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A news and comments forum for Deputy Liz McManus, TD for Wicklow.



I raised the issue of the broadcasting levy to be imposed on the independent
broadcasters in the Dáil today during question to the Minister for
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources.

I have highlighted this issue with the Minister on a number of occasions and
have issued a number of statement on this also. I am concerned that the
percentage levy proposed is too high on an industry that is already suffering
economic hardship and may result in significant job losses.

"The latest figures for the total budget for the Broadcasting Authority of
Ireland in 2010 is €7.6 million, up from the previous figure of €6.1 million.
This is additional to the €1.5 million already outstanding for 2009. Under the
terms of a Statutory Instrument laid before the Dáil in January and made under
Section 33 of the Broadcasting Act, 2009, this money will have to be provided
though a levy imposed on local stations.

"There is widespread concern that this levy will result in job losses across the
independent sector. Now that the Broadcasting Regulator is to be funded by the
broadcasting industry costs are already spiralling. At a time when advertising
budgets are being slashed and jobs are being lost, the cost of the levy is
punishing and totally unnecessary.

"The Labour Party did put forward proposals for a more streamlined operation
incorporating ComReg and the Broadcasting Authority. We argued that one unified
regulator would be more efficient and cost effective. This was backed up by a
similar recommendation published in An Bord Snip. However, the Minister refused
to listen, set up his quango instead and now broadcasters are bearing the brunt
of his decision, as I predicted. There are now real concerns about the formula
used to apportion costs.

“Unless the Statutory Instrument is annulled by the Dáil by next Thursday, the
levy will come into effect, imposing a potentially crippling financial burden on
stations, many of which are already struggling. This is a matter that is of such
importance that it should not be allowed to go through by default."

Posted by Liz at 5:23 p.m. No comments:



Happy New Year. As part of my 2010 New Year’s resolutions I have resolved to
take up blogging again. Despite being one of the first TDs to start a blog, I
haven't been updating it regularly for a while and I hope to address that this

I had a surreal conversation on Today FM's Last Word the other day with Ciaran
Cuffe TD about postcodes. As each day passes the Green's seem more and more
disconnected with reality.

I'm concerned about the cost to businesses and organisations with the
introduction of postcodes. I believe that postcodes are a good idea, but they
could pose lots of problems in the current economic climate. When I'd made what
I thought to be a sensible point on this, I found myself in a weird ding dong
with Deputy Cuffe who insisted that even Santa Claus had a postcode! I'm not
sure this is the greatest argument for postcodes I've ever heard!

In more recent days I met again with Ciaran, who on a personal level I have
great time for, on East Coast FM. Again, I found his arguments out of touch with
the reality on the ground. The lack of understanding he showed towards the
impact the weather crisis was having was offensive to people across Co. Wicklow,
who phoned me later to express their frustration.

I accept that Dublin is also suffering badly by the harsh weather, but the
reality is that Co. Wicklow and rural areas like it, is severely affected.
People are very anxious and the remote rural areas are dangerously isolated.
Thankfully, neighbours are really putting in an effort in all sorts of wonderful
ways even in such hazardous conditions. I found this out to my cost this morning
when going out to do a message for a neighbour and landed flat on my back. Most

Posted by Liz at 12:28 p.m. 1 comment:



Posted by Liz at 4:52 p.m. No comments:



Posted by Liz at 3:40 p.m. No comments:

MONDAY, JULY 21, 2008


Last week the Labour Party published its position paper on Biofuels. Along with
the Labour Leader, Eamon Gilmore TD, I launched the paper in front of an
audience of media and interested parties. Groups present included the Irish
Bioenergy Association, Trocaire, Bord na Mona, Sustainable Energy Ireland,
Birdwatach Ireland and the German-Irish Chamber of Commerce. A lively discussion
followed and it was a worthwhile and interesting exercise. This is a really hot
issue with growing concerns around the link between the recent dash to biofuels
and the global food price hikes. However, our govenrment is silent on the issue
which we find unacceptable.

Labour's position is as follows:

Labour recommends:

1. Information on traceability to be fully available. Currently biofuel data is
too difficult, at times impossible, to access. EU rules and WTO rules need to be
changed to provide full transparency on sources of biofuels.

2. Support for the 20% overall target as set by the EU Commission for CO²
emissions reduction by 2020. (30% if global agreement achieved).

• The EU target of 10% biofuels to be reviewed, in view of the severe impact on
food supplies in the developing world.

• For Ireland, the findings of the Environmental Committee of the EU Parliament
to be adopted as an interim measure.

• Support for the indigenous Irish Biofuel industry in line with environmental
and social sustainability criteria.

3. The Government’s Climate Change Strategy to be reviewed and updated.

• On transport, a greater emphasis on public transport and the electrification
of vehicles.

• On agriculture policy, an emphasis on food security and encouragement of
greater food production.

• On biofuels policy, support for sustainable biofuel production with a focus on
the development of second generation biofuel production and the use of marginal
land unsuitable for food production.

• On energy policy, an increase in target set from 33% to 42% for renewables for
electricity generation by 2020.

To read the position paper please go to the Labour website or click here.

Posted by Liz at 5:18 p.m. 1 comment:



Posted by Liz at 12:01 p.m. No comments:



Lots of feedback on the broadband debate in the Dail that took place this week.
Minister Ryan's lovely red map showing broadband cover in Ireland is turning out
to be full of holes. The village of Shillelagh is a case in point but what
struck me was the extend of the problem across rural Ireland.

The government needs to speed up on broadband in every sense. Less international
talk shops that cost the taxpayer €50,000 and more plumbing is whats needed.

Posted by Liz at 3:13 p.m. No comments:



Well, I've seen the future and its called bellygrass...

At yesterday's Oireachtas Committee on Climate Change a presentation given by
Jerry Murphy of UCC had us all sitting up on our hind legs. He talked about
biofuel and grass can be used to make gas for fuel. Since over 90% of Ireland's
arable land is in grass this was significant. But what really got our questions
coming was his explanation of how "bellygrass" is used in Europe for gas
production for buses.

Bellygrass for those of us who don't know- and there are many - is found in cows
and pigs slaughtered in our abattoirs.

Currently the bellygrass has to be carted away and spread on land and that costs
the abattoir money.

In the future it can go to a digester system, converted to biofuel and used in
buses etc..

While no-one has the solution to the problem of methane produced by belching
cows, dead cows may provide part of the solution.

Or at least the grass in their stomachs. Don't they have four of them?

Posted by Liz at 11:46 a.m. 1 comment:

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Liz Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland As TD for Wicklow, I am honoured to represent
my constituency in the Dail, giving a voice to all the people of County Wicklow
and East Carlow. In September 2007, I became the Labour Party Spokesperson on
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources having been the Party's Health
Spokesperson and Deputy Leader since 2002. I am deeply committed to Labour's
vision of a Fair Society - equitable, inclusive - where everyone can contribute
and share in our economic prosperity. View my complete profile


 * ▼  2010 (2)
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     * Review of Broadcasting Levy Required
   * ►  January (1)

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