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Home Resources What Is Cyber-Physical Security Convergence?


Dataminr explains cyber-physical security convergence, why cyber-physical risks
are increasing and how governments, industry and organizations are responding.

 * Cyber-physical security convergence explained
 * The cyber-physical risk spectrum
 * The evolution of converged security
 * Global response to converged risks
 * Prepare for and protect against cyber-physical risks


Cyber-physical security convergence is not a new concept but it is increasingly
gaining attention from security leaders—in both the private and public sectors.
Here, we explore what converged security entails and how to achieve and
strengthen cyber-physical resilience.



In February, a cyber attack forced a network of Florida healthcare organizations
to divert several of its emergency patients to other facilities and cancel many
of its non-emergency surgeries. This attack, the latest in a number of cyber
crimes aimed at U.S. healthcare providers in the past few years, is an example
of the rapidly increasing cyber-physical risks that organizations—both in the
public and private sector—are facing today.

According to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA),
these risks are defined as those that have ramifications in both the digital and
physical domains. While the threat can emanate from either domain,
cyber-physical risks often begin with a cyber threat vector, such as a
ransomware attack, and then spill over into the physical world. 

When threats in the digital and physical domains converge, the consequences are
often real and significant as evidenced by the attack on the Florida healthcare

Other times, cyber-physical risks lead to major business disruption. For
example, when global software company Kaseya was hit with a ransomware attack in
2021, more than a thousand of its clients and its clients’ customers were
affected, including Sweden’s largest grocery chain. It had to shut down 800 of
its stores as a result. 



Although related, there is a distinct difference between cyber-physical security
convergence and security convergence.

 * Cyber-physical security convergence: The increasingly blurred line between
   risks in the cyber and physical domains, whereby a risk that originates in
   one domain has a significant impact on the other.
 * Security convergence: When an organization’s cyber and physical security
   operations are combined into a single, unified function.



As cyber-physical risks have rapidly evolved in type, impact and scope, Dataminr
recommends organizations view them on a threat spectrum. 

On one end of the spectrum are kinetic events that have an impact on the cyber
infrastructure of organizations and industries. This includes physical threats
to information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) infrastructure,
network and power outages, natural disasters and more. These events are not
inherently cyber-related but can have significant impact on cyber

On the opposite end are cyber events that impact the physical world, such as
cyber attacks against critical infrastructure that have varied
ramifications—ranging from inconveniences for consumers to supply chain
disruptions and third-party and vendor risk. Consider the serious ripple effects
of a ransomware attack against a manufacturing plant. For example, as
semiconductors (or chips) are vital to the operation of cars and consumer
electronics, a cyber attack against a semiconductor manufacturer is likely to
significantly disrupt the automotive and consumer electronics industries. 

In the middle of the cyber-physical risk spectrum lies geopolitical risk, with
the most notable and recent example being Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which
has sparked ongoing cyberwarfare. 

As the conflict persists, the world has witnessed a spike in attention paid by
Russian threat actors—not only to Ukrainian assets but also industries and
countries believed to be sympathetic to Ukraine. For example, pro-Russia hacking
group Killnet has been a persistent threat in this area, especially against the
U.S. aviation industry in retaliation against the U.S.’s involvement in the war.
This includes an attack on U.S. aviation defense contractors and a DDoS attack
against more than two dozen U.S. airports.


The increase in cyber-physical risks is due to both the prevalence
of IoT and OT devices, as well as the advancement of the tactics and procedures
employed by threat actors. Our society, governments and businesses across all
industries rely on these devices and the cloud much more than they did five or
10 years ago. This has created a significantly larger attack surface with new
and expanding vulnerabilities and risks that have real world consequences.

“The attack surface has rapidly expanded because our world is now flush with
cyber-physical systems that connect the digital and physical domains,” said Nate
Green, Product Marketing Director at Dataminr.  

And the stakes are high. According to the U.S. White House, cyber-physical
systems (CPS) are complex and fragile and “can easily break down or suffer from
cyber-attacks…events or attacks in one part of one system can have ripple
effects leading to banking outages, oil pipeline failures, ground-stops of whole
fleets of aircraft, and disruption of medical facilities with devastating

The pace and level of this dependence are only accelerating, making the attack
surface that threat actors can manipulate and exploit ever-growing. Take for
instance ransomware attacks. They surged by 87% in 2022 from the year before,
with energy, manufacturing and financial services as the most commonly targeted
industries by politically and/or geopolitically motivated threat actors.

As such, organizations in these industries tend to be much more forward-thinking
and innovative in how they manage cyber-physical risks to ensure business
resilience and prevent financial, operational and reputational damages. 

However, it’s important to remember that cyber-physical risks are not limited to
CPS. As mentioned earlier, physical events can greatly impact digital
infrastructure. For example, record temperatures in the U.K. and U.S. in 2022
caused a number of Google and Oracle data centers to suffer from outages. As
severe weather occurs more frequently, data centers and other critical
infrastructure become more vulnerable. Add to that the rise in cyber crimes and
ongoing geopolitical tensions, and cyber-physical risks become much more


Recognizing the surge in cyber-physical risks and the urgent need to have a more
holistic, innovative approach to respond to those threats, a number of
regulators and governments have developed new regulations and initiatives. The
U.S. has responded by creating a working group dedicated to strengthening
cyber-physical resilience with the goal of finding new approaches to the
problem; experts from academia, and the public private sectors will be

The European Union is following suit. In December 2022, the European Commission
issued the new NIS2 Directive, which seeks to boost cyber and physical
resilience of EU critical entities and networks by expanding the sectors and
types of entities falling under its scope. These include digital infrastructure
such as public electronic communications networks and services, as well as
physical infrastructure like manufacturing of critical products, and postal and
courier services.

More businesses are also realizing the impacts of cyber-physical threats and how
they can ultimately affect operational and business resilience. In response,
they have taken steps to ensure tighter alignment between their cyber and
physical security teams, which allows for a more holistic view of CPS and

Some companies have done this by creating a formal security operations center
(SOC) that merges cyber and physical security teams into a single, unified
function. Others forgo combining the teams and instead focus on ensuring
effective collaboration and communication between the two, including following
best practices like sharing incident response playbooks and conducting tabletop
exercises together. 

According to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), those that
do establish a formal means for the two security functions to work together will
be more resilient against and better prepared to identify, prevent, mitigate and
respond to cyber-physical threats.

Learn More: Why Businesses Need Converged Security Now More Than Ever


Staying up to date on new and emerging risks is a constant challenge for any
organization, especially if the business relies on third-party vendors—such as
suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and more. Each third-party partner is a
potential attack vector. 

If a vendor has a vulnerable attack surface, it could be used to gain access to
the various organizations for which it provides services. Those organizations
are then more at risk to cyber threats such as a data breach. The more vendors a
company uses, the larger its attack surface and the more potential
vulnerabilities it can have.

To gain the earliest and clearest line of sight into such cyber-physical
threats, security operations on both the cyber and physical sides of the house
should ensure they have access to real-time alerting tools and technology.
Organizations, particularly those that have established modes of collaboration
among all security teams, are then able to quickly respond to and effectively
mitigate threats no matter the origin or type of impact. 

“It is unreliable to rely on your vendors and suppliers to inform you of a
disruptive event in a timely manner, especially if they’re the ones under
attack. Having real-time, actionable data on emerging threats to your business
and partners allows for contingency planning and faster, more proactive
responses to incidents—by hours or sometimes days,” says Green.

There are two key ways organizations better protect themselves against
cyber-physical risks:

Invest in the right tools and technology

Real-time alerting solutions are key to detecting and responding to threats as
soon as possible. Dataminr Pulse, for example, provides intelligence on
cyber-physical risks as they happen. 

For example, in the case of the aforementioned cyber attack on the U.S. aviation
industry, Pulse alerted its customers of hackers’ intent to target the airports’
network infrastructure eight hours ahead of media coverage. This allowed
customers to accelerate their response timelines. 

Businesses also need tools that enable them to assess their attack surface
(e.g., network infrastructure), practice cyber hygiene and develop robust
response playbooks. 

Acquire industry insights

This is vital. Security teams should communicate with their industry peers to
learn how they are managing cyber-physical risks. This includes asking: How are
phishing campaigns and/or ransomware groups targeting your organization? What
vulnerabilities are consistent across your industry, whether that be an
industrial control system (ICS), a customer relationship management (CRM)
platform or a specific piece of software that’s ubiquitous in your sector? 

The convergence of cyber and physical risks is not a new concept and it will
only become more prevalent due to the proliferation of OT and IoT devices.
Organizations should also keep in mind that cyber-physical risks exist in a
threat spectrum and the attack surface is ever-growing. Businesses that
understand this and take swift action to strengthen their resilience against
converged risks will be in a much better position to respond to and recover from
a threat when—not if—it occurs.  

Learn how organizations like yours use Dataminr Pulse for Cyber Risk to
strengthen resilience against cyber-physical risks.

May 19, 2023

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Case Study


The Associated Press (AP) uses Dataminr to gain situational awareness and assess
risk patterns in conflict or high-risk zones, allowing it to better anticipate
and plan for threats that can compromise its journalists’ safety.

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Dive into this comprehensive guide to cyber-physical security convergence with
definitions of cyber-physical risks, trends and tips for risk mitigation.

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Chief security officers are managing unprecedented levels of
disruption—requiring them to not just adapt, but innovate, if they are to
effectively safeguard their organization and strengthen resilience.

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