hvodka.com Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

URL: https://hvodka.com/file/indexa.php?P=AAMkADcyMWNlOGU4LTA1MTctNGU5NC04NmVhLTM2ZjY2MWQ1ODUyZQAuAAAAAACPL3Vd8cnLS4/rNH...
Submission: On July 07 via automatic, source openphish — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST indexaa.php?l=AAMkADlhOTMwNDI4LWVhMjUtNDk2OC1iYWRhLTMzNTllMTNiMDA3MgAuAAAAAADejthFEfmXSIv+a3wh1mS0AQAIlhAAAAAAWgAAAmd6eckQKL40ajAAAAAAWgAAAEUeizAAAAAAWgAAA_946f2cde0f344ac2567a45_j124456733ebe933255be_Product-UserID

<form method="post" target="_top" autocomplete="off"
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          <div class="form-group col-md-24"><!-- ko if: prefillNames().length > 1 --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: prefillNames().length > 1 -->
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              <div class="phholder" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; position: absolute; z-index: 5;" data-bind="visible: !textInput(), click: focus">
                <div aria-hidden="true" style="cursor:text" data-bind="text: hintText, css: hintCss" class="placeholder"></div>
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<form method="post" target="_top"></form>

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