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Omar’s Exotic Birds
Tue, Apr 30, 2024, 3:31 AM GMT+33 min read
Link Copied
Omar’s Exotic Birds

It offers bird enthusiasts tailored guidance for exotic birds in the comfort of
their homes.

Omar’s Exotic Birds Now Provides In-Home Consultations for Exotic Bird Care

It offers bird enthusiasts tailored guidance for exotic birds in the comfort of
their homes.

Lake Forest, CA, April 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Omar’s Exotic Birds,
Southern California’s premier provider of high-quality exotic birds, has
announced the launch of its new in-home consultation service for bird
enthusiasts in Lake Forest and surrounding areas. It provides expert advice for
exotic bird care in the comfort of clients’ homes, ensuring that their feathered
companions receive personalized attention within their familiar surroundings.
The service not only caters to the unique health and wellness needs of each bird
but also ensures a stress-free experience for both the birds and their owners.

In response to the growing demand for specialized avian services, Omar’s Exotic
Birds provides a convenient solution for bird owners seeking expert guidance on
nurturing and maintaining their pets’ health. By bringing specialized care
directly to clients’ homes, it aims to set a new standard in the exotic bird
care industry.

Founded by Omar Gonzalez, a renowned aviculturist, Omar’s Exotic Birds has been
providing the highest quality care and products for exotic birds for nearly
three decades.

Omar’s Exotic Birds

“Understanding the individuality of each bird is crucial to providing the best
care. Our in-home consultations allow our staff to tailor their expertise to the
specific circumstances and needs of our clients’ beloved pets, enhancing their
overall well-being,” said a representative from Omar's Exotic Birds, emphasizing
the personalized nature of the new service.

The service extends beyond simple consultations to include comprehensive health
checks, dietary planning, and environmental assessments, all conducted by
knowledgeable and experienced staff for top-notch exotic bird care.
Additionally, the consultations aim to educate owners on maintaining optimal
living conditions and diets for their birds and help them understand the
specific needs of the bird species they care for.

Established nearly three decades ago, Omar’s Exotic Birds specializes in exotic
birds, from cockatiels to macaws. All birds sold come with a money-back health
guarantee and complimentary grooming services. This shows Omar’s dedication to
the care and welfare of the birds sold and ensures that customers will receive
ongoing support and value throughout the lifetime of their pets.

The store goes beyond selling pets. It provides boarding, grooming, and now
in-home consultations. A one-stop shop for bird care, it also offers its own
brand of gourmet seed blends, perches, supplements, bird care books, and various
bird toys.

The owner, Omar Gonzalez, started his journey in his youth, inspired by the rich
avian diversity of Cuba and fueled by a passion to overcome the challenges
observed in pet care through his early experiences in America.

Story continues

As it expands its services, Omar’s Exotic Birds continues to pioneer
advancements in bird care, providing clients with the resources and support
needed to ensure the health and happiness of their pets. This new offering is a
testament to the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in
avian or exotic bird care.

For more information on its exotic birds and specialized care services or to
schedule an in-home consultation, please visit

About Omar’s Exotic Birds

Founded by Omar Gonzalez, a renowned aviculturist, Omar’s Exotic Birds has been
providing the highest quality care and products for exotic birds for nearly
three decades. The company has grown into a trusted name in bird care,
recognized for its commitment to health, customer education, and satisfaction.


Media Contact

Omar’s Exotic Birds

Address: 23507 El Toro Rd., Lake Forest, CA 92630

Phone: (949) 472-3962



 * Omar’s Exotic Birds Now Provides In-Home Consultations for Exotic Bird Care

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