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SEO is complex small business SEO doesn’t make it any smaller than big business
SEO. You can do the bare minimum but if you don’t do all the tactics, you’re
wasting your efforts. SEO requires ongoing work and is not sufficient to do it
only once. There are one-time optimizations with no maintenance but SEO is an
ongoing work in progress. It comprises:

1. Publishing new content regularly

2. Renewing existing pages frequently

3. Adding new links to new pages and going back to old pages

4. Adding new links to new pages and going back to old pages

5. Promoting content via channels such as social media and email

Often many times small business owners have plenty on their plate with their
day-to-day activities. With the assistance of an SEO services company your site
can create traffic and leads for you while you can focus on your customers. A
professional SEO service provider has the best tools and the knowledge to
leverage your business.

You may be at a point where you are thinking of hiring an SEO services company
for your business. However, you are wondering what they do. In this segment, we
will take a closer look, have a clear picture and become aware of the terms used
in conversations with an SEO service provider.

On-page SEO

The efforts that an SEO services company does focuses on ‘crawlability’ and
usability of your website pages. They will optimize your sections of the website
that the public sees and that are read by the search engines. This comprises:

1. Content: They will make your content relevant to the keywords you are ranking

2. Structure: They will arrange your linking hierarchy and make search engines
easily crawl.

3. Meta Data: They guarantee your page has title tags, image tags, headers, meta
descriptions that have targeted keywords.

4. Experience: They will identify how engaging your page is and provide feedback
for improvement from a user experience perspective.

Off-page SEO

This involved your website’s backend essentials. They will help you with:

1. Site Performance: This encompasses website responsiveness, load speed, and
image size functionable on all devices.

2. Domain Authority: They will make sure you are on the good side with Google

3. Backlinks: They will help you construct links to your site from other
reliable websites.

Advantages of Using a Website SEO Service

Website SEO services are mandatory to enhance the ranking and visibility of the
website to your targeted customers and can benefit your business. Let’s see a
few benefits:

Increased Traffic

SEO Services use specialized and tested SEO optimization techniques to increase
website traffic, which directly affects business profit. An SEO expert performs
the audits and makes essential changes to the website that are crucial for your
online business success. This means you can pay close attention to other aspects
of your business, such as your product/service offer and customers.

Return on investment

When you spend on SEO services to rank your website you bring more visitors, the
conversion rate will increase automatically, and you can make money most

Guaranteed Success

The expert teams have years of experience with on-page and off-page optimization
of the website content. The service providers know how to achieve outstanding
results quickly, and they use analytical data to ensure that efforts are going
in the right way to increase your sales.

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SEO is the most important aspect for any website. In this article I will
elaborate on the importance of SEO in website development and what SEO factors
to consider while developing / designing a website.

1. FAST LOADING TIMES – The most important factor and Google recognizes it. It
does not penalizes websites that are slow, but it rewards websites that are
fast. Make sure your code is manageable and your client side is rendered fast.

2. SEO Friendly Content – Keep a mixture of images, text and animations. Google
loves rich content. Gone are the days, when search engines preferred text. These
days, Google will giveyou preference if your content has a video embedded in it.
Rich content ranks faster these days.

3. SEO FRIENDLY URLS – Query parameters are good for development but bad for
SEO, make sure you have the option of writing a keyword rich URL for that is a
ranking factor in Google search result pages.

4. TITLE TAGS, META TAGS, META DESCRIPTION – If you can use a plugin that’s
good, but if you have a custom stack development, be aware of these field.
Provide provisions on every page to put in these fields.

5. H1, h2 tags – These tags help search engines understand the topic of the
underlying content. Google still uses H1 tags to determine relevance. Use these
tags to defined your content. Be careful there should be only 1 h1 tag on your

6. SITEMAP XML – an XML sitemap is to be submitted to Google webmasters account
for faster indexing of your website pages. Make a provision to auto generate or
manually generate these sitemaps for fasting indexing by search engine bots.

7. ROBOTS.txt – This file contains an important declaration. It tells the bots
about pages that you want indexed when a search engine bot comes looking. It is
upto search engines to honor requests mentioned in ROBOTS.txt

8. REMOVE DUMP TEXT / PAGES – Do remember to delete pages, that you used while
making the website. This might include images, lorem ipsum passages. Stuffing
your website with dump text is not going to help at all.

9. Image ALT Tags – A search engine bot cannot ready your image, but it can only
read the alt text of your image. Make provision in your website code to put alt
– tags for it is one of the most important factors in SEO.

10. BLOG – Google loves a website that is fresh. Fresh content is ranked higher
than stale ones. By maintaining a blog, not only you can build a community of
followers, but it helps a lot in website SEO. Make a provision for blog on your

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The markets often crash. Yes, this is nothing new. This happens more often than
we realize, if only for a day or two.

The question is: were you prepared?

Ready to sell marginal positions
Ready to buy
It is one thing to jettison marginal positions. They are the easy ones to spot –
barely making any gains or sliding backwards slowly but surely. When the market
hits a bump or sell-off, why not throw these out.

On the other hand, the tough one is being ready to take advantage of a downturn
in the markets and but when the prices are low.

Here are a few ideas on how to take advantage of sell-offs to grab new

Look at the equity curve of the ticker symbols in your groups or groups in your
investment software to see which ones have had the most upward momentum.
If you are using a trading strategy, check the rankings of the symbols in your
groups to see which ones have been at the top the past few weeks or months.
Compare your ticker symbols against a benchmark like the S&P 500 in either a
combo chart or in a ranking to discover those symbols out-performing the market.
Note of caution, many big market drops last only a few days. This means:

It may not be necessary to sell any positions.
The opportunity to buy at a lower price is limited – time is short.
If your investment software has a number of trading strategies then abrupt
market changes can be a good time to evaluate your strategies.

Compare your strategies performances in a combination chart to see if one is
out-performing the others
Examine the equity curve of your strategies to make sure you are using one that
is performing well and not in decline.
Keep a positive outlook. The market always rebounds. The only question is how
quickly. But apply these ideas with some investment software and you can find
safe profitable investments.

Author Raymond Dominick is the designer of Dynamic Investor Pro investment
software for stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. He is the author of the book,
“Invest Safely and Profitably.” He began investing in the markets in his teenage
years. An experienced business manager and journalist, he has been a registered
investment advisor representative, also a professional photographer who loves
escaping to the wonders of Glacier National Park in Montana.

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Alternative Investment implies investing in assets other than the traditional
methods such as stocks, bonds, cash, etc. These could be private equity, hedge
funds, real estate, commodities, precious metals, wine, art, etc. These type of
investments are held by high net worth individuals, or institutional investors.
The addition of this type of investment to the portfolio allows diversification,
reduces risks and enhances returns.

The performance of assets used in alternative investments is relatively lower
when compared to those in the traditional methods. They are relatively more
difficult to value. They are also less liquid when compared to traditional

Some popular types of alternative investments being widely used are:

Private Equity:

This can be defined as investing in private companies such as start-ups, venture
capital, and financing throughout phases of the company’s growth. This
investment is done in companies that do not issue public stocks. These firms
raise funds through capital invested by institutional and non-institutional

Direct Investment in Private Companies:

This implies investing in a start-up or a private company directly instead of
the equity. This is a high risk and high return proposition.

Real Assets:

This implies investing in physical assets which are of high value. Examples of
such assets are precious metals, real estate, oil, wine, art, jewelry, etc.

Hedge Funds:

In this case, funds are collected from a number of investors to form a common
pool of funds. These funds are invested using different types of strategies to
earn the return on investments. They have the advantage that they need less SEC
regulations than other funds.

Managed Futures:

This is similar to Hedge funds where a common pool of investor’s funds is
created. These funds are invested in various financial instruments such as
commodities, currency and interest rate markets.

Financial Derivatives:

A financial derivative is an arrangement where the investor is promised a
payment when a certain asset reaches a certain level. These securities include
futures, options, forwards and swaps.

Fund of Funds:

This is a means of diversifying investments. It is achieved by investing in
multiple managers, asset classes or strategies.

Private Placement Debt:

Investors can receive a steady cash flow by investing in a private company
through promissory notes.

As the stock market becomes volatile and unpredictable, people are seeking safe
investment methods. At such a time alternative investment schemes have come to a
safe secure option to private investors. Therefore, they are becoming highly
popular. However, they cannot replace traditional methods completely. They
should be used to complement them. This will help to increase and diversify the
investment portfolio and minimize the risks of investment.

Alternative Investment as the name suggests is non-conventional means of
investment. To know more abo

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Learning about mobile marketing can be very overwhelming, but just like anything
else, it can also be very easily researched, learned, and applied. Now that you
have found this list of tips, hopefully, you can come out a little more
informed, so that you can refine your plan and become a great marketer.

Enhance your text messages with other forms of communication. Make use of
multi-channel marketing. One form communication isn’t enough for today’s
audience. Each style of communication has its own set of pros and cons. This is
why it is best to use more than one. Try sending direct mail, e-mail and a text
right before something important happens.

Only add telephone numbers from customers choosing to receive messages to build
your database carefully. If you add telephone numbers of customers who have not
elected to receive marketing messages, you are likely to see a high volume of
complaints and requests to be removed from your list.

Understand that mobile marketing is necessary for your business. You need to
have a direct method of communication with your customers, and this is an
immediate way to do it. This is also a great way to truly understand what your
customers are interested in, and how to cater to that.

Shop around for different companies. Mobile marketing companies all differ in
their styles and methods. Finding the one that is best for your business and
your customers can be as simple as visiting their websites. Never settle for the
first one you find without checking out what the other companies may have to

Be sure that you understand that a mobile site is not just a scaled-down version
of your business, but it’s actually a summarized version. Many mobile marketers
make the mistake of attempting to scale down their entire business and
ultimately end up losing customers. You do not need to create two separate
businesses here.

There’s no reason in the world why older media cannot make its way into your new
marketing campaign. You’ll just have to rethink how this material is being
presented to your customers. You’ll definitely have to think about streamlining
it and making it shorter and a lot more poignant.

Because users will be viewing them on small screens, mobile advertising messages
need to be brief, clear and express urgency. Every ad should focus on a call to
action that tells the market to do something. Forgetting to include a call to
action in your mobile advertising messages is a common mistake that beginners
often make.

Make sure that any mobile apps your company releases deliver a service your
customers want. If your app is something dumb or just duplicate information that
could be found on your website, it’s just going to languish on the app store,

Like any other subject, the world of mobile marketing is vast and has a wealth
of information available on it. Sometimes, you just need a little hint as to
where to begin, so that you can get started. Hopefully, you have received that
from the above tips.

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1. Stop Sending So Many Emails

Sometimes it’s much better to handle something in person or over the phone than
using email. You should learn how to recognize such situations otherwise you may
find yourself buried under replies to your emails. Generally, email is great for
communicating well-formulated messages that require, at most, a simple
confirmation. It’s much less suitable for extended group conversations where
multiple participants share their thoughts with others.

2. Start Reading Your Emails Regularly

We know that the last thing you want to do before or after work is read
work-related emails, but that’s how things have to be if you want to become an
efficient email organizer. Depending on how many emails you receive every day,
it may take just a couple of days or even hours for your inbox to start
overflowing with new, unread emails. By reading your emails regularly, you
ensure that the situation never gets too out of hand.

3. Start Checking Your Emails Throughout the Day

There’s no excuse for not owning a smartphone these days. Regardless of which
email service you use, there’s a way how to make it work on all major mobile
operating systems. Having your email on the phone allows you to easily read new
emails throughout the day, which can drastically reduce the length of your
scheduled email-reading sessions, the importance of which we’ve described in the
previous chapter.

4. Start Using an Email Client

Web-based email services are great because you can conveniently access them from
anywhere, even when far away from your own personal computer. But even the best
web-based user interface can’t rival the features and convenience of dedicated
email clients such as Outlook or Mailbird. Email clients are faster, can display
emails from multiple email services in a single window, support keyboard
shortcuts, come with powerful spellchecking capabilities, and are available for
all operating systems and devices.

We’ve already mentioned Outlook and Mailbird, which are arguably the most
popular email clients for Windows, but there’s also Airmail, an email client for
iPhone and macOS by Italian company Bloop SRL, Postbox, a desktop email client
and feed reader for Windows and macOS written and sold by Postbox, Inc., or
Mozilla Thunderbird, a free and open-source cross-platform email client
developed by the Mozilla Foundation, just to name a few available options.

5. Stop Subscribing to Newsletters

Websites and companies love email newsletters because they allow them to
maintain engagement and sell products with minimal effort. While some
newsletters are clearly valuable, most, sooner or later, end up being ignored.
You may think that it’s no big deal to subscribe to a newsletter-after all, you
can always unsubscribe later-but experience tells us that things tend to become
unmanageable much quicker than it initially seems. We recommend you stop
subscribing to all newsletters as a rule of thumb and use other communication
channels instead to receive information from websites and companies, such as
social media networks or RSS.

6. Start Using Multiple Mailboxes

Why have just one mailbox for everything when you can have several and use a
different one for each of the things you do. You can start, for example, with
one mailbox for work-related emails and one mailbox for personal emails. Some
people like to take things further and use a privacy-oriented email service such
as ProtonMail for potentially sensitive personal communication and a free and
convenient email service such as Gmail for web services and online shopping.
Another advantage of this approach comes in the form of better security. Having
some degree of separation between various activities minimizes the impact of an
email breach and gives malicious hackers less information to work with.

We know for a fact that spam accounts for 45 percent of all emails sent. We also
know that about 14.5 billion spam emails are sent every single day, many being
some form of advertising. To say that spam emails lead to a productivity loss
would be an understatement.

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It is possible to mix and match several different types to drive visitors to
your site’s landing pages. Additionally, it doesn’t have the sum of traffic
which you would find on Google and Bing. The ideal way to increase traffic to
your site from organic traffic is to boost the range of pages on your site that
can rank for your important keyword provisions. You don’t have to wonder about
how to improve website traffic. Before you commence growing your site traffic,
you will need to understand your present traffic stats. If you would like to
truly increase website traffic, first you need to be certain your site content
is optimized.

With UTM parameters it’s possible to track your traffic down to the particular
email you send. In reality, traffic is just one of the simplest things to obtain
in the online world. Dominating with Quora is among the best methods to develop
into an authority in your industry and raise your site traffic.

Make a weekly report, for instance, to prove the efficacy of each social site
you’re using to drive visitors to your website. In contrast to popular belief,
there are in fact many explanations for why a session may be missing campaign
and traffic source data. The traffic can be purchased for as low as $1 per 1000
so is for people searching for a whole lot of traffic for an affordable price.
All traffic derived by PostBeyond can be readily separated out by developing a
segment. Highly targeted traffic may be used for many purposes. Organic traffic
is what the majority of marketers strive to rise.

If you’ve been in operation for some time, review your content advertising
efforts and the results from it in the past year. Pick the interest based on
your item of content and the industry your company is in. If you operate a web
business, traffic is your lifeblood for the reason that it enables your company
model to work and pay your bills. If you’re likely to put money into content
marketing, it’s (hopefully) because you wish to get something tangible for your
company. Content marketing is significantly more than a buzz phrase. As a
result, should you plan on advertising your content on the website, make sure
that you devote some time exploring Reddit first from the standpoint of a user.
Whether you would like to concentrate on email marketing or you’re searching for
other individuals to share your content, relationships power the range of your

There has to be an obvious approach to demonstrate whether your content is
performing in the manner in which you require it to. By writing an excellent
content, you encourage other people to link to it. Knowing where folks locate
your content or your site can help you decide where to focus your efforts and
investments, together with track advertising campaigns. Remember content doesn’t
need to be text, if you’re into videos, video marketing is an excellent means to
acquire traffic. Well, there are lots of reasons that content can fail, which
range from the standard of the writing, the comprehension of the persona, to the
distribution strategy. Without a thorough understanding of the value your
content is providing, it’s tough to gauge whether it’s effective. Content
created for the use of conversion is typically supposed to nudge a reader in the
direction of some kind of action, for example, enrolling in a newsletter, taking
a completely free e-course, or purchasing an item.

Think of how folks are consuming content. Content is vital to building
relationships with potential clients. Along with highlighting your content, you
also have to guarantee that it stays up-to-date. The content will differ based
on the phase of the customer journey. eBook content should stick to some type of
narrative structure, and include a great deal of good, visual design. Get to
understand those who are creating innovative content whatsoever levels small,
medium, and huge sites. Creating evergreen content ought to be a continuous goal
for your company, therefore it’s probable you’ll use the majority of the formats
at a while.

How specific varieties of content perform on various channels. Additionally, the
content appears organic, or so the ad blindness which affects other kinds of
advertising is significantly reduced by using Outbrain. Sharing your content out
the most suitable way is important but an additional bonus is if you’re able to
get your audience to share it straight from your site. You should also get your
content facing new audiences. Make certain it’s simple to share your site
content on social networking and that all links from your social networking
posts work perfectly.

To produce sales metrics you will need to integrate your advertising platform
and CRM system as you wish to track user behavior throughout the sales cycle.
Shows which sources bring visitors to your site. Traffic sources enable you to
comprehend where success on your website is coming from. Any readers who visit
your website will just bounce out immediately and that is going to result in an
ugly traffic report. You’re extending the life span of your initial content idea
emphasizing expertise on such idea.

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Just developing an application for your mobile app idea is not enough for making
a fortune. You need to give it an appealing name which can be easily remembered
by the potential audience in order to increase the number of downloads.

You might think “What’s in the name?” EVERYTHING.

Do you think Stefani Germanotta sounds as rocking as Lady Gaga and Eldrick Woods
sound as sporty as Tiger Woods? No. Never. It is only because of these aliases
that these celebrities have become household names. And the world of mobile
applications is no different.

An attractive name for an application can help you to create that first
impression in the overcrowded App store where there are millions of free apps.
It can help you to stand out from several other similar apps in the same niche.
If you have already materialized your mobile app idea then its now time to give
it a great name so that all your efforts in developing the app don’t go
unrewarded. Here, in this article, we will discuss some tips to name your
application so that it does not unnoticed among hundreds of similar apps.

1. Hint at the functionality

The name of your application should be something related to what it does. Don’t
go for something totally obscure, otherwise, you will have to rely a lot on your
app icon to convey your app functionality.

Before starting to consider the names for your application, you need to do some
homework. Identify the end goal of your product, its target audience and the
emotional response of your users regarding your product. Once you are done
recognizing these factors, start with the conventional method of naming an app –
pair the functionality of your app with a word that enhances its originality.
Clarity and recognizable are the two most important factors while naming an app.

2. Be original

Obviously, the first thing you will think of while naming an app would be to
connect the name with other popular apps. Like something with prefix Facebook or
Insta. But see that in gaining recognization, your app will lose its legitimacy.
Why would anyone be interested in downloading the 50th app in the Play Store
named Facebook-something or Insta-something when they are getting the original
one? Don’t get lured to name your app by associating it with the conventional
apps. Don’t be a copycat, be original.

3. Learn from others

Although your name should be unique, you can always take an inspiration from
your competitors especially when you are trying to enter an overly crowded app
category. Take a look at what apps similar to your app have been named and take
a note of what works and what does not. However, as we said earlier, don’t be a
copycat. Don’t duplicate your competitor’s app name and just add an extra
character to it. It won’t earn any brownie points to your app but will
deteriorate your image.

4. Use real words

While considering the names for your app, think of how people will tell their
friends about the app so that they can download it too? While you are allowed to
make up new words, don’t go for something that is hard to say and remember.
Think of a name that people can talk about in the real world and will not need a
paper and a good memory to spell it correctly. Even though your app can become a
success with an odd name too, but again, why take the risk?

5. Optimize your name for app store searches and social media

This is one of the most important factors to keep in mind while naming an app.
Choose a name which includes the keyword you want your app to rank for in the
app store. But don’t stuff keywords. Use them sparingly and in a natural way in
the title and description. This will help in increasing the ranking of your app
in the app store. Also, make sure that the name of your app is available as the
domain name and as social media accounts. This is very necessary for marketing
your app.

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner for keyword research.

6. Find the right length

Keep the name of your app short and concise. Don’t go for long names as it will
be hard to remember. On the other hand, searching for too short names will let
you in the struggle of finding a name that is not taken by anyone else. Adding
the availability of social media handles and domain names to this criteria will
further narrow down the list. So, choose a name that is short and concise, easy
to remember and the one that conveys the functionality of your app.


There are a lot many things that go into the naming of an app. These are just a
few factors. However, consider these points and list down some of the best
names. When it is the final show time go with your gut feeling and name the app.
After all, it’s your app.

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Why is eye care important? The words of Jesus in Matthew 13:16 states, “Blessed
are your eyes, because they see.”. Blessed! It is good fortune to possess eyes
that are healthy and free from any eye condition like age-related macular
degeneration (AMD)

AMD is a popular eye disease that affects the central part of the retina
resulting in the distortion or loss of vision. Smokers, people with high blood
pressure and those in their golden years are at risk in developing this
condition. So it’s best to start your eye care now by having a healthy balanced

In Genesis 1:29, God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant
throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.” and verse 31 reads,
“God looked at what he had done. All of it was very good!”

The Scripture, whether you believe it or not, informs that fresh fruits and
vegetables are good for one’s health. Vitamins A, C and E found in fresh fruits
and green leafy vegetables are essentials for eye nutrition. Vitamin A is good
for the cornea, Vitamin C helps the capillaries in the retina to be healthy and
Vitamin E helps protect eye cells from damages caused by free radicals.

Copper and zinc are essentials for eye nutrition too. Copper-rich foods like
whole wheat cereals and oysters are necessary for the development of proper eye
structure. While consumption of seafood, eggs and tofu give off zinc which helps
in absorbing nutrients, and eliminating the wastes.

Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and tuna are also good for the eyes. It helps in
reducing the risk of developing macular degeneration and blocks other eye
diseases like the dry eye syndrome.

Eye nutrition is also about what not to eat. Some foods you should not eat for
eye care purposes are processed meat and ready-to-eat foods because of their
high-sodium content which contributes to hypertension that may lead to macular
degeneration. Fried foods, especially those fried in trans fat, raise the level
of bad cholesterol in the body which may cause different eye diseases.

Note that you need to hydrate yourself, but beverages like sugary drinks,
alcohol and caffeine are not eye nutrition essentials. Avoid any of these if you
can, or at least drink in moderation. Remember that the best way to hydrate
yourself is by drinking water.

Aside from a healthy diet, there is regular exercise, adequate rest, a healthy
body weight, quitting smoking, using appropriate eye wear and having your eyes
checked by a doctor. All these are part of proper eye care.

When you eat healthy, exercise regularly, and are properly rested, you are most
likely to achieve a healthy body weight. This results in a controlled blood
pressure, controlled cholesterol level, and low risk of getting diabetes which
translates to low risk of acquiring vision problems.

Eye care also involves making sure your hands are clean when handling your
contact lenses. Wear eyeglasses when exposed to the sun and use appropriate
protective eyewear to prevent getting eye injuries.

It’s important to have your eyes checked by an eye specialist at least once a
year. In the event you find out you have any eye condition, learn about the risk
factors and possible treatment. Some eye diseases can not be cured once you have
it, no matter how strict you follow a diet for eye nutrition, the condition may
be irreversible.

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Search engine optimization or SEO is a process created to raise organic
visibility for specific search queries and thus improve the rating of your site.
SEO works to improve traffic to your website, both qualitatively and
quantitatively, by creating certain onsite changes. It includes: Focussing on
speed, the content of web pages, interactivity, mobile-friendliness, and other
core web vitals.

A successful search optimization serves customer needs and adheres to search
engines’ practices and specific guidelines like that of Google and Bing. The
heart of a successful SEO is anticipating and understanding the customer intent
and providing the appropriate content they wish to see, along with offering the
best solutions and answers. It is the best customer reach method to know more
about customers’ needs and habits and simultaneously make a sales channel for
your business.

Benefits of SEO

Organic search brings in more customers

Approximately 53.3% of customers come from organic search, and sixty percent
claim that their maximum quality leads come from SEO-engaged web traffic. The
reason for so more customers is that you are fulfilling their needs when they
are looking for answers by being one of the top results. It is important to rank
and climb on the topmost position on the Google page so that more customers can
click on your website and see your content. You can prove reliable by attracting
more customers and increasing your brand visibility by ranking for specific
research and getting your website on the front page.

Creating a reliable web experience for the customer

To achieve success in your online business, you need technical elements of SEO
like backlinks, authority building elements, and page speed which play an
important role in keeping your site in tip-top shape. When you adhere to search
engines’ rules, you can hit the front page and achieve the topmost spot in
search results. In other words, you get more exposure and get good rankings.
Based on your website’s functionality, customers will build their trust. Few
such ways are-.

Security measures
Having fast pages
Automated customer service portals

SEO offers 24*7 promotion

SEO doesn’t stop working after fixed working hours. SEO helps to promote 24*7
promotion as the ranks are achieved through search engine optimization as well
as the content doesn’t disappear after a budget runs out, which is the case with
paid advertising. Thus SEO has unique features, unlike billboards (on the way
out of town), enabling companies to reach customers while they are searching for

Benefits for the small business firms as SEO develops trust.

SEO basics are simpler than traditional print ads and sponsored posts in terms
of time and effort, which can eventually provide beneficial in the long-term
business. Search engine authority helps to develop trust along with good quality
products and services that build customer credibility.

SEO targets marketing funnel and improve brand awareness

SEO drives content marketing that targets all stages included in the marketing
funnel as it includes plenty of different content that helps you build brand
awareness and loyalty. A significant impact on business can be seen within the
first year of quality SEO. However, it is a long-term marketing strategy that
gives increased results with time. On-page optimization and content creation are
a few SEO strategies that offer a remarkable return.

Targeting entire audience

SEO is not made for targeting a single person as it contributes effectively to
the companies to target the entire audience through intent-driven keyword

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