www.lookingforaflirt.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://lookingforaflirt.com/privacy?sub=human&pi=9238&pt1=pt66e38dc5312e4e14994c622d1a01c472&pe=2144396&email_encoded=&pt2=
Effective URL: https://www.lookingforaflirt.com/privacy?sub=human&pi=9238&pt1=pt66e38dc5312e4e14994c622d1a01c472&pe=2144396&email_encoded=&pt2=
Submission: On July 09 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

<form class="login-form">
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<form data-register-step="1" class="register-step1">
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      <input autocomplete="off" maxlength="15" name="username" type="text" id="username" data-field="clientname" data-validate="username" required="required" placeholder="Username">
    <div class="form-field password" data-sso="hide">
      <input autocomplete="off" maxlength="15" name="password" type="password" value="" id="password" data-validate="password" data-field="passw" required="required" placeholder="Password">
    <div class="form-field globe" data-form="city-field">
      <input autocomplete="off" type="text" message="City" data-field="city" required="required" id="city" name="city" placeholder="City">
      <div data-cnt="searchCity" style="display:none;" class="splash-location-dropdown location-dropdown">
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          <ul class="location-suggest" data-result="searchCity"></ul>
    <label>Date of birth:</label>
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      <input data-dob="dateOfBirth.month" type="number" required="required" placeholder="Month" min="1" max="12" maxlength="2" oninput="javascript: if (this.value.length > this.maxLength) this.value = this.value.slice(0, this.maxLength);">
      <input data-dob="dateOfBirth.day" name="dateOfBirthday" id="dateOfBirthday" required="required" placeholder="Day" min="1" max="31" type="number" maxlength="2"
        oninput="javascript: if (this.value.length > this.maxLength) this.value = this.value.slice(0, this.maxLength);">
      <input data-dob="dateOfBirth.year" type="number" required="required" placeholder="Year" min="1900" maxlength="4" oninput="javascript: if (this.value.length > this.maxLength) this.value = this.value.slice(0, this.maxLength);">
    <div class="registration-confirm button-wrapper" data-go-to-step="2">
      <div class="button big"> Register for free </div>

<form data-register-step="2" class="register-step2" style="display: none;">
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    <div class="register-slogan"> Create a free profile in 1 minute to chat with our members </div>
    <div class="conditions nb cc-tickbox-on-registration" data-applied-instances="{&quot;termsAndConditions_declaredRead&quot;:true,&quot;privacyStatement_privacyReminder&quot;:true}">
      <input class="conditions-input is-hidden" id="conditions" type="checkbox" data-conditions="">
      <div data-priority="0" id="termsAndConditions_declaredRead" class="cc-tickbox cc-tickbox-prepend-checkbox" style="display: block;"><input class="cc-tickbox-input" type="checkbox"><label class="cc-tickbox-label">By becoming a member, I agree to
          the <b><a href="/agreement" class="cc-load-full-statement-a cc-popup-hide" data-focus="false">Terms and Conditions</a></b> and the use of fictional entertainers’ profiles, marked with a heart icon, with which physical contact is not
        <div class="cc-tickbox-content"></div>
      <div data-priority="0" id="privacyStatement_privacyReminder" class="cc-tickbox cc-tickbox-prepend-checkbox cc-tickbox-hide-checkbox cc-tickbox-auto-confirm" style="display: block;"><input class="cc-tickbox-input" type="checkbox"><label
          class="cc-tickbox-label">By submitting my account information, I understand that Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. will process my personal data in accordance with the
          <b><a href="/privacy" class="cc-load-full-statement-a cc-popup-hide" data-focus="false">Privacy Statement</a></b>.</label>
        <div class="cc-tickbox-content"></div>
    <div input="" type="submit" value="Confirm Now!" data-register="submit" data-hold="registerProfile" onclick="dataLayer.push({'event': 'splash_registration'});" class="button-wrapper">
      <div class="button big"> Confirm</div>

Text Content



Welcome to lookingforaflirt.com, operated by Inovo Internet Innovation B.V.
(“Inovo Internet Innovation B.V.,” “we,” “our” or “us”) We understand the
importance of protecting and safeguarding your privacy when you use our Service.

We provide this Privacy Statement to the users of the Services (“you”) to
describe which Personal Data we collect and for what purpose, how we use this
Personal Data, with whom it may be shared and to describe your rights when we
process your Personal Data. We encourage you to read this Privacy Statement
carefully before using the Service.

We may change this Privacy Statement from time to time. We will always make the
latest Privacy Statement available to you via this page.

California residents have certain rights described in this Privacy Statement.

If you want more information or have any questions about this Privacy Statement
you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address:


The company that is responsible for the Service lookingforaflirt.com is Inovo
Internet Innovation B.V., located in The Netherlands and registered with the
Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands under CC: 86687344. Inovo Internet
Innovation B.V. is the Controller of your Personal Data. You can contact us at
the following e-mail address: support@lookingforaflirt.com


Account: a registration on the Service, which enables Visitors to establish
contact with fictional Profiles
Controller: the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body
which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the
processing of personal data;

Device: a computer, mobile, or other internet enabled or permitted device that
may be used to access the Service;

GDPR: the General Data Protection Regulation, including the laws implementing
this regulation;

Member: an end user of the Service;

Member Database: the database in which member-related data is stored. A member
has a personal account and logs in with a unique combination of account name and

Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural
person (‘data subject’), as referred to in the GDPR;

Profile: a description of a Member, including his personal details and profile
picture, as well as the chat history;

Processing: any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal
data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as
collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or
alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission,
dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination,
restriction, erasure or destruction;

Registration: the act whereby a Visitor actively and consciously creates an

Service: the websites and online services of Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. that
post this Privacy Statement, as well as all underlying pages, features, and

Special Categories of Personal Data: personal data revealing racial or ethnic
origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union
membership, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex
life or sexual orientation and data revealing criminal conduct;

Visitor: a natural person who registers on the Service.

When you use our chat service you will chat with fictitious profiles, it is not
possible to make a physical appointment with these profiles.


Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. collects your Personal Data when you register on
our website, create your Account and Profile and use our Service. In order for
the Service to work optimally (for example, to display pages correctly and to
secure the Service), we collect certain information. This information is
automatically generated during your use of the Service.

Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. is the Controller of the processing of your
Personal Data.
Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. processes your Personal Data in accordance with
this Privacy Statement.


Creating your account

When you want to use our Service, first you have to register and create an
Account. You will be asked to enter certain information about yourself (username
and gender) and to enter a valid e-mail address and password.

You may select any username, as long as it has not been created by another user.
After entering the asked information, your account will be activated.

During the registration process we perform a fraud check. E-mail addresses, IP
addresses and domains that are excluded from participation, the so-called
exclusion list, will not be accepted.

When you have registered and your Account is activated, you can create your
Profile and use the Service.

Purpose of processing your Personal Data:
We process your username, password, and e-mail address to create, confirm and
activate your Account in order to use the Service, send you messages and to
communicate with you.

We also process your username, e-mail address and IP address to do a fraud

We process your IP address and locality on the purpose of enabling the use of
the Service and to allow it to function optimally.

In some countries there is a legal age limit for visiting online flirt platforms
and you are not permitted to register as a user, create a Profile or otherwise
use the Service or submit personal information to us. Therefore we process your
date of birth to check your age.

We process your gender, your place of residence and your male/female preference
with the purpose of tailoring the Service and filtering the content.

Lawfulness of processing your Personal Data:
The processing of your username, password, e-mail address, IP address and
locality is necessary for the performance of a contract or in order to take
steps to entering into a contract.
The processing of the date of birth is a legal obligation.

We process your gender, your place of residence and your male/female preference
with your explicit consent to process the data for the purpose of tailoring the
Service and filtering the content.

Your Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the
purposes for which the Personal Data are processed.

After 90 days of inactivity, we will delete your Account.

Creating and managing your Profile

After activating your Account you can create your Profile. After that, you have
access to the Member Database and you can use our Service.

When you create and manage your Profile, you can add information about yourself,
such as your age, martial state, place of residence, personal characteristics,
and preferences. You can also enter personal information like photos, messages,
and hobbies. We ask you for this information in order to best tailor the Service
to you and to put you in touch with profiles that match preferences. Based on
the preferences you have specified, we make suggestions.

Your personal information may contain Special Categories of Personal Data. This
information is not strictly necessary for Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. to be
able to offer its Service. We only process these Personal Data when you have
given explicit consent to the processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
for the purpose of creating and managing your Profile.

To prevent illegal or unauthorized activity or violations of our terms and
conditions your Profile will be monitored. If we find illegal or unauthorized
activity or violations of our terms of conditions, we remove content or edit an
end user's Profile.

Purpose of processing:
We process your username, password, and e-mail address to enable you to log into
your account.

We process your age, gender, place of residence, martial state, personal
characteristics, preferences, and hobbies in order to best tailor the Service to
you and to connect you with Profiles that match preferences.

We process your IP address and locality on the purpose of enabling the use of
the Service and to allow it to function optimally.

We process your personal information that contains Special Categories of
Personal Data for the purpose of creating and managing a Profile in order to
best tailor the Service to you and to connect you with Profiles that match

We process your username, e-mail address, IP address and locality, age, gender,
place of residence, martial state, preferences, personal characteristics, and
hobbies your personal information that contains Special Categories of Personal
Data for the purpose of monitoring and editing a profile of illegal and
unauthorized activity and violations of our terms and conditions.

Lawfulness of processing:
The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or in order to
take steps to entering into a contract.

The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued
by Inovo Internet Innovation B.V..

Special Categories of Personal Data will only be processed with your explicit
consent to the processing for the purpose of creating and managing your Profile.

The Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
for which the Personal Data are processed.

After deleting your Profile your Personal Data shall be kept for 121 days just
in case chargebacks need to be made.

Using the Service

When you use the Service we will optimize the delivery. In the Member Database
you can look for Profiles to chat with. Based on the preferences you have
specified; we make suggestions using preset filters.

Purpose of processing:
We process your IP address and locality to enable the use of the Service and to
allow it to function optimally.

We process your username, gender, date of birth, place of residence, martial
state, preferences, personal characteristics, and hobbies for the purpose of
using the Service and exchange messages in the chat room with fictitious
Profiles, taking into account as much as possible the personal preferences of

We process your personal information that contains Special Categories of
Personal Data for the purpose of using the Service and exchange messages in the
chat room with fictitious Profiles, taking into account as much as possible the
personal preferences of you. We furthermore use Special Categories of Personal
Data for training purposes and improving the quality of the Service.

Lawfulness of processing:
The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or in order to
take steps to entering into a contract.

The Special Categories of Personal Data will only be processed with your
explicit consent to the processing for the purpose of using the Service.

The Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
for which the Personal Data are processed.

After deleting your Profile your Personal Data shall be kept for 121 days just
in case chargebacks need to be made.

Your Payment

If you want to use the Service, you have to buy credits. For these purchases, we
need your username and e-mail address to send to a payment service provider.
This payment account information will only be used to buy credits.

Purpose of processing:
We process your username and e-mail address to facilitate the payment process to
buy credits so you can use the service.

Lawfulness of processing:
The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or in order to
take steps to entering into a contract.

The Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
for which the Personal Data are processed.

Your Personal Data shall be kept for 121 days just in case chargebacks need to
be made.

Marketing e-mails

With your consent information about new products, services and promotional
campaigns will be sent to you. You have the right to withdraw the consent at any

Purpose of processing:
We process your e-mail address, username, gender, and preference to inform you
about products, services, and promotion campaigns.

Lawfulness of processing:
Your e-mail address, username, gender, and preference will only be processed
with your consent to process this Personal Data for the purpose of direct
marketing activities.

The Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
for which the Personal Data are processed.

Automatically Generated Information

In order for the Service to work optimally (for example, to display pages
correctly and to secure the Service), we collect certain information. This
information is automatically generated during your use of the Service and
consists of Personal Data like the IP address of your device and the pages you

Purpose of processing:
We process the type of device you use, the IP address of your device, the
operating system you use, the browser software you use, the pages you visit; and
the internet service provider you use for the purpose of improving our Services
and in order to work for the Service optimally.

Lawfulness of processing:
The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued
by Inovo Internet Innovation B.V..

The Personal Data shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes
for which the Personal Data are processed.


If we process your Personal Data with your consent, whether the consent is
explicit (when we process Special Categories of Personal Data) or not explicit
(when we process your Personal Data to send you marketing e-mails), you have
always the right to withdraw this consent in an easy way. You can withdraw your
consent on your Profile page.

The withdrawal of consent does not have retroactive effect. This means that all
processing of Personal Data that we have previously carried out on the basis of
your (explicit) consent remains lawful. If you withdraw your consent, the
processing by us will cease unless it is necessary due to a legal obligation.


The employees of Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. who have access to Personal Data
are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the Personal Data of which they
become aware, except to the extent that they are required to make disclosures by
law or regulations.
Sharing of Personal Data with third parties
Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. will not provide your Personal Data to any other
party. Only if Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. is legally required to do so,
Personal Data will be provided to supervisors, tax authorities and investigating

We may also provide your Personal Data to third parties if we are obliged to do
so as a result of a lawsuit, and/or if we consider this necessary to protect our

Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. may share Personal Data with third parties for
direct marketing purposes provided that we have your consent to do so. You have
the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

We may provide your Personal Data to third parties when this is required for the
use of the Service. This may include Special Categories of Personal Data from
your Profile, to which the following categories have access to: IT-developers
that work on the Service, performers that send messages and moderators that
monitor messages for illicit content. We may also provide your Personal Data to
third parties that includes data includes data collected by the Service
(automatically), such as your IP address or MAC address, the type of browser,
and the software and hardware you use. This data is shared with Google Analytics
and 24metrics, two external service providers, to ensure that the Service
functions properly.

The Service may include hyperlinks to, or include on or in connection with,
other websites, locations, platforms, applications, or online services operated
by third parties (“Third-Party Services”). These Third-Party Services may use
their own cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to independently
collect information about you and may solicit Personal Data from you. We are not
responsible for, and make no representations regarding, the policies or business
practices of any third parties, including, without limitation, Third-Party
Services associated with the Service. We encourage you to familiarize yourself
with and consult their privacy policies and Terms and Conditions.


Personal Data will be treated in the strictest confidence. Inovo Internet
Innovation B.V. has taken appropriate technical and organizational security
measures against loss or unlawful processing of your Personal Data. Inovo
Internet Innovation B.V. uses multiple security techniques including encryption,
firewalls, and two-factor authentication. Your password will be stored
unreadable (hashed).

To the extent that third parties have access to Personal Data in the performance
of the relevant services, Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. has taken the required
contractual and organizational measures to ensure that your Personal Data are
processed solely for the above purposes in accordance with the GDPR.

To prevent unauthorized access, we have taken appropriate security measures to
protect and secure the Personal Data you have provided. However, no online or
digital security is absolute. If you register with us and create an Account and
Profile and use our Service, you are responsible and liable for the security and
confidentiality of your access credentials and for restricting access to your
device and for all activity under your account.


If you visit our website, we process your personal data with cookies. We use
technical cookies to make the website function. We also use a program for
website statistics, but in doing so we anonymize your data as much as possible.
Please read our Cookie Statement


As a user of our Service you have rights under the GDPR that you can exercise.
You have:
 * the right of access to your Personal Data;
 * the right to data portability;
 * the right to erasure (right to be forgotten);
 * the right to rectification and completion;
 * the right to restriction of processing (data minimization);
 * the right to object to data processing;
 * the right not to be subject to a decision based only on automated processing,
   including profiling.

If you wish to exercise one or more of your rights, you can send a request in
writing or digitally to Inovo Internet Innovation B.V. Parallelweg 21, 1131DM
Volendam, The Netherlands or to support@lookingforaflirt.com . You will receive
a response to your request within one month.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection


We do not share personal information as defined by California Civil Code Section
1798.83 (“Shine The Light law”) with third parties for their direct marketing
purposes without either obtaining your consent or giving you the ability to
opt-out. To opt-out of future sharing with third parties for their direct
marketing purposes, send an email to support@lookingforaflirt.com.

If you are a California resident, you may request information about our
compliance with the Shine the Light law by contacting us or by sending a request
to Parallelweg 21, 1131DM Volendam, The Netherlands or to
support@lookingforaflirt.com. Any such request must include "California Privacy
Rights Request" in the first line of the description and include your name,
street address, city, state, and ZIP code. Please note that we are only required
to respond to one request per customer each year, and we are not required to
respond to requests made by means other than through this email address or mail


For processing your Personal Data we use Google Cloud solutions. We use Google
BigQuery for storing your Personal Data. We use Google servers worldwide. When
Personal Data is processed outside the European Union, Inovo Internet Innovation
B.V. uses standard contracts as well as appropriate technical and organizational
measures to ensure that Personal Data is processed at the same level of data
protection as within the EU.

We apply the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to
Personal Data that is processed and stored in the European Union, but also
provide U.S. data subjects any privacy rights required to have accorded them
under applicable U.S. law. Generally, the GDPR will provide data subjects
greater rights that accorded under U.S. privacy laws.


The Service is intended for a mature audience. We do not intend to collect
personal information as defined by the U.S. Children’s Privacy Protection Act.
If you are under the age of eighteen (18), or otherwise under the age of
majority where you reside (19 or 21 in some states) then you are not permitted
to register as a user, create an Account or otherwise use the Service or submit
personal information to us. In the event we are informed that we have obtained a
child’s personal information we will delete it, or otherwise take appropriate
action, as required by applicable law.


If you have any questions about the processing and protection of your Personal
Data or wish to exercise your rights? Please contact us at the following email
address: support@lookingforaflirt.com.

This Privacy Statement is last updated on 5/21/2024

 * Terms & conditions
 * Privacy statement
 * 2257 statement
 * Cookies
 * Pricing
 * About us
 * Contact
 * Report

The minimum age for participation on lookingforaflirt.com is 18 or above the age
of majority in the state where you reside.The site is optimised for desktop,
smartphone and tablet. lookingforaflirt.com is a flirting chat platform for
profiles looking for fun, flirty or exciting contacts sending messages cost
credits. Every day, hundreds of new members sign up. Based on your profile
settings, you will receive messages. However, you can also use our search
functions and browse for profiles. This is completely up to you.
lookingforaflirt.com is designed for pleasure and entertainment. The price per
message/credit varies from $0.60 to $2.50, depending on the bundle you want to
buy. Fictional entertainers' profiles marked with a heart icon are for
entertainment purposes only; physical contact with these profiles is impossible.
We strongly advise you to read our Terms and Conditions before using our

lookingforaflirt.com (c) 2023 - 2024 All rights reserved.



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Date of birth:

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Create a free profile in 1 minute to chat with our members
By becoming a member, I agree to the Terms and Conditions and the use of
fictional entertainers’ profiles, marked with a heart icon, with which physical
contact is not possible.

By submitting my account information, I understand that Inovo Internet
Innovation B.V. will process my personal data in accordance with the Privacy
