Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On January 28 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

 * Table of Contents:
 * 1 - FONT
 * 2 - BASE STYLE	
				1 - FONT																											
				2 - BASE STYLE																												
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				3 - GRID STYLE																										
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				4 - LAYOUT STYLE																										
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				5 - HEADER STYLE																											
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				5 - MENU STYLE																											
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				6 - ELEMENTS STYLE																										
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				7 - WIDGETS STYLE																										
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** Widget for sidebar
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** Widget Newletter
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**  Widget Custom Text
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				8 - POST TYPE																										
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				9 - PAGE STYLE																										
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**	Page 404
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** Page contact us
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				10 - COMMENT STYLE																											
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				11 - EFFECT STYLE																											

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				12 - CUSTOMIZE STYLE																										
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				13 - PLUGIN STYLE																										
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