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Submission: On February 16 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 7 forms found in the DOM

POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="header__selector-form--action-icons" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="selectors-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input type="hidden"
    name="utf8" value="✓"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="put"><input type="hidden" name="return_to" value="/">
  <div class="localization header-menu__disclosure">
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POST /localization

<form method="post" action="/localization" id="selector-form--mobile" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="selectors-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="localization"><input type="hidden" name="utf8"
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  <div class="localization selectors-form--mobile">
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POST /cart

<form action="/cart" method="post" class="ajax-cart__form is-hidden">
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      <p class="ajax-cart__taxes-shipping-message has-padding-top">Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout </p>
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POST /cart

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      <span class="money"> $0.00 USD </span>
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      <p class="ajax-cart__taxes-shipping-message has-padding-top">Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout </p>
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      <button type="submit" name="checkout" class="ajax-cart__button button--add-to-cart button">
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          <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
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              <path d="M72.79,46.87H27.21a2,2,0,0,1-2-2V27.78a24.79,24.79,0,0,1,49.58,0V44.87A2,2,0,0,1,72.79,46.87Zm-43.58-4H70.79V27.78a20.79,20.79,0,0,0-41.58,0Z"></path>
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<form class="needsclick klaviyo-form klaviyo-form-version-cid_1 kl-private-reset-css-Xuajs1" data-testid="klaviyo-form-LPT7Pp" novalidate="" tabindex="-1"
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SNOOZ Original

Perfect white noise from a real fan. App-enabled.


Upgraded design. Real fan sound. Travel-case case included.


Two fans inside: one for the air, one for the sound.


Rechargable travel sound machine, Bluetooth speaker, & night light.

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SNOOZ Original
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   SNOOZ Original
   Perfect white noise from a real fan. App-enabled.
   SNOOZ Pro
   Upgraded design. Real fan sound. Travel-case case included.
   Two fans inside: one for the air, one for the sound.
   Rechargable travel sound machine, Bluetooth speaker, & night light.
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SNOOZ Original

Perfect white noise from a real fan. App-enabled.


Upgraded design. Real fan sound. Travel-case case included.


Two fans inside: one for the air, one for the sound.


Rechargable travel sound machine, Bluetooth speaker, & night light.

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A better tomorrow starts tonight.

Upgrade your slumber with the world's sleepiest white noise machines.


Shop SNOOZ White Noise Machine

Over 250,000 sound sleepers


Turn your bedroom into a haven for sleep.

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SNOOZ Original  

Perfect white noise from a real fan. Thousands of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews.  

Shop Original


Rechargable travel white noise machine, Bluetooth speaker, & night light.

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Our latest and greatest with an upgraded design and enhanced features.

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SNOOZ your way to superior sleep.

We meticulously engineered best-in-class sound machines for the best sleep

 * Calm a Restless Mind
   Wrap yourself in a blanket of sound so you can fall asleep. Gentle white
   noise provides an environmental cue that it’s time to rest.

 * Promote Deeper Sleep
   Disturbances can knock you out of your REM cycle without you even knowing.
   White noise can prevent disturbances from disrupting your sleep.

 * Wake Up Refreshed
   The better you sleep at night, the better you perform during the day. Making
   your bedroom a comfortable, relaxing space is an investment in wellness.

SNOOZ your way to superior sleep.

We meticulously engineered best-in-class sound machines for the best sleep

Calm a Restless Mind

Wrap yourself in a blanket of sound so you can fall asleep. Gentle white noise
provides an environmental cue that it’s time to rest.

Promote Deeper Sleep

Disturbances can knock you out of your REM cycle without you even knowing. White
noise can prevent disturbances from disrupting your sleep.

Wake Up Refreshed

The better you sleep at night, the better you perform during the day. Making
your bedroom a comfortable, relaxing space is an investment in wellness.

Sleep soundly, live better.

We focus so much on diet and exercise, why not sleep?

The science is clear: sleep plays a crucial role in our overall wellness. When
you sleep better at night, you perform better during the day.


Say goodnight to disturbances.

Don't just track sleep disturbances - end them. SNOOZ raises the baseline level
of sound in your room so many noises are completely masked and others are less


Get the best sleep you’ve ever had. Guaranteed.

Try SNOOZ for the next few months. If you’re not blown away with how much you
love your sleep, return it for free and get your money back.

• Free shipping on all orders

• Free returns on all orders

• 100-Night Happiness Guarantee

• Hassle-Free Warranty

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SNOOZ can help with:

 * Noisy Hotels
   "I'm a flight attendant and sleep at crazy times in noisy hotels and the
   SNOOZ is a lifesaver."
   -Jessica C.

 * Loud Neighbors
   "I went from hardly any sleep because of my neighbors annoying dogs to not
   hearing them at all!"
   -Belinda C.

 * City Noise
   "I use this to mask the constant, noisy traffic outside my window and this
   certainly does the job."
   -Libby L.


“I was skeptical of this sound machine at first, but now I can't sleep without

"If this white noise machine can't get you a good night of shut-eye, nothing

"The SNOOZ should be able to lull even the lightest sleeper to dreamland."

Get the best shut-eye you’ve ever had. Guaranteed.

Try our products for the next few months. If you’re not blown away with how much
you love your sleep, return it for free and get your money back.

• Free shipping and free returns on all orders

• 100-Night Happiness Guarantee

• Hassle-Free Warranty


SNOOZ can help with:

Noisy Hotels

“I’m a flight attendant and sleep at crazy times in noisy hotels and the SNOOZ
is a lifesaver.”

-Jessica C.

Loud Neighbors

“I went from hardly any sleep because of my neighbors annoying dogs to not
hearing them at all!!!”

-Belinda C.

City Noise

“I use this to mask the constant, noisy traffic outside my window and this
certainly does the job.”

-Libby L.

You deserve better sleep.

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