www.kantata.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a05:d014:275:cb02::c8  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://info.kantata.com/Njc3LUxFSi02OTYAAAGOLyFMCLr3U3TeNv4U8Kw53sB-N3UpPwRHoLp_PS_azGMMr0RLGJ5Na8PbZOor6Y_hFRS0jOg=
Effective URL: https://www.kantata.com/blog/article/introducing-the-2023-professional-services-maturity-benchmark?mkt_tok=Njc3LUxFSi02O...
Submission: On December 14 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

<form autocomplete="off" id="searchForm" class="su__search-forms su__m-0" __bizdiag="0" __biza="W___">
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    class="BlogHeader_header_search_button__td17C"><img src="/images/blog/search.svg" alt="Submit Search" class="BlogHeader_submit_search_img__qHafE"></button></form>

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      border: 1px solid #447f19;

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    <div class="mktoClear"></div>
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    <div class="mktoClear"></div>
  <div class="mktoFormRow" data-wrapper-for="LeadSource"><input type="hidden" name="LeadSource" class="mktoField mktoFieldDescriptor mktoFormCol" value="" style="margin-bottom: 10px;" data-wrapper-for="">
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Text Content


We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Using this site
means you agree to the use of cookies. Click show details to specify
permissions. For more information on cookies, see our Privacy Policy.
Do not sell or share my personal information
Use necessary cookies only Allow all cookies Show details
Use necessary cookies only Allow selection Allow all cookies
Show details
Cookie declaration [#IABV2SETTINGS#] About
 Necessary (31)  Preferences (33)  Statistics (169)  Marketing (178)
 Unclassified (64)
Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like
page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot
function properly without these cookies.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeCookieConsent [x14]Cookiebot
start.kantata.comStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain1
yearHTTPcookietest [x4]AmazonThis cookie is used to determine if the visitor has
accepted the cookie consent box.SessionHTTPtest_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the
user's browser supports cookies.1 dayHTTP__cf_bm [x3]G2Crowd
HubspotThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their
website.1 dayHTTPBIGipServer#get.kantata.comUsed to distribute traffic to the
website on several servers in order to optimise response
times.SessionHTTP_cfuvidHubspotPendingSessionHTTPbscookie [x2]LinkedInThis
cookie is used to identify the visitor through an application. This allows the
visitor to login to a website through their LinkedIn application for example.1
yearHTTPli_gcLinkedInStores the user's cookie consent state for the current
domain180 daysHTTPcampaignmavenlink.comUsed in context with promotional-codes on
the websites. The cookie enables that individual codes are only presented and
used once by the specific user.1 dayHTTPsourcemavenlink.comRegisters how the
user has reached the website to enable pay-out of referral commission fees to
partners.1 dayHTTPJSESSIONIDNew RelicPreserves users states across page
requests.SessionHTTPCONSENTYouTubeUsed to detect if the visitor has accepted the
marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for
GDPR-compliance of the website. 2 yearsHTTP

Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way
the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that
you are in.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeloglevelwww.kantata.comMaintains settings and
outputs when using the Developer Tools Console on current
session.PersistentHTMLwistia-video-progress-#www.kantata.comContains a timestamp
for the website’s video-content. This allows the user to resume watching without
having to start over, if the user leaves the video or website.
PersistentHTMLCookieConsentBulkSetting-#CookiebotEnables cookie consent across
multiple websitesPersistentHTMLi18nextLngwww.kantata.comDetermines the preferred
language of the visitor. Allows the website to set the preferred language upon
the visitor's re-entry. PersistentHTMLlanguagewww.kantata.comDetermines the
preferred language of the visitor. Allows the website to set the preferred
language upon the visitor's re-entry.
PersistentHTMLlandingPageUrl [x6]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
start.kantata.comThe cookie determines the preferred language and
country-setting of the visitor - This allows the website to show content most
relevant to that region and language.1
yearHTTPDRIFT_ALWAYS_SEND_IDSwww.kantata.comNecessary for the functionality of
the website's chat-box function. SessionHTMLDRIFT_openTabs [x2]www.kantata.com
DriftUsed to make the chat function consistent across tabs, if the user has
multiple browser tabs open for the same website.
PersistentHTMLDRIFT_SESSION_ID [x2]form-styling--kantata-next.netlify.app
DriftAllows the website to recoqnise the visitor, in order to optimize the
chat-box functionality.
SessionHTMLDRIFT_SESSION_STARTED [x2]form-styling--kantata-next.netlify.app
DriftStores a unique ID string for each chat-box session. This allows the
website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with the previous
SessionHTMLDRIFT_visitCounts [x2]form-styling--kantata-next.netlify.app
DriftDetermines the number of visits of the specific visitor. This is used in
order to make the chat-box function more
relevant.PersistentHTMLdriftt_aid [x5]DriftNecessary for the functionality of
the website's chat-box function. 2
yearsHTTPljs-lang [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comDetermines the preferred language of the visitor. Allows
the website to set the preferred language upon the visitor's re-entry.
PersistentHTMLljs-source-lang [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comThe cookie determines the preferred language and
country-setting of the visitor - This allows the website to show content most
relevant to that region and language.PersistentHTML_biz_flagsA [x3]BizibleThis
cookie serves multiple purposes; it determines whether the user has submitted
any forms, performed cross-domain migration or has made any tracking opt-out
choices. 1 yearHTTPlidcLinkedInRegisters which server-cluster is serving the
visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user
experience. 1 dayHTTP

Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with
websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypewistiawww.kantata.comUsed by the website to track
the visitor's use of video-content - The cookie roots from Wistia, which
provides video-software to websites.PersistentHTMLevents/1/#New RelicUsed to
monitor website performance for statistical purposes.SessionPixeljserrors/1/#New
RelicPendingSessionPixelc.gifMicrosoftCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.SessionPixelu [x2]Adobe
BizibleCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as the number of
visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded with
the purpose of generating reports for optimising the website
content.SessionPixelsnowplowOutQueue_#_post2 [x3]www.kantata.com
cdn-app.pathfactory.comRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
PersistentHTMLsnowplowOutQueue_#_post2.expires [x3]www.kantata.com
cdn-app.pathfactory.comRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
PersistentHTMLCLID [x2]MicrosoftCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.1 yearHTTP_clck [x6]MicrosoftCollects data on the
user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile
statistical reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1
yearHTTP_clsk [x6]MicrosoftRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. 1
dayHTTP_ga [x8]GoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical
data on how the visitor uses the website.2 yearsHTTP_ga_# [x7]GoogleUsed by
Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the
website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. 2
yearsHTTP_gat [x5]GoogleUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rate1
dayHTTP_gid [x6]GoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical
data on how the visitor uses the website.1
dayHTTP_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress [x5]HotjarThis cookie is used to count how
many times a website has been visited by different visitors - this is done by
assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not get registered twice.1
dayHTTP_hjFirstSeen [x5]HotjarThis cookie is used to determine if the visitor
has visited the website before, or if it is a new visitor on the website.1
dayHTTP_hjIncludedInSessionSample_# [x5]HotjarCollects statistics on the
visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time
spent on the website and what pages have been read.1
dayHTTP_hjSession_# [x5]HotjarCollects statistics on the visitor's visits to the
website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been read.1 dayHTTP_hjSessionUser_# [x5]HotjarCollects
statistics on the visitor's visits to the website, such as the number of visits,
average time spent on the website and what pages have been read.1
yearHTTP_vis_opt_s [x4]VWOUsed by Visual Website Optimizer to determine if the
visitor is participating in a design experiment.100
daysHTTP_vis_opt_test_cookie [x4]VWOUsed to check if the user's browser supports
cookies.SessionHTTP_vwo_ds [x4]VWOCollects data on the user's visits to the
website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for
optimising the website content.3 monthsHTTP_vwo_referrer [x4]VWORegisters data
on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website
optimization. SessionHTTP_vwo_sn [x4]VWOCollects statistics on the visitor's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been read.1 dayHTTP_vwo_uuid [x4]VWOUsed by Visual
Website Optimizer to ensure that the same user interface variant is displayed
for each visit, if the user is participating in a design experiment.10
yearsHTTP_vwo_uuid_v2 [x4]VWOThis cookie is set to make split-tests on the
website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the
cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a website.1
yearHTTPmnet_session_depthMedia.netContains the scroll-depth across the
website's sub-pages. SessionHTTPmuxDatapa.tedcdn.comThis cookie is used in
context with a video-player, so that if the visitor is interrupted while viewing
video content, the cookie remembers where to start the video when the visitor
reloads the video.20 yearsHTTPljs-visits [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comUsed to count the number of pages viewed by the
user.PersistentHTML__utm.gifAmazonGoogle Analytics Tracking Code that logs
details about the visitor's browser and computer.SessionPixelcollectGoogleUsed
to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks
the visitor across devices and marketing
channels.SessionPixel_hjRecordingEnabled [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
HotjarCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This
is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website
owner.SessionHTMLhjActiveViewportIdsdevelop--kantata-next.netlify.appThis cookie
contains an ID string on the current session. This contains non-personal
information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to
optimize the visitor's
experience.PersistentHTMLhjViewportId [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
HotjarSaves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of images on the
website.SessionHTMLNRBA_SESSIONTEDCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.PersistentHTML__hssc [x2]HubspotIdentifies if the
cookie data needs to be updated in the visitor's browser.1
dayHTTP__hssrc [x2]HubspotUsed to recognise the visitor's browser upon reentry
on the website.SessionHTTP__hstc [x2]HubspotSets a unique ID for the session.
This allows the website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical
purposes.180 daysHTTP__utma [x3]GoogleCollects data on the number of times a
user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent
visit. Used by Google Analytics.2 yearsHTTP__utmb [x3]GoogleRegisters a
timestamp with the exact time of when the user accessed the website. Used by
Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit.1
dayHTTP__utmc [x3]GoogleRegisters a timestamp with the exact time of when the
user leaves the website. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a
website visit.SessionHTTP__utmt [x2]GoogleUsed to throttle the speed of requests
to the server.1 dayHTTP__utmv [x3]GoogleSaves user-defined tracking parameters
for use in Google Analytics.SessionHTTP__utmz [x3]GoogleCollects data on where
the user came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked and what
search term was used. Used by Google Analytics.6
monthsHTTP_cltk [x2]MicrosoftRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on
the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
SessionHTML_hjRecordingLastActivityHotjarSets a unique ID for the session. This
allows the website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical
purposes.SessionHTML_hjTLDTest [x3]HotjarRegisters statistical data on users'
behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
SessionHTTP_vis_opt_exp_#_combiVWOUsed by Visual Website Optimizer to ensure
that the same user interface variant is displayed for each visit, if the user is
participating in a design experiment.100 daysHTTPhubspotutk [x2]HubspotSets a
unique ID for the session. This allows the website to obtain data on visitor
behaviour for statistical purposes.180 daysHTTPln_orLinkedInRegisters
statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics
by the website operator. 1 dayHTTPubvtkantata.comCollects data on the user's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports
for optimising the website content.3
daysHTTPvid [x2]cdn-app.pathfactory.comCollects data on visitor interaction with
the website's video-content. This data is used to make the website's
video-content more relevant towards the visitor. 2 yearsHTTPvwoSn [x2]VWO
develop--kantata-next.netlify.appThis cookie is set to make split-tests on the
website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the
cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a
website.PersistentHTMLAnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedInUsed in connection with
data-synchronization with third-party analysis service. 30
daysHTTP__utmd [x2]GoogleThis cookie is used to assign specific visitors into
segments, this segmentation is based on visitor behavior on the website - the
segmentation can be used to target larger
groups.SessionHTTPvisitor-idMedia.netThis cookie is used to collect information
on the visitor. This information will be stored for internal analytics at the
website's operator – Internal analytics is used by websites to optimize their
domains.1 yearHTTPcookiecookieshare.mindstamp.comThis cookie is used by the
website’s operator in context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to
combine or change content on the website. This allows the website to find the
best variation/edition of the site.SessionHTTPspwww.kantata.comRegisters
statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics
by the website operator. 1 yearHTTP_sp_id.#.expiresstart.kantata.comContains the
expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name.
PersistentHTML_sp_ses.#.expiresstart.kantata.comContains the expiry-date for the
cookie with corresponding name. PersistentHTMLubpvstart.kantata.comDetermines if
a user leaves the website straight away. This information is used for internal
statistics and analytics by the website operator. 6
monthsHTTPubvsstart.kantata.comCollects data on the user's visits to the
website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for
optimising the website content.180 daysHTTP_vwo_ssmVWOPending400
daysHTTPl.gifwww.kantata.comThis cookie is used by the website’s operator in
context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change
content on the website. This allows the website to find the best
variation/edition of the site.
SessionPixelv.gifdevelop--kantata-next.netlify.appThis cookie is set to make
split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's relevance towards the
visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the visitor's experience on a
website.SessionPixeltddevelop--kantata-next.netlify.appRegisters statistical
data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the
website operator. SessionPixel

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention is
to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and
thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryType6suuid6sc.coRegisters user behaviour and navigation
on the website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for
optimizing advertisement and for efficient retargeting. 400
daysHTTPv1/beacon/img.gifb.6sc.coUsed in context with Account-Based-Marketing
(ABM). The cookie registers data such as IP-addresses, time spent on the website
and page requests for the visit. This is used for retargeting of multiple users
rooting from the same IP-addresses. ABM usually facilitates B2B marketing
purposes.SessionPixel_uetsid [x2]MicrosoftUsed to track visitors on multiple
websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's
preferences. PersistentHTML_uetsid_exp [x2]MicrosoftContains the expiry-date for
the cookie with corresponding name. PersistentHTML_uetvid [x2]MicrosoftUsed to
track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement
based on the visitor's preferences.
PersistentHTML_uetvid_exp [x2]MicrosoftContains the expiry-date for the cookie
with corresponding name. PersistentHTMLMR [x2]MicrosoftUsed to track visitors on
multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the
visitor's preferences. 7 daysHTTPMUID [x2]MicrosoftUsed widely by Microsoft as a
unique user ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising the ID across
many Microsoft domains.1 yearHTTPSRM_BMicrosoftTracks the user’s interaction
with the website’s search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the
user with relevant products or services. 1 yearHTTP_BUID [x2]BizibleCollects
data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is
used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. 1
yearHTTPANONCHKMicrosoftRegisters data on visitors from multiple visits and on
multiple websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of
advertisement on websites. 1 dayHTTPSMMicrosoftRegisters a unique ID that
identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the
same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.SessionHTTPCMIDCasale
MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.1 yearHTTPCMPROCasale
MediaCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to
present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the
number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. 3
monthsHTTPCMPSCasale MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to
the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.3
monthsHTTPrumCasale MediaCollects data related to the user's visits to the
website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted
ads.SessionPixelm/ipvBizibleRegisters user behaviour and navigation on the
website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing
advertisement and for efficient retargeting. SessionPixeltuuidDemandBaseCollects
visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of
visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with
the purpose of displaying targeted ads.400 daysHTTPtuuid_luDemandBaseContains a
unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch.com to track the visitor across
multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize advertisement relevance and
ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times. 400
daysHTTPlastExternalReferrer Meta Platforms, Inc.Detects how the user reached
the website by registering their last
URL-address.PersistentHTMLlastExternalReferrerTime Meta Platforms, Inc.Detects
how the user reached the website by registering their last
URL-address.PersistentHTML_an_uid [x5]j.6sc.coPresents the user with relevant
content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement
hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.7 daysHTTP_fbp [x7]
Meta Platforms, Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement
products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.3
monthsHTTP_gd_session [x8]j.6sc.coCollects visitor data related to the user's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted
ads.1 dayHTTP_gd_svisitor [x7]j.6sc.coCollects visitor data related to the
user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent
on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying
targeted ads.2 yearsHTTP_gd_visitor [x8]j.6sc.coCollects visitor data related to
the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time
spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of
displaying targeted ads.2 yearsHTTP_uetsid [x6]MicrosoftCollects data on visitor
behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant
advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that
they are shown the same advertisement. 1 dayHTTP_uetvid [x6]MicrosoftUsed to
track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement
based on the visitor's preferences. 1 yearHTTPsa-user-id [x8]StackAdaptUsed to
track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement
based on the visitor's preferences. 1 yearHTTPsa-user-id-v2 [x8]StackAdaptUsed
to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant
advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 1 yearHTTPIDEGoogleUsed by
Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after
viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring
the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.1
yearHTTPpagead/landingGoogleCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
SessionPixelDRIFT_NOTIFICATION_PLAYEDwww.kantata.comPendingSessionHTMLDRIFT_SESSION_CAMPAIGNS [x2]www.kantata.com
DriftUsed to determine when and where certain pop-ups on the website should be
presented for the user and remember whether the user has closed these, to keep
them from showing multiple times.PersistentHTMLdrift_aid [x5]DriftSets a unique
ID for the specific user. This allows the website to target the user with
relevant offers through its chat functionality. 2
yearsHTTPdrift_campaign_refresh [x5]DriftSets a unique ID for the specific user.
This allows the website to target the user with relevant offers through its chat
functionality. 1 dayHTTPads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed by Google AdWords to
re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the
visitor's online behaviour across
websites.SessionPixelpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleTracks if the user has shown
interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how
the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement
efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between
websites.SessionPixel__ptq.gifHubspotSends data to the marketing platform
Hubspot about the visitor's device and behaviour. Tracks the visitor across
devices and marketing channels.SessionPixel_6senseCompanyDetails [x2]j.6sc.co
www.kantata.comUsed in context with Account-Based-Marketing (ABM). The cookie
registers data such as IP-addresses, time spent on the website and page requests
for the visit. This is used for retargeting of multiple users rooting from the
same IP-addresses. ABM usually facilitates B2B marketing
information on user preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content -
This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting
events or products.PersistentHTML_session_id [x2]jukebox.pathfactory.com
G2CrowdStores visitors' navigation by registering landing pages - This allows
the website to present relevant products and/or measure their advertisement
efficiency on other websites. SessionHTTP_biz_dfsA [x3]BizibleCollects data on
visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used
make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor.
SessionHTTP_biz_kvpA [x3]BizibleCollects data on user visits to the website,
such as what pages have been accessed. The registered data is used to categorise
the user's interest and demographic profiles in terms of resales for targeted
marketing.SessionHTTP_biz_nA [x3]BizibleCollects data on visitors' preferences
and behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and
advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. 1
yearHTTP_biz_pendingA [x3]BizibleCollects data on visitors' preferences and
behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and
advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. 1
yearHTTP_biz_sidBizibleCollects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on
the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
relevant to the specific visitor. 1 dayHTTP_biz_uid [x3]BizibleCollects data on
visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used
make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor. 1
yearHTTP_gcl_au [x2]GoogleUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with
advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. 3
monthsHTTP_mkto_trk [x2]MarketoContains data on visitor behaviour and website
interaction. This is used in context with the email marketing service
Marketo.com, which allows the website to target visitors via email. 2
yearsHTTPsa-user-id [x2]StackAdaptUsed to track visitors on multiple websites,
in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
PersistentHTMLsa-user-id-v2 [x2]StackAdaptUsed to track visitors on multiple
websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's
preferences. PersistentHTMLbcookieLinkedInUsed by the social networking service,
LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.1
yearHTTPli_sugrLinkedInCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order
to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant. 3
monthsHTTPUserMatchHistoryLinkedInEnsures visitor browsing-security by
preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security
of the website and visitor. 30 daysHTTPlogTEDUsed to distinguish between
internal and external visitors to the website, in order to obtain more concise
statistical data regarding the use of the website.
SessionPixelplayerconfigTEDUsed in conjunction with video-advertisement -
Detects where on the website the video-advertisements should be
displayed.PersistentHTMLUIDScorecardResearchCollects information of the user and
his/her movement, such as timestamp for visits, most recently loaded pages and
IP address. The data is used by the marketing research network, Scorecard
Research, to analyse traffic patterns and carry out surveys to help their
clients better understand the customer's preferences.400
daysHTTP__anon_iddevelop--kantata-next.netlify.appCollects visitor data related
to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time
spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of
displaying targeted
ads.PersistentHTMLlalStackAdaptPendingSessionPixelsa-user-id-v3StackAdaptPendingPersistentHTMLsa-user-id-v3 [x7]StackAdaptPending1
yearHTTPtv_UIDMTelariaPending400 daysHTTPtvidTelariaPresents the user with
relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party
advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.1
yearHTTPs.gifdevelop--kantata-next.netlify.appRegisters user behaviour and
navigation on the website, and any interaction with active campaigns. This is
used for optimizing advertisement and for efficient retargeting.
SessionPixeluuidVWOThis cookie is used to optimize ad relevance by collecting
visitor data from multiple websites – this exchange of visitor data is normally
provided by a third-party data-center or ad-exchange.3
monthsHTTPLAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with
to track user’s interaction with embedded
content.SessionHTTPremote_sidYouTubeNecessary for the implementation and
functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
SessionHTTPrequestsYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded
content.SessionHTTPServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogYouTubeNecessary for the
implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
PersistentIDBTESTCOOKIESENABLEDYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction with
embedded content.1 dayHTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeTries to estimate the users'
bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.180
daysHTTPVISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAYouTubeStores the user's cookie consent state
for the current domain180 daysHTTPYSCYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.SessionHTTPyt.innertube::nextIdYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLYtIdbMeta#databasesYouTubeUsed to track user’s interaction
with embedded content.PersistentIDByt-remote-cast-availableYouTubeStores the
user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installedYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devicesYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-idYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-periodYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-appYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-nameYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube videoSessionHTML

Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
together with the providers of individual cookies.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeipvBiziblePendingSessionPixelkvpwww.kantata.comPendingSessionPixelm/kvpBiziblePendingSessionPixel_lbvisited [x2]www.kantata.com
cdn-app.pathfactory.comPendingPersistentHTML_lbvisitedcount [x2]www.kantata.com
cdn-app.pathfactory.comPendingPersistentHTMLspBeaconPreflight_jukeboxTracker_jukeboxTracker [x2]www.kantata.comPendingSessionHTMLspBeaconPreflight_jukeboxTracker_railsTracker [x2]www.kantata.comPendingSessionHTMLAutoLearningwww.kantata.comPendingPersistentHTML_gz_sid [x4]AmazonPending1
dayHTTP_gz_taid [x4]AmazonPending2
yearsHTTPlocalStoredIpDetails [x5]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
kantata-next.netlify.appPendingPersistentHTMLsmartFacets [x4]AmazonPending1
dayHTTPstoredExchangeRates [x4]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
www.kantata.comPendingPersistentHTML7PywvUPzXijvSen [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comPendingPersistentHTML7PywvUPzXijvSsettings [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comPendingPersistentHTMLljs-cache [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
global.localizecdn.comPendingPersistentHTMLljs-hide [x2]develop--kantata-next.netlify.app
dayHTTPcontentmavenlink.comPending1 dayHTTPconversion_pagemavenlink.comPending1
dayHTTPkeywordmavenlink.comPending1 dayHTTPlanding_pagemavenlink.comPending1
dayHTTPmediummavenlink.comPending1 dayHTTPppcAmazonPending14
daysHTTP(unnamed) [x2]mindstamp.com
share.mindstamp.comPendingSessionHTTP_cio [x2]Customer.ioPending1

Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's
experience more efficient.

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly
necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need
your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third
party services that appear on our pages.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration
on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal
data in our Privacy Policy.

Please state your consent ID and date when you contact us regarding your

Your consent applies to the following domains: start.kantata.com,
develop--kantata-next.netlify.app, form-styling--kantata-next.netlify.app,
www.kantata.com, kantata.com, kantata-next.netlify.app,
kantata-staging.netlify.app, kantata-dev.netlify.app, explore.kantata.com,
learn.kantata.com, explore.mavenlink.com, www.mavenlink.com

Cookie declaration last updated on 26.11.23 by Cookiebot
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Total Economic Impact Study Reveals Kantata Provided $24.5 Million in Benefits
to Services Organizations

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Blog / Growth and Profitability




By Chris Scalia, Chief Customer Officer, Kantata

This is an excerpt of Kantata’s introduction to SPI’s 2023 Professional Services
Maturity Benchmark report. Click here to download the full report for free.

I’m excited to present you with the 2023 edition of the annual SPI Professional
Services Maturity Benchmark, which analyzes the performance of over 700
professional services businesses of all shapes and sizes.

At Kantata, the Professional Services Maturity Benchmark is an invaluable tool
we use with our customers and prospective customers to help establish
a picture of what’s possible through the digital transformation of their PS
organizations. SPI’s annual research provides essential, up-to-date information
on what high performance looks like across key pillars, while also providing a
constructive framework for understanding the sequence of steps required to
achieve operational maturity. I encourage you to actively use this report to
evaluate how your business stacks up and find key strategic areas for
optimization and transformation.

As Kantata’s Chief Customer Officer, I have spoken with many professional
services organizations that are navigating economic challenges and struggling to
make critical decisions with confidence. These organizations are wondering what
they can do, when demand is more volatile than ever, to ensure their business is
in a position to consistently deliver work, while protecting their
margins, their clients, and their valued team members. This year’s benchmark
tells a story of an industry that has found ways to protect and enhance
financial performance – profitability increased from 2021 to 2022 – while also
struggling to fully come to grips with lingering impacts from the pandemic,
changing work norms that create productivity risks, and an ongoing talent war
that can threaten the core of a PS organization. These overarching challenges
have resulted in the degradation of certain Key Performance Indicators, with
average employee billable utilization and project margins below five year
averages, the number of projects delivered on time dipping by 5%, and project
overruns increasing by 21%.

Despite these apparent headwinds, the SPI report again highlights the
relationships between higher performance and adoption of purpose-built
technology solutions for PS organizations. For organizations with over 50
employees, the difference between businesses using a solution in SPI’s PSA
category and those that are not is significant. Adopters of PS-specific
solutions, for example, enjoy a 5% difference in average billable utilization
and a 16% difference in average project margins.


Download the Professional Services Maturity Benchmark to learn how these results
align with the improvements Kantata’s customers are seeing when they adopt the
Kantata Professional Services Cloud. As a preface to the benchmark, we
demonstrate some of the many ways the Kantata Cloud is driving transformational
outcomes for Kantata’s customers – who make up 30% of the surveyed users in this
study, the most of any provider in SPI’s PSA category.


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