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August 28, 2023|GDP, GDP of India vs China

August 28, 2023 blog true or false?

Note:-As White House competition council vs our Revenue council as IMF & Goldman
Sachs predicted that USA will be number 3 GDP by 2075 vs India number 2 GDP vs
China number 1 GDP but we will help to keep USA GDP number one in 2075 or after
as Chief justice of USA supreme court is not helping to USA like Chief justice
of Supreme court of India is helping India as Modi PM India made India GDP
bigger than most of Europe and soon PM India will make India GDP bigger than
Germany and Japan as communicated above & about Stony Brook Hospital Suffolk
county NY related neurologist / psychologist staff insulting me like NYS trooper
police and Suffolk county Police NY by not following USA federal government law
properly & news came that a Goldman Sachs analyst & a psychologist both vanished
from NYC USA & both were found dead then NYPD police officer Martinez got found
dead in City & next day I received junk mail on name of Martinez from Citi &
renowned doctor baby dead in apparent murder suicide in Westchester NY as my
communication in USA are interstate and thus FBI has jurisdiction while my
communication between countries thus PMO India has jurisdiction over CMO Bihar
India and interpol has jurisdiction globally as my communication go to over than
190 countries globally as White house competition council is not helping USA GDP
properly so now we will try to help proper USA GDP growth with our Revenue
council with help of USA Senate and most powerful in universe invisible script
followers of USA 1st president true or false?

1-As per June 30, 2023 as Bank of America Quarterly pre tax income was .26% of
assets vs JP Morgan Chase bank quarterly pre tax income as per June 30, 2023 was
.47% of assets so we offering Bank of America to increase their income like JP
Morgan chase or better.

2-As I am asking businesses in USA to focus on consumer care rather than
celebrating consumer rights only as capabilities building is important and now
businesses are thinking that why not invest in USA true or false?

3-As we got Kejriwal formula so now GAO should do audit of USA treasury, DOJ,
 USA SEC, USA fed reserve to make sure that banks are making profit as per their
assets as Bank of America is making lot less profit as per their assets than
Chase bank thus loss for IRS as tax revenue due to less profit and management is
may not doing proper job and SEC with IRS are ignoring this true or false?

4-As most powerful person of world USA president Donald Trump was using my work
to grow GDP without giving me credit during 2018 to 2021 before or after and
Donald Trump is going jail to jail in 2023 for mugshots then similarly Andrew
Cuomo did not give credit to me to use my work and he did quit as governor then
NYS attorney general Schniderman did not help disable via NYS division of human
rights based on my help request and he quit from attorney general position then
Education commissioner around 2017 of NYSED did not help based on my help
request and she quit as she used to claim to be fried of Jeb Bush as she worked
in Florida in past as I donot know when what and how as I request help to grow
GDP properly regardless USA 1st president invisible script followers are most
powerful in universe as his script being followed from past 200+ years true or

5-As news comes but I don't know when what and how thus have zero legal or moral
liability as Donald Trump going jail to jail for mugshots for work as president
of USA then Andrew Cuomo resigned from NYS governor position then Schniderman
resigned from NYS attorney General position then Biden son related legal
problems like Trump as I do request GDP growth help request as above happened
after 2018 as per news and I am helping USA GDP since 2018 as my communication
and above just a coincidence including timing regardless USA 1st president
invisible script followers are most powerful in entire universe true or false?

6- NYS governor leadership to protect loss to NYS government and USA federal
government by having proper audit from GAO and NYS comptroller across the NYS
and law as White house competition council is not helping properly so NYS
governor and Chuck Schuer are you both aware that Donald Trump going jail to
jail for mugshots for his work as USA president and Cuomo quit as NYS governor
and Schneiderman quit as NYS attorney general and Lieutenant governor of Kathy
Hochul got arrested by FBI as my communication and above just a coincidence
including timing regardless USA 1st president invisible script followers are
most powerful in universe true or false?

7-As GAO is ignoring and not doing proper audit like NYS comptroller as NYS
governor with Chuck Schumer went to Stonybrook hospital NY and I requested
governor that this StonyBrook hospital in Suffolk county NY is not doing good
work and governor ignored it and went and brought $200 million + donation for
this hospital and now we got truth from NYS government website that is being
ignored by NY governor mean NY governor is breaking her office of oath as
StonyBrook NY in Suffolk county NY has only 5.7% corona virus vaccination rate
as per August 2023 as NYS governor is not able to give proper leadership as
Stonybrook Hospital NY is not able to give vaccination education in Stonybrook
NY area and very less vaccination rate around Stony Brook Hospital NY are as USA
federal government is funding 40% of budget of NYS government and GAO is not
doing proper audit and NYS comptroller is not doing proper audit of Hospitals in
NYS as only StonyBrook NY area has so much less vaccination rate for covid in
Suffolk county NY as they are second lowest in entire NYS as Central Islip NY
has around 90% vaccination rate so why Stonybrook University hospital NY
president will not quit for causing loss of government money spending as keeping
very low covid vaccination rate but NYS governor ignored it and reached there to
fund them as donation and put picture publicly so it is giving management skills
of NYS governor and how much she will be able to help NY to get work done by
spending of government money in NYS as White house competition council is not
helping properly as we got almost for all zip codes about covid vacciantion rate
and this is suprising result so GAO start doing audits across the USA true or

8-As only .05% people are updated as per August 25, 2023 as per covid vaccine in
StonyBrook NY area near Stony Brook Suffolk County NY state government hospital
Suffolk county NY vs 100% in Ocean Beach NY so this is leadership of NYS
Governor to get work done on spending of NYS state government and Chuck Schumer
goes there too so GAO is not doing proper audit and USA White house competition
council is not helping properly true or false?

9-Skilled nursing home facilities covid vaccination rate Long Term care in NYS
and it is 89% as per August 25, 2023 so why so less in StonyBrook Hospital
Suffolk County NY area true or false?

10-As per August 25, 2023 as hospitals in Suffolk county NY has 73% occupancy
rate in hospital vs StonyBrook hospital Southampton Suffolk County NY has only
54% occupancy rate vs StonyBrook Hospital Eastern Long Island hospital Suffolk
county NY has only 19% occupancy rate as NYS governor went to Stony Brook
Hospital NY to give them $200 million + donations and StonyBrook Hospital NY in
running in big loss to get NY state government funds with help of Chuck Schumer
but USA GAO and NYS comptroller is not doing proper audit for StonyBrook
Hospital Suffolk County NY true or false?

11-As per August 25, 2023 as Hospitals in Nassau County  NY has 79% occupancy
rate vs Nassau university government hospital Nassau County NY has 50% occupancy
rate as NYS government funding there and GAO and NYS comptroller are not doing
proper audit there and White house competition council is ignoring it true or

12-As per August 25, 2023 as hospitals in Bronx NY has 75% occupancy rate vs
Brooklyn NY ha 80% vs Manhattan NY has 82% vs Queens NY has 84% occupancy rate
so Manhattan and Queens NY and Brooklyn NY can have more hospital beds seeing
high demand of hospital beds as NYS comptroller and GAO are not doing proper
audits and White house competition council is not helping properly true or

13-Kejriwal formula implementation starts now for innovations true or false?

14- Before Kejriwal formula I was growing GDP by without plan but now with
Kejriwal formula I grow GDP as planned as you can see in following in analysis
of budget of India as with help of Kejriwal formula as I can control GDP of
India and government spending on desired plan level and Kejriwal formula gives
me room to Guarantee to help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years with
help of most powerful in universe invisible script followers of USA 1st
president as they may gave me kejriwal formula via environment as Trump stole my
work and did not give me credit and now Trump going jail to jail for mugshots
for his work as USA president regardless USA 1st president invisible script
followers are most powerful in universe and now they gave me kejriwal formula to
be rich as much rich you want to be true or false?

15- As now we got Kejriwal formula to improve GDP on micro and macro level to
make political party to make them on national level party as GDP mean everything
thus we can grow GDP on macro and micro level as we presenting one small example
of healthcare spending as per following we seeing that we spending -$1.2
trillion less on healthcare in USA in 2023 as we will focus to increase macro
level health spending to improve quality on micro level to improve life
expectancy in USA to improve living standard as we will apply kejriwal formula
on health, education, police, FBI, DOJ, NYS government, Suffolk county
government, Town of Islip government, private sector, public sector, non for
profit and others to help to grow GDP properly as one example if movie ticket is
being sold then its impact on revenue to profit to tax to national security to
GDP growth on micro and macro level as Kejriwal formula will be helpful to give
guarantees for things to public and Kejriwal formula is helpful to give
guarantee to USA to help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years as find
below for healthcare less spending in USA and if we will increase spending by
$1.2 trillion mean GDP will grow by 5% higher + and it will help public on macro
and micro level and this will impact on revenue of companies and tax of
government and thus Kejriwal formula mean A to Z formula to help to grow GDP as
now we will do new innovation on daily basis using Kejriwal formula as Kejriwal
formula is enough to form new political party to make that political party as
national party as political party has impact on policy and on GDP and thus GDP
mean everything true or false?

16- As per following we spending $1.2 trillion less in healthcare in USA mean
money may not being spent in healthcare and going out of healthcare for other
things like profit or high salary and CA is spending $259 billion less vs NY is
spending $100 billion less vs West Virginia is spending $5.7 billion more but
life expectancy improvement needed in West Virginia and across the USA and now
we will help as we got Kejriwal formula to give guarantee for GDP growth so
seems like money is going out of system by $1.2 trillion as this is not
converting as healthcare spending even if government is spending on healthcare
so we need proper audit from GAO across the USA and proper audit from NYS
comptroller and other controllers across the USA for healthcare on all level and
for government and non for profit and private sector in healthcare so proper
audit needed true or false?

17-Following amount has to be as healthcare spending by each state in the USA in
2023 and we will try to achieve with help of our Kejriwal formula as USA has to
be spending $4.7 trillion vs CA $660 billion vs TX $429 billion vs NY $375
billion vs FL $258 billion as USA total assets are now $156 trillion so we can
increase spending on healthcare to improve life expectancy and quality
improvement and now we will help using Kejriwal formula on macro and micro level
as proper help and Audit from GAO and Comptrollers across the USA will be
helpful true or false?

18- Godfather of Rahul Gandhi known as Nitin Gadkari knows how to spend but he
does not know how to generate revenue for his department by spending increase of
government of India as Road transport and highway department India revenue
stayed similar annually for India during 2021 to 2024 but budget for this
department increased by 76% in 2024 vs 2021 so if revenue is not being generated
then how and why Nitin Gadkari increased budget for this department so much and
health and education and rural development and home department budget did not
increase much in same period for government of India true or false?

19-Railway India passenger revenue declined annually for India during 2021 to
2024 but budget for this department increased by 20% in 2024 vs 2021 but budget
did not increase properly for health, education, Rural development in India so
how in election year Shah and Modi will win against bad intentions of Nitin
Gadkari as now Nitin Gadkari is godfather of Rahul Gandhi true or false?

20-Food and public distribution India budget declined in 2024 vs 2021 so in
election year budget is declining here as now Nitin Gadkari is godfather of
Rahul Gandhi and Nitin Gadkari will help Rahul Gandhi like Rajiv Gandhi true or

21-Home Affairs India department budget increase by 16% in 2024 vs 2021 so why
so much increase for Nitin Gadkari department true or false?

22-Chemical and Fertilizer India budget increase by 47% in 2024 vs 2021 so this
can may help in election if managed properly as Nitin Gadkari is not godfather
of Rahul Gandhi true or false?

23-Rural Development India budget declined in 2024 vs 2021 as Giriraj Singh is
not in process to become godfather of Rahul Gandhi true or false?

24-Agriculture and Farmer India welfare budget stayed kind of similar in 2024 vs
2021 so if so much increase in fertilizer budget then why not much increase in
agriculture budget for India as this is election year and agriculture budget is
not growing much true or false?

25-Communication India budget increased by 106% in 2024 vs 2021 so why no
increase for health budget, home budget properly in India in election year true
or false?

26-Health budget India increased by 25% in 2024 vs 2021 so why so less increase
in health budget in election year in India true or false?

27-Jal Shakti budget declined in India in 2024 vs 2021 true or false?

28-Health India budget declined by 6% in India in 2024 vs 2021 true or false?

29-Housing and Urban affairs budget in India declined by 30% in 2024 vs 2021
true or false?

30- As Rahul Gandhi has to be ready for new relaunching in 2029 as now seems
like Modi PM India got tool to build image to win 2024 election as Rahul Gandhi
ate goat meat of Dadan Handi and now It seems like very difficult for Rahul
Gandhi to win 2024 election like he lost in 2019 as now we got Kejriwal formula
to help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years and following will give
iq of government officials of India and politician like Nitin Gadkari of India
and compare with my iq and you will find that I have high iq to lead the way to
grow GDP properly as iq is improving on daily basis and now it grew too much
after getting Kejriwal formula as attorney of Rahul Gandhi known as Kapil Sibal
and Abhisek Manu Singhavi keeping 1,400 crore INR property then DK Shivkumar
keeping 1,400 crore INR property then Kamalnath keeping 800 crore INR property
then P Chidambaram keeping 200 crore INR property mean Rahul Gandhi is thief
like Nitin Gadkari as now Nitin Gadkari is godfather of his godson Rahul Gandhi
true or false?

31- Remove all ministers who are not bringing budget for their department or
bringing too much budget for their department than revenue as Nitin Gadkari
should be number one to be dismissed from ministry of India because he is
increasing budget for his department without increase in revenue and spending is
role of Nitin Gadkari then revenue increase is role of Nitin Gadkari too as any
one can spend but revenue generation is important and Nitin Gadkari is not able
to generate revenue for his department according to spending so he should be
sacked and ED should put him in jail for life for destroying economy of India
true or false? 

32- ED and CBI as health budget declined in India in 2024 vs 2021 in Election
year and this is iq of Nitin Gadkari to be PM of India and Nitin Gadkari
increased his department budget without increase in revenue and home department
budget did not increase like Nitin Gadkari department as Nitin Gadkari is
working on plan to bring BJP below 200 seats in 2024 and then he can bring
regional parties to form government to be PM of India in 2024 with hidden
support of his godson Rahul Gandhi but Nitin Gadkari don't have talent to
increase revenue for his department as he just know how to spend to eat
commission to make his godson Rahul Gandhi happy as Nitin Gadkari is not above
the law so he should go to jail for lifetime true or false?

33- Housing and Urban Affairs budget declined in India by 30% in 2024 vs 2021 in
election year and Nitin Gadkari increased big budget for his department in
election year as Nitin Gadkari is on plan to be PM in 2024 with help of his
godson Rahul Gandhi as budget increase in this area can help BJP states to win
to make Modi PM India but Nitin Gadkari is on plan 2024 to make Nitin Gadkari PM
by bringing BJP below 200 seats in 2024 then Nitin Gadkari funding regional
parties to bring them to select him PM of India in 2024 with hidden support of
his godson Rahul Gandhi true or false?  


States spending less on healthcare annually as per around 2023 in negative in
following true or false?

United States *


California *


Texas *


New York *


Washington *


Illinois *


Georgia *


Virginia *


Florida *


North Carolina *


Colorado *


Massachusetts *


Ohio *


New Jersey *


Tennessee *


Utah *


District of Columbia*


Arizona *


Minnesota *


Maryland *


Pennsylvania *


Wisconsin *


Michigan *


Nevada *


Connecticut *


Oregon *


Indiana *


Kansas *


Iowa *


Missouri *


Nebraska *


South Carolina *


Oklahoma *


Idaho *


North Dakota *


Alabama *


Hawaii *


New Mexico *


Delaware *


New Hampshire *


Louisiana *


Wyoming *


Arkansas *


Kentucky *


Alaska *


South Dakota *


Montana *


Rhode Island *


Vermont *


Maine *


Mississippi *


West Virginia *



Following amount has to be as healthcare spending by each state in the USA in
2023 and we will try to achieve with help of our Kejriwal formula true or false?

United States *


California *


Texas *


New York *


Florida *


Illinois *


Pennsylvania *


Ohio *


Georgia *


New Jersey *


North Carolina *


Washington *


Massachusetts *


Virginia *


Michigan *


Tennessee *


Colorado *


Maryland *


Arizona *


Indiana *


Minnesota *


Wisconsin *


Missouri *


Connecticut *


Oregon *


South Carolina *


Louisiana *


Alabama *


Kentucky *


Utah *


Oklahoma *


Iowa *


Nevada *


Kansas *


Arkansas *


Nebraska *


District of Columbia*


Mississippi *


New Mexico *


Idaho *


New Hampshire *


Hawaii *


West Virginia *


Delaware *


Maine *


Rhode Island *


North Dakota *


South Dakota *


Montana *


Alaska *


Wyoming *


Vermont *



Note One:- As USA GDP was $2,500 per capita in year 1,800 around when USA 1st
president was President of USA in Washington 1.0 and now in Washington 2.0 India
per capita GDP is around $2,500 in year 2023 so India is 223 years behind USA as
I was in India to get self defense improvement training by environment by most
powerful in universe invisible script followers of USA 1st president so we will
help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years as per capita GDP $2,500
common in Washington 1.0 and Washington 2.0 between USA and India as I developed
my self defense techniques via India as Modi PM India did win against Italy, UK,
France and most of Europe to make India GDP bigger than most of countries of
Europe but we stopped his winning thing against USA as Modi PM India know that
we are smarter than him to grow GDP true or false?

Note Two:- This is to chief justice of USA as when you get appointed then FBI
reports to congress in 3 months about your background check to make sure that
you have good moral character similarly you are required during you tenure as
justice at supreme court to maintain good moral character with good behavior and
USA congress can require FBI to submit your behavior report to start impeachment
process to impeach you mean USA congress has power to impeach justice at USA
supreme court and appoint thus they have power to supervise you to make sure
that you maintaining good behavior during your tenure as justice of USA supreme
court true or false?

Note Three:- As Subodh Kumar Singh JDU leader Muzaffarpur Bihar India with his
friend Gupteshwar Pandey Director general of police Bihar India, Police
Muzaffarpur Bihar India and Judge Muzaffarpur Bihar India as these folks
destroyed my childhood in Bihar India as they were collecting illegally money
from my grandfather on fake issues as above folks will not agree for lie
detection test as USA 1st president most powerful in universe script followers
let me develop my defense side by attack from above then in 2019 they took me to
India and Director general of police from South India died in USA then son of
Superintendent of police of Muzaffarpur Bihar India died in Muzaffarpur road
accident near Vaishali India where my grandfather did open college then daughter
of judge from India got murdered in USA in Texas mass shooting around July 2023
then judge relative got kidnapped in Muzaffarpur Bihar India to be sold for
prostitution then Muzaffarpur Bihar India superintendent of police went to
Madhepura Bihar India after son death in Muzaffarpur Bihar India and his phone
got stolen by prostitute then Police superintendent from Saran Bihar India named
Dubey got suspended then Police Superintendent Vinay Tiwari from Bihar India got
detained in Mumbai India as NYS trooper police broke law to insult me due to
security of Governor of NY and I did not say anything as FBI, Suffolk county
Police NY and IRS ignored it and NYS trooper police officer insulted me again on
August 1, 2023 by breaking law as I feel bad when NYS trooper police officer
breaks law and now NYS governor is announcing that lieutenant governor of NJ
died as my communication and above just a coincidence including timing
regardless USA 1st president invisible script followers are most powerful in
universe to help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years  true or false?

Note Four :- We are contacting you to get a job/employment as Global Management
consulting / CFO Consulting as DC Consulting helps to small or big business, non
for profit organizations, governments for valuation increase, planning, cash
flow improvement, profit increase, to sale business, loan for business, merger,
acquisition & growth. We help with problems related to  business, social,
individual, government & nonprofit across the USA and globe so if you need help
then contact us and we will try to help you as per law. Our blog at

1-George Washington Jr. BS,MBA / DC Consulting / Phone:1-631-626-0069, P.O. Box
# 242  Central Islip, NY 11722 (USA) Email: dcconsulting1324@gmail.com  My blog
at www.dcconsulting.me  Note- As I do communicate staying within the law but USA
1st president invisible script followers may have different commands and squads
including death squad and they decide about when what and how to mission
accomplished to get results based on my communication and I know outcome via
news or environment thus I don't break any law as USA 1st president script being
followed from past 200 + years by his invisible script followers as they may
grandfathered as per law and they are invisible so no one knows that who are
they true or false?

2-  USA 1st president George Washington system helped global population to
increase 8 times + in past 200 + years as world population was 1 billion in year
1775 since humanity started then around year 1775 as USA 1st president made USA
military to free USA from British Kingdom System and now world population is 8
billion + in past 200+ years mean world added population of 1 billion in kingdom
system since humanity started till year 1775 and USA 1st president brought
Democracy system and gave voting rights with property right and left most
powerful in universe invisible script followers and now world population
increased by over than 7 billion + and growing in past 200+ years of founding of
USA military by USA 1st president and I am proud to be George Washington Jr as I
may leading USA 1st president most powerful invisible script followers globally
true or false?

3- This is for USA senate as British empire military captured NY via Long Island
NY battle after freedom of USA and it took 7 years to USA 1st president to free
NY from British empire military thus USA 1st president invisible script
followers may keeping me on Long Island NY  to improve system of USA properly to
keep USA GDP number one for next 1,000+ years as I am improving USA GDP since
2018 true or false? 

4-We are bringing CPA to the next level as Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002 requires
in the USA that management to certify accuracy of  own financial statements
because now CPA work is may being done by computer and artificial intelligence
thus CPA has to have education of MBA for future as only .008% of the population
of the USA means less than 1% may have achieved education and experience level
like me so far as I have 150 college credits on NYS CPA track to complete MBA
from regionally accredited college in NY USA as DC Consulting may helped USA for
following as U.S. Net International Investment Position was -$8 trillion in 2017
and we may started helping USA in 2018 and it become -$17 trillion in 2022 mean
$9 trillion more investment came in USA during 2018 to 2022 than USA invested
outside USA regardless of USA faced covid as we provide Management consulting /
CFO Consulting globally to increase revenue and profit to grow GDP properly as
we help with proper return on investment, proper forecasting, proper liquidity,
proper reporting, proper financing and we are GDP & Business strategists & we
help to start up & established businesses, individuals, governments, nonprofits,
public companies including construction projects & others and our services are
1-Global Management consulting / CFO Consulting , 2- ERP Systems Design &
Implementation, 3- Business Processes & Internal Controls, 4- Financial Planning
& Analytics, 5- Transactions Support Services and 6- Working Capital Finance
Solutions including financing and refinancing. 

5-The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the “right of the
people to petition the government for a redress of grievances” as Responding to
inquiries of petitioners and assisting them before executive or independent
government officials and agencies is an appropriate exercise of the
representational function of each Member of Congress, as well as an important
function of congressional oversight as In 1992, the Senate adopted S. Res. 273,
which created Senate Rule 43. 

6-Globally whoever posed threat towards me or insulted me died as I have list of
dead as USA 1st president script being followed by his invisible most powerful
in entire universe script followers from past 200 + years as communicated and
USA President Obama's economic adviser did suicide and then Donald Trump's son
in law got cancer mean things go on leadership level too as Suffolk county, Long
Island, NY court related district judge order was not overturned by higher court
from Queens, NY and then Chief Judge of NY is out of office because resignation
due to violating law as Chief Judge leadership did not help me as per law so
leaders cannot get away claiming that they were not aware about facts in
addition communicated about Deutsche bank in the past and Deutsche bank's former
co-CEO died in addition GOP USA Senator Rick Scott said that if CEO is not
capable then will quit from CEO role true or false?

7- As USA 1st president invisible script followers may made me 100 years ahead
as following will prove as only .008% of the population of the USA  means less
than 1% may have achieved education and experience level like me so far as USA
congress made Sarbanes Oxley act that reduced CPA work for audit as making
management responsible for their financial statements mean MBA will do CPA work
too as I did 150 college credit on NYS CPA track in NY to complete MBA from
regionally accredited college so I got finance and management both in me like
USA congress made MBA liable for their financial statement accuracy as now
artificial intelligence and computer use is making audit easy by computer so CPA
role will be not needed too much in long run and thus USA 1st president
invisible script followers made me with 150 credits on CPA track to complete MBA
as this will be future of MBA as management will be certifying accuracy of their
financials mean having knowledge of finance will make them more effective and
this will come in USA in future as it may take 100 years to come on this trend
to be like me as USA 1st president invisible script followers are most powerful
in universe as his script being followed from past 200+ years by his most
powerful in universe script followers as he established NY stock exchange in
1792 in NYC then State street investment bank in MA in 1792 true or false?

8-We are kind but USA 1st president invisible script followers can be kind or
can be cruel as USA 1st president invisible script followers track me invisibly
and fix things if they see wrong doing without letting me know as I know via
news if things comes in news or if it not come in news then even I may not know
that what they fixed after our visit to businesses and locations as per Donald
Trump USA military killed 6 million+ after 911 in Middle East as in Muzaffarpur
Bihar India there is criminal turned politician named Vijay Kumar Shukla alias
Munna Shukla of JDU related to CM Bihar India party as this guy wanted me to
meet him in jail because we purchased one property in his area but we did not go
to meet him but we heard that there was Munna Shukla related guy Bablu Tiwari as
this guy got murdered by Cachhu Singh and Chacchu Singh got murdered by Munna
Shukla brother in law Sushil Kumar Singh of Jan Hit Manch and Sunil and Sushil
Singh of Jan hit Manch Aghoria Bazar Chowk Muzaffarpur Bihar India did go to
jail thus without me knowing people faced consequences who were wanting me to
meet them in jail then Bihar CM started giving protection to Munna Shukla and
Bihar CM India saw his wife death within one month of my marriage mean invisible
script followers of USA 1st president tracking Munna Shukla since the time he
wanted me to visit him in jail then Munna Schukla had brother Chotan Shukla as
his daughter died and USA 1st president invisible script followers did not ask
my permission to do above as they just witnessed thing with me and started their
operation then we learned good from Raghunath Pandey of Muzaffarpur Bihar India
via his political aid Laxmi Singh of Rohua Muzaffarpur Bihar India and now Uma
Pandey wife of Raghunath Pandey name is associated with Tata Cancer Hospital
SKMCH Muzaffarpur Bihar India in 2023 as Raghuanth Pandey died 21+ years ago but
Raghunath Pandey founded SKMCH Tata Cancer Hosptial Uma Nagar Muzaffarpur Bihar
India made 6,000+ medical doctors so far in the past 50 years mean who did good
towards me having nice name and fame and who did wrong faced above true or

9-Somehow USA 1st president invisible script followers are able to read my mind
thus can see things via my eye as was thinking thing and did not tell anyone or
write anywhere and specific news related to my thoughts came so they may have
innovation to read my mind thus USA 1st president invisible script followers
know everything from Muzaffarpur Bihar India that I saw decades ago as USA 1st
president invisible script followers putting similar things via news that only I
saw or witnessed then they may fix things invisibly and later I know via
environment or news as similarly Pandit Dhirendra Shahstri alias Bageshwar Baba
in India able to read unknown person to write about them on paper then
information about unknown person written on paper will correctly match with that
person mean Pandit Direndra Shashtri alias Bageshwar Baba will prove that he
knew things about unknown person before knowing that person in person as USA 1st
president invisible script followers let me learn from Raghunath Pandey who made
6,000+ doctors via his college SKMCH Tata Cancer hospital Uma Nagar Muzaffarpur
Bihar India via his political aid Laxmi Singh Rohua Muzaffarpur Bihar India then
my grandfather open college in Vaishali Bihar India that do teachers training
and in USA I did my bachelors and masters including high school and then helping
disable to face education sector and health sector like my grandfather open
teacher training college and Raghnuant Pandey open medical college then my
grandfather and Raghunath Pandey died within 3 months of each other death in
2001 true or false? 

10-As USA 1st president married widow and his ancestors had to leave UK because
they married widow in UK as King in UK did not like it as following can prove
global operations of USA 1st president invisible script followers to get respect
for widow as communicated that Widow names were taken out from marriage card of
Aishwarya from Paroo Bihar India area from Indian origin and related to Hari
Bhushan Thakur Bechoul BJP MLA Bihar India then USA military related soldier
 murdered Aishwarya daughter of District judge of India of Indian origin in
Texas USA then Indian origin kid did incident in White House USA then incident
in UK in Indian origin PM House then Indian Kumar got murdered in Muzaffarpur
Bihar India not far from House of Aishwarya relative of Hari Bhushan Thakur
Bechoul BJP MLA Bihar India as Indian common here in above global incidents as
my communication and above incidents related news just coincidences including
timing true or false? 

11-As following will prove that Washington 1.0 was during year 1776 to year 1976
and Washington 2.0 is during year 1976 to year 2176 as invisible script
followers of USA 1st president are most powerful in universe as his script being
followed from past 200+ years as President Bush Sr become CIA director in year
1976 then in year 1976 USA 1st president George Washington was posthumously
promoted to the rank of General of the Armies the highest rank in the U.S. Army
as USA was completing 200 years of Freedom in year 1976 then this is not in my
control and I have to live with it as USA military was murdering on name of USA
1st president George Washington till year 1976 and USA military is  murdering on
my name since year 1976 to year 2176 mean for next 200+ years in Washington 2.0
mean beyond my life my name will be used by USA military as I cannot be alive
till year 2176 mean USA military cannot die as in year 2176 Washington 3.0 will
come as per Donald Trump USA military murdered 6 million + in Middle East after
911 as there is 200 years gap between Washington 1.0 and Washington 2.0 as this
is there to see advancement of USA military to keep USA military most powerful
for next 1000+ years and invisible script followers of USA 1st president are
around and they getting replaced like USA president system is being replaced
mean visible and invisible system of USA 1st president will be in USA forever
till humanity will exist as mentally prepare for above as I got birth in hand of
one of top engine maker of military then got moved in hand of professors after
brain development period in childhood then got all practical business tricks
from Raghunath Pandey founder of SKMCH Tata Cancer Hospital Uma Nagar
Muzaffarpur Bihar India via his political aid Laxmi Singh of Rohua Muzaffarpur
Bihar India as he made 6,000+ medical doctors so far from SKMCH as he had
Central School in his market in Aghoria Bazar Chowk Muzaffarpur Bihar India
given by L P Sahi Education minister of India founder of SKMCH Tata Cancer
Hospital Muzaffarpur Bihar India and Ganesh was link between Suresh Sharma BJP
leader Muzaffarpur Bihar India and Raghunath Pandey as both knew him then I
moved to USA with Ganesh and Ganesh was communicating to White House during Bush
Jr presidency then I did my high school, bachelors and masters in USA then
started helping disable around 2012 and got knowledge about all weakness of USA
system for disable and started helping USA around 2018 from behind the curtain
via 911 commission chairman son group then Bush Sr got his service dog from Long
Island NY and I am from Long Island NY and helped USA to avoid 2019 default,
increase covid aid from $100 billion to $3 trillion+ and avoid default for USA
government in 2023 with other helps to GDP thus USA 1st president invisible
script followers have control on USA military, FBI, CIA, DOJ, Police and others
in USA as they are invisible so no one know that who are they as his script
being followed from past 200+ years by his invisible script followers true or

12-This will prove that how USA 1st president invisible script followers made me
expert to manage globally as RAW of India was made around 1968 with help of CIA
as they gave me in hand of top engine making guy for military to make brain till
child brain will develop then they gave in hand of professors then guy L P Sahi
near from my house become education minister of India in Rajiv Gandhi PM period
and he helped my grandfather to open college as its founding president in
Vaishali Bihar India then L P Sahi become national president for discipline
board of congress party during Sonia Gandhi being congress president then
business tricks got from Raghunath Pandey Muzaffarpur Bihar India via his
political aid Laxmi Singh Rohua Muzaffarpur Bihar India then did high school in
USA, Bachelor in USA and Master in USA as Ragunath Pandey was successful
businessman than L P Sahi but he stayed till state level law maker position
while L P Sahi become national level lawmaker in India and I may managing global
level matters for USA since 2018 from behind the curtain so common Raghunath
Pandey stayed till state level law maker position and L P Sahi stayed till
national level India lawmaker and I am helping globally to USA mean global level
help to USA GDP and world GDP as my grandfather was 11+ years older than both
Raghunath Pandey and L P Sahi true or false? 

13-In childhood they mean invisible script followers of USA 1st president as
kept me with military guy to make strong brain then moved with professors and in
children age as L P Sahi became education minister of India and not far from my
grandfather home is home of L P Sahi then business tricks from Raghunath Pandey
via his political aid Laxmi Singh Rohua Muzaffarpur Bihar India as Ragunath
Pandey relative became defense Minister of India at that time then George
Fernandes became defense Minister of India then Captain Jay Narayan Nishad
military guy from Neem Chowk became technology minister of India and MP of
Muzaffarpur Bihar India as he was close from Raghunath Pandey Market Aghoria
Bazaar Muzaffarpur Bihar India as he was coming to store of Ganesh in Aghoria
Bazaar Muzaffarpur Bihar India then George Fernandes became NDA chairman then
relative of L P Sahi became cooperative minister of Bihar India to show his
management skills then L P Sahi became national disciplinary board Chairman for
congress party during Sonia Gandhi being congress president as above was
environment given by individual script followers of USA 1st president to me to
 learn in India as all were very close as per environment to learn their tricks
in politics,  business , underworld and real world then moved to USA to do high
school in USA, Bachelors in USA, Masters in USA then helped disable to know
reality of USA system then helping since 2018 to grow USA GDP properly as
President Bush sr died in 2018, L P Sahi died in 2018, Captain Jai Naryan Nishad
died in 2018, George Fernandes died in 2019 , Ganesh died in 2019, Raghunath
Pandey died in 2001 and my Grandfather died in 2001 as 3 months apart of
Ragunath Pandey Muzaffarpur Bihar India and  I knew about USA 1st president
script in 2021 that it being followed from past 200 + years and USA 1st
president invisible script followers are around me since my birth as they are
invisible so no one knows that who are they true or false? 

14-This will prove the operation of USA 1st president invisible script followers
as my grandfather was in India and his son in law was in USA as deputy sheriff
of Riverhead jail, Suffolk County NY named Doctor Vasudev Choudhary later USA
citizen but originally from Barkurwa, Kanti Muzaffarpur Bihar India and same
time he was deputy director of Pilgrim Psychiatric Center NY state government
hospital Brentwood NY as he moved to USA years before my birth around 1970 when
CIA started making RAW globally for India and my grandfather other son in law
was in CID Police Bihar India named Madhukishor Singh from Singahi, Muzaffarpur,
Bihar India then this deputy sheriff of Riverhead jail, Suffolk County NY made
environment in Suffolk County NY before me moving to Suffolk county NY and
before Suffolk county as he worked with governor of Connecticut office
Connecticut USA as via that doctor deputy sheriff of Riverhead Jail, Suffolk
County NY as USA 1st president invisible script followers were able to fund me
on desired level if needed or fund tours in India or if I needed money then I
was able to get as USA 1st president made Light House on Long Island NY true or

15-NYS Assembly Deputy Speaker Phil Ramos is from Suffolk County Police
Department NY and did work in Pilgrim  Hospital Brentwood like Doctor Choudhary
was with Sheriff police of Suffolk county Riverhead Jail NY and Pilgrim  NYS
government hospital Brentwood NY as Phil Ramos is assemblyman from Brentwood/CI
NY area as deputy common here as deputy speaker of NYS assembly, deputy Sheriff
and deputy director of Pilgrim NY state hospital Brentwood NY as Phil Ramos is
son of Nurse and wife of Dr. Choudhary was nurse too as USA 1st president
invisible script followers are most powerful in universe as his script being
followed from past 200+ years as father of Phil Ramos was working with Jail too
like Dr. Choudhary true or false? 

16-As Indira Gandhi then Prime Minister India blamed "foreign elements as CIA "
for the murder of then Railway Minister of India Lalit Narayan Mishra Bihar
India as Sheel Bhadra Yagee claimed that the CIA orchestrated the Sikh uprising
which later led to Prime Minister India named Indira Gandhi assassination by her
Sikh bodyguards vs R&AW counter-intelligence obtained a confession, from a field
officer in Chennai to admit that he had passed on sensitive information to the
CIA and Sri Lankan intelligence as Sri Lankan group LTTE was behind murder of
India PM Rajiv Gandhi in Bomb Blast vs The Kerala India  protests were largely
funded by the CIA and following mass protests in 1959, the Indian government
finally bowed to pressure and dismissed Namboodiripad government of Kerala  on
31 July 1959 vs In 1958, India's nuclear programs were assessed as Speculations
are made by the intelligence experts that the CIA orchestrated the plane crash
in which Homi Jehangir Bhabha an Indian nuclear scientist, was killed and CDS
Rawat died in helicopter crash after Diya Kumar BJP MP Rajasthan India related
communication true or false? 

17-As this is for  USA senate that Suffolk county Long Island NY is experiment
center for USA 1st president invisible script followers  as it is one of top
tourists destination in USA due to nice air quality and climate as I am here
from decades and following will prove as it is covered by water from all sides
with best air quality in USA and universe then USA 1st president made lighthouse
here then largest Pilgrim psychiatric center of world  was here before medicine
improvement to transit them in community then train stations around LIRR NY on
Long Island NY being developed as residential hubs then $30 billion +
investments projects on Long Island NY to develop land air sea connected
convention center in Ronkonkoma Suffolk county NY and Casino in Nassau County
Long Island NY then Long Island NY being defense, manufacturing, service sector
hub then Brookhaven national laboratory in Suffolk County NY with Large Hadron
Collider and National Synchrotron Light Source as it look like Pentagon of USA
then Brookhaven lab in Suffolk County NY  was established in 1947 when India got
freedom and I was in India before permanently moving to USA as USA  citizen and
other experiments thus Suffolk county NY is experimental place for USA 1st
president invisible script followers since he made first lighthouse in Suffolk
County NY around 200 + years ago as USA got freedom from British empire on July
4, 1776 but British empire captured NYS in Long Island battle in August 1776 and
it caused 2,179 USA soldiers to die or captured by British empire military and
it took 7 years to George Washington to fight to free Long Island from British
empire as on November 22, 1783 British empire left NY and Long Island NY as I
was brought to USA decades ago in November month too mean USA 1st president
invisible script followers made Long Island as their strong point in past 200 +
years as Long Island battle was first to lose to British empire after freedom of
USA from British empire but now USA 1st president invisible script followers are
most powerful in the universe true or false? 

18-As Communist Party of USA and Socialist Parties of USA or supporters of
Socialism in USA and Communism in USA have presence in over than 25 + states of
USA and China with Russia may fund them to make them major political players in
USA like Republican Party and or Democratic Party true or false?

19-World must join the AI (Artificial Intelligence) revolution as now we will
help the world to have it as after we talked about it then now we see that the
USA Senate is following our footsteps for improvements with the help of AI true
or false?

20-As former NY governor Cuomo talked about script and somehow USA 1st president
invisible script followers are tracking me entire life as they are invisible so
no one knows that who are they as Timing is just a coincidence as when decades
ago I came to NY USA from India then stayed on Vanderbilt Ave and now Modi PM
India came around June 21, 2023 to NY USA from India and governor of NY posted
about Vanderbilt ave on/around the day when Modi PM India came to USA and was in
White House with USA president as Vanderbilt Ave and coming from India common
here regardless USA 1st president invisible script followers are most powerful
in universe as his script being followed from past 200+ years true or false?

21-As 70+ of age as in USA male population is 30% approximate less than female
and in NYS as 70+ of age as male population is 50% approximate less than female
and CDC of USA failed to help to improve life expectancy properly so now we will
help USA to improve life expectancy properly with help of most powerful in
universe invisible script followers of USA 1st president in addition we will
help so LGBTQ adults couple and adult singles will have more kids to raise in
USA to grow USA population properly as only 25% of LGBTQ adult couples have kids
in USA true or false?

22-During 2009 to 2021 as non housing debt increased 2 times in USA but housing
debt did not increase 2 times thus we need to increase USA housing debt to be
$20 trillion + as housing debt mean it is debt to buy house mean towards assets
and thus backed by assets so we need to have proper housing across the USA and
now we will try to improve and we will improve for education and government
budget across the USA to grow USA GDP properly true or false?

23-As per around June 2023 as USA abortion rate is reduced by 50% in 2022 vs
1981 thus USA supreme court changed the law related to it then USA is moving for
charter schools and colleges and that will reduce the need of racial preference
in traditional colleges and schools because charter schools and colleges needs
students to get funds from government and thus they will perform thus supreme
court changed law in this regards and thus Supreme court of USA paved way for
better healthcare and better education to have more charter school college
system in USA as USA senate and USA house failed to do so but USA supreme court
made right decision as we are helping USA since 2018 and our communications may
behind these decisions of USA supreme court including timing regardless USA 1st
president invisible script followers are most powerful in universe as his script
being followed from past 200+ years true or false?

24-USA 1st president most powerful in universe script followers let me do all my
major credits by following USA military style program and I got 50% of college
credit for bachelors and or masters by following programs from regionally
accredited college in USA in less than around 3 months because I knew so USA 1st
president invisible script followers taught me things without knowing me by
environment around me since my birth and find link below then when I had
commencement ceremony for college degree then few USA military folks came and
said they just wanted to see me because they were impressed by my performance in
education and find link below true or false?


25-I have DNA of the entire universe mean entire universe in me as I have DNA of
Scandinavia, South India, North India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, South
America, Pacific and others then unique military style education as USA 1st
president invisible script followers are most powerful in universe true or

26-As following will may prove my Scandinavian DNA linked to USA 1st president
as the Washington dynasty traces its direct firmly-confirmed roots ultimately to
Crinan "the Thane" of Dunkeld (†1045), lay abbot and son-in-law of Malcolm II of
Scotland as King of Alba Scotland and according to post-Conquest noble custom
(well before surnames became commonplace in English culture), they adopted the
name of the estate as an Anglo-Norman surname, "de Wessyington", which later
became "Washington" as USA 1st president ancestors did marry widow and that was
not liked by King in England and thus they moved to USA and later USA 1st
president himself married widow like his ancestor and established USA military
to found USA after winning against British Empire to free USA from British
Empire and established system of democracy in USA under protection of USA
military and USA 1st president left invisible script followers that following
his script from past 200+ years and they are invisible so no one knows that who
are they and thus they will be around till humanity will exist as USA 1st
president made visible system in USA as president and it get replacement
similarly he may made invisible system and it get replacement and thus his
system of visible and invisible will be there forever till humanity will exist
to keep democracy alive as democracy is better than kingdom system true or

27-Till the year 2023 as Of the 46 Presidents of the United States, 34 have
Scottish ancestry including USA 1st president George Washington, Roosevelt,
Donald Trump and Bill Clinton as USA 1st president script being followed by his
most powerful in universe invisible script followers from past 200+ years and
Andrew Cuomo former governor of NY is student of Bill Clinton and talked about
script then I knew about script of USA 1st president true or false? 

28-As Black African American people left USA during 1822 to 1862 to form
independent country Republic of Liberia in Africa in 1862 thus they left
protection of USA 1st president most powerful in universe invisible script
followers and as per around 2023 as USA per capita annual nominal GDP is $80,000
vs Republic of Liberia per capita annual nominal GDP is $704 like Bihar India
and Uttar Pradesh India as Philippines got freedom from USA and their per capita
annual nominal GDP is $3,905 true or false?

29-As per 2023 as wife of the President of Liberia is a USA citizen from Jamaica
origin like Kamala Harris VP of USA as Liberia has most Washington last name as
per population density after USA as black people with Washington name left USA
during 1822 to 1862 to form Liberia as country in 1862 as USA 1st president
invisible script followers are most powerful in universe as his script being
followed from past 200+ years as via Liberia they may made network in 1.4
billion black population of Africa in past 200+ years as they may warned Modi PM
India and CM Bihar India via Modi PM India USA visit that stop criminal act as
Modi PM India has criminal mind as Modi PM India talked about Samosa Caucus in
USA house in-front of Kamla Harris and Kevin McCarthy and now wife of President
of Liberia and Kamala Harris both from Jamaica Origin so all black command of
USA 1st president invisible script followers may came in action against Modi PM
India and CM Bihar India as USA 1st president visited West Indies himself true
or false?

30-As IQ of Chuck Schumer USA Senate majority leader around 2023 with assistance
of NYS governor and NYC mayor as his leadership funded Russia Ukraine war that
caused 100,000 + deaths till June 2023 and Chuck Schumer kept 20 percent home
ownership rate in Bronx NY and 31 percent home ownership rate in Brooklyn NY as
per around 2023 thus caused tax revenue loss to USA government true or false?

31-First communication was made to Giriraj Singh minister Modi PM India by me in
2019 and he started criminal acts towards me with support of Giriraj Singh fan
club Muzaffarpur Bihar India then Modi PM India gave him promotion then news
came that driver of Giriraj Singh died then Chuck Schumer and Eric Adams started
playing in team Modi PM India as Chuck Schumer went to India to drink wine with
Queen in Rajasthan India and Eric Adams NYC mayor was walking with Modi PM India
in NY ignoring Modi PM India took out Amazon Headquarters from NYC and Micron
from NYS then Kevin McCarthy brought Modi PM India to have State dinner visit in
USA in 2023 then news came out that Giriraj Singh Minister Modi PM India lost
both knees at same time and cannot stand without support device then Foxconn
will not invest with Vedanta in India as communicated about Micron as my
communication and above just a coincidence regardless USA 1st president
invisible script followers are most powerful in universe and my wish command for
them true or false?

32-The Honorable John G. Roberts Jr  is the 17th Chief Justice of the United
States and is originally from New York as since 1953 only Republican President
got opportunity to select chief justice of USA supreme court as government
officials in NYS and across the USA are not following bills of rights properly
as they not communicating properly to public and as per 2023 as Chuck Schumer
and NYS governor and NYC mayor ignoring it to collect donations as one example
as CDC, NYSED, NYS trooper police, Suffolk county NY Police, NYPD,  NYSDOH and
OPWDD are not communicating properly to public similar like FBI, CIA, IRS, White
House, USA Senate, USA house, NYS governor, NYC Mayor, DOJ and USA supreme court
so role of chief justice is important to help NYS and across the USA as USA 1st
president invisible script followers are most powerful in universe so they may
giving me indication to request help from USA Supreme court chief justice to
make sure that Bills of rights are being followed properly across the USA and
NYS  true or false?

33-As USA GDP grew 1.4 times in 2010 vs 2000 while USA GDP grew 1.4 times in
2020 vs 2010 regardless of covid in 2020 as we helping to grow USA GDP but China
GDP grew 5 times in 2010 vs 2000 while China GDP grew 2.41 times in 2020 vs 2010
so big decline in GDP growth as per times in 2020 vs 2010 for China but India
GDP grew 3.57 times in 2010 vs 2000 while India GDP grew 1.59 times in 2020 vs
2010 so big decline in GDP growth as per times in 2020 vs 2010 for India so both
India and China saw 48% decline in GDP growth during 2010 to 2020 vs 2000 to
2010 as per above but USA did not see decline thus USA GDP will stay number one
in 2075 as China and India completed constructions projects or completing and
thus India and China will not see much GDP growth as now USA GDP will grow as we
helping USA GDP to grow true or false?

34-As communicated about Suffolk county NY former police chief Burke is accused
for murders of prostitutes as between 2010 and 2011 as 11 sets of human remains
were uncovered near Gilgo Beach in Suffolk County, New York as this police chief
of Suffolk county NY did use cocaine then news about cocaine found in White
House USA around June 2023 around Modi PM India visit to eat in White House USA
and visit United Nations in NYC, Eric Adams NYC Mayor, USA lawmakers as around
July 2023 as  Human remains found off Southern State Parkway in West Islip,
Suffolk county, Long Island NY as I put PO BOX from Central Islip NY in my
communications as USA secret service is not able to find about Cocaine found in
White House USA as USA 1st president Lighthouse in Suffolk county NY so he may
have invisible script followers around Suffolk County NY too as Cocaine, human
remains, Islip, Suffolk county police NY, Secret service, White House, PM Modi
India common in above as communicated that Suffolk county Police NY, NYS trooper
police, FBI, CIA, DOJ, USA Supreme court, USA senate, USA house are not
following bills of rights law properly to communicate with public as per law as
my communication and above just a coincidence including timing regardless USA
1st president invisible script followers most powerful in universe as his script
being followed from past 200+ years as  true or false?

35-Since 1953 as USA has chief justice of USA supreme court nominated by
Republican president and they did following work for USA with help of USA media,
USA secret service, OPWDD, CDC, NYSED, USA senate, NYS trooper police, USA
military, Suffolk county Police NY, Chief Judge of the New York Court of
Appeals, FBI, CIA, DOJ, USA house, NYS governor, NYC Mayor, law enforcement
agencies across the USA and White House where Modi PM India came to eat state
dinner around June 2023 as in 2022 vs 1973 as men median wage grew zero percent
in USA while women median wage grew 40% in 2022 vs 1973 while men average wage
grew 32.86% in 2022 vs 1973 while women average wage grew 60.94% in 2022 vs 1973
so now we will help across the USA properly to grow wage properly for men and
women to increase IRS tax revenue properly in USA to keep USA GDP number one for
next 100+ years as we will be kingmaker for next 43+ years to put turmeric on
flying birds as person of my choice born and raised in USA will be USA president
in year 2052 for one term or two term as we helping USA GDP to grow properly
since year 2018 before or after as USA 1st president invisible script followers
are around us to help to keep USA GDP number one for next 100+ years as above as
per environmental indication of  most powerful in universe invisible script
followers of USA 1st president true or false?

Disclaimer :- All of the above will change if available information will change.
We are contacting you to get a job/employment. Following/above were checked by
using CIA (Central Intelligence agency of USA) tool before publishing online or
this communication as the role of FBI, CIA, SEC and DOJ are important to improve
following/above more properly to increase IRS tax revenue due to increased GDP.
 If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for
delivering the message to the intended recipient, we notify that you must not
disclose or use the information contained in it. If you have received this in
error, please tell us immediately and delete the document.

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August 27, 2023 blog true or false?

Aug 27, 2023

August 26, 2023 blog true or false?

Aug 26, 2023

August 25, 2023 blog true or false?

Aug 25, 2023


No one ever existed or will ever exist smarter than George Washington Founder of
USA military, Founding Father of USA and First president of USA

Global Management consulting / CFO Consulting  as DC Consulting expertise are
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We are bringing CPA to the next level as Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002 requires in
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My blog at www.dcconsulting.me 

George Washington Jr. BS,MBA / DC Consulting / Long Island, NY, USA/

We help with proper return on investment, proper forecasting, proper liquidity,
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6- Working Capital Finance Solutions including financing and refinancing.

Email: dcconsulting1324@gmail.com

As USA 1st president invisible script followers may made me 100 years ahead as
following will prove as only .008% of the population of the USA means less than
1% may have achieved education and experience level like me so far as USA
congress made Sarbanes Oxley act that reduced CPA work for audit as making
management responsible for their financial statements mean MBA will do CPA work
too as I did 150 college credit on NYS CPA track in NY to complete MBA from
regionally accredited college so I got finance and management both in me like
USA congress made MBA liable for their financial statement accuracy as now
artificial intelligence and computer use is making audit easy by computer so CPA
role will be not needed too much in long run and thus USA 1st president
invisible script followers made me with 150 credits on CPA track to complete MBA
as this will be future of MBA as management will be certifying accuracy of their
financials mean having knowledge of finance will make them more effective and
this will come in USA in future as it may take 100 years to come on this trend
to be like me as USA 1st president invisible script followers are most powerful
in universe as his script being followed from past 200+ years by his most
powerful in universe script followers as he established NY stock exchange in
1792 in NYC then State street investment bank in MA in 1792 true or false?

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