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Opal is a new and innovative renewable packaging company owned by Nippon Paper
Group. Combining the Orora Fibre Packaging businesses with Australian Paper’s
manufacturing operations, Opal has operations in Australia and New Zealand,
making it one of Australasia’s leading packaging companies.

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Opal works in partnership with our customers to deliver innovative packaging
solutions and eye-catching displays, as well as copy and printing papers that
you can rely on.

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Opal is one of the leading packaging and paper manufacturing groups in Australia
and New Zealand. We have more than 80 operating sites and export to over 70
countries around the world.

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At Opal we are focused on targeting a number of areas to secure our success in
the future. These include partnering with our customers, delivering innovative
solutions and leveraging research and technology.

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At Opal our high quality, innovative products are used every day all over
Australia and New Zealand. We are committed to a circular economy approach
through recycling, and procuring wood fibre from responsibly managed sources.

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 * Packaging paper & board
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Key Challenges
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Key Inputs
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     * Point of Purchase
     * Materials & supplies
     * Sustainable solutions
   * Paper and Board
     * Recycled containerboard
     * Packaging paper & board
     * Coatings & lamination
     * Printing & inkjet paper
   * Office and Home
     * Copy paper
     * Envelopes
     * Stationery & playing cards
 * Divisions
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     * Opal Australian Paper
     * Opal Paper & Recycling
   * Packaging
     * Opal Converting Group
     * Opal Fibre Packaging
     * Opal Kiwi Packaging
     * Opal Specialty Packaging
 * Future
   * Innovation
     * Innovation & Design
     * Research & Technology
     * Case Studies
   * Opportunities
     * Aquaculture
     * BioPathways Partnership
   * Key Challenges
     * Energy from Waste
     * Strategic investment
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