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URL: https://evolutionbikes.pl/en/products/trek-procaliber-9-5-2022-copia
Submission: On January 16 via api from US — Scanned from PL

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POST /en/cart

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POST /en/cart/add

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 * Clothing and Shoes
   Clothing and Shoes
    * Clothing Accessories
      Clothing Accessories
       * Neck warmer
       * Shoe covers
       * Leggings and Knee Pads
       * Sleeves
       * Leg warmers
       * Caps and balaclavas
    * Jerseys
       * Short Sleeve Cycling Jerseys
       * Long Sleeve Cycling Jerseys
       * Short Sleeve MTB Jerseys
       * Long Sleeve MTB Jerseys
       * Zwykły
    * Dungarees and trousers
      Dungarees and trousers
       * Tights
       * Shorts
       * Dungarees
       * MTB Pants
       * MTB shorts
    * Shoes
       * Racing Bike Shoes
       * MTB shoes
       * Gravel shoes
    * Glasses and Masks
      Glasses and Masks
       * Eyeglasses
       * Masks
    * Jackets
    * Vest
    * Complete
    * Socks
    * Gloves
    * Intimate

 * Accessories
    * Bags
       * Bike Carrier Bags
       * Luggage Bags
       * Saddle Bags
       * Frame Bags
    * Creams and Supplements
      Creams and Supplements
       * Wsuwka
       * Żel
       * Liquids
       * Creams
    * Tubeless Kits
      Tubeless Kits
       * Tubeless latex
       * Tubeless tapes
       * Tubeless valves
    * Bike rack
      Bike rack
       * Wall bike rack
       * Floor bike rack
       * Car bike rack
    * Rollers and Accessories
      Rollers and Accessories
       * Roller accessories
       * Cyclosimulators
       * Rollers
    * Anti-puncture band
    * Water bottles
    * Easels
    * Baskets
    * Padlocks and Chains
    * Baby carriers
    * Roof Racks and Trailers
    * Tool holder
    * Mudguards
    * Bottle cage
    * Bike Protection
    * Child Seats and Towing
    * Mirrors
    * Supports for accessories
    * Backpacks

 * Tools and Maintenance
   Tools and Maintenance
    * Tools
       * Tools for Chains and Cassette
       * Tools for Wheels and Tires
       * Scales
       * Hex and torque wrenches
       * Multitools
       * Tool Cases
    * Pumps and Repair
      Pumps and Repair
       * Co2 dispensers and cartridges
       * Pressure gauges
       * Mini pumps
       * Floor pumps
       * Suspension Pumps
       * Electric Pumps
       * Puncture Repair
    * Lubricants
       * Chain lubricants
       * Fork and Shock Oil
       * Fats and Gels
    * Brake Maintenance
      Brake Maintenance
       * Brake oil
       * Brake bleeding
    * Cleaning
       * Cleaning tools
       * Degreasers
       * Detergents
    * Maintenance stands

 * Bicycles and Frames
   Bicycles and Frames
    * Electric Bicycles
      Electric Bicycles
       * Electric City Bicycles
       * Electric Racing Bicycles
       * Electric Gravel Bicycles
       * MTB Electric Bicycles
    * Racing bicycles
      Racing bicycles
       * Racing Bike with Traditional Brake
       * Disc Racing Bike
    * MTB bicycles
      MTB bicycles
       * Przód roweru górskiego
       * Pełny rower górski
    * City bicycles
    * Gravel bicycles
    * Children's bicycles
    * Scooters
    * Racing Bicycle Frames
    * MTB Bicycle Frames

 * Motorcycle Helmets
   Motorcycle Helmets
    * Children's Motorcycle Helmets
    * Full Face Motorcycle Helmets
    * Motorcycle Jet Helmets
    * Modular Helmet

 * Components
    * Transmission
       * You change
       * Derailleurs
       * Cages and Pulleys
       * Boxes
       * Chains
       * Gear Cables and Sheaths
       * Shift commands
       * Crowns
       * Cranksets
       * Central Movements
       * Electronic Group Accessories
    * Steering area
      Steering area
       * Handlebar Stems
       * Knobs
       * Handlebar Tapes
       * Headset
       * Racing handlebars
       * Gravel handlebars
       * MTB handlebars
       * TT handlebars
    * Tyres
       * City Bike Tires
       * Racing Bike Tires
       * Electric Bike Tires
       * Gravel and Cyclocross tyres
       * MTB tyres
       * Tubulars
    * Sella area
      Sella area
       * Seatpost collars
       * Telescopic seat posts
       * Telescopic Seatpost Spare Parts
       * Seatpost
       * Saddles
    * Disk brakes
      Disk brakes
       * Discs
       * Disc Brake Systems
       * Disc Brake Levers
       * Disc Brake Calipers
       * Disc brake spare parts
    * Skate brakes
      Skate brakes
       * Brake Accessories
       * Brake Cables and Sheaths
       * Brake Levers
       * Brake Pads
       * Brake calipers
    * Wheels
       * Wheel Accessories and Spare Parts
       * Racing Wheels
       * Gravel wheels
       * MTB wheels
    * Groups
       * Gravel groups
       * MTB groups
       * Road Groups
       * Electronic Groups
    * Power Meters
      Power Meters
       * Cranksets with Power Meter
       * Pedals with Power Meter
       * Cranks with Power Meter
       * Power Meter Spare Parts
    * Forks and Shock Absorbers
      Forks and Shock Absorbers
       * Shock absorbers
       * Suspension Forks
       * Rigid Forks
       * Fork spare parts
    * Pedals
       * Automatic pedals
       * Magnetic Pedals
       * Flat pedals
       * Cleats and spare parts
    * Inner tubes
    * E-Bike batteries
    * Screws
    * Bearings

 * Electronics
    * Cycle Computers and Accessories
      Cycle Computers and Accessories
       * Cycle-Computer
       * Cycle-Computer Sensors
       * Cycle-Computer Supports
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       * Rear lights
       * Light support
    * Video cameras

 * Helmets and Protections
   Helmets and Protections
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      Bike Helmets
       * Children's helmets
       * Racing Bike Helmets
       * MTB helmets
       * Helmet Spare Parts
    * Protections
       * Knee pads
       * Elbow pads
       * Protective Shorts
       * Back protector and chest protectors

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      Used MTB bicycles
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       * Full Used Mountain Bikes
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 * Clothing and Shoes
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      * Shoe covers
      * Leggings and Knee Pads
      * Sleeves
      * Leg warmers
      * Caps and balaclavas
    * Jerseys
      * Short Sleeve Cycling Jerseys
      * Long Sleeve Cycling Jerseys
      * Short Sleeve MTB Jerseys
      * Long Sleeve MTB Jerseys
      * Zwykły
    * Dungarees and trousers
      * Tights
      * Shorts
      * Dungarees
      * MTB Pants
      * MTB shorts
    * Shoes
      * Racing Bike Shoes
      * MTB shoes
      * Gravel shoes
    * Glasses and Masks
      * Eyeglasses
      * Masks
    * Jackets
    * Vest
    * Complete
    * Socks
    * Gloves
    * Intimate

 * Accessories
    * Bags
      * Bike Carrier Bags
      * Luggage Bags
      * Saddle Bags
      * Frame Bags
    * Creams and Supplements
      * Wsuwka
      * Żel
      * Liquids
      * Creams
    * Tubeless Kits
      * Tubeless latex
      * Tubeless tapes
      * Tubeless valves
    * Bike rack
      * Wall bike rack
      * Floor bike rack
      * Car bike rack
    * Rollers and Accessories
      * Roller accessories
      * Cyclosimulators
      * Rollers
    * Anti-puncture band
    * Water bottles
    * Easels
    * Baskets
    * Padlocks and Chains
    * Baby carriers
    * Roof Racks and Trailers
    * Tool holder
    * Mudguards
    * Bottle cage
    * Bike Protection
    * Child Seats and Towing
    * Mirrors
    * Supports for accessories
    * Backpacks

 * Tools and Maintenance
    * Tools
      * Tools for Chains and Cassette
      * Tools for Wheels and Tires
      * Scales
      * Hex and torque wrenches
      * Multitools
      * Tool Cases
    * Pumps and Repair
      * Co2 dispensers and cartridges
      * Pressure gauges
      * Mini pumps
      * Floor pumps
      * Suspension Pumps
      * Electric Pumps
      * Puncture Repair
    * Lubricants
      * Chain lubricants
      * Fork and Shock Oil
      * Fats and Gels
    * Brake Maintenance
      * Brake oil
      * Brake bleeding
    * Cleaning
      * Cleaning tools
      * Degreasers
      * Detergents
    * Maintenance stands

 * Bicycles and Frames
    * Electric Bicycles
      * Electric City Bicycles
      * Electric Racing Bicycles
      * Electric Gravel Bicycles
      * MTB Electric Bicycles
    * Racing bicycles
      * Racing Bike with Traditional Brake
      * Disc Racing Bike
    * MTB bicycles
      * Przód roweru górskiego
      * Pełny rower górski
    * City bicycles
    * Gravel bicycles
    * Children's bicycles
    * Scooters
    * Racing Bicycle Frames
    * MTB Bicycle Frames

 * Motorcycle Helmets
    * Children's Motorcycle Helmets
    * Full Face Motorcycle Helmets
    * Motorcycle Jet Helmets
    * Modular Helmet

 * Components
    * Transmission
      * You change
      * Derailleurs
      * Cages and Pulleys
      * Boxes
      * Chains
      * Gear Cables and Sheaths
      * Shift commands
      * Crowns
      * Cranksets
      * Central Movements
      * Electronic Group Accessories
    * Steering area
      * Handlebar Stems
      * Knobs
      * Handlebar Tapes
      * Headset
      * Racing handlebars
      * Gravel handlebars
      * MTB handlebars
      * TT handlebars
    * Tyres
      * City Bike Tires
      * Racing Bike Tires
      * Electric Bike Tires
      * Gravel and Cyclocross tyres
      * MTB tyres
      * Tubulars
    * Sella area
      * Seatpost collars
      * Telescopic seat posts
      * Telescopic Seatpost Spare Parts
      * Seatpost
      * Saddles
    * Disk brakes
      * Discs
      * Disc Brake Systems
      * Disc Brake Levers
      * Disc Brake Calipers
      * Disc brake spare parts
    * Skate brakes
      * Brake Accessories
      * Brake Cables and Sheaths
      * Brake Levers
      * Brake Pads
      * Brake calipers
    * Wheels
      * Wheel Accessories and Spare Parts
      * Racing Wheels
      * Gravel wheels
      * MTB wheels
    * Groups
      * Gravel groups
      * MTB groups
      * Road Groups
      * Electronic Groups
    * Power Meters
      * Cranksets with Power Meter
      * Pedals with Power Meter
      * Cranks with Power Meter
      * Power Meter Spare Parts
    * Forks and Shock Absorbers
      * Shock absorbers
      * Suspension Forks
      * Rigid Forks
      * Fork spare parts
    * Pedals
      * Automatic pedals
      * Magnetic Pedals
      * Flat pedals
      * Cleats and spare parts
    * Inner tubes
    * E-Bike batteries
    * Screws
    * Bearings

 * Electronics
    * Cycle Computers and Accessories
      * Cycle-Computer
      * Cycle-Computer Sensors
      * Cycle-Computer Supports
      * Cardio bands
      * Sports Watches
    * Lighting
      * Front Lights
      * Rear lights
      * Light support
    * Video cameras

 * Helmets and Protections
    * Bike Helmets
      * Children's helmets
      * Racing Bike Helmets
      * MTB helmets
      * Helmet Spare Parts
    * Protections
      * Knee pads
      * Elbow pads
      * Protective Shorts
      * Back protector and chest protectors

 * Used
    * Used MTB bicycles
      * Used Mountain Bike Front
      * Full Used Mountain Bikes
    * Used racing bicycles
    * Used Gravel Bicycles
    * Used Electric Bicycles
    * Used Wheels
    * Used looms


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Regular price 5.748,94 zł
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Szary litowo/czarny Trek / S - 5.748,94 zł - Sold outSzary litowo/czarny Trek /
M - 5.748,94 zł - Sold outSzary litowo/czarny Trek / M/L - 5.748,94 złSzary
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The Trek Procaliber 9.5 is a lightweight carbon hardtail featuring the unique
advantage of the IsoSpeed decoupler for smoothing out trail bumps. It's the most
affordable carbon model in the Procaliber mountain bike family and is built for
speed. Thanks to the versatile Shimano Deore 1x12 drivetrain, the RockShox Judy
SL fork and the fast 29er wheels it expresses maximum efficiency on singletrack.


Chassis OCLV Mountain Carbon, IsoSpeed, tapered head tube, Knock Block, internal
cable routing, balanced post-mount brake, Boost148 Fork RockShox Judy SL, Solo
Air spring, TurnKey lockout, tapered steerer, Boost110, Maxle Stealth 15mm,
100mm travel Max. excursion fork compatible 120mm (533 axle-to-crown)


Front hub Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm
thru axle Rear hub Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, 6-bolt, Shimano MicroSpline
freehub, Boost148, 12mm thru axle Circle Bontrager Kovee, double chamber,
Tubeless Ready, 28 holes, 23mm width, Presta valve Tire Bontrager XR2 Team
Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength protection, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 29x2.20"
Pneumatic component Bontrager TLR Sealant, 6oz Max. dimensions of the tyre
Frame: 29x2.40" Fork: See manufacturer


Command Shimano Deore M6100, 12 speed Rear derailleur Shimano Deore M6100, long
cage *Crankset Size: S, M
Shimano MT511, 30T steel chainring, 52mm chain line, 170mm length Size: M, M/L,
Shimano MT511, 30T steel chainring, 52mm chain line, 175mm length Central
movement Shimano MT500, 92mm, PressFit Cassette Shimano Deore M6100, 10-51, 12
speed Chain Shimano Deore M6100 Max. size of the crown 36T, Min 30T


Saddle Bontrager Arvada, steel rails, 138mm width *Seatpost Size: S
Bontrager alloy, 31.6mm, 12mm offset, 330mm length Size: M
Bontrager alloy, 31.6mm, 12mm offset, 360mm length Size: M/L, L, XL, XXL
Bontrager alloy, 31.6mm, 12mm offset, 400mm length *Handlebar Size: S, M, M/L
Bontrager Comp, alloy, 31.8mm, 5mm rise, 720mm width Size: L, XL
Bontrager Rhythm Comp, alloy, 31.8mm, 15mm rise, 750mm width Size: XXL
Bontrager Line, alloy, 35mm, 15mm rise, 750mm width *Knobs Size: S, M, M/L, L,
Bontrager XR Trail Comp, nylon block Size: S, M, M/L, L, XL, XXL
Bontrager XR Trail Comp, nylon lockout *Handlebar stem Size: S
Bontrager Rhythm Comp, 31.8mm, Knock Block, 0 degrees, 60mm length Size: M, M/L
Bontrager Rhythm Comp, 31.8mm, Knock Block, 0 degrees, 70mm length Size: L, XL
Bontrager Rhythm Comp, 31.8mm, Knock Block, 0 degrees, 80mm length Size: XXL
Bontrager Kovee Pro, 35mm, Knock Block, Blendr compatible, 13 degrees, 90mm
length Size: XXL
Bontrager Elite, 35mm, 0 degrees, 90mm length Brake Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc
*Brake rotor Size: S, M, M/L, L, XL, XXL
Shimano RT26, 6 bolts, 160mm Size: L, XL, XXL
Shimano RT26, 6 bolts, 180mm Brake set Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc


Weight M - 11.64 kg / 25.67 lbs (with TLR sealant, without tube) Weight Limit
This bike has a maximum overall weight limit (combined weight of bike, rider and
cargo) of 136kg.

We reserve the right to make changes to product information on the site at any
time without notice, including equipment, specifications, models, colors,
materials and prices. Due to supply chain issues, compatible parts may be
replaced at any time without notice.

Bike and frame weights are for pre-production painted products at the time of
printing. The weight of the finished product may vary.


The tables below show recommended measurements based on height, but there are
other factors, such as the length of your arms and legs, that determine your
fit. This is why there are heights for which some recommended measurements
overlap each other. Not all cyclists 170cm tall, for example, will have to
choose the same size bicycle. The best way to find the correct alignment is to
consult an expert at your nearest dealer.

All measurements provided are in centimeters unless otherwise specified.

Frame size number Letter size frame Wheel size A — Seat tube B — Seat tube angle
Actual seat tube angle C — Head tube length D — Head tube angle E — Actual
horizontal tube F — Bottom bracket height G — Bottom bracket drop H — Chainstay
length I — Offset J — Trail K — Over L — Standover M — Reach frame N — Frame
headset 15.5 S 29" 39.3 72.8° 73.8° 9.0 68.8° 57.0 31.3 6.0 43.2 4.2 10.0 107.8
71.5 39.5 60.0 17.5 M 29" 41.9 72.8° 73.8° 9.0 68.8° 59.5 31.3 6.0 43.2 4.2 10.0
110.3 75.5 42.0 60.0 18.5 ML 29" 44.4 72.8° 73.8° 9.0 68.8° 61.0 31.3 6.0 43.2
4.2 10.0 111.8 76.5 43.5 60.0 19.5 L 29" 47.0 72.8° 73.8° 9.0 68.8° 62.5 31.3
6.0 43.2 4.2 10.0 113.3 78.4 45.0 60.0 21.5 XL 29" 51.0 72.8° 73.8° 10.5 68.8°
65.9 31.3 6.0 43.2 4.2 10.0 116.8 81.4 48.0 61.4 23.0 XXL 29" 54.5 72.8° 73.8°
12.0 68.8° 68.3 31.3 6.0 43.2 4.2 10.0 119.4 84.1 50.0 62.3

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