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<form action="#" class="aui">
  <div class="macro-desc" id="mathblock-ref-macro-desc">Inserts reference with link to the Math Block with the given anchor.</div>
  <div class="macro-param-div field-group" id="mathblock-ref-page-div"> <label for="mathblock-ref-page-helper">Confluence page</label> <input type="text" class="text autocomplete-page macro-param-input" id="mathblock-ref-page-helper"
      placeholder="This page" autocomplete="off" data-none-message="Not found" data-autocomplete-content-bound="true">
    <div class="aui-dd-parent autocomplete"></div> <input type="text" class="hidden" id="mathblock-ref-page">
    <div class="description">The page containing the math block (leave blank for this page).</div>
  <div class="macro-param-div field-group required" id="mathblock-ref-anchor-div"> <label for="mathblock-ref-anchor">Anchor name<span class="aui-icon icon-required">required</span></label> <input type="text" class="text macro-param-input"
      id="mathblock-ref-anchor" list="mathblock-ref-anchor-list" autocomplete="off"><datalist id="mathblock-ref-anchor-list"></datalist>
    <div class="description">The anchor used for linking to the math block.</div>
  <div class="macro-param-div field-group" id="mathblock-ref-displaytext-div"> <label for="mathblock-ref-displaytext">Link text</label> <input type="text" class="text macro-param-input" id="mathblock-ref-displaytext" autocomplete="off">
    <div class="description">Leave blank to use the number from the math block.</div>

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Alle erweitern Alle ausblenden
   * What is infrastructure?
   * What is TICCS®?
   * The Taxonomy
   * Implementation Guidelines
   * TICCS® Governance
     * TICCS® Review Committee
     * 2019-2020 Consultation and Review
   * Downloads
   * IP & Citation
   * Appendix

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 1. Seiten
 2. TICCS®
 3. TICCS® Governance

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The Infrastructure Company Classification Standard or TICCS® is an industry
standard defining taxonomies used for the classification of infrastructure
companies and investments.

TICCS® 2020

The 2019 Consultation and Review results are here.



The TICCS Review Committee is composed of fifteen to twenty members, including
one Chairman and one Secretary, that represent different aspects of the
infrastructure investment ecosystem. It aims to include an equal number of asset
owners (pension plans, insurers, etc.) and asset managers or commercial banks as
well as other standard setting bodies, regulators and academics.

TICCS Review Committee members are formally invited by the Management Committee
either at the invitation of the members or to replace members who have left. The
Review Committee includes a Chair and a Secretary who are tacitly re-appointed
each year unless they resign or a new appointment is required.

Role of the Chairman: The Chairman of the Review Committee organizes and conveys
the meetings and discussions of the committee so that the consultation responses
can be discussed, and any recommendations made in a timely manner.

Role of the Secretary: The Secretary of the Review Committee ensures that the
committee’s deliberations are properly recorded and favourable or unfavourable
votes counted. The minutes will document the date of the meeting, attendees, a
summary of the topics discussed as well as the recommendations made. The
Secretary ensures that a quorum of seven is present when the Committee meets.

The positions taken by the members of the Review Committee are not binding with
respect to EDHECinfra, EDHEC Business School, or to their own institution.
Participation on the Review Committee takes place without any remuneration or
compensation and members’ expenses are not reimbursed.

In 2020 members of the TICCS Review Committee include:

 1.  Andrew Knight (RICS) – Chairman
 2.  Avi Turetsky (Landmark Partners) – Secretary
 3.  Mark Blair (OTTP)
 4.  Patrick Boylan (BlackRock)
 5.  Anne-Christine Champion (Natixis)
 6.  James Davis (OPTrust)
 7.  Christophe Dossarp (SOURCE)
 8.  Marie Lam-Frendo (Global Infrastructure Hub)
 9.  Fraser Hughes (GLIO)
 10. Trevor Lewis (Asian Development Bank)
 11. Christoph Manser (Swiss Life)
 12. Laurence Monnier (Aviva Investors)
 13. Petya Nikolova (New York City Comptroller’s Office)
 14. Paul Shantic (CALSTRS)
 15. Marija Simpraga (LGIM)
 16. Nicholas Tan (Clifford Capital)
 17. Rick Walters (GRESB)


The Management Committee is composed of five members: A Chairman, a Secretary
and three Senior members of EDHECinfra.

Current members of the TICCS Management Committee are:

 1. Frédéric Blanc-Brude (Chairman)
 2. Jack Lee (Secretary)
 3. Noël Amenc
 4. Abhishek Gupta
 5. Tim Whittaker

All costs relative to the management, printing and dissemination of TICCS®
and TICCS® documents are borne by EDHECinfra.


 * Keine Stichwörter

Copyright © EDHEC 2021 - EDHECinfra®, Scientific Infra® and TICCS® are
trademarks of EDHEC Business School.


 1. TICCS®
 2. Seiten
 3. TICCS®
 4. TICCS® Governance
 5. TICCS® Review Committee

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Inserts reference with link to the Math Block with the given anchor.
Confluence page

The page containing the math block (leave blank for this page).
Anchor namerequired
The anchor used for linking to the math block.
Link text
Leave blank to use the number from the math block.

