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People with
visual impairment Українською
 * About Ministry
    * Mission and Principles
    * Leadership
    * Structure of the Ministry of Finance
    * Recruitment
      * Vacancies
      * Results
    * Accountable agencies
      * State Enterprises and Institutions Belonging to the Sphere of Management
        of the Ministry
        * State enterprise "Management for the operation of the property
        * Western state-owned enterprise screening control
      * State Service for Financial Monitoring
      * State Treasury
      * The State Audit Service of Ukraine
      * State Tax Service of Ukraine
      * State Customs Service of Ukraine
      * Personnel Audit Procedures of State Customs Service
      * State Tax University
    * Minfin Panel
    * Personnel Audit Procedures
    * Contacts
      * Phone directory

 * Policy Issues
    * Budget policy
      * Budget
        * State budget
          * Anti-COVID-19 Fund
          * Governance
          * Budget 2023
          * Budget 2022
          * Budget 2021
          * Budget 2020
          * Previous Years Budgets
          * Budget Expenditures
          * Expenditures on social assistance
          * Healthcare Financing
          * Education expenditures
          * Citizens Budget
        * Local Budgets
          * Legislation
          * For the Key Spending Units of the State Budget
          * Program Based Budgeting on a Local Level
          * Local Budgets Approval
          * Execution of Local Budget Revenues
          * Gender-oriented budgeting at local level
      * Transparent Budget
      * BudgetPRO Project - Budget Policy
    * Tax Policy
      * One-time voluntary declaration
      * State Tax Service Reform
      * VAT Refund
      * General Tax Clarifications
      * Cash Registers
      * VAT taxation of supply transactions non-residents of electronic services
        to individuals
      * Explanation
    * Customs Policy
      * Customs Reform
        * Common transit mode
        * System of simplifications
        * General declaration of arrival
        * Authorized economic operators
        * The only window for international trade
        * Promoting the protection of intellectual property rights
        * Qualification and reliability testing
        * Functioning of the State Customs Service in the format of a single
          legal entity
    * Accounting and Auditing
      * Accounting
        * Introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards
          * Translation of the 2022 International Financial Reporting Standards
            and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
          * Archive of translations
            * Translations of 2021 (updated)
            * Translations of 2020
            * Translations of 2016
          * Taxonomy
          * General Clarifications (filled in after the preparation of the
            relevant letters of explanation)
        * Accounting in Private Sector
          * Legal Support of Accounting in Private Sector
          * General Clarifications
        * Accounting in the Public Sector
          * Legal Support of Accounting in the Public Sector
          * General Clarifications (filled in in chronological order after the
            preparation of the relevant letters of explanation)
        * Methodological Accounting Council under the Ministry of Finance of
          Ukraine (download a short description)
        * IFRS Council under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (download a
          short description)
      * Auditing
        * Legal Support of Auditing (download documents by the list)
        * International Auditing Standards
        * General Clarifications
    * Debt policy
      * Overview
        * State Debt and State-guaranteed Debt
        * Strategy and Debt management program
        * Procedure for Providing State Guarantees
          * State Portfolio Guarantees
        * Local Debt and Local-guaranteed Debt
        * Legislation
      * Debt News
      * Debt Statistics
        * State Debt and State Guaranteed Debt
        * Local Debt and Local-guaranteed Debt
        * SDDS IMF Statistics (Central government debt)
        * Debt Payments and Forecasts
        * State Guarantees Register
        * Indebtness to the state
      * Domestic Bonds
        * Local Bonds Issued during the War Time
        * Auctions Procedure
        * Auction Calendar
        * Auction announcements and results
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2017-2018
          * 2016-2017
          * 2015
        * Outstanding domestic bonds
        * Legislation
        * Benchmarks
        * Domestic Government Bonds for Local Budgets
        * Domestic government bonds for population
      * Primary Dealers
        * Primary Dealers List
        * Primary Dealers Ranking
        * Selection and Evaluation of Primary Dealers
        * Legislation
      * Eurobonds
        * Issuance Procedure
        * Outstanding Eurobonds
        * Prospectus
        * LEI Code
      * Credit Rating
        * Credit Ratings 2023
      * Investor Relations
        * IR calendar
        * Macroeconomic forecast for 2022-2024
        * ESG Performance
    * Financial Policy
      * State-owned Banks
        * Reports on State-owned Banks
        * PrivatBank
        * Ukreximbank
        * Oschadbank
        * Ukrgazbank
      * Banks entitled to process the payments of the public entities employees
    * Financial Monitoring
      * Statements and reports of international organizations
      * Legislation
      * International standards
      * Methodological assistance (recommendations and explanations)
      * Education, trainings and seminars
      * Samples of drawing up a schematic representation of the ownership
      * List of states (jurisdictions) that do not comply or improperly
        implement the recommendations of international and intergovernmental
        organizations involved in the field prevention and counteraction
      * List of persons to whom sanctions have been applied
      * List of terrorists
      * Send a report on violation of the legislation in the field of prevention
        and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime,
        terrorist financing and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass
    * International Cooperation
      * Partners
        * EU
          * Implementation of the Association Agreement
          * Macro-Financial Assistance
          * Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM)
          * Joint operational programs of European Cross Border Cooperation
            * Announcements, announcements, news
            * Competitive selection of auditors
            * Joint Programmes Websites
            * Legislation
            * For auditors
        * International Monetary Fund
          * Memorandum of Economic & Financial Policies
          * Stand-by
          * Extended Fund Facility
      * Cooperation in Attracting Financing from the International Financial
        * Procedure for attracting funds of International Financial Institutions
        * World Bank
          * Strengthening public resources management project
        * EBRD
        * EIB
        * Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
        * KFW
        * Register of Joint IFIs Projects at the Stage of Preparation and
          Implementation (information)
        * International Technical Assistance (within the competence of the
          Ministry of Finance)
        * Monitoring of international technical assistance projects
      * Cooperation with the Development Partners
    * International Tax Relations
      * Taxation abroad
      * International agreements of Ukraine on avoidance of double taxation
      * CRS
        * Sample forms of self-certifications
        * CRS for citizens
        * Clarification
      * BEPS
      * FATCA
      * MLI
    * Development of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC)
      * PIFC Clarifications
      * Тemplates on internal control and internal audit
      * Methodical guidelines
      * Information on the Public Internal Control and Internal Audit
      * PIFC Activities Conducted
      * Certification of internal auditors
    * Other Areas of Public Policy
      * Internal Audit
      * Reform Support Team Project Management Office
        * Vacancies
      * Verification of State Social Payments
        * Providing access to information in the information-analytical platform
          of electronic verification and monitoring to agencies making state
      * Fiscal Risks Managament
        * Clarifications
        * Legislation on Fiscal Risks Management
        * List of Economic Entities with which Major Fiscal Risks May Be Related
        * Reports
      * Operations with precious stones and metals
      * Licensing
    * Public Finance Management Strategy (PFMS)
      * Reports
    * Strategic Plan
    * Key Spending Unit - Ministry of Finance
      * Budget Requests
      * Passports of Budget Programs
      * Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Budget Programs
      * Procurement Reports
      * Budget Information
      * Information on the effectiveness of the use of public funds
    * Cash Management
    * Programs

 * Legislation
    * Regulatory Activity
      * reports_on_the_effectiveness_of_regulatory_acts_2023
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2022
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2022
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2022
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2020
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2021
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2020
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2020
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2019
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2019
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2018
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2018
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2017
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2017
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2016
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2016
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2015
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2015
    * Draft Regulatory Acts Discussion
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2023
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2022
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2021
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2020
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2019
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2018
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2017
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2016
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2015
    * Draft Legislation
      * Legal acts drafts 2023
      * Legal acts drafts 2022
      * Legal acts drafts 2021
      * Legal acts drafts 2020
      * Legal acts drafts 2019
      * Legal acts drafts 2018
      * Legal acts drafts 2017
      * Legal acts drafts 2016
      * Legal acts drafts 2015
    * Decrees
      * Decrees 2023
      * Decrees 2022
      * Decrees 2021
      * Decrees 2020
      * Decrees 2019
      * Decrees 2018
      * Decrees 2017

 * Data
    * Open budget
    * Spending
    * Register of Joint IFIs Projects
    * Macroeconomic Review
    * Debt Indicators
    * Anti-covid fund Data
    * IMF Special Data Distribution Standard (SSDD IMF)
    * Statistical Digest
    * Reports on State-owned Banks
    * Fiscal Risks Management
    * State Budget Execution
    * IMF Technical Mission Reports
    * Local Budgets Execution
    * Education expenditures

 * Cooperation with Civil Society
    * Appeals
      * Повідомити про корупцію
        * Inform about corruption
      * Specially authorized entities in the field of anti-corruption
      * Personal Reception
        * Графік прийому керівництва Міністерства
        * Графік прийому керівників ССПМ
    * Access to Public Information
      * Access Rights
      * Forms and Procedure for Filing a Public Information Request
      * Public Information System
      * Procedure for Copying Documents
      * Requests Receipt Reports
      * Legislation on Access to Public Information
      * Principles of formation and amount of payment management work
    * Interaction with the Public
      * E-consultations
      * Tentative Plan of Public Consultation
      * Public Council 2021
      * Previous Public Councils
        * Public Council 2019
      * Civil appraisal
      * Public discussions
    * Free legal assistance
    * Prevention of manifestations corruption
      * Anti-corruption program Ministry of Finance
        * Reports on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Program
      * Acts of anti-corruption legislation
      * Plans and reports of the authorized unit
      * Conflict of interest
      * Declaration
    * Barrier-free
    * Public Information Sharing System
    * Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights

 * Press Center
    * News and Announcements
    * Articles and interviews
    * Photo and Video
    * Press Center Contacts

 * Transparent budget
   Investor Relations
 * Search
   State websites of Ukraine


Find in documents

 * Budget policy
 * Debt policy
 * State-owned Banks
 * International Cooperation
 * VAT Refund

 * Home
 * Press Center
 * News and Announcements
 * Sergii Marchenko: State Budget revenues increased by 45% in May 2023 compared
   to May 2022

MAY 2022

 * About Ministry
    * Mission and Principles
    * Leadership
    * Structure of the Ministry of Finance
    * Recruitment
      * Vacancies
      * Results
    * Accountable agencies
      * State Enterprises and Institutions Belonging to the Sphere of Management
        of the Ministry
        * State enterprise "Management for the operation of the property
        * Western state-owned enterprise screening control
      * State Service for Financial Monitoring
      * State Treasury
      * The State Audit Service of Ukraine
      * State Tax Service of Ukraine
      * State Customs Service of Ukraine
      * Personnel Audit Procedures of State Customs Service
      * State Tax University
    * Minfin Panel
    * Personnel Audit Procedures
    * Contacts
      * Phone directory

 * Policy Issues
    * Budget policy
      * Budget
        * State budget
          * Anti-COVID-19 Fund
          * Governance
          * Budget 2023
          * Budget 2022
          * Budget 2021
          * Budget 2020
          * Previous Years Budgets
          * Budget Expenditures
          * Expenditures on social assistance
          * Healthcare Financing
          * Education expenditures
          * Citizens Budget
        * Local Budgets
          * Legislation
          * For the Key Spending Units of the State Budget
          * Program Based Budgeting on a Local Level
          * Local Budgets Approval
          * Execution of Local Budget Revenues
          * Gender-oriented budgeting at local level
      * Transparent Budget
      * BudgetPRO Project - Budget Policy
    * Tax Policy
      * One-time voluntary declaration
      * State Tax Service Reform
      * VAT Refund
      * General Tax Clarifications
      * Cash Registers
      * VAT taxation of supply transactions non-residents of electronic services
        to individuals
      * Explanation
    * Customs Policy
      * Customs Reform
        * Common transit mode
        * System of simplifications
        * General declaration of arrival
        * Authorized economic operators
        * The only window for international trade
        * Promoting the protection of intellectual property rights
        * Qualification and reliability testing
        * Functioning of the State Customs Service in the format of a single
          legal entity
    * Accounting and Auditing
      * Accounting
        * Introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards
          * Translation of the 2022 International Financial Reporting Standards
            and the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
          * Archive of translations
            * Translations of 2021 (updated)
            * Translations of 2020
            * Translations of 2016
          * Taxonomy
          * General Clarifications (filled in after the preparation of the
            relevant letters of explanation)
        * Accounting in Private Sector
          * Legal Support of Accounting in Private Sector
          * General Clarifications
        * Accounting in the Public Sector
          * Legal Support of Accounting in the Public Sector
          * General Clarifications (filled in in chronological order after the
            preparation of the relevant letters of explanation)
        * Methodological Accounting Council under the Ministry of Finance of
          Ukraine (download a short description)
        * IFRS Council under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (download a
          short description)
      * Auditing
        * Legal Support of Auditing (download documents by the list)
        * International Auditing Standards
        * General Clarifications
    * Debt policy
      * Overview
        * State Debt and State-guaranteed Debt
        * Strategy and Debt management program
        * Procedure for Providing State Guarantees
          * State Portfolio Guarantees
        * Local Debt and Local-guaranteed Debt
        * Legislation
      * Debt News
      * Debt Statistics
        * State Debt and State Guaranteed Debt
        * Local Debt and Local-guaranteed Debt
        * SDDS IMF Statistics (Central government debt)
        * Debt Payments and Forecasts
        * State Guarantees Register
        * Indebtness to the state
      * Domestic Bonds
        * Local Bonds Issued during the War Time
        * Auctions Procedure
        * Auction Calendar
        * Auction announcements and results
          * 2021
          * 2020
          * 2019
          * 2017-2018
          * 2016-2017
          * 2015
        * Outstanding domestic bonds
        * Legislation
        * Benchmarks
        * Domestic Government Bonds for Local Budgets
        * Domestic government bonds for population
      * Primary Dealers
        * Primary Dealers List
        * Primary Dealers Ranking
        * Selection and Evaluation of Primary Dealers
        * Legislation
      * Eurobonds
        * Issuance Procedure
        * Outstanding Eurobonds
        * Prospectus
        * LEI Code
      * Credit Rating
        * Credit Ratings 2023
      * Investor Relations
        * IR calendar
        * Macroeconomic forecast for 2022-2024
        * ESG Performance
    * Financial Policy
      * State-owned Banks
        * Reports on State-owned Banks
        * PrivatBank
        * Ukreximbank
        * Oschadbank
        * Ukrgazbank
      * Banks entitled to process the payments of the public entities employees
    * Financial Monitoring
      * Statements and reports of international organizations
      * Legislation
      * International standards
      * Methodological assistance (recommendations and explanations)
      * Education, trainings and seminars
      * Samples of drawing up a schematic representation of the ownership
      * List of states (jurisdictions) that do not comply or improperly
        implement the recommendations of international and intergovernmental
        organizations involved in the field prevention and counteraction
      * List of persons to whom sanctions have been applied
      * List of terrorists
      * Send a report on violation of the legislation in the field of prevention
        and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime,
        terrorist financing and financing of proliferation of weapons of mass
    * International Cooperation
      * Partners
        * EU
          * Implementation of the Association Agreement
          * Macro-Financial Assistance
          * Public Finance Management Support Programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM)
          * Joint operational programs of European Cross Border Cooperation
            * Announcements, announcements, news
            * Competitive selection of auditors
            * Joint Programmes Websites
            * Legislation
            * For auditors
        * International Monetary Fund
          * Memorandum of Economic & Financial Policies
          * Stand-by
          * Extended Fund Facility
      * Cooperation in Attracting Financing from the International Financial
        * Procedure for attracting funds of International Financial Institutions
        * World Bank
          * Strengthening public resources management project
        * EBRD
        * EIB
        * Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
        * KFW
        * Register of Joint IFIs Projects at the Stage of Preparation and
          Implementation (information)
        * International Technical Assistance (within the competence of the
          Ministry of Finance)
        * Monitoring of international technical assistance projects
      * Cooperation with the Development Partners
    * International Tax Relations
      * Taxation abroad
      * International agreements of Ukraine on avoidance of double taxation
      * CRS
        * Sample forms of self-certifications
        * CRS for citizens
        * Clarification
      * BEPS
      * FATCA
      * MLI
    * Development of Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC)
      * PIFC Clarifications
      * Тemplates on internal control and internal audit
      * Methodical guidelines
      * Information on the Public Internal Control and Internal Audit
      * PIFC Activities Conducted
      * Certification of internal auditors
    * Other Areas of Public Policy
      * Internal Audit
      * Reform Support Team Project Management Office
        * Vacancies
      * Verification of State Social Payments
        * Providing access to information in the information-analytical platform
          of electronic verification and monitoring to agencies making state
      * Fiscal Risks Managament
        * Clarifications
        * Legislation on Fiscal Risks Management
        * List of Economic Entities with which Major Fiscal Risks May Be Related
        * Reports
      * Operations with precious stones and metals
      * Licensing
    * Public Finance Management Strategy (PFMS)
      * Reports
    * Strategic Plan
    * Key Spending Unit - Ministry of Finance
      * Budget Requests
      * Passports of Budget Programs
      * Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Budget Programs
      * Procurement Reports
      * Budget Information
      * Information on the effectiveness of the use of public funds
    * Cash Management
    * Programs

 * Legislation
    * Regulatory Activity
      * reports_on_the_effectiveness_of_regulatory_acts_2023
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2022
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2022
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2022
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2020
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2021
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2020
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2020
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2019
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2019
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2018
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2018
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2017
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2017
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2016
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2016
      * Schedule of measures to monitor the effectiveness of regulatory acts
      * Reports on the effectiveness of regulatory acts 2015
      * The activity plan for the preparation of the regulatory acts draft 2015
    * Draft Regulatory Acts Discussion
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2023
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2022
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2021
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2020
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2019
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2018
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2017
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2016
      * Regulatory acts draft for discussion 2015
    * Draft Legislation
      * Legal acts drafts 2023
      * Legal acts drafts 2022
      * Legal acts drafts 2021
      * Legal acts drafts 2020
      * Legal acts drafts 2019
      * Legal acts drafts 2018
      * Legal acts drafts 2017
      * Legal acts drafts 2016
      * Legal acts drafts 2015
    * Decrees
      * Decrees 2023
      * Decrees 2022
      * Decrees 2021
      * Decrees 2020
      * Decrees 2019
      * Decrees 2018
      * Decrees 2017

 * Data
    * Open budget
    * Spending
    * Register of Joint IFIs Projects
    * Macroeconomic Review
    * Debt Indicators
    * Anti-covid fund Data
    * IMF Special Data Distribution Standard (SSDD IMF)
    * Statistical Digest
    * Reports on State-owned Banks
    * Fiscal Risks Management
    * State Budget Execution
    * IMF Technical Mission Reports
    * Local Budgets Execution
    * Education expenditures

 * Cooperation with Civil Society
    * Appeals
      * Повідомити про корупцію
        * Inform about corruption
      * Specially authorized entities in the field of anti-corruption
      * Personal Reception
        * Графік прийому керівництва Міністерства
        * Графік прийому керівників ССПМ
    * Access to Public Information
      * Access Rights
      * Forms and Procedure for Filing a Public Information Request
      * Public Information System
      * Procedure for Copying Documents
      * Requests Receipt Reports
      * Legislation on Access to Public Information
      * Principles of formation and amount of payment management work
    * Interaction with the Public
      * E-consultations
      * Tentative Plan of Public Consultation
      * Public Council 2021
      * Previous Public Councils
        * Public Council 2019
      * Civil appraisal
      * Public discussions
    * Free legal assistance
    * Prevention of manifestations corruption
      * Anti-corruption program Ministry of Finance
        * Reports on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Program
      * Acts of anti-corruption legislation
      * Plans and reports of the authorized unit
      * Conflict of interest
      * Declaration
    * Barrier-free
    * Public Information Sharing System
    * Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights

 * Press Center
    * News and Announcements
    * Articles and interviews
    * Photo and Video
    * Press Center Contacts

 * 1
 * 2

View gallery
23 June 2023

Today, Minister of Finance of Ukraine Sergii Marchenko, Government Commissioner
for Public Debt Management Yuriy Butsa and Deputy Minister of Finance Olga
Zykova participated in the Global Official Institutions Conference organized by
BNP Paribas in Paris.

The event was also attended by over 100 representatives of ministries and
central banks as well as international financial organizations and sovereign
wealth funds from all over the world. 

Speaking as a keynote speaker of the panel discussion, the Minister of Finance
of Ukraine spoke about the state and prospects of the Ukrainian economy, the
implementation of the State Budget in the conditions of war and the
opportunities and challenges for the country's recovery.

"In 2023, we have much better financial results than a year ago. Thanks to the
strong financial support and comprehensive measures implemented by the
Government of Ukraine, we ensure a balanced budget and financing of critical
expenditures, especially in the social sphere. Monetary and fiscal policies are
under control. The State Budget revenues increased by 45% in May 2023 compared
to May 2022," said Sergii Marchenko.

At the same time, the Minister of Finance emphasized that external financial
support continues to play an important role. International partners have assured
Ukraine that they will provide a total of USD 42.5 billion in direct budgetary
aid this year. 

As of today, Ukraine has received about USD 22 billion of external financing for
the priority needs of the State Budget in 2023. The Ministry of Finance of
Ukraine is also actively cooperating with its partners to meet the needs of the
State Budget in 2024.

In the context of the recovery, Sergii Marchenko spoke about the existing
instruments for raising funds for the recovery. The World Bank has created
effective mechanisms for attracting assistance, such as the URTF trust fund and
the SPUR special program. The European Investment Bank has approved the EU for
UkraineInitiative, a new financing scheme for reconstruction and recovery in
Ukraine. The EBRD has established the EBRD Crisis Response Fund with a special
focus on Ukraine. 

"Recovery requires a comprehensive approach. In addition to assistance from IFIs
and partner countries, it is important for us to attract private investment. The
cost of reconstruction will amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. We are
interested in creating conditions for attracting private investment and
structuring it in the best possible way. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine is
already actively working with partners to resolve this issue, in particular to
insure war risks," the Minister of Finance of Ukraine added.

The Minister of Finance also shared his impressions of the recent Ukraine
Recovery Conference held in London on June 21-22.

Sergii Marchenko urged foreign businesses to invest in Ukraine and assured them
of the readiness of the Government of Ukraine to cooperate to ensure safe and
favorable conditions.

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President of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
State Treasury Service of Ukraine
National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
State Tax Service of Ukraine
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