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Amid warnings of a third wave of Covid infections in the U.K., fuelled largely
by the fear of the Indian Delta variant and, of course, the prospect of new
variants, such as the one recently discovered in Russia, Westminster City
Council has advertised a new contract opportunity for the construction of
“temporary body storage facilities” in the event of an “excess deaths
situation”. Here is some of the information provided on the Gov.uk website.

> The Authority seeks to procure a framework agreement for temporary body
> storage in the event of an excess deaths situation for the 32 London boroughs
> and the City of London, led by Westminster City Council. The framework
> agreement will appoint a single provider and will be for a period of four
> years. This will be a contingency contract, only called upon in the event that
> an excess deaths situation arises in the future and existing local body
> storage capacity needs to be augmented.
> The over-arching aim of this tender is to provide a single framework supplier
> that will be able to provide temporary body storage facilities to house
> deceased in the event of an excess deaths situation. The deceased will be
> stored with dignity and respect, at locations to be determined based on local
> London needs at the time and will require some design elements to accommodate
> local site conditions and constraints, while being capable of rapid
> deployment, construction and commissioning to an agreed standard. This
> framework will be procured by the Authority as the pan-London lead, but all
> London local authorities may call off against the framework.
> This will be a contingency cover framework and as such, there is no minimum
> guarantee of any level of spend or call-off under the framework agreement.

The Council estimates that the total value of this contract (excluding VAT) will
be around £6 million and it is not set for renewal. But how likely is it that
this is just another local government overreaction?

Worth reading in full.

By Michael Curzon  /  19 June 2021 • 11.28
 crematoriums   Excess deaths   Government contracts   london   Mortality

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3 months ago

The corona madness industry is already huge and cemented in
Impossible to get rid of now
Medico fascist industrial complex



3 months ago

Reply to  Julian




3 months ago

Reply to  Galene77

What I’ve never understood about that photo is as it’s of the G7, there only
being seven members of the group how come the photo shows nine people?



Jez Hewitt
3 months ago

Reply to  Pembroke

Ferguson does their maths.



Lockdown Sceptic
3 months ago

Reply to  Julian

let’s stop The corona madness industry 

LONDON ANTI LOCKDOWN EVENTS https://www.standupx.info/

Sun, 20 Jun, 1pm – Streatham Common, SW16 5TF
Mon, 21 Jun, from 8am – Gather at Speaker’s Corner, Hyde Park
Mon, 21 Jun, from 12pm – Ready to march to Parliament from Speaker’s Corner
Mon, 21 June, 11am till late Parliament Square
Join any day, any time
https://t.me/M1L2BM7Parliament Square



Fingerache Philip
3 months ago

A 167% rise of positive tests in Shropshire during the week the 4th to the 10th
of June.
A massive Increase of 83.
I think that we can rest our case.



3 months ago

Reply to  Fingerache Philip

And no deaths, and a massive TWO hospital beds were occupied by “Covid

It’s The Apocalypse I tells ee..!!!



Fingerache Philip
3 months ago

Reply to  Baron_Jackfield

Would that be Jackfield, Ironbridge? Baron.
I used to walk there from Horsehay, Dawley many many years ago.
Happy if poor days.



3 months ago

Reply to  Fingerache Philip

You do realise that you get more positive test results if you do more tests?So
do you see, the likelihood is there’s been more testing done? You do realise
don’t you, that positive test results mean absolutely nothing if those positive
results are all from asymptomatic people? The important numbers you should be
raving about isn’t positive test results but rather the numbers of people
admitted to hospital for life threatening symptoms due to Covid alone… not
people who test positive for Covid and were knocked down by a bus, as an
example. In fact more positive test results is actually a very good thing, it
means people will become immune to the virus and don’t need a vax.



3 months ago

Reply to  Fingerache Philip

More positive test results can be achieved simply by doing more testing? Also
positive test results mean absolutely nothing if those positive test results are
people who are asymptomatic, which means they’re not sick and don’t spread the
virus. You do understand that don’t you? 

It’s not positive test results you need to be raving about. It’s how many people
have been admitted into hospital with a positive Covid test result alone. Not
people who were admitted with a positive test result and were run over by a bus
say. The only true way of realising how serious this pandemic is, is to look at
the total death toll numbers. And the average death toll numbers for 2020 are no
greater than some years in the last decade. Yes that’s absolutely correct, THE
serious this pandemic is!! 

The more people tested positive of Covid 19 is a very good thing, it means more
people are building up an immunity and don’t need to have a vax. 



3 months ago

We all know what this is really for….



3 months ago

Convert them into “Soylent Green”!



3 months ago

Reply to  Hopeless

But it will only be made from the vaccinated, so as to be safe. Yummy.



3 months ago

Yes they know what the vaccines are truly doing



3 months ago

Reply to  vlysander

I wish I didn’t agree with this comment.



3 months ago

I’ve seen a few of these tenders for similar things pop up over the last month.
It’s really hard not to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ sometimes.



3 months ago

Reply to  court

Also there’s the alarm siren being tested for mobile phone networks, which
together with these body storage facilities makes me wonder what disaster is
being anticipated. Could it be the global cyber attack being touted by the WEF?!



3 months ago

Reply to  court

Body Identification Tents tender from Police Scotland.



3 months ago

Well these deaths aren’t going to be from COVID-19, because everyone vulnerable
to it has either already died or has immunity.

So this is either for lots of people dying from side effects of the vaccine or
boosters in coming months, or they are working on another virus to
“accidentally” leak from a lab.



3 months ago

Reply to  realarthurdent

I’m sure there will be another accidental virus or two, if only to encourage
people to get their terminator shots.



Marcus Aurelius knew
3 months ago

Every day, things become an order of magnitude more surreal.



3 months ago

most overhyped ‘wave’ in the history of ‘pandemics’




3 months ago

Dig pit.
Fill with quicklime.
Chuck bodies in.
Sprinkle earth on top.
Job done.
1348 version.

Last edited 3 months ago by Annie


3 months ago

Reply to  Annie

PS. On second thoughts … Westminster … parliament … government …lynchings …
Naughty Annie.



3 months ago

Reply to  Annie

Bliar has already trialled this when he slaughtered 11 million cattle in the
last foot and mouth cock-up that he “arranged.”

He tried mass burnings but these were a disaster with black smoke wafting all
over the country.

I think in the end it was lime pits.

He will have a manual for this no doubt.



Sceptical Steve
3 months ago

Reply to  huxleypiggles

One of Neil Ferguso’s earlier triumphs was Mad Cow Disease, that led to the
unnecessary slaughter of all those poor livestock. The problem was that the
“deadly prion” was believed to survive everything except high temperature
incineration, and the UK had insufficient incinerator capacity to make this
possible. The result was that MAFF/DEFRA paid a fortune for long-term storage of
the poor victims’ bones until the sufficient additional incineration capacity
was produced, at extortionate costs. (Friends of mine hired a large disused
aircraft hangar in Lincolnshire for this purpose and earned a fortune from it.)

Last edited 3 months ago by Sceptical Steve


3 months ago

Reply to  Sceptical Steve

If Ferguson had any integrity, his conscience would have been so weighed down
with guilt at the catastrophe he wrought – the extreme suffering of millions of
helpless animals and the broken lives of thousands of powerless, weeping
farmers, he would have quietly resigned and lived as obscure a life as possible,
doing penance and praying for forgiveness.

Instead, this morally bankrupt ‘scientist’ stays in the public eye and in
positions of importance while continuing to thrust his ‘models’ at a prime
minister dumb and stupid enough to listen to him as though he was some kind of
expert (which he blatantly isn’t).

Ferguson and Blair are two disgusting peas from the same rotten pod – both
entirely without conscience, either unwilling or unable to accept culpability
for their murderous actions, both continuing in the public eye, ignoring the
condemnation they richly deserve. These creatures are the very personification
of dangerous arrogance and both should dance, one day, in front of cheering



Friedrich Stapß
3 months ago

Bunkers come in very handy for lunatic regimes making last stands.



3 months ago

That’ll be the vaccinated getting hit by ADE when the next wild coronavirus



Sandra Barwick
3 months ago

Reply to  A Y M

All the time I find myself having to think previously unthinkable thoughts.

a. Our modelling friends have given the Government a model going four years
forward which predicts doom will never end, needing equally never-ending
spending and vaccines, Civil servants have saluted and set about procurement.
This is the optimistic take.
This then is partly PR, which will be confirmed when Susan Michie turns the
first turf on a massive plague pit being dug in Kensington Gardens.

b. Looking at internal reports, the NHS has realised that deaths from cancer and
other untreated conditions are going to rise so high in the next four years that
space in private undertaker facilities will run out.
The CCP has given them some tips on how to manage this situation as quietly as
possible, for example rationing the numbers who can turn up each day to collect

c. Looking at the real world data they now have, the English branch of the
Faucist regime have realised that a massive immune over response in the
vaccinated when they meet a wild virus is inevitable. They can and will blame
this on a new variant and use it to increase power further, but meanwhile
they’re gonna need a lot of body storage goin’ forward.
This is informally known amongst them as The Reverse Ferret.

As Toby Young might say: eek.



3 months ago

Reply to  Sandra Barwick

“when Susan Michie turns the first turf on a massive plague pit being dug in
Kensington Gardens.”

as long as she jumps in when she’s finished I don’t mind



3 months ago

Reply to  Sandra Barwick

The problem for them remains the unvaccinated, who will effectively be an
unofficial control group, and by refusing to die will make it all too obvious
just WTF is going on. So they will try every trick under the sun to get the
unvaxxed numbers as low as possible. This will inevitably turn very nasty, but
there is no viable alternative to saying no repeatedly firmly and very loudly,
if needs be.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rowan


3 months ago

Reply to  Rowan

Also, those who’ve had covid and recovered (like myself and all my family) need
to research T-cell immunity so they can show they know the true facts about
naturally-acquired immunity, and that they CANNOT get this virus a second time,
nor any of its variants

I explained this to the caller who was badgering me and she finally said “fair
enough!” and I’ve heard no more since.



3 months ago

Reply to  A Y M




I am Spartacas
3 months ago

JAB HORROR Man has leg amputated after suffering rare blood clot three weeks
after first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine




3 months ago

Reply to  I am Spartacas

Just a flesh wound.
He has already put himself on the waiting list for the booster.



Dan L
3 months ago

Reply to  I am Spartacas

Why do they add the “rare” bit? And in the article it seems they can’t write
blood clot without adding “rare” (Well I know why psyops…). I have say the man
doesn’t look particularly pleased with his rare blood clot.



3 months ago

Either this is pure grift, they expect people to be dropping like flies from
ADE, or a bit of both.



Cecil B
3 months ago

May be needed for ADE

As an aside, I’m starting to prefer the Chinese communist regime to our own
communist regime

To paraphrase Mohammed Ali

‘No Old Etonian ever cooked me no takeaway meal’



3 months ago

Reply to  Cecil B

Surely our communist regime is just a subsidiary?



3 months ago

one thing that got overlooked-and I wish I’d kept the Evening Standard that
day-was when it was announced Mar 2020 permission given to councils for funeral



3 months ago

Reply to  crimsonpirate

Last year a Channel 4 report declared that the “fires never stop burning” at
crematoriums in Mexico, with videos of billowing black smoke, no context
whatsoever. The Dollar Vigilante in Mexico went to investigate these
crematoriums. Most were either closed or operating at much reduced capacity,
with bored security staff at the gates.



Grumpy Old Man
3 months ago

This will be as useful as the emergency mortuaries commissions in March/April
last year. The ones no one ever talks about.



3 months ago

Reply to  Grumpy Old Man

Last year, Pembrokeshire County Council, amidst considerable publicity, had
fifty extra graves dug to receive covviecorpses. There’s nothing like prompt and
decisive action to control a pandemic.



3 months ago

Oh the humanity!




Cecil B
3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

Open up those emergency morgues

DO IT NOW!!!!!



3 months ago

Reply to  Cecil B

I’m emptying the freezer so I have somewhere to store the bodies of my beloved
family when the delta wave washes over Buckinghamshire. Amazing how many frozen
mini sausage rolls accumulate at the bottom. That’s tea sorted

Last edited 3 months ago by steve_w


Cecil B
3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

Did you find any distorted ice lollies?



3 months ago

Reply to  Cecil B

hell yeth! that was brunch

also found a couple of relatives from the first wave – lol!



Cecil B
3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

My relatives or yours?

(Aunt Maud has not not been answering her phone since March 2020)



3 months ago

Reply to  Cecil B

could be anybody’s, I don’t recognise them. I just remember the trouble I had
squeezing the wheelchair in. (its not a big freezer)

I put it down to lockdown madness and blame the government



Deborah T
3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

Steve W – thank you so much for some much-needed laughter!!



3 months ago

Reply to  Deborah T




3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

There’s always a stray fish finger at the bottom of mine.



3 months ago

Reply to  HelenaHancart

have you considered eating it? Or maybe you are and they are breeding?



3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

Well…Mr H doesn’t balk at the idea. He often rounds up any fugitives and makes a
sandwich out of them. Bit like what could happen to us, I suppose.



Fingerache Philip
3 months ago

Reply to  HelenaHancart

Bags of mixed veg seem to be breeding in ours.



3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

Love that. Need a good laugh nowadays!



3 months ago

Just out of interest which travel list is Russia on?



3 months ago

Reply to  Mark76

Gold with spots on



3 months ago

Reply to  Mark76

Don’t even go there.



3 months ago

“We could have to vaccinate children to stop the spread of the Delta variant,
virologist Dr Chris Smith says.”

another one for the gallows



3 months ago

lets see how those SAGE predictions are going



3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

normally in science, if your model doesn’t agree with reality you throw away the

in ‘build back better’ science, you just carry on with the same model and
outlandishly claim your model has always been right and people who don’t accept
that are probably some sort of right wing ‘denier’



3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

They had build back better science in the Dark Ages
It didn’t do awfully well
The trouble with insisting 2+ 2= 5 is that your bridges collapse



3 months ago

Reply to  steve_w

They throw away the data and do more testing, and it STILL WONT CURVE FIT.

so they just say it’s DELAYED, next week the sky will fall.



3 months ago

Excess deaths from… the spike protein, which, as we now know, is cytotoxic?



Smelly Melly
3 months ago

This so called vaccine isn’t much cop is it? Thankfully I’m waiting for the
vaccine against the Martian variant.



3 months ago

Reply to  Smelly Melly

That one only attacks men. Women must fear the Venusian variant.



3 months ago

Another building block in the mind games



3 months ago

This will be to dispose of the criminals post Nuremberg 2



3 months ago

Reply to  dismalswamp

Ah yes, Westminster was the clue



Bobby Lobster
3 months ago

Are they real? This is beyond a joke now.



3 months ago

Obviously not worrying anyone at Ascot, the politicians need to be shown the
door now, its getting farcical



3 months ago

I wonder though if the advert is actually a plant, intended to be found and find
its way to the media and spread fear?



3 months ago

Reply to  Lilacblue

This is exactly my thought now, so much Psyops going on. Is this designed to
ramp up fear so more get injected?

Last edited 3 months ago by Welshp


Lucan Grey
3 months ago

It’s not for COVID. It’s for when skeptics go full Michael Douglas.



3 months ago

> Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50%
> above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations,
> pension funds and property investment groups buying entire neighborhoods out
> from under the middle class? Lets take a look. Homes are popping up on MLS and
> going under contract within a few hours. Blackrock, among others, are buying
> up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods.
> So who is Blackrock? Only the worlds largest asset manager and the leading
> proponent of The Great Reset. Theyre looking to redistribute -Get this-
> $120Trillion dollars. The entire wealth of the worlds middle class and poor
> combined several times over.
> As an example, a 124 new home neighborhood was bought in its entirety in
> Texas. Average Americans were outbid to a tune of $32million. Homes sold at an
> avg if 20% above listing. Now the entire neighborhood is made up of SFR’s.
> What are SFR’s??
> Single Family Rentals. Now, your potential lower to middle class home owner is
> positioned to be a permanent renter. This matters because for the lower and
> middle class owning a home is the most major part of any financial success,
> and future upward mobility.
> This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that’s
> getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth
> wealth heading into the hands of the worlds most powerful entities and
> individuals. The traditional financial vehicle gone forever.
> Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to
> build wealth, and black rock, a federal reserve funded financial institution
> is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can’t build
> wealth.
> Thats right!
> Let that sink in for a minute. Got it? They’re using your tax dollars to fuck
> over the lower and middle class, and its permanent. Not 1 Pres. administration
> of bullshit. This is a fundamental reorganization of society.
> The Great Reset is real. It is happening. This will be the greatest transfer
> of wealth, and greatest consolidation of power in the history of mankind. If
> they get away with it revolution will be the only cure. It will be awful. Wake
> up. Get active. Stop this now!!
> This is warfare. Make no doubt about it. Lloyds bank in London is doing it, as
> is every great financial institute across the world. This must be stopped. Its
> a greater threat than the slow creep of Communism, BLM or anything else you
> can think of COMBINED. It is a death stroke.
> Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street control 20 trillion dollars worth of
> assets. Blackrock alone has a 10 billion a year surplus. That means with 5-20%
> down they can get mortgages on 130-170k homes every year. Or they can outright
> buy 30k homes per year. Just Blackrock.


Now what do we have here?

> Story at-a-glance:

 * Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management
   firms: BlackRock and Vanguard.
 * Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses — all of which, so far, have
   endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have
   been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official
   narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies.
 * Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney
   and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of
   the U.S. media landscape.
 * BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything
   else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American
   firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in
   the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership
   encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.
 * Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the
   other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to
   discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked
   to Vanguard funds.


Still think this about a virus?



3 months ago

Reply to  baboon

What I have posted above may well be the smoking gun behind this entire hoax.



3 months ago

Reply to  baboon

Thank for the housing story from the US. Here is the timber story from Europe

Clear cutting of local forests is leaving hill tops bald……….WHY?

Bark beetle 
Like covid, another pestilence; the bark beetle, is being blamed in Germany but
those of us who have lived in Germany for many years are well aware that there
has been ‘forest die back’ for 10’s of years. What changed however in 2020 was
new nation forestry strategies based upon modelling of carbon uptake by trees of
different ages along side the dogma of the climate change science based, like
covid outcomes, upon crystal ball predictions that led to the Paris Agreement.  
So what we have is $cience providing the basis for policies to ultimately
benefit the wealthy. In the case of Natural Capital it has been driven by the
land owning classes and will force land values to high levels as all aspects of
what the land (nature) provides us (so called ecosystem services) from
‘spiritual peace’ to ‘flood protection’ will be (valued) priced under these new
land use policies. Any kind of value can be conjured up and assigned to a
service. Reference: Schwartz, S. H. (2012). An Overview of the Schwartz Theory
of Basic Values. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2, 1.
Online: http://dx.doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1116

Novel beetle: The current infestation of European spruce bark beetles is said to
have begun in 2012 but started growing significantly in mid-2018. (LULUCF
Regulation) was adopted by the Council on 14 May 2018,

Or not novel; 
“Rettet den Wald”  Briefmarke der Deutschen Bundespost von 1985. 
“Rescue the forests”: German postage stamp from 1985 Forest dieback is the term
used to describe damage to forests that has occurred over large areas since
around 1980. The area of distribution includes Central, Northern and Eastern
Europe. It is characteristic that the damage symptoms appear independently of
climate, location and silvicultural practices. Symptoms differ between species,
regions and forest sites. A single triggering cause of forest dieback could not
be identified. The complex effects of various air pollutants seem to be central.
Recently, older stands and individual trees of numerous tree species have
increasingly been dying, which is seen in connection with climate change.
2. Zero beetle: In the third quarter of 2018, the European lumber industry began
introducing the damaged timber to the market. Healthy timber is also being
logged in increasing quantities as countries have adopted harvesting policies to
stifle the impacts and spread of bark beetle infestations and decrease forest
 3. Who benefits?: Influx of supply has led EU prices to fall to record lows,
making European exports highly competitive. China is the world’s largest market
for logs, and the second largest importer of lumber, with growing demand for
softwood products. China has welcomed the damaged European softwood. China’s
demand for wood chips and wood pulp products is steadily increasing, which is
likely a result of China’s recent import ban on wastepaper for recycling
starting in 2018, thereby providing demand for the damaged European wood, which
is still suitable for paper making. 

Last edited 3 months ago by Helen


3 months ago

Reply to  Helen

4. Scientific dogma: Our most powerful weapon: Trees : 400+ tonnes carbon per
Trees are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines. Like great carbon
sinks, woods and forests absorb atmospheric carbon and lock it up for centuries.
They do this through photosynthesis. The entire woodland ecosystem plays a huge
role in locking up carbon, including the living wood, roots, leaves, deadwood,
surrounding soils and its associated vegetation.That’s how much a young wood
with mixed native species can lock up in trees, roots and soil.
6. Germany Forest Strategy 2020: The Climate Action Plan of the Federal
Government (BMUB 2016) includes a section on the sector land-use, land-use
change and forestry which, inter alia, aims at “maintaining and improving the
ability of forests to act as a sink.” The LULUCF sector should thereby
contribute to the economy-wide guiding principle of becoming virtually
carbon-neutral by mid-century. It links to the Forestry Strategy 2020 and
encourages a sustainable management of forests, aiming at forests’ potential to
take up and store CO2, and the closely-associated use of wood, permanent
grassland conservation, protection of peatlands and potential of natural forest
development to mitigate climate change. The Climate Action Plan contains a range
of forestry- related measures aimed at reaching these targets. 
7. Playing the wild land & biodiversity cards: Forests also play an important
role in Germany’s National Strategy on Biological Diversity (2007). In the
strategy it is envisioned that “forests in Germany have a high level of natural
diversity and momentum in terms of their structure and species composition, and
people are fascinated by their beauty. The number of natural and near-natural
forest communities has increased significantly. Forests are sustainably managed
in line with their ecological and social functions. The raw material wood
obtained sustainably from the forests is highly valued.” The aims for the year
2020 are that “the conditions for typical biotic communities in forests
(diversity in structure and momentum) have been further improved.


Joint workshop of forest-based stakeholders (EUSTAFOR, EOS, CEPI and CEPF) on
the practical consequences of the Regulation for the inclusion of Land Use, Land
Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) within the 2030 EU Climate and Energy framework
25 September 2018, Tuscany Region Office in Brussels, Rond-point Robert Schuman
14, Brussels, Belgium

The Regulation on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from
land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) into the 2030 climate and energy
framework (LULUCF Regulation) was adopted by the Council on 14 May 2018,
following the European Parliament vote on 17 April 2018. The Regulation ensures
implementation of political agreement that the land use sector, along with other
sectors, contributes to the EU’s 2030 emission reduction target. It is also in
line with the Paris Agreement, which points to the critical role of the land use
sector in reaching the long-term climate mitigation objectives.
To support the Member States in complying with the LULUCF Regulation, a
technical guidance document has been prepared by IIASA for DG Climate Action in
July 2018. The aim of this document is to provide guidance for the Member States
on the establishment of Forest Reference Levels (FRLs) and National Forestry
Accounting Plans (NFAPs) as required by the LULUCF Regulation.

Last edited 3 months ago by Helen


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   * Close Analysis of Regional Notifiable Disease Data Bolsters the Case for
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     the Applicant
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   * Not Just Emotional Pleading
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   * To Move the Lockdown Debate Forward We Need More Honesty
   * The Adults are Having a Quite Different Conversation
   * A Rebuttal of Christopher Snowdon’s Claims about False Positive COVID-19
     Test Results
   * Replying to Christopher Snowdon – Again!
   * Striking the Right Balance
   * ‘Existing Isn’t Living’ – Charles Walker MP on Radio 4’s World at One
   * Left and Right Should Unite to Fight Lockdown
   * The Coddling of the Political Mind
   * Sunday in the Park With Rosie
   * Why I am Not a Lockdown Sceptic
   * The Emerging Totalitarian Dystopia: An Interview With Professor Mattias
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   * Can We Trust the Government Ever Again?
   * The Failure of the Political Class
   * The Lockdown Sceptics’ Library
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   * In Defence of the Handshake
   * “He had won the victory over himself. He loved the Lockdown.”
   * Rule, Britannia. Britannia Take the Knee
   * Fright Night
   * Let’s Not Be Sensible, Folks
   * Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, the Godfather, and Dr. Fauci’s Book Tour
   * The Covid Aesthetic
   * Unlocking Postponed Due to New Variant – in 2039!
   * Covid and the Death of the Scientific Method
   * Lockdown and the Protocols of Fear
   * The Heresy of Heresies
 * Around the World in Eighty Lockdowns
   * A Postcard from Spain
   * Postcard from Sri Lanka
   * A Postcard from Belarus
   * A Postcard from Singapore
   * A Postcard from Albuquerque
   * A Postcard From Zimbabwe
   * Postcard From Mexico
   * Postcard From Slovakia
   * Postcard From Nordrhein-Westfalen
   * Postcard from Melbourne
   * Postcard from Belgium
   * A Postcard from Melbourne – PS
   * Postcard From Latvia
   * A Postcard from Brazil
   * Postcard from New Zealand
   * Postcard from Bogotá
   * Brazil – Not a Disaster
   * Postcard from Berlin
   * Postcard from Dumfries
   * Postcard from Disneyland Paris
   * Postcard From Angola
   * Postcard from the British Museum
   * Postcard from Istanbul
   * Postcard from Rome
   * Postcard from University
   * Postcard From Bulgaria
   * Postcard From Rhodes
   * A Postcard From Rhodes – PS
   * Postcard From Argentina
   * Postcard From the Isle of Wight
   * Postcard From Sicily
   * Postcard From North East Fife
   * Postcard From France
   * Postcard From the Maldives
   * Postcard From Luxembourg
   * Postcard from Paraguay
   * Postcard From Rwanda
   * Postcard From Goa
   * Postcard From South Carolina
   * Postcard From Georgia
   * A Postcard From London
   * Postcard From Brussels
   * Postcard From Bali
   * Postcard From the Philippines
   * Postcard From Bulgaria
   * Postcard From the Alps
   * Postcard From Itoshima
   * Another Postcard From Brazil
   * Postcard From Toronto
   * Postcard From Sydney
   * Postcard From Romania
   * Another Postcard From Manila
   * Postcard From Poland
   * Australia is Falling Apart
   * Postcard From Slovenia
 * Reviews
   * How Can a Book About Science Denialism Ignore the Most Pervasive Forms of
     Science Denialism?
 * Appendix 1: CPS Guidance on What Constitutes a “Reasonable Excuse” For
   Leaving Your Home
 * Appendix 2: Interview With a Registered Nurse


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The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would
basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream
of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through
consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes.

Aldous Huxley

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