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URL: https://textool.io/utf8-encode-decode
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Paste your text to the left and click on `Encode` to get the UTF8 Encoded string
to the right
Paste your UTF8 Encoded string to the left and click on `Decode` to get the
original text
Press Clear to reset everything
Everything happens instantly, feel free to contact us in case of any problem






Text: its importance on the internet goes without saying. It’s the first “T” in
“HTTP”, the only “T” in “HTML”, and virtually every website uses it somehow, be
it a URL, a piece of marketing copy, a product review, a viral Tweet, or a blog
post. (Hi there!)
But, web text might not actually be as simple as you think. Consider the
thousands of languages spoken today, or all the punctuation and symbols we can
add to enhance them, or the fact that new emojis are being created to capture
every human emotion. How do websites store and process all of this?
The truth is, even something as basic as text requires a well-coordinated,
clearly-defined system to appear in web browsers. In this post, I’ll explain the
basics of one technology central to text on the web, UTF-8. We’ll learn the
basics of text storage and encoding, and discuss how it helps put engaging words
across your site.


UTF-8 stands for “Unicode Transformation Format - 8 bits.” That’s not helpful to
us yet, so let’s rewind to the basics.


In order to store information, computers use a binary system. In binary, all
data is represented in sequences of 1s and 0s. The most basic unit of binary is
a bit, which is just a single 1 or 0. The next largest unit of binary, a byte,
consists of 8 bits. An example of a byte is “01101011”.
Every digital asset you’ve ever encountered — from software to mobile apps to
websites to Instagram stories — is built on this system of bytes, which are
strung together in a way that makes sense to computers. When we refer to file
sizes, we’re referencing the number of bytes. For example, a kilobyte is roughly
one thousand bytes, and a gigabyte is roughly one billion bytes.
Text is one of many assets that computers store and process. Text is made up of
individual characters, each of which is represented in computers by a string of
bits. These strings are assembled to form digital words, sentences, paragraphs,
romance novels, and so on.


The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) was an early
standardized encoding system for text. Encoding is the process of converting
characters in human languages into binary sequences that computers can process.
ASCII’s library includes every upper-case and lower-case letter in the Latin
alphabet (A, B, C…), every digit from 0 to 9, and some common symbols (like /,
!, and ?). It assigns each of these characters a unique three-digit code and a
unique byte.


Enter Unicode, an encoding system that solves the space issue of ASCII. Like
ASCII, Unicode assigns a unique code, called a code point, to each character.
However, Unicode’s more sophisticated system can produce over a million code
points, more than enough to account for every character in any language.
Unicode is now the universal standard for encoding all human languages. And yes,
it even includes emojis.
So, we now have a standardized way of representing every character used by every
human language in a single library. This solves the issue of multiple labeling
systems for different languages — any computer on Earth can use Unicode.
But, Unicode alone doesn’t store words in binary. Computers need a way to
translate Unicode into binary so that its characters can be stored in text
files. Here’s where UTF-8 comes in.


UTF-8 is an encoding system for Unicode. It can translate any Unicode character
to a matching unique binary string, and can also translate the binary string
back to a Unicode character. This is the meaning of “UTF”, or “Unicode
Transformation Format.”
There are other encoding systems for Unicode besides UTF-8, but UTF-8 is unique
because it represents characters in one-byte units. Remember that one byte
consists of eight bits, hence the “-8” in its name.
More specifically, UTF-8 converts a code point (which represents a single
character in Unicode) into a set of one to four bytes. The first 256 characters
in the Unicode library — which include the characters we saw in ASCII — are
represented as one byte. Characters that appear later in the Unicode library are
encoded as two-byte, three-byte, and eventually four-byte binary units.


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