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Text Content


Right-to-Reply is a feature that enables dealers to engage with their customers
positively and promote transparency by solving problems in the public eye.

To reply click the Reply button and a text input field will appear.

Reply as many times as you want, then when you decide to close the thread, click
Close Thread.

This entry was posted in How to, Right to Reply on October 29, 2015 by Toby


Login History displays if and when your staff members have logged in.

You can see when they first logged on, when they last logged on, what days this
month they logged on and how many days they logged on this month.

This entry was posted in How to, Login History on October 29, 2015 by Toby


This page will allow you to see which sites are performing best, and which
aren’t doing so well.

You will see the usual filter at the top of the page, choose which type of
survey and which categories/sub-categories you wish to use in your results.

Once you have selected your required criteria, you will be shown a list of
questions to rank your Salespeople. By default, the overall experience rating is

Your sites will then be ranked in a full list underneath. You may select either
highest or lowest score first.

Below the graph is the list of sites with average scores for the selected

This button will take you to the profile of that particular site

This entry was posted in How to, Top Sites on October 29, 2015 by Toby Skinner.


Report Creator is designed for you to extract tailored reports from our system.
Anything we generate is available to export through this function at any time.

It can be found on the ‘Reporting’ area under ‘Other Tools’

First, you need to select what survey type you want to export from, once you
have chosen, wait for the report to re-load (as the surveys ask different

If you wish to select specific responses to questions, you can select them in
the next section; please note that your selections must correspond to the export
instructions at the end.

Once your criteria is chosen, you need to then decide what information to
Within these choices needs to contain the criteria you’ve chosen above.
For example, if you want to export records that responded with they are ‘Still
Looking to Purchase’ – you need to ensure you select the question ‘Are you still
looking to purchase’ from the export area.

You can then choose to view the information online in the reporting system, or
you can export the data to a .CSV file for Excel.

This entry was posted in How to, Report Builder on October 29, 2015 by Scott


Customer satisfaction measure for lost prospects: new and used car sales.


We survey your customer’s experience to provide honest feedback using text,
email, telephone via contact centre


Our survey results establish the reasons why the prospective customers didn’t
buy and if they are still in the market to change. The data can be used to
review your sales process and provides a reason to re-contact and ultimately to

Customer satisfaction measure for car sales: new and used.


We survey your customer’s experience and provide honest feedback from post, text
and email surveys


It includes a management reporting tool to review sales process and customer
experience. It also provides online satisfaction scores for marketing to drive
awareness and increase site visits. We collate testimonials to endorse your
business to prospects and constantly update your website and Google rankings.

Customer satisfaction measure for aftersales: service, parts and bodyshop.

Customer satisfaction measure for current sales: customer mid-point into the
buying cycle


We survey your customer’s experience to provide honest feedback using text,
email, telephone via contact centre.


Our survey results establish where your customers are 18 months into the car
buying cycle, when they may be in the market to change, and if they plan to buy
again from your dealership.

Their response provides the opportunity to re-engage with current customers as
and when they are ready to re-purchase. You can be prepared and make sure that
you are the first point of call.

You can use the data to review your sales process, handle any negatives and be
ready to meet their needs when the time comes.

Re-engage with lapsed customers: all areas.


We contact your customer’s to engage and email and telephone via contact centre


Pulse is a data cleansing product which dealers can use as a one off to cleanse
the database or as a regular clean-up of lapsed customer data.

This entry was posted in Our Surveys on October 29, 2015 by Toby Skinner.


Welcome to the JudgeService Reporting Suite

Use the menu on the left to navigate the sections of the suite.

Home: Brings you to your Profile Page. This is the page you see when you login.

My Account: Displays your account details and allows you to set your Primary

Survey Answers: Aggregates survey answers for a given time-frame and displays
them graphically. You can drill down by clicking on the relevant graph segment.

Customer Satisfaction: This section displays how your
sites/salespeople/customers rank against each other in terms of satisfaction or
recommendations, displayed graphically from highest to lowest, or vice-versa.

Testimonials: The Right-to-Reply function is found here, as is the Testimonial
Report which is useful for finding which customers are still in the market.

Reporting: This section contains several useful features. Attraction Factors
will tell you what attracted each customer to the site. Login History is where
you find out who has been using the system and who has not. Report Builder is
used to export any data as a .csv file for use in external software such as

When using the filter within any of the reporting tools, you may modify the
filter’s criteria at any time by clicking the Filter Results button.

Help will display a guide for the current tool being used.

Print Page will open a pop-up which allows the current page to be formatted
before printing. It is also possible to download as a PDF from here.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on October 28, 2015 by Oliver.


Welcome to the JudgeService Reporting Suite

Use the menu on the left to navigate the sections of the suite.

Home: Brings you to your profile page

My Account: Displays your account details and allows you to set your Primary

Survey Answers: Aggregates survey answers for a given time-frame and displays
them graphically. You can drill down by clicking on the relevant graph segment.

Customer Satisfaction: This section displays how your
sites/salespeople/customers rank against each other in terms of satisfaction or
recommendations, displayed graphically from highest to lowest, or vice-versa.

Testimonials: The Right-to-Reply function is found here, as is the Testimonial
Report which is useful for finding which customers are still in the market.

Reporting: This section contains several useful features. Attraction Factors
will tell you what attracted each customer to the site. Login History is where
you find out who has been using the system and who has not. Report Builder is
used to export any data as a .csv file for use in external software such as

This entry was posted in Home, How to on October 28, 2015 by Toby Skinner.


To print or download the current page select “Print Page” from the side menu.

A window will pop-up with a preview of your document with formatting options
before you print.

You may also download the document by clicking the Download button.

This entry was posted in How to, Printing on October 27, 2015 by Toby Skinner.


This page will allow you to see which sites/salespeople are performing best, and
which aren’t doing so well.

You will see the usual filter at the top of the page, choose which type of
survey and which categories/sub-categories you wish to use in your results.

Make sure to select from the “Show” menu, whether you wish to view the results
by dealership, Sales Executive or customer.

Once you have selected your required criteria, you will be shown a graph of
satisfaction scores. Use the tab located in the top-right of the graph to select
Would Recommend scores.

Below the graph is a list of sites. Clicking the button next to a site will take
you to the profile page for that particular site and clicking the will take you
to the profile page of that particular salesperson.

This entry was posted in Customer Satisfaction, How to on October 27, 2015 by
Toby Skinner.


Ensure you select which type of survey you want to view the results for; then
you can drill down as to which area, franchise, and site you wish to view. If
you wish to view multiples, hold down ‘CTRL’ (Windows) or ‘CMD’ (Mac) as you
click each of the options.

From this point, you can view all the scores in a range of tables and graphs.
If you wish to print/save what you have obtained, you can do so by clicking on
‘Print’ or ‘Create PDF’.

This entry was posted in How to, Survey Answers on October 25, 2015 by Scott


← Older posts

Search for:


 * Right-to-Reply
 * Login History
 * Top Sites
 * How to use Report Builder
 * Our Surveys


 * Attraction Factors
 * Customer Satisfaction
 * Facebook App
 * Home
 * How to
 * Login History
 * Our Surveys
 * Printing
 * Profile Page
 * Report Builder
 * Right to Reply
 * Setting Primary Dealer
 * Survey Answers
 * Testimonial Report
 * Top Salespeople
 * Top Sites
 * Uncategorized


 * October 2015
 * August 2015
 * January 2015
 * November 2014
 * April 2014
 * November 2013