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Hi all,

Sorry for the wait.  Things happened that forced me to spend time on other more
important thing(s).  As for the rest of the week…

I am not sure how that will be, but I will make efforts to update as much/soon
as possible.  Thanks!

Enjoy the rest of chap 9!

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Author secondokoreanPosted on November 22, 20163 Comments on Ark the Legend: Vol
16 Ch 9 P 2


Hi all!

I am on a roll here.  I really didn’t think that I would be able to post
anything today, but luckily, you guys have something else to read today/tonight!

Enjoy…..RB Vol 1 Ch 7 P 2

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 15, 2016Tags Raid Breaker, Raid Breaker
Vol 1 Ch 7 P 2, RB1 Comment on Raid Breaker: Vol 1 Ch 7 P 2


Hello readers!

I had planned on not posting because I have some things I need to take care of,
but unexpected free/rest time became available, and thus…..


Author secondokoreanPosted on November 14, 2016Tags Ark the Legend Vol 16 Ch 9 P
1, ATLLeave a comment on Ark the Legend Vol 16 Ch 9 P 1



Hi all,

So I decided to post short posts from now on.  So instead of a main dish, you
all get to enjoy snacks instead!

So here is the first part of RB Vol 1 Ch 7 P1

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 14, 2016Tags Raid Breaker, Raid Breaker
Vol 1 Ch 7 P 1, RBLeave a comment on Raid Breaker Vol 1 Ch7 P1


Hi all, 

Sorry for not posting anything for a few days. Unfortunately, it will be a
little bit longer before I will be posting anything else. I do have a bit of RB
translated, but I will have to decide whether I want to post the translations in
shorter segments from now on. having such a long chap is a bit inconvenient
especially ATL. Well we’ll see what I decide. Thanks! 

Secondo Korean 

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 14, 2016Leave a comment on Sorry for a


Hello readers,

I have completed this week’s ATL.  Unfortunately, I have added another one of my
Two Cents at the head of the translation.  Of course you are not obligated, but
at least it will be somewhat informative.  Thanks for Reading!

Vol 16 Ch 8

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 8, 2016Tags Ark The Legend, Ark the
Legend Vol 16 Ch 8, ATL1 Comment on Ark the Legend Vol 16 Ch 8


Hi all,

Thanks for reading the translation!  I just wanted to start off this page with a
sharing something with the readers.  As many of you know, I am new to
translating “hobby,” if you want to call it that.

As this is a hobby that is done on the side in order to improve my Korean that I
have lost quite a bit, and if the readers want to bless me with a donation, I
will gladly take it and will thank you for it.

There has been some concern regarding quality of my translation in the areas of
lack of editing….or horrible editing….and perhaps horrible translating.
 Whatever the case, here is something many of you do not know.  What a lot of
stories/novels that other translators, me included, are translating are “light
novels.”  A light novel is something that was meant to be read where it is read
“lightly,” without much thought or concerns or whatever you may want to put
here.  These are lite-reading materials.  In other words, these are not meant to
be read like we would read best sellers or Nobel Prize level book or whatever.

As such, even the qualities of these novels are such that grammars or
punctuations are not the highlight of the books.  What many of you do not know
is that the raws actually have many grammatical errors as well as punctuation
errors.  Yes, the actual raw books!

You see many translation sites that have editors that dot all the ‘i’s’ and
cross all the ‘t’s’ with respect to grammar, tense, and punctuation, and what
results are easy read high quality stories that you all are used to reading.  In
other words, the quality of the writing gets improved from the original when
these are translated.

The problem with this is that many of you have become used to this “higher”
quality story that such is expected of all the translators.

I am not one of those translators.  In fact, after all that has been said and
done, it may be even possible that my quality is worse than the original…not
that I shoot for that, but I try to keep the translation/my work to the true
sense of what we are reading, which is a “light novel” that is meant to be read,
pretty much, only for the story content and not for the grammatical, tense, and
punctual content.

Now I understand that people appreciate the reading experience that is smooth
and fluid, but I don’t think that such has to be the benchmark of translation.

The basic purpose of translation is to enable those that can’t read Korean to be
able to enjoy the same story that other Koreans are enjoying…have been enjoying.
 With that said, in my mind, editing for correctness is not that high up my
priority list.

So the story changes from past tense to present tense sporadically and
inappropriately.  Like I have said, many of the light novels ARE written like
that, and in other cases, after translator translates, has failed to make it
concurrent.  Does this take away from the story? I don’t think it does.

What about leaving out “the’s” and “a’s” and other supportive words?  I don’t
think these take away from the story either.

So for the pure aspect of relaying a story, which is what translating is…a
relaying a story from raw speaking to English speaking, I don’t think such
hinders it.

Again, much of raws are already flawed in such way because of the authors
themselves…because such enables them to tell their story without difficulty.
 This also helps authors write quickly, as they don’t have to spend time to
organize for grammar, punctuation, fluidy, and other literary tools (that I am
totally ignorant of).

So the bottom line is that I really only care about the story…that it is
translated and organized “enough” that the story is passed on to the readers
like you all.  My goal is not to improve the quality of the novel that authors
themselves didn’t bother doing/worrying about.  My goal is simply relaying of
the story.  If the reading experience is a bit rough, I am sorry, but if it is
rough, it isn’t too rough, as compared to machine translations without editing
done on them.

Now, I am not saying I will not edit at all, because I do edit them…just not as
extensively as others.  If this fact makes the readers angry, I apologize, but I
will not be able to help you, as I was not forcing you to come read my
translation.  I would be grateful if you were to read them, but I am not forcing
you to read them.  I wish that you will continue to visit and enjoy these
stories, but if you choose to not…I will understand.  It is not a big deal.  We
have many things to worry about in this world to be getting all hot and bothered
by little things as this….as this is only a light novel.

So this ends my very long two cents!

Please enjoy the STORY!    Secondo Korean

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 6, 2016November 6, 2016Leave a comment on
Raid Breaker Vol. 1 Ch. 6 (Complete)


Hi all,

Due to certain circumstances, I am back to my own site.  As I have stated
before, I will be translating one novel of each ATL and RB a week, but we all
know that things happen.  As such translations may be delayed.

Translations that were posted on Myoniyoni are no longer there so the readers
will have to access them here.  Simply go to the novel page.

Thank you

Secondo Korean

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 2, 2016November 6, 2016Leave a comment on
Translation Resumes Here


So here is my very first translation of the Raid Breaker.  As I have said
somewhere in my site, I personally like Raid Breaker better than ATL, though ATL
is a bit more light-hearted and much more amusing.

Well, you all can decide for yourself so….Level 3 Dungeon

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 2, 2016November 2, 2016Tags Raid Breaker,
Raid Breaker Vol.1 Ch. 5, RBLeave a comment on Raid Breaker Vol. 1 Ch. 5


Hello all,

This is my first time translating a novel, and even though Korean is my native
language, I am very rusty.  As such, it took me quite a while in translating
this one chapter!  I certainly hope the time it takes me to translate will
shorten real soon.

As for the translation itself….

I am sure previous translator and I will probably spell or pronounce certain
words differently, and perhaps, will choose to use different words during
translation.  I wish I could say I have the time to go back and make sure I use
the same words or phrases, but I really do not have that kind of time.  With
that said, I hope you will not mind!  

Here is the chapter: Nosferatu

Author secondokoreanPosted on November 1, 2016November 1, 2016Tags Ark The
Legend, Ark the Legend Vol. 16 Ch. 6, ATL17 Comments on Ark the Legend Vol. 16
Ch. 6
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Currently translating novels that had been abandoned on other sites:

Ark the legend
Raid Breaker

Normal translation rate: one per week. More can be added per donation.

Suggestions for translation welcome


 * November 2016 (10)

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