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Climate Finance

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Online Course Performance Attribution
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Shaping the Industry
We've offered professional learning to investment professionals for more than 70
Industry Standard
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All but one of the top 25 asset managers claim compliance with the GIPS®
standards for all or part of their business
19 Oct 2022 Introducing an Ethical Decision Framework to Guide Responsible AI in
Investment Management
07 Jul 2022 The Future of Skills and Learning in a Rapidly Transforming
Investment Industry
09 Nov 2022 ACCA and CFA Institute Join Forces to Deliver Climate Finance Skills

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DeFi: Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

This course provides a solid foundation for those who wish to gain an
understanding of the fast-moving subject of decentralized finance (DeFi) and its
impact on the asset management industry. Course content is informative,
thought-provoking, and offers a glimpse into the future. This beginner-level
course provides an essential introduction to the elements that define DeFi,
including what it is, how it works, and the advantages it offers over more
traditional centralized finance.

Research Report Ethics and Artificial Intelligence in Investment Management: A
Framework for Professionals
Multimedia Crypto and Decentralized Finance: Is This the Future?
Research Report The Future of Work in Investment Management: The Future of
Skills and Learning
Research Report AI Pioneers in Investment Management

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Data and Statistics Foundation for Investment Professionals

Learn basic data and statistical techniques for investment analysis, including
presenting the "data story" with best-practice visualizations and report
writing. This virtual, on-demand, beginner-level course is open to the public.

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