www.amazon.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Pools-Machine-Traders-Rigging/dp/0307887189
Submission: On April 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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                <div class="a-row"> <strong> Gebraucht: Sehr gut </strong>
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                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Zustand:</strong> Gebraucht: Sehr gut </span> </div>
                <div class="a-section a-spacing-micro"> <span class="a-size-mini"> <strong>Kommentar:</strong> Gently read once. No marks of previous ownership. Binding tight; spine straight and smooth, with no creasing; covers clean and crisp.
                    Minimal signs of handling or shelving. 100% GUARANTEE! Shipped with delivery confirmation, if you’re not satisfied with purchase please return item for full refund. </span> </div>
              <div class="a-popover-preload" id="a-popover-SSOFpopoverLink_ubb-content">
                <p>Beim Versand durch Amazon nutzen Verkaufspartner die Logistik der Amazon-Versandzentren: Amazon verpackt und verschickt die Artikel und übernimmt den Kundenservice. <b>Ihre Vorteile:</b> <em>(1) Lieferung ab 29 EUR Bestellwert
                    (Bücher, Bekleidung und Schuhe generell versandkostenfrei, auch zusammen mit Media-Produkten). (2) Kombinieren und sparen - bestellen Sie bei Amazon.de oder Verkaufspartnern, die den Versand durch Amazon nutzen, wird Ihre
                    Bestellung zu einer Lieferung zusammengefasst. (3) Alle Artikel sind mit Amazon Prime für noch schnellere Lieferung bestellbar.</em></p>
                <p>Wenn Sie Verkäufer sind, kann Versand durch Amazon Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre Umsätze zu steigern. <a href="https://services.amazon.de/programme/versand-durch-amazon/merkmale-und-vorteile.html">Weitere Informationen zum Programm</a>
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A news-breaking account of the global stock market's subterranean battles, Dark
Pools portrays the rise of the "bots"--artificially intelligent systems that
execute trades in milliseconds and use the cover of darkness to out-maneuver the
humans who've created them.

In the beginning was Josh Levine, an idealistic programming genius who dreamed
of wresting control of the market from the big exchanges that, again and again,
gave the giant institutions an advantage over the little guy. Levine created a
computerized trading hub named Island where small traders swapped stocks, and
over time his invention morphed into a global electronic stock market that sent
trillions in capital through a vast jungle of fiber-optic cables.  

By then, the market that Levine had sought to fix had turned upside down,
birthing secretive exchanges called dark pools and a new species of trading
machines that could think, and that seemed, ominously, to be slipping the
control of their human masters.

Dark Pools is the fascinating story of how global markets have been hijacked by
trading robots--many so self-directed that humans can't predict what they'll do

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    25. Juni 2013
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    13.21 x 2.03 x 20.32 cm
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 1. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt
    Michael Lewis
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    166 Angebote ab 1,49 $
 2. The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly
    Destroyed It
    Scott Patterson
    4,4 von 5 Sternen 445
    75 Angebote ab 1,69 $
 3. Wie Sie mit Day Trading Ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen können (in
    englischer Sprache) Ein Leitfaden für Handels-Tools und Taktik,
    Finanzmanagement, Disziplin und Handelspsychologie
    Andrew Aziz
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 12.191
    Bestseller Nr. 1  in Risikomanagement
    10,09 $ Versand
 4. The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution
    Gregory Zuckerman
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 5. Liar's Poker (Norton Paperback)
    Michael Lewis
    4,5 von 5 Sternen 3.060
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 6. When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management
    Roger Lowenstein
    4,6 von 5 Sternen 1.389
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 7. Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a
    Winning Attitude
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"Far more comprehensive and persuasive [than even Michael Lewis' Flashboys]."
--James Stewart, New York Times Book Review 

"An excellent history of the early electronic traders" - Michael Lewis

“Scott Patterson’s Dark Pools is about the most important financial issue no one
talks about—how high-frequency traders have rigged the market.”
--Mark Cuban

“Remarkable…even long-time participants in electronic markets will learn a lot
from this book.”
“Richly reported…an invaluable piece of timely journalism that should be read by
regulators and anyone with a cent in the stock market...You will never look at
the opening bell in the same way.”
--Financial Times

“An engaging narrative…DARK POOLS is easily the most entertaining and accessible
book to cover the new world of stock trading.”
“An education in how markets work, packaged in a thriller worthy of Michael
Crichton…. Dark Pools is one of those rare books that is a great summer beach
read and a useful trading manual.”
“Very enjoyable….a good story of how innovators destroy the old guard.”
“Dark Pools relays an epic tangle of hacktivists, old-school floor exchanges and
traders – all wrestling to game the machines…The stories engage from chapter to
chapter, bringing the reader from the outside in.”
--Seeking Alpha

“An entertaining account of the key battles in the “algo wars” and the colorful
math geeks who fight them—some of whom are now fighting to rein in the monsters
they created. Dark Pools is an alarming account.”
--Canadian Business

“Dark Pools is a must read for all serious investors.  Patterson’s methodically
researchedbook exposes the core problems in today’s securities market…His
findings should serve as a blueprint for the SEC.”
--Blair Hull, founder of Hull Trading and Ketchum Trading 


SCOTT PATTERSON is a staff reporter at the Wall Street Journal, covering
financial regulation from the nation's capital.


Chapter One

Trading Machines

A rising winter sun cast pale golden light into the otherwise dark and quiet
office in downtown Stamford, Connecticut. Haim Bodek, the founder of Trading
Machines LLC, squinted at the light through red-thatched eyes and returned his
gaze to a stack of five flat-screens on his desk. The only sound in the room was
the low hum of dozens of Dell computer towers and several Alienware Area-51
gaming computers.

The sound of the Machine.

It was December 2009. Bodek hadn’t been up all night swilling fine wines and
schmoozing with deep-pocketed clients at four-star restaurants in Manhattan. He
didn’t need to. His firm traded for its own account, and Bodek answered only to
himself and to a few wealthy partners who’d bankrolled the firm.

He wouldn’t have it any other way. No twitchy investors pulling cash every time
the market dipped. And no prying questions about the state-of-the-art Machine
he’d created.

No one knew how the Machine worked but Bodek.

But now the Machine wasn’t working. Even worse, Bodek wasn’t sure why. That’s
why he’d been up all night. If he didn’t solve the problem, it could destroy
Trading Machines--and his career.

What made the Machine tick was a series of complex algorithms that collectively
reflected a two decades’ tradition of elite trading strategies. Bodek had
personally designed the algos using a branch of artificial intelligence called
expert systems. The approach boiled down the knowledge gained by experts in
market analysis and crunched incoming market data in order to make incredibly
accurate predictions. It combined various models that financial engineers had
used over the years to price options--contracts that give the holder the
“option” to buy or sell a stock at a particular price within a certain time
frame--with new twists on strategies that savvy traders had once used to -haggle
over prices in the pits.

But many of those old-school strategies, geared with cutting-edge AI upgrades
that permitted them to compete head-to-head in the electronic crowd, were nearly
unrecognizable now. The market had entered a phase of such rapid mind-throttling
change that even the most advanced traders were in a fog.

The problem that threatened Trading Machines, Bodek believed, was a bug hidden
in the data driving his ranks of algos, hundreds of thousands of lines of code
used by the computer-driven trading outfit that he’d launched with
sky’s-the-limit dreams in late 2007. The code told the Machine when to trade,
what to trade, and how to trade it, all with split-second timing.

Bodek, whose seriously pale skin, high forehead, and piercing blue eyes gave him
the appearance of a Russian chess master, was a wizard of data. It was the air
he breathed, the currency of his profession. An expert in artificial
intelligence, he’d made a career of crunching masses of numbers, finding form
inside chaos. To discover order in the ocean of information that made up the
market required incredible computer power and ingenious trading systems.

Bodek had both. He was so skilled at discovering patterns in the market’s daily
ebb and flow that he’d risen to the top of the trading world, working first at
an elite Chicago firm, packed with math and physics Ph.D.s, called Hull Trading,
then inside an elite quantitative derivatives operation at Goldman Sachs, before
taking over a powerful global desk at UBS, the giant Swiss bank. In 2007, he
broke out on his own and convinced twenty-five top-notch traders, programmers,
and quants (an industry term for mathematicians who use quantitative techniques
to predict markets) from across Wall Street to join him. He set up shop in
Stamford and launched Trading Machines just as signs emerged of an impending
global financial crisis. It had amounted to one of the most ambitious trading
projects outside a large investment bank in years.

Despite the bad timing, Trading Machines had fared well in its debut, posting a
tidy profit during a time when most of Wall Street was imploding.

Then something went wrong with the Machine. Bodek was on a mission to fix it.
Whatever it was.

As the morning progressed, Bodek’s team of traders and programmers filed into
Trading Machines’ third-floor office space. They stepped gingerly around Bodek
as if he were a hair-trigger land mine.

The slightest pressure could set off an explosion. Not of anger--Bodek was as
levelheaded as a fighter pilot--but of talk. Bodek was a legendary talker, a
deep well of stories and analogies and long digressions and digressions on
digressions. His was a mind trained to focus on minutiae, and it could be
exhausting for listeners exposed to its relentless probing, like a powerful
searchlight that never stopped sweeping the ground for new information. He could
rarely get far into a conversation before he would say with extreme urgency
something along the lines of “What I’m trying to say is there are five points I
need to make before we can address the first of those ten points I mentioned
earlier.” Inside the firm, this was known as “getting Haimed.”

Bodek wasn’t in the mood to talk that morning. His eyes darkly circled, he sat
frozen in his chair, staring at his stacked monitors, mumbling to himself in
fits and starts, his hands rising on occasion from his keyboard to pincer his
blade-shaved head above the ears as if he were trying to squeeze more juice from
his sleep-deprived brain. All the stress had taken a toll. While he was just
thirty-eight years old, he appeared a good decade older.

Bodek’s entire Wall Street career, from Hull to Goldman Sachs to his own trading
desk at UBS, had been one long march from victory to victory. Whenever faced
with an obstacle no one thought he could overcome, he’d pull off a miracle.
Failure had never seemed possible.

And yet here it was. He could see it, there, on his five screens, in the data
that tallied up the firm’s dwindling profits. As Bodek sat there, mystified by
the behavior of an electronic trading ecosystem he’d helped invent, he focused
his formidable brain power on figuring out what the hell was going on.

The answer that would solve his problems was also there, he thought, on those
screens, hiding amid all the data.

But where?

Shortly before 9 a.m., Bodek’s partner, Thong-Wei Koh, a six-foot-two crack
mathematician from Singapore, took his seat a few desks away from Bodek. The two
founders didn’t exchange a word. They’d been fighting tooth and nail for the
past few months. A partnership that had started with visions of glory had
descended into a bitter daily feud.

TW was obsessed with mastering risk. At UBS, he’d designed a trading system so
ingenious that it could never lose a large amount of money--at least according
to the math. But now, at Trading Machines, risk was everywhere. He was drowning
in it. He’d become so stressed out by the firm’s problems that he’d come down
with chronic stomach cramps. Bodek, for his part, was wracked by headaches and

He began to stir out of his morning torpor as the start of the trading day
neared. It was 9:15 a.m.

Time for the War Song.

Bodek plugged his iPod into a dock and pressed the play button. Pounding
electric guitar chords screeched from the dock’s speakers: the manic Viking
heavy metal he loved--and everyone else in the room loathed. As a teenager,
Bodek had played drums in a thrash band. Ever since, his taste in music had gone
one way: loud, angry, violent.

He was trying to teach his team a lesson with the music. It was how he viewed
trading: It was war. Us against them. The market was the field of battle. The
weapons: brains aided by powerful computers and lightning-fast algos.

Head nodding to the earth-shaking metal, Bodek stood wearily from his chair, his
tie hanging loosely around his wrinkled white shirt. While Bodek always dressed
the part of a white-shoe banker--gold cuff links, silk tie, patent-leather
shoes--he relished the contradictions his outfit implied as the Viking metal
pounded away. Once, on a dare at a metal show in 2007, he’d leapt into a raging
mosh pit dressed in his suit and tie . . . and lived to tell about it.

Clearing his throat, he rapped for good luck the Spartan helmet perched atop one
of his monitors and clapped his hands.

“All right, guys,” he said, machine-gun drums and psycho guitar riffs pulsating
off the walls of the office. “Yesterday was bad. We got killed again. But we
can’t give up. We’ve got to fight this motherfucker! We’ve got to keep focused!
Stay with me!”

There was a reason for urgency. That summer, word had gotten out on the
grapevine that Trading Machines was foundering. Now Bodek’s top guns were
getting poached by competitors who sensed blood in the water.

To keep the ship afloat, Bodek was doing the work of three employees, staying at
the office all night writing code, testing new strategies, digging deep into the
guts of the Machine to figure out what had gone wrong. But he couldn’t do much
more, and he needed everyone to pitch in if the firm was going to right itself.

“I know it looks bad, but we can turn it around, I know it,” Bodek said. “We can
do it! Today we’re going to fucking kill it, OK! Now, let’s go!”

Everyone turned to his screen and started working. Right as the market opened,
Trading Machines got whacked. For months it had been the same. Death by a
thousand cuts. Sheer torture. As the nicks and cuts mounted, TW watched in
frustration, obsessively clicking a pen, sighing, letting out brief bursts of
anger, muttering curses under his breath.

Suddenly, the Machine froze. Trading stopped. TW pounded his fist on the desk.
“What the fuck is going on, Haim!” he shouted, glaring sharply at Bodek.

This had happened before.

Bodek started to scramble, calling up the code he’d worked on overnight. “Must
be a bug,” he muttered, frantically typing.


Groans echoed around the trading room.

Bodek combed through the code and quickly found the problem. A half hour later,
Trading Machines was up and running again--only to keep taking losses, again and
again, like clockwork.

Trading Machines’ nightmare started in the spring of 2009. Bodek had been on a
trip to Hawaii for a relative’s wedding. For a brief moment, he’d had time to
relax and reflect on all he’d accomplished in the past decade, since joining
Hull. He had it all. Money. A beautiful wife, a classically trained musician
with the mental chops to match Bodek himself. A beautiful house on the beach in
Stamford. Three beautiful children. Most important: He had his freedom.

When he returned to Trading Machines’ office in early June, he instantly grew
worried. The firm’s profits were dropping sharply. Bodek started combing through
the nuts and bolts of the Machine, hunting for the problem. He couldn’t find it.
Since then, Trading Machines had been getting hammered, day after day, bleeding
away its gains. It was still making money, but its profits had been reduced by
$15,000 a day--sometimes more--all through the summer and into the fall. Now,
its gains weren’t enough to keep up with the firm’s costs, especially the
nosebleed salaries Bodek had promised to get all that top-gun talent and the
expensive technology his strategy demanded.

It was a terminal path. Eventually, the firm would run out of cash. The clock
was ticking on Trading Machines.

Through that December morning and into the afternoon, Bodek sat immobile in his
chair, mesmerized by his stack of screens. He barely moved, aside from his
fingers flying at the keyboard, his bloodshot eyes darting from screen to

This wasn’t unusual. Bodek almost never left his chair during the trading day.
He didn’t eat or even drink water until the market closed at 4 p.m. He rarely
spoke. As he sat there, watching the numbers stream by, he was peering into the
depths of the market, reading it like an Egyptologist scanning faded

There’s Goldman coming in. That’s UBS. Hell, I designed that trade myself in
2005. They’re screwing it up.

Bodek’s Machine was screwing up, too. He saw it happen all day long. He knew its

Like now.

His eyes widened as he saw another wave coming in. He was tracking the SPDR S&P
500 exchange-traded fund widely known as the Spyder. The Spyder was one of the
most heavily traded securities in the world--and one of Bodek’s favorites. It
was hovering a few pennies above $112.

Like mutual funds, ETFs represent a basket of stocks, bonds, or other assets
such as gold. They’re traded as a unit and mimic the value of the underlying
assets. Unlike mutual funds, they can be traded continuously on exchanges--like
a stock. The first ETF, the Spyder, was created in 1993. It tracked the S&P 500,
an index of five hundred of the largest public companies in the United States.
Other ETFs tracked the Dow Jones Industrial Average--the Diamonds--and the
Nasdaq 100--called the Qs due to its QQQ ticker symbol.

The funds were like thermometers tracking the health of the market. As such,
computer-driven funds, as well as everyday traders, watched them like hawks for
any blip in performance.

One of those blips was about to happen. All was quiet in the room. Perhaps too
quiet. Everyone was waiting for the Machine to act. Bodek caught his breath.
Now . . . 

Not again.

“Oh fuck,” Bodek muttered.

The Machine’s strategy involved rapidly buying and selling stock options. The
trouble: Options tend to be extremely volatile and risky. Because of that,
options traders normally offset their positions using stock. If the Machine
bought an option giving it the right to buy Apple at a higher price within two
weeks, it would turn around and sell short Apple stock to protect the position.
If the value of the option to buy Apple declined, Trading Machines would make up
some of the losses with the short bet on the stock. It was like an insurance
policy against a drop in the value of the option.

Crunching the data spit out by the options market was an enormous task. In the
U.S. options market alone, hundreds of thousands of messages were produced every
second. To sort through the data in real time required computer power of the
highest order, and intelligent systems to make sense of it.

Any kink in the strategy could cause it to bleed pennies and nickels. And that’s
exactly what was happening to Trading Machines’ stock trades.

Bodek flinched. Over the years, he’d developed a second sense for when the
market was about to make a move. He could feel a shift coming.

In a flash, the Spyder ticked down a few cents to $112. The move was so fast the
human eye couldn’t see it. A person looking at a screen would see a blur, a
wiggle at the edge of motion, but it would seem as if nothing had happened.
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 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Currency; Reprint Edition (25. Juni 2013)
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Taschenbuch ‏ : ‎ 384 Seiten
 * ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0307887189
 * ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0307887184
 * Artikelgewicht ‏ : ‎ 299 g
 * Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 13.21 x 2.03 x 20.32 cm

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 69,813 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)
    * Nr. 2 in Flash
    * Nr. 59 in Online-Handel – E-Commerce
    * Nr. 90 in Künstliche Intelligenz & Semantik

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,6 von 5 Sternen 560 Sternebewertungen

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Scott Patterson is author of the New York Times best-selling book The Quants and
a staff reporter for The Wall Street Journal, where he writes about the
government's regulation of the financial industry. His work has also appeared in
the New York Times, Rolling Stone and Mother Earth News. He has a masters of
arts degree from James Madison University. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia.

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Amazon Customer
3,0 von 5 Sternen The book came with a taped crack on the back
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 20. Februar 2022
This book came with a taped crack on the back. I was a bit surprised to see that
since it looks like a returned item with a manual fix and then resell it.
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J. Pal
4,0 von 5 Sternen must read
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 12. Februar 2016
Verifizierter Kauf
My background...I have been heavily trading the stock markets for the last two
years. I'm also an AI expert.

This book is a 'must read'. Not only does it give a great summary on how the
stock market became computerized (as other reviewers mention), but it really
helped me understand how the modern market came to be.

My goal in reading the book was to up my trading game, and while the book gives
few trading ideas, it does a great job explaining how 'big money' and the HFTs
game (cheat? trade?) the market. Understanding this alone really helps me
understand price action at a whole new level.

I did have to remove one star though for the authors lack of understanding of
computer algorithms and how they work. He uses "AI" as a catch-all phrase for
any computer algorithm, even if it was a crude program that simply trades a
stock spread.

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Rob Galbraith
5,0 von 5 Sternen Incredible storytelling about fundamental changes to financial
markets most of us missed
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 18. Februar 2021
Verifizierter Kauf
I read this book after the controversy surrounding the Reddit trade in 2021 and
it was a complete revelation. I was quite interested in financial markets in my
youth up through my mid-20s, even spending 2 years working at the Federal
Reserve Board. Having been more of a passive investor through 401k retirement
plans and college 529 plans with occasional trading for personal enjoyment, I
was complete unaware how fundamentally financial markets have changed over the
past 20 years. While this book was published in 2012, it remains highly relevant
today and is an excellent primer and modern history on how markets function
today. I compare it favorably to Flash Boys by Michael Lewis, which was also a
good read but lacked some deeper explanations in favor of more narrative. Author
Scott Patterson offers both a great story and sharp insights in this book. The
character of Josh Levine in particular was fascinating and worth the price by

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Rodrigo Alves Vieira
4,0 von 5 Sternen A good work of Financial Journalism
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 8. Mai 2020
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This is a somewhat ludic, but very informative book about technological progress
in Market Microstructure in the last three decades.

The author does a very good job of mixing journalism with the kind of
storytelling that is so common in the Financial Press. There are many references
to companies and individuals who have contributed or influenced this industry.
Unfortunately the author does not cite or reference papers (only three were
mentioned) for the readers who want to probe into the more technical aspects of
the developments covered in the book.

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Dan Leithauser
5,0 von 5 Sternen Read after Flash Boys
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 22. Juni 2014
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I read Michael Lewis's Flash Boys first. Flash Boys was one of the few
non-fiction books that read like a fictional techno action story. Which is
probably part of the reason it has received so much attention. Flash Boys left
me wanting more...more details about how high frequency trading came about, the
people who made it happen, and the motivations behind it all. That is exactly
what Dark Pools delivers. The who, what, and why of HFT.

The "who" are highly intelligent people, technologists, programmers, physicists,
statisticians... and less of the greed driven financiers that you might
expect.... although there are plenty mixed in, The "what" is algorithms,
computer programs, proximity to trading centers, and information churning
through these programs discerning market moves in pico-seconds. The why --
especially at the beginning is less about making money and more about young
technologists wanting to snub the establishment of Wall Street, open up markets
for everyone, and making the whole process more efficient by essentially
removing persons from the transaction.

Of course, all of this leads up to the last couple of years where the SEC is a
slow moving entity imposing regulations that seem quaint compared to the speed
at which the HF traders adapt and evolve. It is pitting a human against a
computer in an algo war that is already rigged for the computer to triumph. Or
maybe like the designer drug maker that is always one molecule ahead of the law
that keeps the new drug from being illegal.

Dark Pools was a great read and an excellent book to read after Flash Boys!

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M. LaPlante
5,0 von 5 Sternen Fascinating look into money gone mad
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 30. Juni 2014
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By the end of the twentieth century corruption was widespread among the ranks of
Wall Street stock brokers, but there was a powerful force of change on the
horizon: technology. In Dark Pools, author Scott Patterson shares the story of
how computers would come to upend the old guard of the stock exchanges and
transform the markets in fantastic, and often unpredictable, ways.

Wall Street: The place where our 401ks and pension funds go, which we should all
probably understand better than we actually do. Despite what could be called, at
best, amateur interests in the world of trading, I couldn't put this book down.
While by no means a deep technical work, Dark Pools still proved highly
educational, offering a lot of insight into the inner workings of today's stock
market. Fortunately, Patterson presents the material in a way that's eminently
accessible, even for those without a Wall Street Journal subscription.
Discovering not just how the market is, but how it came into its current form,
was eye opening.

Dark Pools isn't just about the markets, however. It's also a testament to the
raw power of computing and its ability to change the way we work in just a few
years time. I expected the book to cover some hyper-modern trends like high
frequency trading. What I didn't anticipate was a beautiful and inspirational
story about a few gifted individuals employing computers to revolutionize the
world of finance. As it turns out, one 20-something young man working out of a
tiny office near Wall Street actually built large portions of the high tech
stock market we see around us today. Ever the idealist, he sought to beat the
hordes of greedy and self-serving market makers at their own game, using little
more than a closet full of computers and his brain. And in many ways, he
succeeded. But the story doesn't end there; this new technology would eventually
take on a life of its own, growing and evolving at fantastic pace. Millions and
billions would be made and lost in seconds. And it's still going on, all around
us. Some say it's out of control.

I thoroughly recommend Dark Pools to anyone with even a passing interest in the
stock market or the development of technology. It's an eye-opener on the state
of our national finances on one hand, and a testament to the power of man and
machine on the other.

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A. I. Mackenzie
4,0 von 5 Sternen Exciting run through the origins of High Frequency Trading
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 5. Mai 2014
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This book is a quick read and makes a nice companion to  Flash Boys  which deals
with the later period of electronic trading.
It begins with smaller traders spotting a technological edge - trading directly
electronically. Levine is the technical genius for one of the firms. It then
digresses onto Artificial Intelligence and Genetic algorithms used to develop
better trading strategies than humans can develop unaided.

It generally good journalistically and makes for an exciting read but fails to
give much of a technical explanation of why The Island system was better than
others - why was its availability better? Scott Patterson isn't technical.
The book would benefit from someone that understood both the technology and the

Nevertheless a good history of the origins of High Frequency trading, worth a

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Georgios Samakovitis
5,0 von 5 Sternen Disruptive technologies in the world of Finance
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 31. Oktober 2015
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Nowhere else was the transformational power of technology illustrated in a
better way than in the area of Finance. Paterson extends his elegant review
through a very lively historical account of the most recent events in the world
of trading from the early 00s till 2012; the theme is that of HFT and how this
ultimately transformed in the mostly unpredictable manner, the very markets it
was built to serve. Taking the reader through the personal journeys of key
figures in HFT, Paterson explains in the clearest way possible how the rules of
the game were altered and ultimately delivered a new type and typology of
trading in the hands of, not anymore the market experts, but quants and computer
scientists. A vivid and compelling story of the irrational and even absurd
construction of markets to serve the newly-discovered technological capability
to generate value by introducing new previously unthought of parameters of
markets' "plumping" as against their fundamental structure.

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Amazon Customer
4,0 von 5 Sternen Good but better books on the subject
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 19. Dezember 2018
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Good. A US bias, but interesting account of the digitalisation of the markets
and the use of high speed trading and algorithms. I much preferred Flashboys by
Michael Lewis.

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4,0 von 5 Sternen but an excellent history on the background of electronic
trading and its ...
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 20. Januar 2016
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a bit technical at first, and sometimes throughout, but an excellent history on
the background of electronic trading and its impact on markets today.

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Jon A. Crowcroft
4,0 von 5 Sternen algotrading wars writ clear
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 14. Juni 2013
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They should never have been - these sub micro-second trades - only the very
first buy/sell order after a change in the true-value of some goods or service
should need ultra low latency- the rest of the time (pun intended) the only
reason for HTF to exist is to run games against other people's algorithms , and
this book explains why this is usually (and in the end, like all casino wars,
always) a Very Bad Idea.

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