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            <dd class="range-meter">$67.40<div class="range"><span class="range-marker" style="left:28%"><span class="range-arrow">▼</span></span></div>$70.56</dd>
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            <dd><strong>7.25 million shs</strong></dd>
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            <dt>Average Volume</dt>
            <dd><strong>7.96 million shs</strong></dd>
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            <dt>Market Capitalization</dt>
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                <h2 style="margin:0 0 0 110px" class="h3">About Newmont</h2>
              <div class="lh-medium mb-3">
                <div class="read-more-section expanded"><span style="float:left;height: 40px;width: 119px;"></span>Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company
                  has operations and/or assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and Ghana. As of December 31, 2021, it had proven and probable gold reserves of 92.8 million ounces
                  and land position of 62,800 square kilometers. The company was founded in 1916 and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado.</div>
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                    27, 2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> marketbeat.com</div>
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                      class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> finance.yahoo.com</div>
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                    8, 2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                  <div class="p-2"><a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25425910">Thomas Ronald Palmer Sells 11,000 Shares of Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) Stock</a><br>May 6,
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                    4, 2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> benzinga.com</div>
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                    2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                    <a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25388716">National Bank Financial Analysts Lower Earnings Estimates for Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM)</a><br>April 29,
                    2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                  <div class="p-2"><a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25386859">Q2 2022 Earnings Forecast for Newmont Co. Issued By KeyCorp (NYSE:NEM)</a><br>April 29,
                    2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                  <div class="p-2"><a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25385616">Newmont (NYSE:NEM) PT Lowered to $80.00</a><br>April 28, 2022<span
                      class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                  <div class="p-2"><a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25385618">Canaccord Genuity Group Cuts Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Price Target to $80.00</a><br>April 28,
                    2022<span class="c-gray">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</span> americanbankingnews.com</div>
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                  <div class="p-2"><a style="font-weight: 700" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.americanbankingnews.com/?p=25384961">Canaccord Genuity Group Lowers Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Price Target to $80.00</a><br>April 28,
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                  <dd><strong> Gold &amp; silver ores</strong></dd>
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                  <dd><strong><a href="https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?CIK=0001164727" title="View company filings">1164727</a></strong></dd>
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                  <dd><strong><a href="http://www.newmontgoldcorp.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.newmontgoldcorp.com</a></strong></dd>
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                  <dd><strong><a href="tel:3038637414">(303) 863-7414</a></strong></dd>
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                  <dd><strong><a href="fax:3038375837">303-837-5837</a></strong></dd>
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                  <dt>Year Founded</dt>
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                <h2 class="d-inline h3">Sales &amp; Book Value</h2>
              <dl class="m-0 p-0" style="list-style:none;">
                <div class="price-data">
                  <dt>Annual Sales</dt>
                  <dd><strong>$12.22 billion</strong></dd>
                <div class="price-data">
                  <dt><a href="/financial-terms/what-is-price-sales-ratio/" target="_blank">Price / Sales</a></dt>
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                  <dt><a href="/financial-terms/cash-flow-analysis-stock-selection/" target="_blank">Cash Flow</a></dt>
                  <dd><strong>$5.51 per share</strong></dd>
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                  <dt><a href="/financial-terms/book-value-equity-per-share-bvps/" target="_blank">Book Value</a></dt>
                  <dd><strong>$27.25 per share</strong></dd>
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                  <dd><strong>$1.17 billion</strong></dd>
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                      <p class="bold m-0">2.42 out of 5 stars</p>
                    <div class="col-md-6 col-xl-7"><strong>Basic Materials Sector</strong><br>
                      <p>73rd out of 245 stocks</p><strong>Gold &amp; Silver Ores Industry</strong><br>
                      <p>12th out of 53 stocks</p>
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                        <title>Community Rank: 4.3</title>
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                        <title>Dividend Strength: 1.7</title>
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                        <title>Insider Behavior: 2.5</title>
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                        <title>Valuation: 0.6</title>
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                        <h3 class="h2"><span style="border-radius:50%;position:relative;left: -9px;height: 45px;width: 45px;line-height: 2.05;font-size:23px;" class="d-inline-block border b-white gradient-blue text-center c-white">3.1</span>
                          Analyst's Opinion</h3>
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                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/price-target/" class="c-black">Consensus Rating</a></h4>
                            <p>Newmont has received a consensus rating of Hold. The company's average rating score is 2.13, and is based on 2 buy ratings, 14 hold ratings, and no sell ratings.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/price-target/" class="c-black">Price Target Upside/Downside</a></h4>
                            <p>According to analysts' consensus price target of $76.32, Newmont has a forecasted upside of 11.8% from its current price of $68.27.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/price-target/" class="c-black">Amount of Analyst Coverage</a></h4>
                            <p>Newmont has been the subject of 10 research reports in the past 90 days, demonstrating strong analyst interest in this stock.</p>
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                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15">Outperform Votes</h4>
                            <p>Newmont has received <span class="vote-number-1">873</span> “outperform” votes. <span class="vote-span c-blue" onclick="vote(1, this)">(Add your “outperform” vote.)</span></p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15">Underperform Votes</h4>
                            <p>Newmont has received <span class="vote-number-0">479</span> “underperform” votes. <span class="vote-span c-blue" onclick="vote(0, this)">(Add your “underperform” vote.)</span></p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15">Community Sentiment</h4>
                            <p>Newmont has received 64.57% “outperform” votes from our community.</p>
                        <p class="font-8"><em>MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about Newmont and other stocks. Vote “Outperform” if you believe NEM will outperform the S&amp;P 500 over the long term. Vote
                            “Underperform” if you believe NEM will underperform the S&amp;P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days.</em></p><button data-target="#carouselRank" data-slide="prev"
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                        <h3 class="h2"><span style="border-radius:50%;position:relative;left: -9px;height: 45px;width: 45px;line-height:2.05;font-size:23px;" class="d-inline-block border b-white gradient-gold text-center c-white">1.7</span> Dividend
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                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/" class="c-black">Dividend Yield</a></h4>
                            <p>Newmont pays a meaningful dividend of 3.19%, higher than the bottom 25% of all stocks that pay dividends.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/" class="c-black">Dividend Growth</a></h4>
                            <p>Newmont has only been increasing its dividend for 2 years.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/" class="c-black">Dividend Coverage</a></h4>
                            <p>The dividend payout ratio of Newmont is 167.94%. Payout ratios above 75% are not desirable because they may not be sustainable.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/" class="c-black">Dividend Sustainability</a></h4>
                            <p>Based on earnings estimates, Newmont will have a dividend payout ratio of 63.40% next year. This indicates that Newmont will be able to sustain or increase its dividend.</p>
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                        <h3 class="h2"><span style="border-radius:50%;position:relative;left: -9px;height: 45px;width: 45px;line-height:2.05;font-size:23px;" class="d-inline-block border b-white gradient-purple text-center c-white">2.5</span> Company
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                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/insider-trades/" class="c-black">Insider Buying vs. Insider Selling</a></h4>
                            <p>In the past three months, Newmont insiders have sold more of their company's stock than they have bought. Specifically, they have bought $0.00 in company stock and sold $4,932,493.00 in company stock.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/insider-trades/" class="c-black">Percentage Held by Insiders</a></h4>
                            <p>Only 0.11% of the stock of Newmont is held by insiders.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/institutional-ownership/" class="c-black">Percentage Held by Institutions</a></h4>
                            <p>78.41% of the stock of Newmont is held by institutions. High institutional ownership can be a signal of strong market trust in this company.</p>
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                        <h3 class="h2"><span style="border-radius:50%;position:relative;left: -9px;height: 45px;width: 45px;line-height:2.05;font-size:23px;" class="d-inline-block border b-white gradient-green text-center c-white">0.6</span> Earnings
                          and Valuation</h3>
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                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/" class="c-black">Earnings Growth</a></h4>
                            <p>Earnings for Newmont are expected to grow by 2.06% in the coming year, from $3.40 to $3.47 per share.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/" class="c-black">Price to Earnings Ratio vs. the Market</a></h4>
                            <p>The P/E ratio of Newmont is 52.11, which means that it is trading at a more expensive P/E ratio than the market average P/E ratio of about 10.08.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/" class="c-black">Price to Earnings Ratio vs. Sector</a></h4>
                            <p>The P/E ratio of Newmont is 52.11, which means that it is trading at a more expensive P/E ratio than the Basic Materials sector average P/E ratio of about 12.01.</p>
                            <h4 class="h5 mb-0" style="line-height: 1.15"><a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/" class="c-black">Price to Book Value per Share Ratio</a></h4>
                            <p>Newmont has a P/B Ratio of 2.51. P/B Ratios below 3 indicates that a company is reasonably valued with respect to its assets and liabilities.</p>
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            <div class="lh-medium col-md-10 col-lg-9" itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/FAQPage">
              <h2 style="margin-top:0px">Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question1" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Is Newmont a buy right now?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer1">16 Wall Street analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Newmont in the last twelve months. There are currently 14 hold ratings and 2 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus
                        among Wall Street analysts is that investors should "hold" Newmont stock. A hold rating indicates that analysts believe investors should maintain any existing positions they have in NEM, but not buy additional shares or sell
                        existing shares. <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/price-target/"><br>View analyst ratings for Newmont</a> or
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/newsletter/PDFoffer.aspx?offer=top5&amp;RegistrationCode=CompanyDetails-FAQ">view top-rated stocks</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question2" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How has Newmont's stock been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer2">Newmont's stock was trading at $46.02 on March 11th, 2020 when Coronavirus (COVID-19) reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization. Since then, NEM stock has increased by
                        48.3% and is now trading at $68.27. <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/market-data/coronavirus-stocks/"><br>View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question3" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Are investors shorting Newmont?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer3">Newmont saw a decline in short interest during the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totaling 8,310,000 shares, a decline of 36.6% from the March 15th total of 13,100,000
                        shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 8,350,000 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 1.0 days. Approximately 1.1% of the shares of the stock are sold short.
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/short-interest/"><br>View Newmont's Short Interest</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question4" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">When is Newmont's next earnings date?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer4">Newmont is scheduled to release its next quarterly earnings announcement on Thursday, July 28th 2022.
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/"><br>View our earnings forecast for Newmont</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question5" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How were Newmont's earnings last quarter?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer5">Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) issued its earnings results on Friday, April, 22nd. The basic materials company reported $0.69 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters' consensus
                        estimate of $0.71 by $0.02. The basic materials company had revenue of $3.02 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $3.06 billion. Newmont had a trailing twelve-month return on equity of 10.24% and a net
                        margin of 8.53%. The firm's quarterly revenue was up 5.3% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business posted $0.74 EPS.
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/earnings/"><br>View Newmont's earnings history</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question6" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How often does Newmont pay dividends? What is the dividend yield for Newmont?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer6">Newmont declared a quarterly dividend on Thursday, April 21st. Stockholders of record on Thursday, June 2nd will be paid a dividend of $0.55 per share on Thursday, June 16th. This represents a
                        $2.20 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 3.22%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, June 1st. <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/"><br>View Newmont's dividend history</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question7" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Is Newmont a good dividend stock?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer7">Newmont pays an annual dividend of $2.20 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 3.19%. Newmont has been increasing its dividend for 2 consecutive year(s), indicating that it does not yet
                        have a strong track record of dividend growth. The dividend payout ratio of Newmont is 167.94%. Payout ratios above 75% are not desirable because they may not be sustainable. Based on earnings estimates, Newmont will have a
                        dividend payout ratio of 63.40% next year. This indicates that Newmont will be able to sustain or increase its dividend. <br><a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/dividend/">View Newmont's dividend history</a>.
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question8" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What price target have analysts set for NEM?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer8">16 equities research analysts have issued 12-month price objectives for Newmont's shares. Their forecasts range from $57.00 to $115.00. On average, they anticipate Newmont's share price to reach
                        $76.32 in the next year. This suggests a possible upside of 11.8% from the stock's current price. <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/price-target/"><br>View analysts' price targets for Newmont</a> or
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/top-rated/">view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question9" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What are Wall Street analysts saying about Newmont stock?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <div itemprop="text" id="answer9">Here are some recent quotes from research analysts about Newmont stock: <ul>
                          <li>1. Fundamental Research analysts commented, "Fundamental Research Corp has issued a report entitled “Newmont vs Barrick – Which One Has Higher Upside Potential?” and dated February 25, 2022. The full report is now at
                            www.researchfrc.com." (3/1/2022)</li>
                          <li>2. According to Zacks Investment Research, "Newmont’s earnings and sales in the second quarter beat the respective Zacks Consensus Estimate.&nbsp; The company is making a notable progress with its growth projects. It is
                            likely to gain from a number of projects including the Tanami expansion, Yanacocha Sulfides and Ahafo north. Moreover, the merger with Goldcorp is expected to be value-accretive to its cash flow and generate significant
                            synergies. The company’s efforts to de-leverage its balance sheet are also encouraging.&nbsp; It also remains focused on improving operational efficiency. However, higher production costs are likely to weigh on its
                            margins. Newmont is witnessing higher cost applicable to sales (CAS) partly related to the pandemic.&nbsp; Higher capital spending may also affect its ability to generate free cash flow. The recent weakness in gold prices
                            is another concern." (7/27/2021)</li>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question10" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Who are Newmont's key executives?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <div itemprop="text" id="answer10">Newmont's management team includes the following people: <ul>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/thomas-ronald-palmer/">Mr. Thomas Ronald Palmer</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Pres,
                              CEO &amp; Director</span> (Age 54, Pay $3.49M) (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-palmer-7ba95963" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name">Ms. Nancy K. Buese CPA</span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec. VP &amp; CFO</span> (Age 52, Pay $1.59M)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/robert-d-atkinson-1/">Mr. Robert D. Atkinson</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec. VP
                              &amp; COO</span> (Age 51, Pay $1.74M) (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-atkinson-59953113/" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/nancy-lipson/">Ms. Nancy Lipson</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec. VP &amp; Gen.
                              Counsel</span> (Age 51, Pay $1.13M) (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-lipson-b11b4626" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/stephen-p-gottesfeld/">Mr. Stephen P. Gottesfeld</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec.
                              VP and Chief Sustainability &amp; External Affairs Officer</span> (Age 54, Pay $1.11M)
                            (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-gottesfeld-00921b42/" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name">Mr. Brian C. Tabolt</span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">VP, Controller &amp; Chief Accounting Officer</span> (Age 41)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/dean-gehring/">Mr. Dean R. Gehring</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec. VP &amp;
                              CTO</span> (Age 53) (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-gehring-549b8444" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name">Mr. Luis Maximo Canepari</span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Sr. VP &amp; Chief Information Officer</span></li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name">Mr. Scott E. Sullivan</span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Chief Integrity &amp; Compliance Officer</span></li>
                          <li itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name"><a href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/jennifer-cmil-1/">Ms. Jennifer Cmil</a></span>, <span itemprop="jobTitle">Exec. VP of
                              HR</span> (Age 51) (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-cmil-4838a224/" itemprop="sameAs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LinkedIn Profile</a>)</li>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question11" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What is Tom Palmer's approval rating as Newmont's CEO?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer11">15 employees have rated Newmont CEO Tom Palmer on <a href="https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Newmont-Reviews-E479.htm#trends-ceoRating" rel="nofollow">Glassdoor.com</a>. Tom Palmer has an
                        approval rating of 97% among Newmont's employees. This puts Tom Palmer in the top 30% of approval ratings compared to other CEOs of publicly-traded companies. </p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question12" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Who are some of Newmont's key competitors?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer12"> Some companies that are related to Newmont include <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/RGLD/" style="font-weight:normal">Royal Gold (RGLD)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/TSE/NG/" style="font-weight:normal">NovaGold Resources (NG)</a>, <a href="/stocks/NYSEAMERICAN/GORO/" style="font-weight:normal">Gold Resource (GORO)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/NYSEAMERICAN/VGZ/" style="font-weight:normal">Vista Gold (VGZ)</a> and <a href="/stocks/TSE/TV/" style="font-weight:normal">Trevali Mining (TV)</a>.
                        <a href="/stocks/NYSE/NEM/competitors-and-alternatives/"><br>View all of NEM's competitors</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question13" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What other stocks do shareholders of Newmont own?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer13"> Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some companies that other Newmont investors own include <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/NVDA/" style="font-weight:normal">NVIDIA (NVDA)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/CSCO/" style="font-weight:normal">Cisco Systems (CSCO)</a>, <a href="/stocks/NYSE/GOLD/" style="font-weight:normal">Barrick Gold (GOLD)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/INTC/" style="font-weight:normal">Intel (INTC)</a>, <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/MU/" style="font-weight:normal">Micron Technology (MU)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/AMD/" style="font-weight:normal">Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)</a>, <a href="/stocks/NYSE/T/" style="font-weight:normal">AT&amp;T (T)</a>,
                        <a href="/stocks/NASDAQ/QCOM/" style="font-weight:normal">QUALCOMM (QCOM)</a>, <a href="/stocks/NYSE/ABBV/" style="font-weight:normal">AbbVie (ABBV)</a> and
                        <a href="/stocks/NYSE/DIS/" style="font-weight:normal">Walt Disney (DIS)</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question14" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What is Newmont's stock symbol?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer14">Newmont trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol "NEM."</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question15" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Who are Newmont's major shareholders?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer15">Newmont's stock is owned by a number of retail and institutional investors. Top institutional shareholders include Van ECK Associates Corp (4.30%), California Public Employees Retirement System
                        (0.76%), Swiss National Bank (0.44%), Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. (0.33%), KBC Group NV (0.28%) and Victory Capital Management Inc. (0.26%). Company insiders that own Newmont stock include
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/blake-rhodes/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Blake Rhodes</a>, David W Ruttenberg,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/dean-gehring/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dean Gehring</a>,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/e-randall-engel/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E Randall Engel</a>, Jeffrey A Graves,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/jennifer-cmil-1/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jennifer Cmil</a>,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/john-kitlen/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">John Kitlen</a>,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/nancy-buese/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nancy Buese</a>,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/nancy-lipson/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nancy Lipson</a>, Nello Mainolfi,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/robert-d-atkinson-1/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Robert D Atkinson</a>,
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/stephen-p-gottesfeld/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Stephen P Gottesfeld</a> and
                        <a style="font-weight:normal" href="https://www.insidertrades.com/newmont-co-stock/thomas-ronald-palmer/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Thomas Ronald Palmer</a>.
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/institutional-ownership/"><br>View institutional ownership trends for Newmont</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question16" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Which major investors are selling Newmont stock?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer16">NEM stock was sold by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter, including Van ECK Associates Corp, Boston Partners, LGT Capital Partners LTD., TD Asset Management Inc., DekaBank
                        Deutsche Girozentrale, Bank of Nova Scotia, Tobam, and AMF Tjanstepension AB. Company insiders that have sold Newmont company stock in the last year include Blake Rhodes, Dean Gehring, Jennifer Cmil, Nancy Buese, Nancy Lipson,
                        Nello Mainolfi, Robert D Atkinson, Stephen P Gottesfeld, and Thomas Ronald Palmer. <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/insider-trades/"><br>View insider buying and selling activity for Newmont</a> or
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/insider-trades/insider-selling-stocks/">view top insider-selling stocks</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question17" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Which major investors are buying Newmont stock?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer17">NEM stock was bought by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter, including Nordea Investment Management AB, Manning &amp; Napier Group LLC, Swiss National Bank, Victory Capital
                        Management Inc., Russell Investments Group Ltd., New York State Common Retirement Fund, Lmcg Investments LLC, and Artemis Investment Management LLP.
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/NEM/insider-trades/"><br>View insider buying and selling activity for Newmont</a> or or
                        <a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/insider-trades/insider-buying-stocks/">view top insider-buying stocks</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question18" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How do I buy shares of Newmont? </div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer18">Shares of NEM can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include
                        <a href="https://act.webull.com/kol-us/share.html?hl=en&amp;inviteCode=aSnU7Op5LXIH">WeBull</a>, Vanguard Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab.
                        <br><a href="https://www.marketbeat.com/arnreports/OfferWallBrokers.aspx">Compare Top Brokerages Here</a>.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question19" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What is Newmont's stock price today?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer19">One share of NEM stock can currently be purchased for approximately $68.27.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question20" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How much money does Newmont make?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer20">Newmont has a market capitalization of $54.18 billion and generates $12.22 billion in revenue each year. The basic materials company earns $1.17 billion in net income (profit) each year or
                        $1.309990 on an earnings per share basis. </p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question21" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How many employees does Newmont have?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer21">Newmont employs 14,400 workers across the globe.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question22" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Does Newmont have any subsidiaries?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer22">The following companies are subsidiares of Newmont: AC40689 Limited, Administradora de Negocios Mineros S.A. de C.V., Australian Capital Territory, Battle Mountain Resources Inc., Cayman Pampas
                        Ltd., Con Exploration Ltd., Datawave Sciences Inc., Dawn Mining Company LLC, ELLC Grazing Membership LLC, EMH (BVI) Inc., Elko Land and Livestock Company, Empresa Minera Maria SRL, Fronteer Development (USA) LLC, Fronteer
                        Development LLC, Fronteer Royalty LLC, GCGC LLC, GMK Investments Pty Ltd, Galore Creek Mining Corporation, Galore Creek Partnership, Glamis Rand Mining Company, Gold S.p.A., Goldcorp (Barbados) Inc., Goldcorp America Holdings
                        Inc., Goldcorp Aureus Inc., Goldcorp Aurum Argentum Inc., Goldcorp Canada Ltd., Goldcorp Capital Corporation, Goldcorp Exeter Ltd., Goldcorp Faja de Plata S.A. de C.V., Goldcorp General Holdings Ltd., Goldcorp Global Services
                        Inc., Goldcorp Holdings Europe B.V., Goldcorp Holdings GmbH, Goldcorp Inc., Goldcorp Insurance Company Inc., Goldcorp Internacional S.A. de C.V., Goldcorp Kaminak Ltd., Goldcorp Latin America Finance Limited, Goldcorp MC
                        Holding S.p.A., Goldcorp Peñasquito S.A. de C.V., Goldcorp Porcupine Nominee Ltd., Goldcorp Red Lake Nominee Ltd., Goldcorp Stratum Inc., Goldcorp Tesoro Inc., Goldcorp Trading GmbH, Goldcorp USA Holdings Ltd., Goldcorp USA
                        Inc., Goldcorp USA Services Inc., Goldfields Power Pty Ltd, Hemlo Gold Mines (Ghana) Limited, Holdco S.p.A., Honduras Holdings Ltd., Hospah Holdings Company, Idarado Mining Company, International Mineral Finance S.AR.L., MMC
                        Acquisition Limited, Mexicana Resources Inc., Minera Alumbrera Ltd., Minera BMG, Minera Choluteca S.A. de C.V., Minera Faja de Plata S.A. de C.V., Minera Los Tapados S.A., Minera Newmont (Chile) Limitada, Minera Peñasquito
                        S.A. de C.V., Minera Yanacocha S.R.L., Miramar Gold Corporation, Miramar HBG Inc., Miramar Northern Mining Ltd., Montana Exploradora de Guatemala S.A. de C.V., Moydow Limited, Musto Explorations (Bermuda) Ltd., N.I. Limited,
                        NP Kalgoorlie Pty Ltd, NVL (USA) Limited, NVL Haiti Limited S.A., NVL PNG Limited, NVL Solomon Islands Limited, Nevada Eagle Resources LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, New Verde Mines LLC, Newmont (Guyana) Incorporated, Newmont AP
                        Power Pty Ltd, Newmont Australia Investment Limited, Newmont Boddington Pty Ltd, Newmont Bolivia Limited, Newmont CC&amp;V Mining Corporation, Newmont Canada Corporation, Newmont Canada Holdings ULC, Newmont Capital Limited,
                        Newmont Capital Pty Ltd, Newmont Colombia S.A.S., Newmont Euronimba B.V., Newmont FH B.V., Newmont GTR LLC, Newmont Galore Creek Holdings Corporation, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited, Newmont Gold Company, Newmont Gold Pty Ltd,
                        Newmont Goldcorp Australia Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Boddington Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Exploration Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Integrated Services Inc., Newmont Goldcorp Red Lake Holdings Ltd., Newmont Goldcorp Services Pty
                        Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Tanami Pty Ltd, Newmont Golden Ridge Limited, Newmont Holdings ULC, Newmont Indonesia Investment Limited, Newmont Indonesia LLC, Newmont International Exploration Pty Ltd, Newmont International Group BV,
                        Newmont International Services Limited, Newmont Investment Holdings LLC, Newmont Landco Pty Ltd, Newmont Latin America Limited, Newmont McCoy Cove Limited, Newmont Mineral Holdings B.V., Newmont Mines Limited, Newmont Mining
                        Finance Pty Ltd, Newmont Mining Holdings Pty Ltd, Newmont NGL Holdings Pty Ltd, Newmont Nevada Energy Investment LLC, Newmont North America Exploration Limited, Newmont Nusa Tenggara Holdings B.V., Newmont Overseas Exploration
                        Limited, Newmont Pacific Energy Pty Ltd, Newmont Peru Limited, Newmont Power Pty Ltd, Newmont Realty Company, Newmont Second Capital Corporation, Newmont Suriname LLC, Newmont Technologies Limited, Newmont USA Limited, Newmont
                        Ventures Limited, Newmont Woodcutters Pty Ltd, Newmont Yandal Operations Pty Ltd, Newmont de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Normandy Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Normandy Overseas Holding Company Sdn Bhd, Nusa Tenggara Partnership B.V.,
                        Orcana Resources Inc., Oroplata S.A., PT Newmont Minahasa Raya, Pequop Exploration LLC, Peridot S.A., Pittston Nevada Gold Company Ltd., Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, Red Lake Gold Mine Services Ltd., Resurrection
                        Mining Company, Saddleback Investments Pty Ltd, San Juan Basin Holdings Company, Santa Fe Pacific Gold Corporation, Sermineros de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Sermineros de Mexico S.A. de C.V. &lt;0.0010% Sermineros Zacatecas S.A. de
                        C.V., Sociedad Contractual Minera El Morro, Suriname Gold Project CV, Takari Mining SAS, Talapoosa Mining Inc., The LeClair Consolidated Mines Company, The Matoa Gold Mining Company, US Mineral Company Inc., Vol Mines Limited,
                        and West Pequop Project LLC.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question23" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">When was Newmont founded?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer23">Newmont was founded in 1921.</p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question24" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">What is Newmont's official website?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer24">The official website for Newmont is <a href="http://www.newmontgoldcorp.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.newmontgoldcorp.com</a>. </p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question25" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">Where are Newmont's headquarters?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer25">Newmont is headquartered at
                        <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/maps?q=6363+SOUTH+FIDDLER%60S+GREEN+CIRCLE%2c+GREENWOOD+VILLAGE+CO%2c+80111">6363 SOUTH FIDDLER`S GREEN CIRCLE, GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO, 80111</a>. </p>
                <div itemscope="" itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype="http://schema.org/Question">
                    <div id="question26" class="question h3 mt-0 c-dark-blue m-0 border-left b-dark-blue pl-5" itemprop="name text">How can I contact Newmont?</div>
                    <div itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Answer" class="answer c-gold pl-5 pt-3 border-left b-gold">
                      <p itemprop="text" id="answer26">Newmont's mailing address is
                        <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/maps?q=6363+SOUTH+FIDDLER%60S+GREEN+CIRCLE%2c+GREENWOOD+VILLAGE+CO%2c+80111">6363 SOUTH FIDDLER`S GREEN CIRCLE, GREENWOOD VILLAGE CO, 80111</a>. The basic materials company can
                        be reached via phone at <a href="tel:3038637414">(303) 863-7414</a>, via email at <a href="mailto:jessica.largent@newmont.com">jessica.largent@newmont.com</a>, or via fax at <a href="fax:3038375837">303-837-5837</a>.</p>
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S&P 500   4,001.05
DOW   32,160.74
QQQ   300.76
Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) Approaches Key Support Level
The Safest Option in Trades! (Ad)
Intuitive Surgical is an Intuitive Buy
High-Yield Deep-Value LCI Industries Exceeds All Expectations 
Follow The Money To Cigna
Investors See Opportunity in Huge Global Demand for Lithium (Ad)
EXPLAINER: Why is Hungary blocking sanctions on Russian oil?
If PetMeds Is A Good Buy There Will Be A Better Signal 
The Low In Lordstown Motors May Not Be The Last 
Investor Alert: EV Initiatives Create Unsustainable Demand For Lithium (Ad)
S&P 500   4,001.05
DOW   32,160.74
QQQ   300.76
Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) Approaches Key Support Level
The Safest Option in Trades! (Ad)
Intuitive Surgical is an Intuitive Buy
High-Yield Deep-Value LCI Industries Exceeds All Expectations 
Follow The Money To Cigna
Investors See Opportunity in Huge Global Demand for Lithium (Ad)
EXPLAINER: Why is Hungary blocking sanctions on Russian oil?
If PetMeds Is A Good Buy There Will Be A Better Signal 
The Low In Lordstown Motors May Not Be The Last 
Investor Alert: EV Initiatives Create Unsustainable Demand For Lithium (Ad)
S&P 500   4,001.05
DOW   32,160.74
QQQ   300.76
Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) Approaches Key Support Level
The Safest Option in Trades! (Ad)
Intuitive Surgical is an Intuitive Buy
High-Yield Deep-Value LCI Industries Exceeds All Expectations 
Follow The Money To Cigna
Investors See Opportunity in Huge Global Demand for Lithium (Ad)
EXPLAINER: Why is Hungary blocking sanctions on Russian oil?
If PetMeds Is A Good Buy There Will Be A Better Signal 
The Low In Lordstown Motors May Not Be The Last 
Investor Alert: EV Initiatives Create Unsustainable Demand For Lithium (Ad)
S&P 500   4,001.05
DOW   32,160.74
QQQ   300.76
Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) Approaches Key Support Level
The Safest Option in Trades! (Ad)
Intuitive Surgical is an Intuitive Buy
High-Yield Deep-Value LCI Industries Exceeds All Expectations 
Follow The Money To Cigna
Investors See Opportunity in Huge Global Demand for Lithium (Ad)
EXPLAINER: Why is Hungary blocking sanctions on Russian oil?
If PetMeds Is A Good Buy There Will Be A Better Signal 
The Low In Lordstown Motors May Not Be The Last 
Investor Alert: EV Initiatives Create Unsustainable Demand For Lithium (Ad)
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-0.65 (-0.94%)
(As of 05/10/2022 04:00 PM ET)
Today's Range$67.40
50-Day Range$68.27
52-Week Range$52.60
Volume7.25 million shs
Average Volume7.96 million shs
Market Capitalization$54.18 billion
P/E Ratio52.11
Dividend Yield3.19%
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View Price History Chart DataSkip Price History Chart
1316192225May 147$68.27Closing price on 05/10/22:
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Newmont Corporation engages in the production and exploration of gold. It also
explores for copper, silver, zinc, and lead. The company has operations and/or
assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Suriname,
Argentina, Chile, Australia, and Ghana. As of December 31, 2021, it had proven
and probable gold reserves of 92.8 million ounces and land position of 62,800
square kilometers. The company was founded in 1916 and is headquartered in
Denver, Colorado.
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MarketBeat: Week in Review 4/25 – 4/29 (NEM)
April 29, 2022 |  marketbeat.com
Newmont Corporation is the Same as It’s Always Been Which is Why It’s a Buy
April 27, 2022 |  marketbeat.com
Newmont's (NYSE:NEM) Dividend Will Be US$0.55
May 9, 2022 |  finance.yahoo.com
Financial Contrast: Copper Mountain Mining (OTCMKTS:CPPMF) vs. Newmont
May 8, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Thomas Ronald Palmer Sells 11,000 Shares of Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) Stock
May 6, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Here's How Much You Would Have Made Owning Newmont Stock In The Last 5 Years -
Benzinga - Benzinga
May 4, 2022 |  benzinga.com
Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) Expected to Post Quarterly Sales of $3.29 Billion
April 30, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
National Bank Financial Analysts Lower Earnings Estimates for Newmont Co.
April 29, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Q2 2022 Earnings Forecast for Newmont Co. Issued By KeyCorp (NYSE:NEM)
April 29, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Newmont (NYSE:NEM) PT Lowered to $80.00
April 28, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Canaccord Genuity Group Cuts Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Price Target to $80.00
April 28, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Canaccord Genuity Group Lowers Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Price Target to $80.00
April 28, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
Newmont (NYSE:NEM) Price Target Cut to $115.00
April 28, 2022 |  americanbankingnews.com
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Stock Exchange NYSE
Industry Gold & silver ores
SectorBasic Materials
Current SymbolNYSE:NEM
Previous Symbol
Phone(303) 863-7414
Year Founded1921


Annual Sales$12.22 billion
Price / Sales4.43
Cash Flow$5.51 per share
Price / Cash Flow12.38
Book Value$27.25 per share
Price / Book2.51


EPS (Most Recent Fiscal Year)$1.309990
Net Income$1.17 billion
Net Margins8.53%
Pretax Margin8.03%
Return on Equity10.24%
Return on Assets5.77%


Debt-to-Equity Ratio0.28
Current Ratio2.92
Quick Ratio2.53


Trailing P/E Ratio52.11
Forward P/E Ratio20.08
P/E GrowthN/A


Outstanding Shares793,651,000
Free Float792,778,000
Market Cap$54.18 billion


Ex-Dividend for 3/24 Dividend3/09/2022
Dividend Payable3/24/2022
Last Earnings4/22/2022
Ex-Dividend for 6/16 Dividend6/01/2022
Dividend Payable6/16/2022
Next Earnings (Estimated)7/28/2022
Fiscal Year End12/31/2022




2.42 out of 5 stars

Basic Materials Sector

73rd out of 245 stocks

Gold & Silver Ores Industry

12th out of 53 stocks

Analyst Opinion: 3.1Community Rank: 4.3Dividend Strength: 1.7Insider Behavior:
2.5Valuation: 0.6 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -


   Newmont has received a consensus rating of Hold. The company's average rating
   score is 2.13, and is based on 2 buy ratings, 14 hold ratings, and no sell

   According to analysts' consensus price target of $76.32, Newmont has a
   forecasted upside of 11.8% from its current price of $68.27.

   Newmont has been the subject of 10 research reports in the past 90 days,
   demonstrating strong analyst interest in this stock.

Previous Next


   Newmont has received 873 “outperform” votes. (Add your “outperform” vote.)

   Newmont has received 479 “underperform” votes. (Add your “underperform”

   Newmont has received 64.57% “outperform” votes from our community.

MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think
about Newmont and other stocks. Vote “Outperform” if you believe NEM will
outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote “Underperform” if you believe
NEM will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every
thirty days.

Previous Next


   Newmont pays a meaningful dividend of 3.19%, higher than the bottom 25% of
   all stocks that pay dividends.

   Newmont has only been increasing its dividend for 2 years.

   The dividend payout ratio of Newmont is 167.94%. Payout ratios above 75% are
   not desirable because they may not be sustainable.

   Based on earnings estimates, Newmont will have a dividend payout ratio of
   63.40% next year. This indicates that Newmont will be able to sustain or
   increase its dividend.

Previous Next


   In the past three months, Newmont insiders have sold more of their company's
   stock than they have bought. Specifically, they have bought $0.00 in company
   stock and sold $4,932,493.00 in company stock.

   Only 0.11% of the stock of Newmont is held by insiders.

   78.41% of the stock of Newmont is held by institutions. High institutional
   ownership can be a signal of strong market trust in this company.

Previous Next


   Earnings for Newmont are expected to grow by 2.06% in the coming year, from
   $3.40 to $3.47 per share.

   The P/E ratio of Newmont is 52.11, which means that it is trading at a more
   expensive P/E ratio than the market average P/E ratio of about 10.08.

   The P/E ratio of Newmont is 52.11, which means that it is trading at a more
   expensive P/E ratio than the Basic Materials sector average P/E ratio of
   about 12.01.

   Newmont has a P/B Ratio of 2.51. P/B Ratios below 3 indicates that a company
   is reasonably valued with respect to its assets and liabilities.

Previous Next
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Is Newmont a buy right now?

16 Wall Street analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for
Newmont in the last twelve months. There are currently 14 hold ratings and 2 buy
ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street analysts is that
investors should "hold" Newmont stock. A hold rating indicates that analysts
believe investors should maintain any existing positions they have in NEM, but
not buy additional shares or sell existing shares.
View analyst ratings for Newmont or view top-rated stocks.

How has Newmont's stock been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Newmont's stock was trading at $46.02 on March 11th, 2020 when Coronavirus
(COVID-19) reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization.
Since then, NEM stock has increased by 48.3% and is now trading at $68.27.
View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19.

Are investors shorting Newmont?

Newmont saw a decline in short interest during the month of March. As of March
31st, there was short interest totaling 8,310,000 shares, a decline of 36.6%
from the March 15th total of 13,100,000 shares. Based on an average daily
trading volume, of 8,350,000 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 1.0
days. Approximately 1.1% of the shares of the stock are sold short.
View Newmont's Short Interest.

When is Newmont's next earnings date?

Newmont is scheduled to release its next quarterly earnings announcement on
Thursday, July 28th 2022.
View our earnings forecast for Newmont.

How were Newmont's earnings last quarter?

Newmont Co. (NYSE:NEM) issued its earnings results on Friday, April, 22nd. The
basic materials company reported $0.69 earnings per share for the quarter,
missing the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $0.71 by $0.02. The basic
materials company had revenue of $3.02 billion for the quarter, compared to
analyst estimates of $3.06 billion. Newmont had a trailing twelve-month return
on equity of 10.24% and a net margin of 8.53%. The firm's quarterly revenue was
up 5.3% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the previous year,
the business posted $0.74 EPS.
View Newmont's earnings history.

How often does Newmont pay dividends? What is the dividend yield for Newmont?

Newmont declared a quarterly dividend on Thursday, April 21st. Stockholders of
record on Thursday, June 2nd will be paid a dividend of $0.55 per share on
Thursday, June 16th. This represents a $2.20 annualized dividend and a dividend
yield of 3.22%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, June 1st.
View Newmont's dividend history.

Is Newmont a good dividend stock?

Newmont pays an annual dividend of $2.20 per share and currently has a dividend
yield of 3.19%. Newmont has been increasing its dividend for 2 consecutive
year(s), indicating that it does not yet have a strong track record of dividend
growth. The dividend payout ratio of Newmont is 167.94%. Payout ratios above 75%
are not desirable because they may not be sustainable. Based on earnings
estimates, Newmont will have a dividend payout ratio of 63.40% next year. This
indicates that Newmont will be able to sustain or increase its dividend.
View Newmont's dividend history.

What price target have analysts set for NEM?

16 equities research analysts have issued 12-month price objectives for
Newmont's shares. Their forecasts range from $57.00 to $115.00. On average, they
anticipate Newmont's share price to reach $76.32 in the next year. This suggests
a possible upside of 11.8% from the stock's current price.
View analysts' price targets for Newmont or view top-rated stocks among Wall
Street analysts.

What are Wall Street analysts saying about Newmont stock?
Here are some recent quotes from research analysts about Newmont stock:
 * 1. Fundamental Research analysts commented, "Fundamental Research Corp has
   issued a report entitled “Newmont vs Barrick – Which One Has Higher Upside
   Potential?” and dated February 25, 2022. The full report is now at
   www.researchfrc.com." (3/1/2022)
 * 2. According to Zacks Investment Research, "Newmont’s earnings and sales in
   the second quarter beat the respective Zacks Consensus Estimate.  The company
   is making a notable progress with its growth projects. It is likely to gain
   from a number of projects including the Tanami expansion, Yanacocha Sulfides
   and Ahafo north. Moreover, the merger with Goldcorp is expected to be
   value-accretive to its cash flow and generate significant synergies. The
   company’s efforts to de-leverage its balance sheet are also encouraging.  It
   also remains focused on improving operational efficiency. However, higher
   production costs are likely to weigh on its margins. Newmont is witnessing
   higher cost applicable to sales (CAS) partly related to the pandemic.  Higher
   capital spending may also affect its ability to generate free cash flow. The
   recent weakness in gold prices is another concern." (7/27/2021)

Who are Newmont's key executives?
Newmont's management team includes the following people:
 * Mr. Thomas Ronald Palmer, Pres, CEO & Director (Age 54, Pay $3.49M) (LinkedIn
 * Ms. Nancy K. Buese CPA, Exec. VP & CFO (Age 52, Pay $1.59M)
 * Mr. Robert D. Atkinson, Exec. VP & COO (Age 51, Pay $1.74M) (LinkedIn
 * Ms. Nancy Lipson, Exec. VP & Gen. Counsel (Age 51, Pay $1.13M) (LinkedIn
 * Mr. Stephen P. Gottesfeld, Exec. VP and Chief Sustainability & External
   Affairs Officer (Age 54, Pay $1.11M) (LinkedIn Profile)
 * Mr. Brian C. Tabolt, VP, Controller & Chief Accounting Officer (Age 41)
 * Mr. Dean R. Gehring, Exec. VP & CTO (Age 53) (LinkedIn Profile)
 * Mr. Luis Maximo Canepari, Sr. VP & Chief Information Officer
 * Mr. Scott E. Sullivan, Chief Integrity & Compliance Officer
 * Ms. Jennifer Cmil, Exec. VP of HR (Age 51) (LinkedIn Profile)

What is Tom Palmer's approval rating as Newmont's CEO?

15 employees have rated Newmont CEO Tom Palmer on Glassdoor.com. Tom Palmer has
an approval rating of 97% among Newmont's employees. This puts Tom Palmer in the
top 30% of approval ratings compared to other CEOs of publicly-traded companies.

Who are some of Newmont's key competitors?

Some companies that are related to Newmont include Royal Gold (RGLD), NovaGold
Resources (NG), Gold Resource (GORO), Vista Gold (VGZ) and Trevali Mining (TV).
View all of NEM's competitors.

What other stocks do shareholders of Newmont own?

Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some companies
that other Newmont investors own include NVIDIA (NVDA), Cisco Systems (CSCO),
Barrick Gold (GOLD), Intel (INTC), Micron Technology (MU), Advanced Micro
Devices (AMD), AT&T (T), QUALCOMM (QCOM), AbbVie (ABBV) and Walt Disney (DIS).

What is Newmont's stock symbol?

Newmont trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol

Who are Newmont's major shareholders?

Newmont's stock is owned by a number of retail and institutional investors. Top
institutional shareholders include Van ECK Associates Corp (4.30%), California
Public Employees Retirement System (0.76%), Swiss National Bank (0.44%),
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. (0.33%), KBC Group NV (0.28%) and Victory
Capital Management Inc. (0.26%). Company insiders that own Newmont stock include
Blake Rhodes, David W Ruttenberg, Dean Gehring, E Randall Engel, Jeffrey A
Graves, Jennifer Cmil, John Kitlen, Nancy Buese, Nancy Lipson, Nello Mainolfi,
Robert D Atkinson, Stephen P Gottesfeld and Thomas Ronald Palmer.
View institutional ownership trends for Newmont.

Which major investors are selling Newmont stock?

NEM stock was sold by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter,
including Van ECK Associates Corp, Boston Partners, LGT Capital Partners LTD.,
TD Asset Management Inc., DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale, Bank of Nova Scotia,
Tobam, and AMF Tjanstepension AB. Company insiders that have sold Newmont
company stock in the last year include Blake Rhodes, Dean Gehring, Jennifer
Cmil, Nancy Buese, Nancy Lipson, Nello Mainolfi, Robert D Atkinson, Stephen P
Gottesfeld, and Thomas Ronald Palmer.
View insider buying and selling activity for Newmont or view top insider-selling

Which major investors are buying Newmont stock?

NEM stock was bought by a variety of institutional investors in the last
quarter, including Nordea Investment Management AB, Manning & Napier Group LLC,
Swiss National Bank, Victory Capital Management Inc., Russell Investments Group
Ltd., New York State Common Retirement Fund, Lmcg Investments LLC, and Artemis
Investment Management LLP.
View insider buying and selling activity for Newmont or or view top
insider-buying stocks.

How do I buy shares of Newmont?

Shares of NEM can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular
online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include WeBull, Vanguard
Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles
Compare Top Brokerages Here.

What is Newmont's stock price today?

One share of NEM stock can currently be purchased for approximately $68.27.

How much money does Newmont make?

Newmont has a market capitalization of $54.18 billion and generates $12.22
billion in revenue each year. The basic materials company earns $1.17 billion in
net income (profit) each year or $1.309990 on an earnings per share basis.

How many employees does Newmont have?

Newmont employs 14,400 workers across the globe.

Does Newmont have any subsidiaries?

The following companies are subsidiares of Newmont: AC40689 Limited,
Administradora de Negocios Mineros S.A. de C.V., Australian Capital Territory,
Battle Mountain Resources Inc., Cayman Pampas Ltd., Con Exploration Ltd.,
Datawave Sciences Inc., Dawn Mining Company LLC, ELLC Grazing Membership LLC,
EMH (BVI) Inc., Elko Land and Livestock Company, Empresa Minera Maria SRL,
Fronteer Development (USA) LLC, Fronteer Development LLC, Fronteer Royalty LLC,
GCGC LLC, GMK Investments Pty Ltd, Galore Creek Mining Corporation, Galore Creek
Partnership, Glamis Rand Mining Company, Gold S.p.A., Goldcorp (Barbados) Inc.,
Goldcorp America Holdings Inc., Goldcorp Aureus Inc., Goldcorp Aurum Argentum
Inc., Goldcorp Canada Ltd., Goldcorp Capital Corporation, Goldcorp Exeter Ltd.,
Goldcorp Faja de Plata S.A. de C.V., Goldcorp General Holdings Ltd., Goldcorp
Global Services Inc., Goldcorp Holdings Europe B.V., Goldcorp Holdings GmbH,
Goldcorp Inc., Goldcorp Insurance Company Inc., Goldcorp Internacional S.A. de
C.V., Goldcorp Kaminak Ltd., Goldcorp Latin America Finance Limited, Goldcorp MC
Holding S.p.A., Goldcorp Peñasquito S.A. de C.V., Goldcorp Porcupine Nominee
Ltd., Goldcorp Red Lake Nominee Ltd., Goldcorp Stratum Inc., Goldcorp Tesoro
Inc., Goldcorp Trading GmbH, Goldcorp USA Holdings Ltd., Goldcorp USA Inc.,
Goldcorp USA Services Inc., Goldfields Power Pty Ltd, Hemlo Gold Mines (Ghana)
Limited, Holdco S.p.A., Honduras Holdings Ltd., Hospah Holdings Company, Idarado
Mining Company, International Mineral Finance S.AR.L., MMC Acquisition Limited,
Mexicana Resources Inc., Minera Alumbrera Ltd., Minera BMG, Minera Choluteca
S.A. de C.V., Minera Faja de Plata S.A. de C.V., Minera Los Tapados S.A., Minera
Newmont (Chile) Limitada, Minera Peñasquito S.A. de C.V., Minera Yanacocha
S.R.L., Miramar Gold Corporation, Miramar HBG Inc., Miramar Northern Mining
Ltd., Montana Exploradora de Guatemala S.A. de C.V., Moydow Limited, Musto
Explorations (Bermuda) Ltd., N.I. Limited, NP Kalgoorlie Pty Ltd, NVL (USA)
Limited, NVL Haiti Limited S.A., NVL PNG Limited, NVL Solomon Islands Limited,
Nevada Eagle Resources LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, New Verde Mines LLC, Newmont
(Guyana) Incorporated, Newmont AP Power Pty Ltd, Newmont Australia Investment
Limited, Newmont Boddington Pty Ltd, Newmont Bolivia Limited, Newmont CC&V
Mining Corporation, Newmont Canada Corporation, Newmont Canada Holdings ULC,
Newmont Capital Limited, Newmont Capital Pty Ltd, Newmont Colombia S.A.S.,
Newmont Euronimba B.V., Newmont FH B.V., Newmont GTR LLC, Newmont Galore Creek
Holdings Corporation, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited, Newmont Gold Company, Newmont
Gold Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Australia Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Boddington
Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Exploration Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Integrated
Services Inc., Newmont Goldcorp Red Lake Holdings Ltd., Newmont Goldcorp
Services Pty Ltd, Newmont Goldcorp Tanami Pty Ltd, Newmont Golden Ridge Limited,
Newmont Holdings ULC, Newmont Indonesia Investment Limited, Newmont Indonesia
LLC, Newmont International Exploration Pty Ltd, Newmont International Group BV,
Newmont International Services Limited, Newmont Investment Holdings LLC, Newmont
Landco Pty Ltd, Newmont Latin America Limited, Newmont McCoy Cove Limited,
Newmont Mineral Holdings B.V., Newmont Mines Limited, Newmont Mining Finance Pty
Ltd, Newmont Mining Holdings Pty Ltd, Newmont NGL Holdings Pty Ltd, Newmont
Nevada Energy Investment LLC, Newmont North America Exploration Limited, Newmont
Nusa Tenggara Holdings B.V., Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited, Newmont
Pacific Energy Pty Ltd, Newmont Peru Limited, Newmont Power Pty Ltd, Newmont
Realty Company, Newmont Second Capital Corporation, Newmont Suriname LLC,
Newmont Technologies Limited, Newmont USA Limited, Newmont Ventures Limited,
Newmont Woodcutters Pty Ltd, Newmont Yandal Operations Pty Ltd, Newmont de
Mexico S.A. de C.V., Normandy Company (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Normandy Overseas
Holding Company Sdn Bhd, Nusa Tenggara Partnership B.V., Orcana Resources Inc.,
Oroplata S.A., PT Newmont Minahasa Raya, Pequop Exploration LLC, Peridot S.A.,
Pittston Nevada Gold Company Ltd., Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, Red Lake
Gold Mine Services Ltd., Resurrection Mining Company, Saddleback Investments Pty
Ltd, San Juan Basin Holdings Company, Santa Fe Pacific Gold Corporation,
Sermineros de Mexico S.A. de C.V., Sermineros de Mexico S.A. de C.V. <0.0010%
Sermineros Zacatecas S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Contractual Minera El Morro,
Suriname Gold Project CV, Takari Mining SAS, Talapoosa Mining Inc., The LeClair
Consolidated Mines Company, The Matoa Gold Mining Company, US Mineral Company
Inc., Vol Mines Limited, and West Pequop Project LLC.

When was Newmont founded?

Newmont was founded in 1921.

What is Newmont's official website?

The official website for Newmont is www.newmontgoldcorp.com.

Where are Newmont's headquarters?

CO, 80111.

How can I contact Newmont?

Newmont's mailing address is 6363 SOUTH FIDDLER`S GREEN CIRCLE, GREENWOOD
VILLAGE CO, 80111. The basic materials company can be reached via phone at (303)
863-7414, via email at jessica.largent@newmont.com, or via fax at 303-837-5837.

This page was last updated on 5/11/2022 by MarketBeat.com Staff


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