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<form id="chapter-select" class="chapter-select" method="get">
  <select name="issue" id="issue" class="postform" onchange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
    <option value="0" selected="selected">Select Issue</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 01 – Vanishing Point&nbsp;&nbsp;(40)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 02 – Moonwrath Eternal&nbsp;&nbsp;(46)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 03 – Status Quotient&nbsp;&nbsp;(45)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 04 – Wild Abandon&nbsp;&nbsp;(38)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 05 – Winds of Change&nbsp;&nbsp;(72)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 06 – Falling In&nbsp;&nbsp;(88)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 07 – Sanguine Vigil&nbsp;&nbsp;(60)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 08 – Fool’s Errand&nbsp;&nbsp;(77)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 09 – Scion&nbsp;&nbsp;(95)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 10 – Kingdom Come&nbsp;&nbsp;(129)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 11 – Tricks of the Trade&nbsp;&nbsp;(63)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 12 – Denatured Spirits&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 13 – Rites of Blood&nbsp;&nbsp;(78)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 14 – Rites of Vengeance&nbsp;&nbsp;(75)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 15 – Rites of Destruction&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 16 – Rites of Devotion&nbsp;&nbsp;(87)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 17 – Stray Embers&nbsp;&nbsp;(99)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 18 – Hidden Objectives&nbsp;&nbsp;(91)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 19 – In a Bygone Age&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 20 – Memento Mori&nbsp;&nbsp;(147)</option>
    <input type="submit" value="View">


<form id="chapter-select" class="chapter-select" method="get">
  <select name="issue" id="issue" class="postform" onchange="document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
    <option value="0" selected="selected">Select Issue</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 01 – Vanishing Point&nbsp;&nbsp;(40)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 02 – Moonwrath Eternal&nbsp;&nbsp;(46)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 03 – Status Quotient&nbsp;&nbsp;(45)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 04 – Wild Abandon&nbsp;&nbsp;(38)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 05 – Winds of Change&nbsp;&nbsp;(72)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 06 – Falling In&nbsp;&nbsp;(88)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 07 – Sanguine Vigil&nbsp;&nbsp;(60)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 08 – Fool’s Errand&nbsp;&nbsp;(77)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 09 – Scion&nbsp;&nbsp;(95)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 10 – Kingdom Come&nbsp;&nbsp;(129)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 11 – Tricks of the Trade&nbsp;&nbsp;(63)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 12 – Denatured Spirits&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 13 – Rites of Blood&nbsp;&nbsp;(78)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 14 – Rites of Vengeance&nbsp;&nbsp;(75)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 15 – Rites of Destruction&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 16 – Rites of Devotion&nbsp;&nbsp;(87)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 17 – Stray Embers&nbsp;&nbsp;(99)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 18 – Hidden Objectives&nbsp;&nbsp;(91)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 19 – In a Bygone Age&nbsp;&nbsp;(66)</option>
    <option class="level-0" value="">Issue 20 – Memento Mori&nbsp;&nbsp;(147)</option>
    <input type="submit" value="View">

Text Content


Get Lost In Another World.







At 35 years of age, Endymion Gaelin was mostly content with his life as a
teacher for the prestigious Order in the sleepy little town of Creedmoor.
However, all that changed when he found himself plucked away from his homeworld
of Raekarta, and woke up in the Realm of Kaerwyn.

Comics: 994
Recent Appearance: Issue 20 Page 147 - The End
First Appearance: Issue 3 Page 1 - Status Quotient


Neek is Niixa's father and an imperial prince of Taen, the latter of which
having brought a life of intrigue and danger in dark times. With every passing
night, the knives of his enemies creep ever closer.

Comics: 65
Recent Appearance: Issue 20 Page 147 - The End
First Appearance: 2020-01-22


A 35 year old human, Renard is an officer, a soldier, a nobleman from his world
of Ytrak. A divisional cavalry commander in his nation's army, before Kaerwyn.
Gained command of the Town Guard more or less by default.

Comics: 97
Recent Appearance: Issue 20 Page 147 - The End
First Appearance: 2007-01-26

January 2024 S M T W T F S « Dec      123456 78910111213 14151617181920
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Select Issue Issue 01 – Vanishing Point  (40) Issue 02 – Moonwrath Eternal  (46)
Issue 03 – Status Quotient  (45) Issue 04 – Wild Abandon  (38) Issue 05 – Winds
of Change  (72) Issue 06 – Falling In  (88) Issue 07 – Sanguine Vigil  (60)
Issue 08 – Fool’s Errand  (77) Issue 09 – Scion  (95) Issue 10 – Kingdom
Come  (129) Issue 11 – Tricks of the Trade  (63) Issue 12 – Denatured
Spirits  (66) Issue 13 – Rites of Blood  (78) Issue 14 – Rites of
Vengeance  (75) Issue 15 – Rites of Destruction  (66) Issue 16 – Rites of
Devotion  (87) Issue 17 – Stray Embers  (99) Issue 18 – Hidden Objectives  (91)
Issue 19 – In a Bygone Age  (66) Issue 20 – Memento Mori  (147)


 * Issue 20 Page 147 – The End
 * Issue 20 Page 146
 * Issue 20 Page 145
 * Issue 20 Page 144
 * Issue 20 Page 143


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"Issue 20 Page 147 – The End"

December 16, 2023

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Select Issue Issue 01 – Vanishing Point  (40) Issue 02 – Moonwrath Eternal  (46)
Issue 03 – Status Quotient  (45) Issue 04 – Wild Abandon  (38) Issue 05 – Winds
of Change  (72) Issue 06 – Falling In  (88) Issue 07 – Sanguine Vigil  (60)
Issue 08 – Fool’s Errand  (77) Issue 09 – Scion  (95) Issue 10 – Kingdom
Come  (129) Issue 11 – Tricks of the Trade  (63) Issue 12 – Denatured
Spirits  (66) Issue 13 – Rites of Blood  (78) Issue 14 – Rites of
Vengeance  (75) Issue 15 – Rites of Destruction  (66) Issue 16 – Rites of
Devotion  (87) Issue 17 – Stray Embers  (99) Issue 18 – Hidden Objectives  (91)
Issue 19 – In a Bygone Age  (66) Issue 20 – Memento Mori  (147)


by Jakkal on December 16, 2023 at 8:00 pm
Issue: Issue 20 - Memento Mori
Characters: Endymion Gaelin, Neek'rhael Iiroz, Renard d'Auregre

That’s it. The conclusion to the Sisarian Arc!  Been working on this since 2006
(though no regularly until 2013) but still, that’s 10 years of regular updates.
And it’s all thanks to my Patreon patrons and other supporters!

$10+ Patrons also got to see a Stinger for Issue 20, featuring everyone’s
favorite Kaetif Fox.

As usual, there will be some time between issues. I need to start rebuilding the
buffer, and make sure I have a good head start this time around. Patrons will,
of course, get to see it ahead of everyone else.

I’m also looking to set up a Ko-Fi membership site similar to Patreon, as a
Patreon alternative.

And again, many, many thanks to those of you willing to support me and my work.
You make this comic possible! If you’ve enjoyed the comic, please consider
becoming a patron. Or you can send one time tips via Paypal Or Ko-fi.

Show Transcript

Panel Note: "Back on Kaerwyn..."

Lorelei, Narrating: "That was it! The day was ours! Sisari was gone!"

"Th' Not-Asshole Dragons finally met wit' their lessers, th' mortals of

"Th' Ascended finally joined their side, fuckin' too late as we already did all
th' work t'actually stop Sisari."

"But they agreed t'let th' mortals use th' rifting device. We can stay on
Kaerwyn or return home."

"Some people ran t'th' rifter without a second thought."

"Others... had t'make some tough choices."

Panel Effect: "Knock Knock!"

Endymion: "Mr. Iiroz. I need to speak with you."

"It's about your daughter."


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by Jakkal on June 9, 2023 at 11:27 am
Posted In: Uncategorized

It took me a while to find a registration plugin we could use to help stop the
flood of bots, but also something we can set up. So now people can sign up for
the new comic site! Yay!

There are some issues with it, notably it looks out of place on the sidebar but
I’ll eventually get that fixed.

For now, signups are on. So you can resume commenting. First comments have to be
moderated, but after that you should be able to freely comment.

1 Comment


by Jakkal on May 12, 2023 at 4:07 pm
Posted In: Uncategorized

Hi everyone. You might have noticed the site has changed significantly. Some
things from the old Grawlix based site are missing (The Discus comments), and
the calendar is … very messed up. Let me explain.

Grawlix was a shiny new comic Content Management System (CMS) when we first got
it, and the developers for it seemed very eager to continue working on it. That
was great until one day they just disappeared and stopped supporting it. During
that time, PHP, one of the most popular web scripting languages upgraded their
servers from 5 to 7 (I don’t know what happened to 6 either). And php7 was not
backwards compatible with many things that was built for php5. We have run php5
for as long as we were able, but like most things regarding web services we
cannot control, we were forced to upgrade to the latest version of php. To make
a long story short, the update was out of our control and broke Grawlix.

So what could we do about it? The answer was simple – go back to
Comicpress/Comic Easel for WordPress. We stopped using WordPress because it
mysteriously stopped working one day that we never quite figured out. But
WordPress is still the standard for webcomic hosting and here we are. There are
some nice things about WordPress, but there will be some issues that may exist
long term.


 * The Calendar is messed up: Comicpress/Comic Easel has a bulk uploader, and
   this was basically a requirement for a comic that has almost 1500 pages. The
   only problem is that the pages have to be in a Year-Month-Day format. All the
   pages were in a Issue#Page# format for Grawlix. The only way we could
   feasibly bulk upload all of these pages was to assign the first page an
   arbitrary date and go up from there. Now some of the issues in the past, that
   used WordPress originally still had their YYYY-MM-DD format, so we used them
   were we could. But the others didn’t. So you’ll see large blocks of pages
   being uploaded where the upload date does not match anything else for them,
   including the year as listed on the comic page’s copyright line (That is the
   year it was actually created so that year is correct).
 * The Discus comments are gone. I was told there might be a way to restore
   things, but it’s not really on the to-do list right now.
 * Filler images were not uploaded. So all those cute pics for Xmas or whatever
   aren’t there anymore.
 * I haven’t set up a way for users to log in yet. I need to find a good user
   manager plugin for that since wordpress’s native stuff is pretty weak. I’ll
   get to that as soon as I’m able.

There might be some other problems that we haven’t found or fixed yet. But for
now, enjoy the new site.


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