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Interdisciplinary Expert Hybrid Congress
Treatment of Asthma and Atopic Diseases
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Congress in 2024.
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Featuring Experts
The Congress is organized together with The Czech Dermatovenerological Academy
and guaranteed by its chairman prof. MUDr. Jana Tresnak Hercogova, CSC. MHA,

Prof. Alan Altraja, MD, PhD

Professor Dr. Alan Altraja is a distinguished pulmonologist from Estonia with a
wealth of experience and expertise in the field of respiratory medicine. He has
made significant contributions to the research and treatment of various lung
diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lower
respiratory tract infections, and obstructive sleep apnea.

Throughout his career, Dr Altraja has been actively involved in teaching and
training the next generation of healthcare professionals. He has published
numerous scientific articles in prestigious medical journals and has presented
his research at numerous national and international conferences.

As a respected member of the medical community, Dr Altraja has held several
leadership positions in various professional organizations, including the
Estonian Society of Pulmonology and the European Respiratory Society. He is also
a sought-after speaker and consultant, providing expert advice on respiratory
medicine to healthcare professionals and organizations around the world.

Dr Altraja's dedication and contributions to the field of pulmonology have
earned him many accolades and awards. He continues to work tirelessly to improve
the health and well-being of patients with respiratory diseases and his legacy
will undoubtedly inspire future generations of healthcare professionals.

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Janette Baloghova, MD, PhD

is a Slovak dermatologist with extensive experience in the field of skin health.
She received her medical degree from Comenius University in Bratislava and
completed her residency in dermatology at the University Hospital in Košice.

Throughout her career, she has focused on diagnosing and treating various skin
conditions, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, congenital and
infantile haemangioma and other skin diseases. She is focusing on pediatric
dermatology as well. and skin cancer. She has worked in several hospitals and
clinics across Slovakia, gaining valuable experience in both medical and
surgical dermatology.

Currently, Dr Baloghová as a head works at the Department of Dermatovenerology,
University Hospital of L. Pasteur in Košice where she continues to provide
high-quality care to her patients. She is dedicated to staying up-to-date with
the latest advancements in dermatology and is a member of several professional
organizations, including the Slovak Dermatological Society, in which she is also
a member of the committee.

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Prof. George Christoff

is a prominent allergologist from Bulgaria. He obtained his medical degree from
the Medical University of Sofia and went on to complete his specialization in
Allergology and Clinical Immunology at the University Hospital Alexandrovska.

Prof. Christoff has extensive experience in the field of allergology, having
worked as a specialist in Allergology and Clinical Immunology at the University
Hospital Alexandrovska and the National Center of Allergology in Sofia.

He also served as Head of the out-patient Department of Allergology at Tokuda
University Hospital in Sofia. Prof. Christoff is actively involved in research
and has authored numerous scientific publications in the field of allergology.
He has also participated in various national and international conferences,
where he has presented his research and shared his expertise with colleagues in
the field.

Currently, Prof. Christoff is a Professor of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
and Department Head at the Medical University of Sofia, where he teaches and
conducts research in the field of allergology. He is also a member of several
national and international professional organizations, including the European
Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the Bulgarian Society of

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Prof. Radoslaw Gawlik

is a highly respected allergologist and pulmonologist in Poland, with extensive
clinical and research experience in the fields of allergy, pathomechanism,
bronchial asthma, exercise asthma, allergen immunotherapy and respiratory

According to his publications and professional affiliations, Prof. Gawlik is an
expert in the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases, including allergic
rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and drug allergies.

Prof. Gawlik has published 142 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals
including 108 full-text publications in reviewed journals with a total
IF-110,192; Hirsch index-10 and has presented his research findings at national
and international conferences. His research interests include bronchial asthma,
allergen immunotherapy, neurogenic inflammation in allergic diseases, as well as
the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for these

Prof. Gawlik is President-elect of the Polish Society of Allergology and also a
member of several other professional organizations: the European Academy of
Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the American Thoracic Society, member of Polish
Society of Pharmacoeconomics, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie,
American College of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society of Czech and
Slovak Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists. He is also a professor and
Head of the Department of Internal Diseases, Allergology and Clinical Immunology
at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, where he teaches and
supervises medical students and residents in the fields of allergy, pulmonology,
and internal medicine. Last but not least, prof. Gawlik is also an honorary
member of the Czech Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.

Overall, Prof. Radoslaw Gawlik is a highly accomplished and respected
allergologist and pulmonologist, who has made significant contributions to the
fields of allergy and respiratory medicine through his clinical practice,
research, and teaching activities.

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Prof. Suzana Ljubojević Hadžavdić, MD, PhD

is a respected Croatian dermatologist, known for her extensive expertise and
contributions to the field of dermatology. Her academic and professional
achievements have been recognized with numerous awards and honors.

As a Professor at the School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Dr Ljubojević
Hadžavdić has authored numerous publications in the fields of dermatology,
venereology, and immunology. She is particularly interested in the immunological
basis of skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis, urticaria and contact

Dr Ljubojević Hadžavdić has also been actively involved in clinical research,
with a focus on the diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis, urticaria and
HPV associateed genital diseases. She has contributed to the development of
first national guidelines od atopic dermatitis

As a passionate advocate for patient education, Dr Ljubojević Hadžavdić has
organized and participated in numerous public lectures and educational events on
the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. She is dedicated to providing the
highest quality of care to her patients and advancing the field of dermatology
through her research and clinical work. Currently, she takes care about her
patients at the University Hospital Center Zagreb Department of Dermatology and

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Prof. Jana Tresnak Hercogova, MD, PhD, IFAAD

She is a medical director and co-owner of the private dermatology clinic
Dermatology Prof. Hercogova. For 26 years, she was head of the Dermatovenerology
Department of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University at the Bulovka
University Hospital in Prague. For many years, he has been dedicated to teach
medical students and to the treatment of Lyme disease, vitiligo, psoriasis,
eczema and skin tumors. He participates in the introduction of new treatment and
diagnostic methods of skin diseases, e.g. photopheresis in the treatment of skin
lymphomas. She solves research grants and supervises postgraduate students.

In 2012, she became the president of the European Academy of Dermatology and
Venereology (EADV) as the first Czech and the first woman in history. She was
the president of the European (2002) and World (2009) dermatology congresses in

She has extensive publishing work behind her, including in 2019 she published
the most extensive modern textbook, Clinical Dermatovenereology. She is the
president of the Czech Academy of Dermatovenerology and the editor-in-chief of
professional journals (Czech Dermatovenereology and Postgraduate Medicine).

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Prof. Miloš Jeseňák, MD., MSc., PhD, MBA, Dott. Ric., MHA, FAAAAI

He completed his general medicine studies in 2004 at the Jessenius Faculty of
Medicine, Comenius University in Martin. After completing his studies, he worked
as a secondary doctor at the Clinic of Children and Adolescents of the Jessenius
Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital in Martin. In 2007, he defended his
doctoral thesis in paediatrics at the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, and in 2010
he defended another doctoral thesis in paediatric sciences at La Sapienza
University in Rome, Italy. He gradually obtained certifications in paediatrics
(Slovak Medical University in Bratislava), clinical immunology and allergology
(Institute of Postgraduate Education in Prague), adolescent medicine (Jessenius
Faculty of Medicine in Martin), paediatric pulmonology and phthisiology
(Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin), and healthcare management and
financing (Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin). He also completed studies
in Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Health Administration
(MHA). In 2011, he was habilitated in the field of paediatrics and in 2019 he
successfully finished his professorship in paediatrics. Currently he works as a
university professor at the Clinic of Children and Adolescents in Martin. Since
2013, he works as clinical immunologist and allergist at the Clinic of
Pulmonology and Phthisiology of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine and University
Hospital in Martin. Since 2014, he has been the guarantor of the specialization
study program in clinical immunology and allergology at the Jessenius Faculty of
Medicine in Martin. In 2017, he became the head of the Department of Clinical
Immunology and Allergology at the University Hospital Martin. In 2019 he became
a Fellow of American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Since 2023, he is
a vice-director of the University Hospital in Martin.

He is the author and co-author of numerous scientific and professional papers in
domestic and foreign journals, as well as the author or co-author of several
domestic and foreign monographs. He is a member of several professional
societies (Slovak Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Czech Society
of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, European
Respiratory Society, American Thorax Society, European Society for
Immunodeficiencies, European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Slovak
Pediatric Society). He is also a member of the editorial boards of several
domestic and foreign journals (e.g., Allergy, Respiratory Medicine, Advances in
Allergology and Dermatology, Frontiers in Pediatrics etc.).

His primary scientific and professional interests include primary
immunodeficiencies, periodic fever syndromes, hereditary angioedema, respiratory
allergic diseases, vaccination in special situations, and severe forms of
allergic diseases.

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Prof. Maciej Kupczyk MD, PhD

Professor at the Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy Clinic of the Medical
University of Lodz, Poland, specialist in internal medicine, lung diseases and
allergology. The main scientific interests include severe asthma, COPD, new
treatments for allergic diseases, biologic treatment, specific immunotherapy and
drug hypersensitivity. President of the Polish Society of Allergology. Author of
numerous scientific publications. He gained experience during trainings at the
Huddinge Sjukhus and the Allergy Research Center, Karolinska Institutet in
Sweden and Ospedale Luigi Sacco in Italy.

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Dr hab. n. med. Marcin Kurowski, prof. UM

I graduated form the Medical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland in 1999, obtained PhD in
2004 basing on research on pharmacoprophylaxis of seasonal allergic rhinits,
received habilitation in 2018 based on the research of clinical and
immunological manifestations of asthma in athletes. I am board certified in
internal medicine (2007) and allergology (2011). Since January 1, 2020 I hold a
position of the University professor. Apart from daily medical practice I am
involved in teaching and research activities of the Medical Faculty of my home
University. My current research and clinical interests include food allergy and
anaphylaxis, urticaria and agioedema, immunotherapy and biological treatment of
allergic diseases as well as asthma and allergy in athletes. I am also chairman
of the 'Sports, asthma and allergy' Section within the Polish Society of

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Valeria Mateeva, MD, PhD

is specialist in Dermatology and venereology and currently Head of
Dermatopathology Unite at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical
University Sofia, Bulgaria. She has specialized in the field of
dermatohistopathology and clinical dermatology in France, Germany and
Switzerland. She contributed to 27 clinical trials for new molecules in
dermatology. She has more than 60 publications in international journals, and 60
publications in national journals.

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Prof. Laura Malinauskiene, MD, PhD

is a highly esteemed allergologist and clinical immunologist immunologist from
Lithuania. She received her medical degree from Vilnius University and completed
her PhD at the Lund University, Sweden researching contact allergy to textile

With over 20 years of experience in the field of allergology and clinical
immunology, Prof. Malinauskiene has made significant contributions to the
understanding of immune responses and autoimmune diseases. She has published
numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and has been a keynote speaker at
various international conferences. She is also actively involved in teaching and
mentoring young scientists in the field of allergology and clinical immunology.

Since 2002, Prof. Malinauskiene works at the Vilnius University Hospital
Santaros Klinikos.

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Prof. Todor A. Popov

is an esteemed allergologist with extensive experience and education in the
field. He obtained his medical degree from Medical University in Sofia and
completed his residency training in Internal Medicine and Clinical Allergology
at the National Centre of Allergology Sofia, Bulgaria.

Prof. Popov has served as a faculty member and researcher at the Clinic of
Allergy and Asthma at the Medical University in Sofia since the 90-ies of the
last century. He has also been a visiting professor and lecturer at various
universities and medical conferences worldwide.

Prof. Popov is former president of Interasma and former vice-president of the
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), being presently an
active member of different committees of EAACI and the World Allergy
Organization. He has authored numerous research articles and book chapters on
the subject, with a h-index of 48 (Scopus, April 2023).

Currently, Prof. Popov continues to practice as a clinical allergologist,
treating patients with various allergic and immunological disorders at the
University Hospital St. Ivan Rilski in Sofia. His clinical work is complemented
by ongoing research in allergy, asthma and immunology, focusing on novel
diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

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Dr Sanja Popovic-Grle, Prof. DrSc.

is a distinguished Croatian pulmonologist with extensive expertise in the
diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. With over 30 years of
experience in the field, Dr Popovic-Grle is renowned for her commitment to
patient care and her contributions to the advancement of pulmonary medicine.
Currently, she works as a Chief of Clinical Department for Allergy and
Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases at Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, Clinic for
Lung Diseases Jordanovac.

Dr Popovic-Grle obtained her medical degree from the University of Zagreb and
completed her residency in pulmonology at the Clinical Hospital for Lung
Diseases Jordanovac Zagreb. She subsequently earned a PhD in respiratory
medicine from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Medicine and later became a
full professor at the same institution.

As an active member of the European Respiratory Society and the Croatian
Respiratory Society, Dr Popovic-Grle has contributed to numerous scientific
publications and presented at international conferences. She has also served on
various editorial boards and review committees for leading respiratory medicine

Dr Popovic-Grle's areas of expertise include the diagnosis and treatment of
asthma, allergic diseases and pulmonary infections. She is known for her
compassionate approach to patient care and her dedication to improving the lives
of those with respiratory illnesses.

Overall, Dr Sanja Popovic-Grle is a highly respected pulmonologist whose
contributions to the field of respiratory medicine have had a profound impact on
patient care and scientific research.

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Nives Pustisek, MD, PhD

is a renowned Croatian dermatologist and venereologist, a specialist in the
field of pediatric dermatology. She has contributed significantly to dermatology
research, particularly in the areas of atopic dermatitis and psychodermatology,
with a focus on improving the quality of life for patients and their families
through educational programs. With a background behavioral cognitive therapy,
dr. Pustisek utilizes a holistic approach in treating skin diseases.

Dr. Pustisek received her medical degree from the University of Zagreb School of
Medicine in Croatia and completed her residency in dermatology at the University
Hospital Center Zagreb. She later obtained her PhD in biomedical sciences from
the same institution. Throughout her career, Dr. Pustisek has published numerous
articles in peer-reviewed medical journals and presented at international

In addition to her research activities, Dr. Pustisek is a dedicated clinician
who has helped countless patients manage and overcome their skin conditions. She
is highly respected by her colleagues and patients for her knowledge, expertise,
and compassionate approach. Her research and clinical expertise have helped
improve the lives of many patients suffering from skin diseases, and her work
continues to inspire and inform others in the field.

Currently, Dr. Pustisek serves as a Head of the Department of Dermatology and
Venereology, Gynecology and Reproductive Health at Children’s Hospital Zagreb,

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Prof. Magdalena Trzeciak, MD, PhD

works at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergy of Medical
University of Gdansk, Poland.

She graduated Medical University of Gdansk in 2001, received her doctorate in AD
immunology in 2009, habilitation based on researches on the skin barrier in
2017, the position of university professor in 2021, the title of full professor
in 2023. She completed her training in Dermatology and Venereolo-gy in 2009, and
in Allergology in 2017.

The area of her clinical subspecialty is allergic skin diseases, particularly
atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and urticaria. Her research interests
focus on skin barrier defect and AD including immuno-logical and genetic
disorders, biomarkers, patient-reported outcomes, comorbidities and the burden
of AD. Her publications include more than 280 articles, abstracts and book
chapters. She is the co-author of Polish recommendations for diagnosis and
treatment of AD and urticaria, international expert opin-ions and position
papers on diagnosis and treatment of AD.

Prof. Trzeciak has been involved in several national and international research
projects on the patho-genies of AD, outcome measures tools for AD severity and
AD burden as well as clinical trials for novel AD treatment. She led several
research grants obtained in a competition mode.

Prof. Trzeciak is the Board Member of the International Society of Atopic
Dermatitis (ISAD) and a member of Polish Society of Dermatology, Polish Society
of Allergy and European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis (ETFAD). She
participated in several organizing and scientific committees of der-matological
and allergy congresses. She is also the chair of the 13th Georg Rajka Symposium
of ISAD. She has been promoter and co-organizer of many popular science and
educational campaigns on skin diseases.

Prof. Trzeciak has been recognized with several honors including Michael
Hornstein Memorial Scholarship from European Academy of Dermatology and
Venereology (EADV, 2011), scientific and educational awards of Rector of Medical
University of Gdansk (2009- 2021) as well as Polish Society of Dermatology for
Young Researchers in Dermatology (2007, 2013, 2015). She was award-ed with the
Bronze Cross of Merit by the President of Poland (2022).

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Plenary Session, 27th April 2023
9:00 – 10:30
Plenary Session: Type 2 inflammation- Common mechanism for multiple inflammatory
Chairman: Prof. George Christoff, MD, PhD, Bulgaria
9:00 – 9:45
Atopic dermatitis yesterday, today and tomorrow
Prof. Jana Tresnak Hercogova MD, MHA, IFAAD, Czech Republic
9:45 – 10:30
T2 immune disorders - allergic or eosinophilic inflammation. A focus on T2
inflammation in upper and lower respiratory tract.
Prof. George Christoff, MD, PhD, Bulgaria


10:30 – 11:00


Plenary Session II: Review case examples of successful collaboration in care and
multidisciplinary partnerships
Chairman: Prof. Todor A. Popov, MD, PhD, Bulgaria
11:00 – 11:30
Treatable Traits: an emerging interdisciplinary approach to foster personalized
Prof. Todor A. Popov, MD, PhD, Bulgaria
11:30 – 12:00
Skin: Interesting Cases and Importance of Interdisciplinary Cooperation.
Prof. Laura Malinauskiene, MD, PhD, Lithuania
12:00 – 12:30
Biological treatment of allergic disease: overcoming challenges through
interdisciplinary cooperation.
Dr hab. n. med. Marcin Kurowski, prof. UM, Poland


12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00
So many biologics: identification of right treatment to the right patients
Chairman: Prof. Alan Altraja, MD, PhD, Estonia
13:30 – 14:00
Selection trajectories of biological therapy in children with severe forms of
allergic diseases.
Prof. Milos Jesenak, MD, PhD, MBA, Dott.Ric., MHA, Slovakia
14:00 – 14:30
Approach to severe asthma: worldwide experience by the International Severe
Asthma Registry
Prof. Alan Altraja, MD, PhD, Estonia
14:30 – 15:00
The identification of the right treatment to the right patient
Prof. Sanja Popovic Grle, MD, PhD, Croatia


15:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:00
Real-world challenges in the management of patients with severe asthma
Chairman: Prof. Maciej Kupczyk, MD, PhD, Poland
15:30 – 16:15
Type T2 inflammation in severe asthma - patients profile
Prof. Radosław Gawlik MD, PhD, Poland
16:15 – 17:00
Severe asthma and comorbid chronic rhinusinusitis with nasal polyposis
Prof. Maciej Kupczyk, MD, PhD, Poland
13:30 – 15:00
Atopic Dermatitis & burden of disease
Chairman: Janette Baloghova, MD, PhD, Slovakia
13:30 – 14:00
Current landscape of Atopic dermatitis in Bulgaria.
Valeria Mateeva, MD, PhD, Bulgaria
14:00 – 14:30
Hot issues in systemic atopic dermatitis treatment.
Prof. Suzana Ljubojevic Hadzavdic, MD, PhD., Croatia
14:30 – 15:00
Dupilumab treatment for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis – a real-life
Janette Baloghová, MD, PhD, Slovakia


15:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:00
Atopic dermatitis in adult and adolescent patients, including long-term and
real-world efficacy
Chairman: Prof. Magdalena Trzeciak, MD, PhD, Poland
15:30 – 16:15
Under focus on Atopic dermatitis in adult patients
Prof. Magdalena Trzeciak, MD, PhD, Poland
16:15 – 17:00
Dermatitis atopica in children and adolescence - our experience.
Nives Pustisek, MD, PhD, Croatia
This event is accredited by European Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (EACCME), an institution of UEMS. All credits are valid in
each member country of EU.


This is a hybrid event. All event sessions will be held in English. Registration
is possible only for online participation. Sessions will be interactive and will
utilize modern congress applications.

Event organizer

Event organizer

General partner

Event Coordinator: Zuzana Hoňková
Tel.: +420 605 803 552