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          <div data-testid="dropdown-label" class="dropdown  ">30 Year</div><label id="downshift-0-label" class="filled" for="downshift-0-toggle-button">Loan term</label>
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          <p id="isPasted">*This is not a commitment to lend. Consumers are advised to obtain a Loan Estimate. Rates are subject to change and are dependent on credit and underwriting criteria.</p>
          <p class="Large">Your actual rate, payment and costs could be higher. Rate cannot predict where rates will be in the future. Sample rate provided for illustration purposes only and is not intended to provide mortgage or other financial
            advice specific to the circumstances of any individual and should not be relied upon in that regard. Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all applicants will be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not
            represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may apply, contact Rate for current rates and for more information. All information provided in this publication is for informational and educational purposes
            only, and in no way is any of the content contained herein to be construed as financial, investment, or legal advice or instruction. Rate does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, completeness or timelines of the information in this
            publication. While efforts are made to verify the information provided, the information should not be assumed to be error free. Some information in the publication may have been provided by third parties and has not necessarily been
            verified by Rate. Rate its affiliates and subsidiaries do not assume any liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect, consequential, special, or exemplary, or other damages whatsoever and howsoever caused,
            arising out of or in connection with the use of this publication or in reliance on the information, including any personal or pecuniary loss, whether the action is in contract, tort (including negligence) or other tortious action. Sample
            rate provided for illustration purposes only and is not intended to provide mortgage or other financial advice specific to the circumstances of any individual and should not be relied upon in that regard.</p>

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Down Payment %
Down Payment $
30 Year
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Interest rate
Military Veteran
Improve the accuracy of your monthly payment estimate by contacting a loan
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*This is not a commitment to lend. Consumers are advised to obtain a Loan
Estimate. Rates are subject to change and are dependent on credit and
underwriting criteria.

Your actual rate, payment and costs could be higher. Rate cannot predict where
rates will be in the future. Sample rate provided for illustration purposes only
and is not intended to provide mortgage or other financial advice specific to
the circumstances of any individual and should not be relied upon in that
regard. Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all
applicants will be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not
represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may
apply, contact Rate for current rates and for more information. All information
provided in this publication is for informational and educational purposes only,
and in no way is any of the content contained herein to be construed as
financial, investment, or legal advice or instruction. Rate does not guarantee
the quality, accuracy, completeness or timelines of the information in this
publication. While efforts are made to verify the information provided, the
information should not be assumed to be error free. Some information in the
publication may have been provided by third parties and has not necessarily been
verified by Rate. Rate its affiliates and subsidiaries do not assume any
liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect,
consequential, special, or exemplary, or other damages whatsoever and howsoever
caused, arising out of or in connection with the use of this publication or in
reliance on the information, including any personal or pecuniary loss, whether
the action is in contract, tort (including negligence) or other tortious action.
Sample rate provided for illustration purposes only and is not intended to
provide mortgage or other financial advice specific to the circumstances of any
individual and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Your monthly payment would be
$ 2,024.00

doughnut chart

Principal and interestPMIProperty taxesInsuranceHOA fees
$ 1,504.00
$ 0.00

Legal disclosures

*This is not a commitment to lend. Consumers are advised to obtain a Loan
Estimate. Rates are subject to change and are dependent on credit and
underwriting criteria.

Your actual rate, payment and costs could be higher. Rate cannot predict where
rates will be in the future. Sample rate provided for illustration purposes only
and is not intended to provide mortgage or other financial advice specific to
the circumstances of any individual and should not be relied upon in that
regard. Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all
applicants will be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not
represent an approval for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may
apply, contact Rate for current rates and for more information. All information
provided in this publication is for informational and educational purposes only,
and in no way is any of the content contained herein to be construed as
financial, investment, or legal advice or instruction. Rate does not guarantee
the quality, accuracy, completeness or timelines of the information in this
publication. While efforts are made to verify the information provided, the
information should not be assumed to be error free. Some information in the
publication may have been provided by third parties and has not necessarily been
verified by Rate. Rate its affiliates and subsidiaries do not assume any
liability for the information contained herein, be it direct, indirect,
consequential, special, or exemplary, or other damages whatsoever and howsoever
caused, arising out of or in connection with the use of this publication or in
reliance on the information, including any personal or pecuniary loss, whether
the action is in contract, tort (including negligence) or other tortious action.
Sample rate provided for illustration purposes only and is not intended to
provide mortgage or other financial advice specific to the circumstances of any
individual and should not be relied upon in that regard.

A mortgage experience made for you…

 * No lender fee – save $1,640

Buy or refinance and save $1,640 with no lender fee.*

 * Same Day Mortgage is Here!

Get approved to be a homeowner in one day. Buy with confidence and get the dream
home you want fast.**

 * First Time Home Buyers Program

Low down payment options and improved pricing for home buyers who meet income

 * Dedicated mortgage specialists and real estate experts

Receive $650 - $6,000 if you buy or sell your home with GRate Realty Connect

Everyone involved was fantastic to work with, and made the entire process
painless and without any surprises! ”

– Christopher L

Exceptional customer service. Attention to detail, patience with me and willing
to put in the work to get my loan funded.”

– Matthew B

I really enjoyed the online process combined with the personal touch of an
easily accessible agent.”

– William D

Paving the way since Y2K


Funded loans in 2023

Our story


Customer satisfaction score5

Why you’ll love us


Trusted lender by agents6


Customer satisfaction score****

Why you’ll love us


Trusted lender by agents6

1$1640 waived lender fee available through PerkSpot corporate benefits team.
Qualified participants, including PerkSpot members, friends, and family, must
access the Rate website from the PerkSpot Intranet or visit
www.rate.com/PerkSpot-6, successfully complete a mortgage loan application, and
close the mortgage loan with Rate, Inc. Applicant subject to credit and
underwriting approval. Restrictions may apply

2Rate’s Same-Day Mortgage promotion offers qualified customers who provide
certain required financial information/documentation to Rate within 24 hours of
locking a rate on a mortgage loan the opportunity to receive a loan approval
within 1 business day of timely submission of documentation and does not suggest
that the borrower will receive funding on the same day as their application
submission. For purposes of this offer, documents provided after 1 pm local time
or on a weekend or company holiday will be deemed submitted the next business
day. Rate cannot guarantee that a loan will be approved or that a closing will
occur within a specific timeframe. Rate reserves the right to revoke this
approval at any time if there is a change in your financial condition or credit
history which would impair your ability to repay this obligation. Read and
understand your Loan Commitment before waiving any mortgage contingencies.
Borrower documentation and Intent to Proceed must be signed within 24 business
hours of receipt. Not eligible for all loan types or residence types. Minimum
down payment requirements apply. Self-employed borrowers are not eligible. Not
all borrowers will be approved. Borrower's interest rate will depend upon the
specific characteristics of borrower's loan transaction, credit profile and
other criteria. Not available in all states.

3Applicant subject to credit and underwriting approval. Not all applicants will
be approved for financing. Receipt of application does not represent an approval
for financing or interest rate guarantee. Restrictions may apply, contact Rate
for current rates and for more information.

4GRate Realty Connect is a Anywhere Integrated Services program and is not
facilitated or offered by Rate Inc. or the Rate Corporate Benefits team. You are
not required to use GRate Realty Connect and Rate Inc. as a condition of the
sale or purchase of any real estate or as a condition of eligibility for any
special offer. Anywhere Integrated Services and Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC
share common ownership, because of this relationship, if Guaranteed Rate
Affinity, LLC is your selected mortgage lender, Anywhere Integrated Services
and/or its affiliates may receive a financial benefit

597% Customer Satisfaction: Data Source: Rate’s Client Satisfaction Surveys
(Averaged 2022).

6Source: 2024 Cint Survey

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Please note that applications, legal disclosures, documents or other material
related to Rate products or services promoted on this page are offered in
English only. The Spanish translation of this page is for the convenience of our
clients; however, not all pages are translated. If there is a discrepancy
between the content of the translated page and the content of the same page in
English, the English version will prevail.

Guaranteed Rate, Inc. d/b/a/ Rate may choose to recommend Rate Insurance, LLC.
Guaranteed Rate, Inc. d/b/a/ Rate has 100% ownership and a direct or indirect
financial interest in Rate Insurance, LLC. You are not required to use Rate
Insurance, LLC.

Copyright © 2024 Guaranteed Rate, Inc. D/B/A Rate. All rights reserved.

NMLS License #2611 - For licensing information, go to:
Arizona Mortgage Banker License #0907078

3940 N. Ravenswood Chicago, IL 60613

Operating as Guaranteed Rate, Inc. in New York.

The company name, Guaranteed Rate, should not suggest to a consumer that
Guaranteed Rate provides an interest rate guaranteed prior to an interest lock.

Version: HEAD-eea5e06


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