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Commie Watch,Top Story Barack Obama,Communism,James Comey,John Brennan,Politics
Comey Was a Commie? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

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Commie Watch
Comey Was a Commie?
No wonder he felt right at home with Brennan and Obama.
by Paul Kengor

May 21, 2019, 12:06 AM

Mark Reinstein/Shutterstock.com

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“In college, I was left of center,” explained James Comey in an interview with
New York magazine, “and through a gradual process I found myself more
comfortable with a lot of the ideas and approaches the Republicans were using.”
Comey voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980, but says that four years later, in 1984,
“I voted for Reagan — I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not
even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have
to figure it out.”

Comey was once a communist. And look deeper at his statement: “I’d moved from
Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself
politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”

Which leaves us wondering if James Comey has yet figured it out.

Kudos to Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge for unearthing this gem from an interview
Comey gave to New York magazine back in 2003 when he first arrived in

This odd blast from Comey’s past explains some things. While somewhat
surprising, it actually makes sense, because James Comey is politically
puzzling. You can’t quite figure him out, and apparently neither can he. He’s
hard to pin down politically, to take seriously. He’s sort of a
political-ideological enigma, a jester (clown seems too harsh). This weird
communist statement is kind of instructive.

Granted, James Comey did full penance in 1984 by swinging all the way to the
other side and voting for Reagan. He was far from alone. I could rattle off
names of individuals who were once communists but by 1984 joined the rest of
respectable America in voting for Reagan. Sources as diverse of David Horowitz,
Marvin Olasky, Ron Radosh, Joseph Farah, even Father Robert Sirico, among
others, were far left but eventually became Reagan conservatives.

And yet, as Tyler Durden notes, the same can’t be said of John Brennan, the
Obama CIA director who around this same time voted for the Communist Party
presidential ticket of Gus Hall and Angela Davis and has remained on the left
ever since. Brennan admitted publicly, in September 2016, that when he took his
polygraph test for the CIA in 1980, he had already cast a ballot for Gus Hall as
president of the United States. Hall was a stooge of the Kremlin, a shameless
lackey for Moscow, and he was John Brennan’s choice. Remarkably, Brennan even
suggested he had been a member of the Communist Party. He recalled telling the
polygrapher: “I said, ‘I’m not a member of the Communist Party,’ so the
polygrapher looked at me and said, ‘OK,’ and when I was finished with the
polygraph and I left and said, ‘Well, I’m screwed.’”

Busted, right? Apparently not. Jimmy Carter’s CIA let him in, allowing him to
rise one day to the heights of head of the agency under Barack Obama.

But the Brennan aspect sheds light on something still more troubling about this
scenario. This means that President Barack Obama had not only the first CIA
director who had been a communist but, simultaneously, the first FBI director
who had been one. Leave it to Obama.

And worse, Barack Obama himself was probably a communist in 1980. I laid this
out at length in my book on Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, which was
appropriately short-titled, The Communist.

For that book, I interviewed Dr. John Drew, who met Obama at Occidental College,
where Drew had run the campus Marxist organization. Drew’s girlfriend introduced
the young Obama as “one of us.” Drew told me: “Obama was already an ardent
Marxist when I met him in the fall of 1980. I know it’s incendiary to say this,
but Obama was basically a Marxist-Leninist.”

You can read Dreams From My Father and catch Obama ruminating about how he “hung
out” with Marxist professors and attended “socialist conferences.” John Drew
hastens to add that what Obama did not explain in Dreams is that he “was in 100
percent, total agreement with these Marxist professors.” Drew continued:

> At the time I met him — this was probably around Christmastime in 1980,
> because I had flown out during Christmas break from Cornell, where I was doing
> my graduate work — young Obama was looking forward to an imminent social
> revolution, literally a movement where the working classes would overthrow the
> ruling class and institute a kind of socialist utopia in the United States. I
> mean, that’s how extreme his views were.… I was kind of more [in] the
> Frankfurt School of Marxism at the time. I felt like I was doing Obama a favor
> by pointing out that the Marxist revolution that he and [our friends] were
> hoping for was really kind of a pipedream…. I was still a card-carrying
> Marxist, but I was kind of a more advanced, East Coast, Cornell University
> Marxist, I think, at the time. [Obama] kind of thought I was, you know, a
> little reactionary… like I was kind of insensitive to the needs of the coming
> revolution. [Obama] was full-bore, 100% into that simpleminded Marxist,
> revolutionary mental framework.

Of course, to repeat, people do change, often dramatically — though they usually
tell us about the change and how and why. Obama, however, never did, not even in
two lengthy memoirs published before he set foot in the Oval Office. We have no
conversion narrative from Obama — nothing explaining when and where he left all
that Marxist junk behind.

Obama certainly didn’t vote for Reagan in 1984. Quite the contrary, in chapter 7
of Dreams, the future apostle of “hope and change” employed the word “change”
seven times in the opening paragraphs, including the need in the 1980s for
“change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their
dirty deeds.”

Reagan and his minions, and their dirty deeds. Obama perceived an America that
needed a “change in the mood of the country.” Reagan’s “morning in America,”
beloved by millions, to the point where Reagan won 49 of 50 states, needed to be
changed in Obama’s America.

Barack Hussein Obama yearned for an America more like him. And like John
Brennan, he remained on the far left. One wonders if a young Obama and a young
Brennan — and maybe even a young comrade Comey — bumped into one another at one
of those socialist conferences.

“I chose my friends carefully,” Obama wrote in Dreams From My Father. “The
Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We
smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed
neocolonialism, Franz [sic] Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground
out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the
walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society’s stifling

Well, in 2008, they shook America. They took the White House.

(Mr. Durden, can you find any old photos of John Brennan smoking a cigarette in
a leather jacket? Maybe at a Dead Kennedys show?)

Just a handful of years ago, ladies and gentlemen, America had a unique troika
running the White House, the FBI, and the CIA. What a fundamental transformation
it was.

*Author’s note: Paul Kengor has learned since the publication of this article
that the Comey interview with New York magazine kicks off a discussion of
Comey’s ideological roots in Diana West’s new book, The Red Thread: A Search for
Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy.

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It all reminds me of July 1, 1987 when President Ronald Reagan nominated Judge
Robert Bork for an opening on the Supreme Court. He had it made in the shade,
said my complacent conservative friends. The result was brutal. But we do not
have to look back 32 years to see how unruly the leftwing mob can be. Recall the
recent fate of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Only his courage and unscotchable
determinate saved him. The simple fact is that the conservatives are often slow
on the draw against the American left. Only the Wall Street Journal and the
intrepid New York Sun have come out swinging for Moore. It is time for the
conservatives to rally around him. He can probably win with the President on his
side. He apparently has the votes. Yet the coming battle would be a lot less
bloody if the conservative movement were to take the field on Moore’s behalf —
and make it clear that from now on they are going to wage war for the
President’s nominees. Print

Paul Kengor
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Paul Kengor is Editor of The American Spectator. Dr. Kengor is also a professor
of political science at Grove City College, a senior academic fellow at the
Center for Vision & Values, and the author of over a dozen books, including A
Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold
Story of the 20th Century, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism, and
Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.

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