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 * Home
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 * FAQs
 * Europe
 * Africa
 * Antarctica
 * The Americas
 * Timeline
 * Story Boxes
 * Starlink


Hello and welcome to our web-blog-thing about our overlanding travels around the
world in Cuthbert the Truck.

We’re getting lots of questions about our truck, travels and plans. “Okay…”, we
thought,”we’ll  join the 21st Century world of inter-webbery to update anyone
who is curious”.


Well… it’s about us, overlanding in our camper-truck:  our planning, our routes,
our adventures and particularly our trusty-truck (better known to his friends as

Cuthbert is a big, blue, off-road expedition-truck, on an Iveco Daily 4×4
chassis. It was converted for us by Bocklet in Germany, based on their Dakar 630
model (see nice picture above ). He has certainly stood the test of time on the


In 2024 you find us finally (after 10 years of full-time overlanding around the
world) back in Europe, doing a cold winter in Scandinavia. But it all started
way back in December 2013. After 5 years working in Doha, Qatar, we went back to
UK to spend January getting Cuthbert registered in UK and fitting him out with
our kit.  In Feb/Mar 2014 we did a short Europe trip to test the new truck, an
exercise which would obviously not have been complete without a thorough
checking of the heating and insulation with a bit of ski-time in the Alps.

> “Because nobody ever looked back and wished they’d spent more time at work.
> And there’s no point being the richest body in the graveyard”

By April 2014 we were ready for the first ‘proper’ overlanding adventure: an
amazing year touring the not-so-dodgy bits of Africa. We explored, sampled a few
local wines and beers, watched a few animals, saw some nice scenery and reported
the adventures on these very inter-web pages with our  Africa Blog. We spent
summer 2015 back in Europe, then in October 2015 sailed with Cuthbert to
Montevideo for a wander around the Americas. Over 2016/17 the South America Blog
story emerged and in February 2018 we moved north, overlanding into Central
America and Mexico. In September 2019 we crossed the Rio Grande into the good
ol’ US of A, then in March 2020 we crossed into glorious Canada just in time for
the world lock-down. After skiing our socks-off over winter 2020/21, we spent
2021/22 roaming USA and Canada from coast to coast and completing the
PanAmerican Highway all the way up to Alaska and the Arctic Ocean.

Click here to see our travel Timeline,our favourite Story Boxes and our FAQs.

Bored yet?  If so, then move swiftly on to a more exciting website.
Alternatively, read on….

 * Beach camp – happy place
 * A wet and windy Cape Agulhas
 * Port Lockroy
 * Now you see him…
 * Baja big cactus
 * Heading out of 2020!
 * Cuthbert does Brussels
 * bst
 * Cape Spear – Overlanding Milestone
 * Windy place!
 * sdr
 * Dubya’s Desk
 * Grizzly Bears… they’re big
 * Apparently a Tanzanian tradition – dancing with a bottle on your head!
 * The start (or end) of the Alcan

2 / 76


We have tried to make the stuff interesting from 3 main perspectives:

 * For those planning similar overlanding, you may want to peruse ‘Choosing the
   Truck’ and ‘Planning an Overland Trip’
 * If you are a techie-geek and want to know more about Cuthbert, his
   specification, kit and technical issues, and preparing for overlanding
   travels you may be captivated by ‘Truck and Kit‘ (or maybe our latest
   addition… ta-daaah… a shiny new SpaceX Starlink satellite dish with Starlink
   for Overlanders )
 * For those just curious about our overlanding adventures, take a wander into
   our pages for ‘Europe’, ‘Africa’, ‘South America‘, ‘Central America‘ and
   ‘North America‘. Or maybe Antarctica? Or the Galapagos Islands? How about
   Easter Island?

The update frequency of the site is likely to be patchy (based on our travel
progress – which is slow during Covid – and our general enthusiasm for
generating content ) , but we will add material when there’s something to say.
As will be evident as you read on, our web-page creation skills are also ‘a work
in progress’, but we are learning as we go along!


Way back at the five year point of this website, we were gob-smacked to see that
our overlanding site received visits from… wait for it… 183 countries around the
world! Wowser!!!  As they say… it’s a ‘global village’ out there!   Thanks to
everyone that has taken the time to have a look at our stuff (these hits can’t
all be from our families ) and particular thanks to everyone who has contacted
us by Instagram, Facebook or email via the Contact Page.

If you feel the urge to drop us a line, we’d be really chuffed to hear from you.

Note: This is a purely non-commercial website and we accept no sponsorship,
advertising or guest writers/bloggers. Any products or services mentioned or
recommended in this website have been entered purely at our own instigation and
not for any commercial reward.

The map below shows a red dot for every location of a log-in to this site

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This is us... successfully escaped from the real world... now over-landing
full-time in 'Cuthbert the Truck'. Nothing too unusual about that... anyone can
'rough-it' out there... we decided to have a go at 'over-landing in a bit of
comfort'. Hope you enjoy the story.
Marcus and Julie Tuck


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 * Overlanding – Baltics and Euro-Cities 25/05/2024
 * Overlanding Finland – Nordkapp to Helsinki 16/03/2024
 * Arctic Winter: Destination Nordkapp 02/03/2024
 * Scandi-Overlanding in Arctic Winter 13/02/2024
 * 10 Years Overlanding !! 06/02/2024


Click on the globe-link above to see our latest route


Cuthbert’s Categories Select Category Africa Travel Blog  (4) Central America
Travel Blog  (19) Europe Travel Blog  (11) Geek stuff  (3) North America Travel
Blog  (70) Overland Vehicle – Living Cabin and Systems  (2) Overland Vehicle –
Technical  (2)    Diesel and DPF Issues  (6)    Iveco Daily 4×4 – Modifications
and Repairs  (36) Overlanding General  (4) Planning an Overland Trip  (4)
Shipping  (3) South America Travel Blog  (74) Uncategorized  (1)


 * 4x4 Driving
 * Alaska
 * Amazon
 * Ancient sites
 * Andes
 * Arctic
 * Argentina Overlanding
 * Beaches
 * Bolivia Overlanding
 * Brakes
 * Brazil Overlanding
 * Canada Overlanding
 * Central America
 * Chile Overlanding
 * Colombia Overlanding
 * covid overlanding
 * Culture
 * Ecuador Overlanding
 * Europe
 * Fiestas
 * Glaciers
 * Guatemala Overlanding
 * High altitude
 * Indigenous
 * Iveco
 * Jungle
 * Mexico Overlanding
 * Michelin XZL
 * North America
 * overlanding western USA
 * Panama Overlanding
 * Patagonia
 * Peru Overlanding
 * South Africa
 * South America
 * Suriname Overlanding
 * The Guyanas Overlanding
 * Truck tech
 * Tyres
 * USA Overlanding
 * Vehicle Shipping
 * Videos
 * Volcano
 * Waterfall
 * Wildlife


This is a purely non-commercial website, we accept no sponsorship, advertising
or guest writers. Any products or services mentioned are purely at our own
instigation and not for any commercial reward.

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