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   * Agriculture, Feed and Animal Care Submarkets:
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       * Bale Wrap
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   * Beauty and Personal Care Submarkets:
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     * Cleansers
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       * Rinse-off Conditioner
       * Shampoo
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     * Interior Decoration and Installation
     * Lighting Systems
     * Roofing
       * Elastomeric Roof Coating
       * Roof Tiles
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       * Composite Insulation Systems (ETICS - EIFS)
       * Insulated Metal Panels
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       * Flexible Molded Foam
       * Flexible Slabstock Foam
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     * Consumer Goods
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       * Battery Pack Assembly
   * Films, Tapes and Release Liners Submarkets:
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     * Release Liners
       * Bakery and Cooking Paper
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       * Hygiene Release
       * Label Release
     * Specialty Tapes and Films
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       * Electrical and Electronics Tapes
       * Labels
       * Mica Tapes
       * Protective Films
   * Food and Beverage Submarkets:
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     * Versatile Food Flavoring Solutions
   * Healthcare and Hygiene Submarkets:
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     * Diapers and Absorbent Products
       * Non-wovens and Fibers
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     * Medical Packaging
     * Pharmaceutical Processing
       * Single-use Bioprocessing Bags
     * Polyethylene Hygienic Cleaning Wipes
     * Reliable Pharmaceutical Solutions
       * Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Manufacturing
       * Enabling Pharmaceutical Gel Capsule Formulations
       * Oral Health
       * Pharmaceutical Topical Formulation: Creams, Ointments and Gels
   * Home Care, Industrial and Institutional Cleaning Submarkets:
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     * Air Care
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       * Fabric Softeners
       * Liquid Laundry Detergents
       * Monodose Laundry Detergents
     * Floor and Surface Care
     * Foam Control
     * Industrial Cleaning
       * Degreasers
       * Silicone Cleaning and Removal
     * Surface Care
     Key Resources:
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   * Mobility Submarkets:
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     * E-Mobility
       * Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)
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       * Displays and Communication
       * Power Electronics
     * Interior, Exterior and Safety
       * Auto Care
       * Automotive Body and Composites
       * Automotive Interiors
       * Lighting Systems
       * Noise, Vibration, Harshness (NVH)
       * Safety Systems
       * Weatherseal Sealants
     * Other Mobility
       * Aerospace and Aviation
       * Fuel Additives
       * Mirco-Mobility
       * Mobility Infrastructure
       * Rail, Trucks and Marine
     * Powertrain and Performance
       * Automotive Lubricants
       * Brake and Steering Systems
       * Electronic Components
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   * Oil, Gas and Mining Submarkets:
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     * Enhance Oil and Gas Refining Process
       * Acid Gas Removal
     * Enhanced Oil Recovery
       * Chemical Flooding EOR
       * Miscible Gas Flooding
       * Steam Foam Additives for Thermal EOR
     * Foam Control
     * Improve Oil and Gas Mining Efficiency
     * Midstream Oil and Gas Solutions
       * Midstream Natural Gas Processing Solutions
       * Oil and Gas Transmission Products
     * Oil and Gas Exploration
     * Oil and Gas Production Solutions
     * Sustainable Oil Sands Mining
   * Packaging Submarkets:
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     * Bottles and Drums
     * Caps, Closures, Lids and Lidding Films
     * Coatings, Sealants and Lacquers
       * Case and Carton Sealing
     * Cosmetic Packaging
     * Food Packaging
       * Cereal and Snacks
       * Liquids
       * Meat and Cheese
       * Pet Food Packaging
     * Heavy-Duty Shipping Sacks
     * Medical Packaging
       * Blow-Fill-Seal Containers (BFS)
       * IV Bag
     * Protective Films and Foams
     * Rigid Containers and Material Handling
     * Shrink Films
     * Stretch Films for Packaging
     * Stretch Hood
     * Sustainable Packaging
   * Paints, Inks and Coatings Submarkets:
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     * Architectural Exterior Coatings
     * Architectural Interior Coatings
     * Architectural Specialty Coatings
     * General Industrial Finishing
     * Inks
     * Metal Packaging
     * Protective Coatings
     * Resin Manufacturing
     * Road Markings
     * Sound Damping Coatings
     * Wood Coatings
   * Power, Water and Telecommunications Submarkets:
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     * Cable and Fiber Optic Telecommunications
     * Electrical Protection
       * Fire Protection for Electrical Cable and Wire Coating
     * High Efficiency Water Treatment Solutions
     * High Performance Power and Utilities Solutions
       * High and Extra-High Voltage Cable Systems
       * High Voltage Composite Insulators
       * High Voltage Insulator Coatings
       * Low Voltage Cable Systems
       * Medium Voltage Cable Systems
       * Silicone Cable Accessories
     * Renewable Energy
       * Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
       * Geothermal Heating and Energy Solutions
       * Photovoltaics and Solar Encapsulants
   * Pulp and Paper Submarkets:
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     * Barrier Coatings for Paper Packaging
       * Mineral Oil and Fatty Acid Barrier
       * Oil and Grease Resistant Barrier Coating
       * Water Barrier Coating for Paper Packaging
     * Coated Paper and Paperboard
     * Intermediates and Components for Paper Chemicals
     * Pulp and Fiber Treatments
     * Pulp and Paper Formulation Aids
     * Pulp and Paper Processing Aids
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   * Textiles, Leather and Nonwovens Submarkets:
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 3. Dow.com Order Management & Placement




Dow.com offers an enhanced capability to deliver the order information you need
most – wherever and whenever you need it. This one-stop, self-serve order
management capability offers convenience by having all your order information
available at any time, access to history and order and delivery documents, and
control in managing your account balances and profile preferences. Note: Not all
customers have access to place an order on Dow.com, contact your Customer
Service Representative for more information.

Order Management & Delivery


Learn how to access your order information when you need it, like certificates
of analysis, invoices, order acknowledgement, delivery notes and more.


View a summary of order management capabilities, providing you with convenience,
access and control of your order information.


View a detailed guide on how to utilize order management on Dow.com.


Dow.com Order Management Demo

Learn how to access all of the order management capabilities on Dow.com with
this step-by-step demonstration.

Order Placement


Watch a detailed training video on how to place orders on Dow.com.




View a summary of new capabilities and solutions that will save you time by
reducing emails and phone calls when ordering online with Dow.


View a detailed guide on the step-by-step instructions for placing orders on

Dow.com Order Management and Placement Demo

Learn how to access all of the order management and placement capabilities on
Dow.com with this step-by-step demonstration.

Video: Shipment Visibility

See how to track your shipments in real time with delivery information and
tracking capabilities that allow you to see milestones and shipment locations
while in transit.

Video Resource Library

Click the arrows below to navigate our full library of order-related video

Video: How to Track Shipments on Dow.com

Reduce emails with your customer service representative by directly accessing
your shipment locations.

Video: How to Download an Order History Report on Dow.com

Access important order information by downloading a list of orders and creating
a customized report.

Video: How to Quickly Reorder on Dow.com

Speed up your reorder process by adding items from a previous order to a new
order and simply check out.

View or Change Ship-To Address on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to view or change the ship-to address on Dow.com.

View and Change Address in MyAccount

A quick how-to video on how to view or change ship-to address using MyAccount.

View Order Status on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to view a status of an order on Dow.com.

Change Date Range on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to change the date range when searching order
information on Dow.com.

View a Packing List on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to view packing list and shipping documents on

View Invoices on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to view invoices on Dow.com.

View Delivery Export on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to view and export to Excel delivery details for
current and past shipments on Dow.com.

View Carrier Notifications on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to access and review carrier notification documents
on Dow.com for deliveries in shipped status.

View Product Handling Documents on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to access product handling information directly and
in the same location as other shipping information on Dow.com.

View Certificate of Analysis on Dow.com

A quick how-to video on how to access Certificate of Analysis (CoA) documents on

Video: How to Place an Order on Dow.com Using Quick Order

Learn how to place an order on Dow.com using the quick order feature.

Video: How to Place an Order on Dow.com Using the Product Catalog

Learn how to place an order on Dow.com using the Product Catalog.

Video: How to Place an Order on Dow.com Using Quick Add

Learn how to place an order on Dow.com using the quick add feature.

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Delivery Address


Items in your cart might be affected by address change

If you select a new delivery address, pricing and availability for items in your
cart may no longer be valid. Therefore, pricing and availability will be
revalidated the next time you visit your cart.


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