakthrough cures and healing miracles covering nearly every
   disease… from Alzheimer’s to asthma. From cancer to diabetes and more.

 * The HSI Member’s Alert Newsletter. Each month we will send you a private
   report of our latest findings in natural medicine from around the world. This
   thorough 8-page report is a breeze to read – and makes sure you always have
   access to our best information regarding cures, whenever you or a loved one
   needs them.

 * Breaking News E-Alerts. Just like the rest of the news in the world,
   healthcare can be pretty unpredictable. So that’s why we make sure you’re
   always covered even between Member’s Alerts. Whether it’s a new drug warning
   or price hike, or even a natural breakthrough you can use to feel better
   right now… we only send the news that matters to YOU.

 * Full Access to Members Only Content in our HSI Library. As a part of your HSI
   membership, you’ll be given your own personal password to access our online
   treasure trove…virtually everything we’ve published from our 20-year history.
   Got a health question? Just type it into our speedy search bar and BOOM...
   The answer will be in front of you in an instant.

 * And our 100% Money-Back Member’s Guarantee. We’re so confident you’ll love
   everything you find inside your HSI Members Welcome Package… including your
   incredible free gifts, private access to rare underground health miracles,
   discounts and more… that you’ll consider it an incredible value for the low
   membership cost. But if for any reason during your membership you decide you
   don’t need these benefits just say the word, and we’ll issue you an immediate
   refund. And you keep your free gifts no matter what!

 * And there’s so much more!


That’s why, as soon as you join, we’ll send you a brief email summarizing all
your benefits...

Want immediate answers to your burning health questions? We’ll show you where to
find them…

Want to save money? We’ll show you easy ways to claim discounts on popular
supplements and more…

Want to start feeling healthy with less pain and more energy right now? We send
you two bonus tips right away…

Everything is spelled out in crystal clear information as soon as you join. It
couldn’t be easier or more helpful.

And, rest assured, every single piece of information, every article, report and
book... the products we recommend…are all invaluable resources.

That’s because we take absolutely no money for advertising and exist completely
on the generosity of members like you… so we work ONLY for you.

And NOT for … board members… pharma drug… government or anyone else.

We pride ourselves on being a completely independent organization. And we only
print the truth.

In fact, we’re SO picky about the cures we recommend to you… we reject almost
everything we find that claims to be a “natural miracle.”

The truth is, most are snake oil, pure bunk or just don’t have the science to
prove that they work.

That, my friend, is how you can trust you’re getting a science-backed solution.

Becoming a member is simple… just fill out the form on the next page, and pay
the small fee we ask to cover the costs of researching and bringing real cures
to you.

(You’ll see that it’s about the same as buying one cup of coffee per
month—that’s it!)

Plus, just a reminder, you’re always covered by our 100% Money-Back Member’s
Guarantee—even if change your mind in 1, 5 or 11 months from now.

And you keep all your free gifts, even if you cancel!


I can’t wait for you to join HSI and discover your own path to total health… but
before you go, I have ONE last surprise in store for you… and this might the
best one yet.

Because today, if you RSVP in the next 20 minutes, I’d like add an EXTRA “thank
you” bonus gift into your welcome package (valued at $59)… FREE.

You see, I want to make sure you have every weapon in your arsenal ready.

But—the truth is—there’s one mistake that many unfortunate folks make… which
puts them on Big Pharma’s list as Target #1.

And if you make it, there’s a 100% chance you’ll be in their sights too… only,
this time, there’s no escaping them.

That mistake? It’s two words that are enough to strike fear into the hearts of
everyone over the age of 50…

Nursing Home.

Let me ask you… How many people do you know have lived happy, full lives in a

Sadly, the answer for most of us is none.

Sometimes it’s an accident that puts them there… a broken hip that robs them of
their independence.

And sometimes it’s more gradual… like fuzzy memories that lead to widespread
mental decline over time.

Either way, it’s a terrible way to live. And, once inside, no one ever seems to
get better. Only worse…

Friend, I realize this is unpleasant to think about – but it’s important we talk
about it now.


I sifted through all 20 years of HSI research to assemble only our best secrets
for a long, healthy life into one comprehensive guide. It’s called: The
Independent Patriot’s Guide to Staying In YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)

It doesn’t matter if you are a picture of perfect health OR struggling with many
symptoms of aging… this guide is for YOU.

Anyone can use these secrets to maintain their freedom, and even feel younger
well into their 90s and beyond.

And, best of all, these are simple tips you can easily start doing tomorrow… No
weird diets, complicated protocols or “lifestyle overhauls” here!

I know you’re eager to RSVP see them for yourself, so here are just a few of my

 * The “Spark of Life” secret that recharges your body at the cellular level
   (yes, I mean EVERY cell), rushing in the good nutrients your body craves—and
   kicking the bad stuff out. Call it a “detox” if you want, but if you’re
   looking for an immediate total body health makeover, throw away your
   multivitamin, and try THIS on page 5 instead.
 * Forget everything you thought you knew about sarcopenia… “experts” are still
   chalking it up to a “normal sign of aging,” but it’s now being classified as
   a hidden epidemic that saps muscle strength, and makes seniors more frail by
   the second. Not only that, it’s increasing falls, bone fractures, limiting
   movement, and even leading to early death. Luckily, there’s an amino acid
   miracle that can fight all the damage of sarcopenia -- and even help build
   and preserve your muscles. If you’re ready to stay “lumberjack strong” well
   into your 90s, the secret on page 15 is for YOU.
 * The 1 secret all 100-somethings have in common… they simply have more of THIS
   antioxidant floating around in their body. Now, researchers have found the
   PERFECT copycat that mimics its power… and studies are even showing that it
   can help battle Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and more. Is this the one
   pill that will make hundreds of pharma drugs obsolete? Turn to page 29 to see

And that’s just the start.

There is SO much more waiting for you inside The Independent Patriot’s Guide to
Staying In YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)

And I can’t wait for you to discover these cover-to-cover miracles when you RSVP
and say “YES!” in the next 20 minutes.

Remember, there is NO cost for this invaluable resource today. It’s the third
welcome gift in your new HSI Member package… and it’s 100% free with our


 * Your confidential report that blows the lid off Big Pharma’s lies and reveals
   5 major cures you can learn about today:

The Insider’s Book of Secrets

 * Your massive 560-page cure encyclopedia, that covers all the greatest healing
   breakthroughs HSI has uncovered in our 20-year history:

Miracles from the Vault: An Anthology of Underground Cures

 * AND your first-of-its-kind guide to staying strong, happy, healthy and OUT of
   a nursing home:

The Independent Patriot’s Guide to Staying In YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)

Combined, these reports have an estimated total value of over $479—but, today,
we’d like you to have them FREE, when you take advantage of this special

Each of these reports will never be sold in stores or online… in fact, joining
HSI today is the only way you can claim these invaluable resources.

It’s our way of saying thank you for supporting our mission, and standing up to
Big Pharma.

So… are you ready to take the next step?

Ok—just click that big orange button below to RSVP “YES!” You’ll be taken to the
next screen where you can let us know where you’d like your gifts shipped.

The entire process will take two minutes, and you’ll immediately get a
confirmation email when we’ve received your application.

And when your free gifts are delivered to your doorstep, start using the
life-changing breakthroughs inside to get healthier than you ever dreamed

And remember, you take NO RISK when you give HSI a try today. So you have
nothing to lose.

Just click below to unlock your HSI benefits now.

Whatever your health concern is today… or tomorrow—we have you covered.

Welcome to your new, healthy, joyous life.

On behalf of HSI, I’m Dr. Allan Spreen, MD. And thank you for spending this time
with me today.

Please click below now to claim all your free gifts.

I want my
free gifts!


Are you sure you don’t want to claim your FREE copy of The Insider’s Book of
Secrets and your 500-page encyclopedia, Miracles from the Vault?

We’d hate to leave you empty-handed, especially when you’re just moments away
from gaining access to over 100 underground cures… at no cost to you.

Once you receive your free gifts, you’ll have full access to:

 * Page 1: The Sour Honey Secret. Discover one of the most promising natural
   cancer fighters. Could this mean the end of chemo? No wonder they never
   wanted this to get out!
 * Page 17: The Amazing PDS. The easy secret to fighting Alzheimer’s and
   Dementia… with the power to roll back your brain’s “clock”!
 * Page 11: The E-GM Solution that eases arthritis pain… Your chronic pain has
   finally met its match! Are you ready for a brand-new outlook on life?
 * Page 23: The Good Sleep Formula that helps keep your mind focused and calm
   during the day, and gives you deep, restful sleep night after night…You’ll be
 * Page 29: The Stone-Fighter Technique that can battle deadly calcium build-up
   in your body’s organs… This is MUST-READ information to save you from a fatal
   heart attack…

And those are just 5 of the many cures and healing miracles you’ll find in your
two FREE gifts.

Imagine what a blessing you'll become to your friends and relatives when you can
offer them powerful cures to address their pain and sickness.

All you have to do is click the button below to get started and claim your copy
of The Insider’s Book of Secrets, along with your 560-page encyclopedia,
Miracles from the Vault.

But there’s still one more thing I want to share with you today. We sifted
through all 19 years of HSI research to assemble only our best secrets for a
long, healthy life into one comprehensive guide. It’s called The Independent
Patriot’s Guide to Staying in YOUR Home (Not Theirs…)

And if you order in the next 3 minutes, we’ll make sure you’re the first to get
your hands on it… so you can maintain the freedom you deserve and even feel
younger well into your 90s and beyond.

I know you’re eager to RSVP see them for yourself, so here are just a few of my

 * Page 5: The “Spark of Life” secret that recharges your body at the cellular
   level (yes, I mean EVERY cell)… rushing in the good nutrients your body
   craves, and kicking the bad stuff out.
 * Page 15: How to stay “lumberjack strong” well into your 90s with this amino
   acid miracle. It can fight all the damage of sarcopenia and preserves your
 * Page 29: The 1 secret all 100-somethings have in common… they simply have
   more of THIS antioxidant floating around in their body.

There is SO much more waiting for you inside The Independent Patriot’s Guide to
Staying in YOUR Home (Not Theirs…) and it’s your absolutely free when you signup

With these 3 masterpieces in your collection, you'll have more than 19 years'
worth of real-world natural healing knowledge at your fingertips.

But you have to act now! Click the button below to get started.

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