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It’s no surprise that marketers love viral campaigns. They’re (usually) cheap,
easy to implement and the consumers do most of the work for you spreading it
around various websites and notably social media. “Memes” are especially
vulnerable to becoming viral. They’re short, funny and relate-able, but they do
suffer from one thing: being bloody annoying.

A meme is defined as “an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous
in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by Internet users, often with
slight variations.” (Oxford Dictionaries) They usually originate in places like
Reddit or 4chan, and get posted till they die in those sites. Eventually, sites
with less credibility for creating original content pick them up and so begins
the cycle of the repost. The repost is exactly what you want to avoid when
creating memes or using memes, as the audience quite frankly gets sick of seeing
the same thing posted over and over again.

The irritating and quite frankly dead “troll face”

Memes such as this annoying thing originated in 2008. 6 Years on, it’s still
being reposted in pictures and even some companies facebook pages still use this
thing. It’s done, it’s dead and it keeps being revived and revived and it loses
all meaning to what it meant in 2008. All of a sudden, you have people using it
incorrectly which loses the whole humour of the meme and it becomes a disaster
post with people simply ignoring it, or unliking pages because they’ve seen that
stupid face 1,000 times over the course of 6 years. In fact, this particular
“troll face” meme has sparked another meme where users will use the face
satirically to imply that they are children or idiots who have no idea what
they’re doing on the internet – not something you want to be associated with as
a business.

In order to use memes effectively, organisations will need to either create
original content or use existing and relevant (relevant being not done to death)
memes to try and sell their products. Another great post I’ve seen is
Jagermeister’s Facebook page, who have added a relatively fresh new twist on a
dead meme. The “Tag a mate” meme is done to death when its utilised with stupid
internet pictures, however Jager has created their own, original art and have
added a funny post as well. Long story short, when I’m scrolling the newsfeed
amongst the other meme drivel, it’s refreshing to see something original with a
fun twist. Needless to say, I usually chuck it a like and get involved.

The Jager “Tag a mate” meme

Regardless, when used properly a short and funny picture which gets people
involved is always a good thing for a business. However care needs to be taken
to make sure it’s not a repost of a repost as that becomes annoying to people
who see the same thing posted constantly. Originality and relevancy is key here.

What do you guys think? What makes a good “meme” to you?

– Tom




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SteamOctober 4, 2014In "Digital Marketing"

Reddit’s AMAOctober 23, 2014In "Digital Marketing"

Internet CelebritiesAugust 24, 2014In "Digital Marketing"

Posted in Digital Marketing and tagged digital marketing, how to, memes, social
media, useful on August 8, 2014 by Tom Dimadis. 7 Comments


The Beta and how it has transformed video game marketing →


 1. Stella Dimadis says:
    August 8, 2014 at 7:03 am
    Interesting to see how companies can utilise the meme for marketing
 2. Isabella Estelle says:
    August 8, 2014 at 9:05 am
    I love memes! I think memes are great and I totally agree with your article.
    Please post more!
 3. toddmclerie says:
    August 8, 2014 at 9:10 am
    Anything “doge” related usually produces a smile from me
    1. Tom Dimadis says:
       August 8, 2014 at 9:33 am
       True. Was also pretty cool what “DogeCoin” did with their Nascar
       Pretty cool and shows how if you do it right and relevant it can work
       well. I can assure you if they replaced “doge” with some 6 year old meme
       it would’ve been seen as daggy
 4. Tessa Cowley says:
    August 9, 2014 at 6:56 am
    It’s funny I’d never really thought about the fact that there are even
    trends in memes. I think the thing I like about a meme is when it calls you
    out on something you think only applies to you, and it turns out thousands
    of others can relate to it. EG ‘I don’t always make a witty post on
    Facebook, but when I do it gets ruined by the comment of a lame older
    relative’. Thought that was just me! Seems like the key is for companies to
    be the voice of their customers and be the first to say the things we’re all
    thinking. Jäger have done a good job of that here. Enjoyed your post
 5. sandy says:
    August 10, 2014 at 7:56 am
    I have always thought of memes as a source of stress relief but never really
    imagined the use of memes in organizations. Interesting connection made
    there ! can’t wait to read more
 6. Helen says:
    January 19, 2015 at 4:53 am
    How to copy content from other pages and make it unique and human readable ?
    To find out just search in google:
    anightund’s article tool




 * Tom Dimadis


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