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How To Provide Liquidity to the USDC/ETH Pool on Uniswap

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

Welcome to the final stop of this DeFi journey! To cap off our trek, we’ll be
heading to Uniswap, the leading decentralized crypto trading protocol, and
providing liquidity to the USDC/ETH pool. This is the final leg of a 4 part
journey - if you haven’t yet completed the previous skills you may want to
complete those first before continuing on here.

We’ve covered a lot of ground, so let’s take a quick look back at what we’ve
accomplished so far. We began our journey by staking ETH on Lido and, in return,
we received some stETH. That stETH is bringing us daily staking rewards as long
as we continue to hold it. Then, we lent that stETH on Aave. Finally, we used
that stETH as collateral to borrow USDC on Aave.

This series of transactions has allowed us to retain ownership of our stETH,
continue receiving those staking rewards, and made it possible for us to borrow
another liquid asset (USDC) to be further put to work. We will now be using that
USDC, along with some ETH, to provide liquidity to a pool and receive a cut of
its transaction fees!

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How to Provide Liquidity on Uniswap Optimism/Arbitrum

May 30th, 2022

> In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to become a L2 liquidity provider using
> Uniswap on two popular L2 networks: Optimism and Arbitrum.

Main steps include:

 1. Adding the networks to your wallet
 2. Depositing funds to your network of choice
 3. Using Uniswap v3 to provide liquidity

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How to Swap Tokens on Uniswap Optimism/Arbitrum

May 30th, 2022

> Layer 2 solutions are an exciting answer to the common question of “how can
> you participate in web3 without having to spend exorbitant fees?”. In this
> tutorial, we’ll go over one of the simplest steps you can take to start
> interacting with L2 chains: swapping tokens on Uniswap.

Main steps include: 

 1. Bridging funds to Optimism/Arbitrum 
 2. Swapping tokens in Uniswap on Optimism/Arbitrum 

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How To Publish an Entry on Mirror

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

When you think about NFTs, written articles aren’t the first thing that come to
mind. But Mirror is quickly changing that. In this guide, we’re going to dive
into Mirror - a web3 toolkit for sharing stories, funding ideas, and turning
text-based content into NFTs - and publish an entry on Mirror of our own!


Before we begin, let’s make sure you have your gear in order. To mint an entry
on Mirror, all you’ll need is an Ethereum wallet, such as MetaMask or Rainbow.

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Introducing Skills v2: On-chain Credentials

May 24th, 2022

> Charting a path for users to become contributors in web3 based on verifiable,
> on-chain credentials

We started RabbitHole to promote the mission of Participation over Speculation.
From liquidity mining and yield farming in DeFi to minting and flipping NFTs,
there’s no shortage of speculation games in crypto today. The unfortunate truth
is only a small minority of web3 users are actually becoming contributors to
projects they use. To build a more accessible, sustainable web3, we need long
term thinkers & builders who think about contributing over using. We need
participants, not speculators.

As we set out on our journey to fight speculation in crypto, we launched Quests
to help connect projects with new token holders. The next step in our journey is
to help guide those token holders deeper down the crypto rabbit hole to become
contributors to the same protocols we first introduced them to.

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From v0 to v1: RabbitHole Metagovernance Pod Learnings

April 5th, 2022

In January, RabbitHole launched v0 of our metagovernance pod (the MGP), to
empower our community members to actively participate in the governance of our
partner protocols. Over the past 12 weeks, our contributors have absolutely
blown us away with their work. We’ve executed over 75 votes, voting in a way
that represents RabbitHole’s values, amplifies the voice of everyday users, and
promotes the sustainability of our partners.

Voting recommendations made in v0, categorized by protocol. Full archive here:


v0 was an experiment to test our community’s interest in governance and the
ability for critical strategic initiatives to be led by our community. v0 was an
MVP in every sense (nobody would argue that Notion + Discord polls are the
optimal governance stack) but in spite of these limitations, our contributors
were able to provide enormous value to our community and throughout the broader
web3 ecosystem.

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How To Borrow USDC on Aave

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

Welcome to the third stretch of our four part DeFi journey! If you’ve skipped
the past tasks, you can head back to the beginning here. Don’t worry, we’ll wait
up for you!

When it comes to putting your money to work, the DeFi ecosystem offers a vast
array of options. So far, we have staked some ETH on Lido and lent stETH on
Aave. Now, it’s time to use that stETH as collateral to borrow USDC!

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How To Lend stETH on Aave

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

In our previous guide, we staked ETH with Lido and received some stETH in
exchange. Now that our ETH is cozy and gaining us some staking rewards, it’s
time to put our stETH to work to further compound our yield. This will be a
multi-step process, and it starts with using stETH as collateral on Aave - an
open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol.

If you haven’t completed the previous task yet, it would be best to start there
before moving forward here.

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How To Stake ETH on Lido

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

Welcome to the beginning of your journey down the DeFi rabbit hole! For the
first leg of our trip, we’ll be learning how to stake ETH using Lido - a state
of the art liquid staking protocol. If that sentence was complete gibberish,
don’t worry! You’re in the right place — we’ll be right here to guide you
through everything.


Before we get going, let’s make sure you have the right equipment. In order to
stake ETH, you will need:

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How To Join a Party on PartyBid

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

Buying NFTs to support creators and join communities is already pretty awesome.
But you know what’s even better? Buying NFTs with friends! That’s exactly what
PartyBid was created for, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this


Before you head to the party, let’s make sure you’re not forgetting anything. In
order to join a party on PartyBid, you will need:

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How To Mint an NFT on Zora

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

If you’re looking to jump into the world of NFTs, you’ve found the right place!
In this guide we’ll explain what NFTs are, we’ll talk about the Zora protocol,
and we’ll mint our very own NFT.


Before we get going, let’s make sure you have the right tools. In order to mint
an NFT on Zora, you will need:

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How To Delegate LDO Tokens to RabbitHole on Snapshot

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

In a previous guide, we voted on a proposal with Snapshot. But there are times
when casting your own vote may not seem like the best option. However, there is
still a way to put your votes to use - delegation.

For this step of our DAO path, we’ll be delegating LDO tokens to the RabbitHole
Metagovernance Pod. This will increase the voting power of RabbitHole’s MetaGov
Pod and directly contribute to the positive impact we strive to make on the Lido

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How To Vote on a Snapshot Proposal

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

One of the most important aspects of a DAO is collective decision making. So for
this stop on our DAO path, we’ll be participating in exactly that by voting on a
proposal with Snapshot!


Before we get going, let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need. In order to
vote with Snapshot, you will need:

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How To Set Up a Gnosis Safe with 2 Signers

Tyler Internet
March 24th, 2022

GM 🐰

DAOs are community cooperation at work - people coming together to create,
invest, build, and vibe. In order for DAOs to carry out their operations, they
need stuff. And that stuff is often in the form of digital assets like
cryptocurrencies and NFTs. When a DAO wants to take their digital asset
management to the next level, they turn to a multisig wallet like Gnosis Safe.

In this guide, we’re going to set up a Gnosis Safe ourselves!

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Time to Amplify Your Web3 Leadership

Adam Dawson
March 23rd, 2022

The next wave of influential leaders in web3 are quickly coming to terms with
being  conscientious, considered, and effective decision makers. People who can
both specialize in a target project and participate productively in a broad
range of governance discussions. 

The future of the decentralized web3 protocols you know and love will
increasingly depend on this skillset. There is simply not enough interest in
governance and voting from general community members to consistently achieve an
effective quorum that captures the majority view. 

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Web3 Workshops - Publishing on Mirror

February 9th, 2022

Thanks to everyone who joined our workshop!

Send a Tip
Are you part of this split? Claim your funds!
Claim Funds

Tutorial: How to Setup & Bridge Funds to Avalanche (AVAX)

nishant m
December 22nd, 2021

🐥 gm hatchlings!!

Today’s guide will be covering the Avalanche network, and how to setup and
bridge your Ethereum (ETH) over to AVAX - the network’s native coin used for
transactions on the network!

Setting up your wallet and bridging (converting one network’s currency to
another) can be daunting, but fear not! Grab a desktop/laptop, a snack, and
follow our bushy tail down the rabbithole: we shall guide you! 🐇🕳

> Be sure to check out the prerequisite tutorials to get setup first

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Tutorial: How to Buy & Sell NFTs on OpenSea

nishant m
December 22nd, 2021

🐥 gm hatchlings!

Today we will be covering how to buy and sell NFTs on OpenSea, a decentralized
marketplace to trade NFTs (non fungible tokens) and digital assets!

First, be sure to checkout these prerequisite guides

 * How to set up MetaMask
 * What is an NFT? (by Ethereum)

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Tutorial: How to Buy and Sell BTC/ETH on Coinbase

nishant m
December 10th, 2021

🐥 GM web3 hatchlings!! Today we will be covering Coinbase, and how to buy &
sell your first Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) on the platform!!

It can be a bit daunting, but fear not! 🐇 Follow our bushy tail and we shall
guide you down the rabbit hole!

First be sure to check out Coinbase’s articles on what Ethereum and Bitcoin are!

 * What is Bitcoin?
 * What is Ethereum?

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Tutorial: How to set up and transfer money on MetaMask

Kene D Metaverse Counsel
December 21st, 2021


MetaMask is a non-custodial crypto wallet that interacts directly with the
Ethereum blockchain. With your MetaMask wallet, you are in direct control of
your private keys. Private keys are like a password, a string of letters and
numbers that allow you to access and manage your crypto funds from your wallet.

Using a browser that has a MetaMask extension, you can interact with crypto
applications on the internet. In this way, your MetaMask is like your
single-sign on for Web3, allowing you to sign in to an app or website with your

You can set up your MetaMask wallet on your phone or your laptop, but in this
guide I will be guiding you through how to set up MetaMask on your laptop.

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Tutorial: How to Swap Tokens on Pangolin

December 15th, 2021

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) don't get as much fanfare as they should. They’re
the single biggest motor behind the DeFi boom, allowing users to swap between
different tokens and blockchains and enabling usage of new crypto projects.

The main advantage of using a DEX is in the name itself — they're decentralized.
DEXs rely on supply and demand to determine token prices, and individual
participants provide liquidity for certain token pairs to run their operations.

Today we'll explore one of the most promising DEXs in recent times, the
Avalanche network's pioneer, Pangolin.

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Tutorial: How to Register an ENS Domain

Kene D Metaverse Counsel
December 13th, 2021

What is ENS?

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a distributed, open, and extensible naming
system based on the Ethereum blockchain. ENS maps human-readable names like
‘kene.eth’ to machine-readable identifiers. Instead of using your Ethereum
wallet address, ENS allows you to send and receive payments via your .eth domain


Before being able to register your ENS domain, you need to:

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Tutorial: How to Deposit LP Tokens in a Yield Yak Auto-compounder

November 17th, 2021

We've talked about providing liquidity, and how it can put your crypto to work
by being at the heart of decentralized exchanges. In this guide we'll explore
another prong for your DeFi swiss-army tool, the secret to snowballing returns
on your LP tokens through auto-compounders.


Yield Yak (formerly Snowball Finance) is a yield auto-compounder for the
Avalanche Network. In layman's terms, it allows you to deposit you LP pair
tokens (Like wETH.e-AVAX, AVAX-PNG) and single token farms (e.g USDC.e, wETH.e,
DAI.e,etc.) to automatically reinvest your gains and earn a compounding slice of
the LP Pool as time goes on.

What Yield Yak does differently to other auto-compounders lies in its pooling
structure. Instead of locking your yields for prolonged periods of time to
maintain liquidity or soft-blocking your with prohibitively high withdrawal
fees, YY socializes the costs to offer a more distributed (and therefore
cost-effective) compounding mechanism that allows you to watch and withdraw your
gains at mach speed.

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Tutorial: Setting Up / Bridging Funds on Celo

Vajresh Balaji
October 24th, 2021


Celo is a blockchain protocol that aims to reduce the barriers of entry to DeFi
adoption. Celo is mobile-first, supports sending transactions to mobile numbers,
has low gas fees, and supports stablecoins. These make Celo more accessible
compared to other protocols


 * Open the Metamask extension on your browser and select the dropdown at the
   top where it says “Ethereum Mainnet.”

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Tutorial: How to stake LP tokens on Ubeswap

November 8th, 2021


Ubeswap is a mobile-first Decentralized Exchange protocol for the Celo Network.
Ubeswap wants to power Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on Celo by providing
liquidity across all assets.

Celo is a mobile-first blockchain protocol that makes DeFi tools and services
accessible to anyone with a mobile phone.

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Tutorial: How to Borrow Assets on BenQi

Vajresh Balaji
November 1st, 2021


BenQi is a non-custodial liquidity market protocol on the Avalanche Network. You
can lend assets and borrow against those assets on BenQi. Lending assets allows
you to earn interest on those assets.


Avalanche is an open-source, proof-of-stake smart contracts platform that allows
developers to build decentralized applications. Avalanche offers near-instant
transaction finality and uses the native AVAX token to pay for gas and secure
the network by staking.

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Tutorial: How to Provide Liquidity on Trader Joe

Collin Pixley
November 4th, 2021


Trader Joe is an AMM style decentralized exchange on Avalanche. Trader Joe
combines DEX services with DeFi lending to offer leveraged trading. Trader Joe’s
products are community driven which allows them to allocate fees collected from
liquidation and trades back to the users via the JOE/xJOE staking mechanism. JOE
is a governance token that also rewards its holders with a share of exchange


Avalanche is a layer one blockchain created to host all kind of distributed
applications. As another blockchain with similar utility to Ethereum, Avalanche
has made small changes to how the blockchain works to optimize for speed and
scalability. Avalanche aims to not only be a short term compliment to Ethereum
but possibly even a substitute. Avalanche has a unique architecture. It consists
of three unique chains: X-Chain, C-Chain and P-Chain. With each chain having its
own purpose. Something interesting about Avalanche is that each chain uses a
different consensus mechanism.

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Tutorial: How to Lend Assets on BenQi

Vajresh Balaji
November 1st, 2021


BenQi is a non-custodial liquidity market protocol on the Avalanche Network. You
can lend assets and borrow against those assets on BenQi. Lending assets allows
you to earn interest on those assets.


Avalanche is an open-source, proof-of-stake smart contracts platform that allows
developers to build decentralized applications. Avalanche offers near-instant
transaction finality and uses the native AVAX token to pay for gas and secure
the network by staking.

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The Weekly Hop #8: Crypto prophets & digital sovereignty

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
October 21st, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole.

Back in '68, Stanley Kubrick transported us into the distant year of 2001, and
the future as he envisioned it held wonders like space stations on the moon and
velcro shoes. And while most of the tech in this space epic held onto the 60’s
zeitgeist, a particular piece featured is pin-pointedly accurate to our 21st
century reality.

After setting the scene for the Discovery One spaceship, we're introduced to a
futuristic gadget. Sitting on the table while the crew eats breakfast is a flat,
portable screen, broadcasting the galaxy’s news from Earth all the way to

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The Weekly Hop #9: Defanging data

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
October 29th, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole. 

Nothing is ever free. And unfortunately, instances like the insurrection of the
Capitol building, the spread of covid-related misinformation, and the rise of
hyper partisan political environments have taught us this the hard way. 

In an environment where over 500 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube
every minute, moderation functions as the core commodity that platforms have to
offer. These algorithmically-programmed systems of curation maintain
profitability by holding our attention on sites (to see ads) and presenting us
with content that will change our behavior (to sell ads). Problem is, these
algorithms have learned to “nudge” our behaviour for more sinister reasons than
just bleeding our wallets dry.

To make matters worse, we’re completely blind to what’s going on behind the
gold-plated doors of Silicon Valley. Under Section 230 of the Communications and
Decency Act, platform companies basically have sole discretion in how they’re
able to collect, collate, use, and sell our personal information. 

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RabbitHoleDAO: Why Decentralization Matters

October 28th, 2021

Let's face it. Crypto onboarding as we know it is a tedious process plagued by
token shillers and speculators whose only mission is to pump their own bags. And
aside from centralized products like Coinbase Earn, there's no education network
dedicated to teaching users the ins and outs of on-chain interactions.

Onboarding today is inaccessible, hard to understand, and owned entirely by
influencers who earn outsized benefits from new members joining the ecosystem.

From an accessibility standpoint, think about the first time you heard about
crypto — buzzwords galore: "How do I get started?" someone might ask. "Well,"
you'd say, "first you need a non-custodial wallet that holds various ERC-20
tokens. You're gonna want to go to your favorite centralized exchange, buy some
tokens, send them to your wallet, swap some on a decentralized exchange to get
some others, and, if you really wanna get frisky, lock em up in some high yield
DeFi protocol to maximize your yield. You'll be farming in no time!"

If you don’t know a thing about crypto, you're probably staring at your screen
like this:

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Tutorial: How to use DAOHaus

October 7th, 2021

DAOhaus is a no-code platform for launching and operating DAOs. DAOs have used
DAOhaus software to raise more than $50m and distribute almost $20m. On the
Daohaus platform, you can discover and join existing DAOs, as well as launch
your own. Launching a DAO on Daohaus provides a landing page where others can
pledge to join.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn the core actions to participating in a DAOHaus
DAO: How to join a DAO, create a proposal, sponsor a proposal, vote on a
proposal and process a proposal.


 1. Join DAOhaus discord #haus-roles to get Scholar role
 2. Use the !join command to get the foundations roles.

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Tutorial: How to Stake Ohm on Olympus

October 22nd, 2021

OlympusDAO is the creator of OHM, a free-floating reserve currency backed by a
basket of crypto assets. Used as a means of hedging against the crypto market’s
volatility, OlympusDAO focuses on supply growth rather than price appreciation
to stabilize the value (but not necessarily the price) of OHM.

How does this work?

First, every OHM token is backed by 1 DAI, but not necessarily pegged to it.
While a peg would imply 1 OHM = 1 DAI, backing implies 1 OHM >= 1 DAI. This
means there’s no upper limit to the value of 1 OHM, but there is a lower bound —
1 DAI. Or, put differently, the intrinsic value of 1 OHM is 1 DAI, but the
market price will almost always be 1 DAI + a premium.

To maintain the value of tokens held in the treasury, OlympusDAO uses a bond
mechanism to generate profits for the protocol + staking rewards to incentivize
holders to stake/provide liquidity for the protocol. OlympusDAO will either
issue OHM if the price spikes, or buy back + burn it if the price drops. Stakers
reap the benefits of this, earning rebase rewards as a result of bond sales. The
result of all of this? Even if the price of OHM drops below your purchase price,
given a long enough staking period, your staked OHM balance should increase at a
faster rate than the price decline.

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The Weekly Hop #3: Crafting an Open Metaverse

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
Chase Chapman
August 31st, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. To learn more about
Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole, check out last
week’s newsletter.

Pathfinders are the guiding lights through the nebulous crypto rabbit hole.
Every week, we meet to discuss the web3 frontier, where it is today, and where
it’s going. This week's musings: the Metaverse–what it is and where we are in


From Zoom chats, to the Minecraft world, to our Twitter feeds, the Metaverse is
taking shape all around us. But there’s no finite beginning or end to this
always-on digital space where people can congregate to socialize, work, learn,
entertain, express themselves, and create. Instead, as put by Matthew Ball, the
Metaverse is a “sort of successor state to the mobile internet” that will
“slowly emerge over time as different products, services, and capabilities
integrate and meld together.”

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The Weekly Hop #7: Humans of RabbitHole

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
October 14th, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole.

It’s my first intro for the Weekly Hop, and I already have a confession to make…

This introduction was supposed to be a riff on an essay from Packy McCormick’s
newsletter on the progressive decentralization of narrative––a topic relevant to
the development of web3 organizations. I planned to share the Pathfinders’ plan
to get the community more involved, ideas for revenue generation, and how we can
start building this blossoming DAO in public.

But when I started writing, I came to realize that an essay on how to build our
DAO’s narrative with the community is hypocritical: you don’t even know my story
(or most of the Pathfinders’ stories).

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The Weekly Hop #6: Status and scarcity in the digital world

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
October 4th, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole.

Last Wednesday, Twitter software engineer Mada Aflak posted a quick demo of the
NFT authentication tool that the company is building. After downloading their
NFTs from OpenSea, users can put their NFT in their avatar, and if properly
authenticated, a customary checkmark will appear alongside the NFT to show that
they are the “true owner” of the image.

Twitter’s addition of this NFT overlay is likely to bring a tremendous amount of
exposure to the space. Some may feel like we’re already at the top, but web2’s
implementation of incremental technologies like these could mark the beginning
of another period of NFT acceleration.

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Tutorial: How to convert xDAI to Wrapped xDAI (WrapETH)

September 29th, 2021

 * Go to https://wrapeth.com/.
 * Connect your web3 wallet to the application.
 * Connect to the xDAI network.
   * In the "Custom RPC" Settings, add in the xDai network details and click
     * Network Name: xDai
     * New RPC URL: https://rpc.xdaichain.com/
     * Chain ID: 0x64
     * Symbol: xDai
     * Block Explorer URL: https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet
 * Enter the amount to wrap or unwrap. To view the wxDai to your wallet tokens
   list, add the wxDai contract to the custom tokens section of your wallet
   * If you want to add manually in MetaMask, go to Assets -> Add Token, Paste
     in the address (symbol and decimals should populate if you are connected to
     xDai) and save.
   * wxDai Contract Address: 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d

Tutorial: Setting up / Bridging Funds on xDai

September 15th, 2021

xDai is a cryptocurrency that is pegged to the US Dollar, has super low
transaction fees (up to 500 transactions for $.01 xDai), and fast transaction
times. The xDai chain is a stable payments EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
blockchain designed for fast and inexpensive transactions.


xDai exists to support stable payments and digital cash transactions. Whereas
Ethereum transaction costs are unpredictable, subject to congestion, and require
several tokens (for example Dai + Eth for gas), xDai transactions are fast, very
inexpensive, and require a single token (xDai).

xDai Bridge
Token bridge between the Gnosis Chain and the Ethereum network
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The Weekly Hop #5: Bottom-up value creation in Loot

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
Chase Chapman
September 23rd, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole.

Almost three weeks since its drop, Loot is still on my mind. And not because of
what it is–yet–but because of what it could become.

Avichal Garg of Electric Capital sums it up well when he likens Loot with a deck
of cards. On its own, a deck of cards is just 52 pieces of paper with signs and
symbols on it. But with a bit of creativity, a deck of cards becomes the
foundation to your favorite games–from Crazy 8’s, to Hearts, to my personal
favorite, Poker. Similarly, while Loot may appear to be just an NFT with eight
lines of white text against a black background, it could become the foundation
of an entire gaming metaverse.

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Tutorial: How to stake ETH on Lido

September 24th, 2021


Lido is a decentralized, non-custodial, liquid platform for staking ETH. Users
are able to stake any amount and receive stETH (staked ether) in return. StETH
represents the deposited amount plus lending rewards, which is updated daily.
The current APR for staking on Lido is 5% — you can find the updated amount
here. As you might know, APR increases if the protocol has too little ETH staked
in order to incentivize more providers.

The LDO governance token is distributed to its DAO members, who are responsible
for protocol upgrades, defining parameters, and managing the group of liquidity
pools that Lido has. The LDO tokens have a 1-year lock-up period, following a
1-year vesting period. It is up to the DAO, not the user, to decide which pool
the stake enters.

Let’s navigate over to Lido and go through how to stake ETH on it.

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How to LP on SushiSwap (Polygon)

September 9th, 2021


SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and lending market on Ethereum.
Unlike a centralized exchange, SushiSwap is non-custodial and trustless. It uses
an automated market maker (AMM) model to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges of
any two ERC-20 tokens in real time.

SushiSwap has quickly evolved into one of the most sophisticated token liquidity
engines in decentralized finance (DeFi) by releasing innovative product
offerings that stretch our conception of what a DEX is supposed to be. In
addition to the steady flow of new features, SushiSwap has expanded across
multiple blockchains, setting itself up to be an extremely versatile multi-chain

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Tutorial: How to Send Funds Using Hop

Accelerated Capital
September 21st, 2021


Hop is a scalable token bridge protocol for Ethereum’s layer-2 ecosystem. The
protocol uses a special intermediary asset called an hToken to quickly move
funds from one network to another. These hTokens are automatically swapped for
their corresponding assets through the Hop Protocol interface, resulting in a
rather seamless experience for transporting assets between networks. 

Currently, Hop supports sending USDC, USDT, and MATIC across the Mainnet,
Polygon, xDai, Optimisim, and Arbitrum networks. Hop also plans to add even more
assets in the future, including ETH, WBTC, and DAI, making it an extremely
versatile cross-chain solution to the increasingly fragmented world of layer

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Tutorial: Deposit on PoolTogether (Polygon)

Vajresh Balaji
September 17th, 2021


PoolTogether is a no-loss lottery platform that allows users to deposit crypto
tokens into specific pools to win weekly prizes. Your deposits entitle you to
“tickets” that rollover weekly till you withdraw funds from the pool. Unlike a
traditional lottery, you don’t lose your deposits if you don’t win the prize.

PoolTogether uses your deposits and stakes them on Compound. The interest
generated from staking activity is distributed as the weekly prize. 

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Tutorial: How to Purchase an NFT on OpenSea

Jonah Baer
September 4th, 2021

Today, we’re teaching you how to participate in one of the most fun + important
areas of crypto culture: purchasing a non-fungible token (NFT) on OpenSea.

Get rewarded for researching and buying an NFT. Sounds like a win-win.


 * ETH to purchase the NFT and cover gas fees
 * MetaMask wallet (or another web3 wallet)

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The Weekly Hop #4: Loot 101: The Adventurer's Guide to the Lootverse

Anay Simunovic
Jonah Baer
Chase Chapman
September 9th, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter written by Pathfinders. Click here to learn more
about Pathfinders and our role in the decentralization of RabbitHole.

If you’re reading this newsletter, I think it’s safe to assume that you’re
familiar with crypto twitter. And if that’s the case, then I’m sure your
newsfeed over the last week has been consumed by Loot–Dom Hofmann’s latest
attempt to “promote the creation of blockchain-based art and communities to
surround them.”

The first iteration of Loot, Loot (for Adventurers), featured 8,000 NFT Loot
bags that each contained a list of eight different adventure items as text. Yep,
you heard that right. It’s just a black background with eight lines of white

The first Loot (for Adventurers) bag ever displayed
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Tutorial: How to Provide Active Liquidity on Visor

September 5th, 2021

Visor is a protocol allowing users to participate in active liquidity management
& provisioning for DeFi protocols in a way that retains custody of their assets
and minimizes costs. Since rebalancing and optimization of token liquidity on
Uniswap V3 can be confusing for some, Visor handles this for you, saving you
time and gas fees.


When participating in any sort of yield farming or liquidity mining, you'll
realize how quickly gas fees add up. With Visor's "smart vaults," your assets
will automatically be put in top yielding pools to maximize your ROI. Visor will
also re-invest the fees it earns from providing liquidity in the pool, letting
you increase your position over time.

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Tutorial: How to Stake on Synthetix

Accelerated Capital
August 28th, 2021


Synthetix is a decentralized derivatives liquidity protocol on Ethereum that
enables the creation of synthetic assets (Synths) through its staking mechanism.
Traders are able to acquire on-chain exposure to a variety of assets, including
fiat currencies, stocks, commodities, and crypto, using the Synthetix platform.

All Synths on Synthetix are backed by $SNX tokens that holders have staked as
collateral into the application. With a high collateralization ratio and a
unique minting/burning mechanism, Synthetix offers traders the ability to trade
synthetic assets in a decentralized manner with deep liquidity and zero
slippage, unlike traditional decentralized exchanges.

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Tutorial: How to provide liquidity on Balancer (Polygon)

August 16th, 2021


Balancer is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows users to swap
assets using liquidity pools, similar to Uniswap. However, Balancer differs from
Uniswap in a major way in that the liquidity pools are able to have up to 8
assets deposited in them, and the desired ratio between those assets can be set
by the person that creates it. This essentially allows users to create custom
investment vehicles that can act like index funds in which they can collect
transaction fees from people using the pool. This comes with the added benefit
of being able to maintain the ratios of the assets in their portfolio by having
arbitragers effectively manage the fund for them.


In this tutorial, we will be covering how to provide liquidity on Balancer on
the Polygon network. Polygon is an EVM smart contract-enabled side chain that is
very similar to Ethereum. This means that you can use familiar tools like
MetaMask to approve transactions. An added benefit is that the transaction fees
on Polygon are much lower than on Mainnet Ethereum.

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Tutorial: How to Swap Tokens on 1inch

August 26th, 2021

1inch is a DEX aggregator with over $70B in total volume across 540k+ users. To
give users the best token exchange rates, 1inch searches across various
liquidity sources & swaps your tokens on the exchange with the cheapest rate.

1inch - DeFi / DEX aggregator on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Optimism,
Polygon, Arbitrum
DeFi / DEX aggregator with the most liquidity and the best rates on Ethereum,
Binance Smart Chain, Optimism, Polygon, 1inch dApp is an entry point to the
1inch Network’s tech.

They support 50+ liquidity sources on the Ethereum network, 20+ on Binance Smart
Chain, and 7+ on Polygon, and their Pathfinder algorithm optimizes for the most
cost efficient token swap path if necessary to minimize fees.

Why does this matter?

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Tutorial: How to Swap Tokens on QuickSwap

Vajresh Balaji
August 26th, 2021


QuickSwap is a DEX (Decentralized Exchange) that runs on the Polygon Network.
It’s a fork of Uniswap. By running on a layer 2 solution like Polygon, QuickSwap
achieves low fees and faster transaction times.

To learn more about the Polygon Network and Bridging funds from the Ethereum
Mainnet to Polygon, check out this guide on using the Polygon Network for the
first time.

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Tutorial: How to Mint an NFT on OpenSea

Vajresh Balaji
August 25th, 2021

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to mint your own NFT on OpenSea.


 1. Metamask/Rainbow wallet (or another web3 wallet)
 2. ETH for gas fees

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The Weekly Hop #2: Experimenting Towards Decentralization

August 23rd, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter from the leaders behind RabbitHole, a platform
onboarding the next million users into crypto while training and connecting them
to work opportunities in DAOs.

RabbitHole is on a mission to be the University of the Metaverse. This mission
includes onboarding new people into crypto, teaching them how to be
crypto-native, credentialing crypto users for their on-chain tasks, and matching
users to protocols to find the best opportunities to participate in and
contribute to crypto networks.

But the truth is, this is not a mission that should be controlled by any single
individual or entity. The Pathfinder program is the first step in decentralizing
RabbitHole by recruiting the best community members and empowering them to look
after the design, creation, and implementation of RabbitHole Quests. 

Eventually, the Pathfinder program will become the RabbitHole DAO. In today’s
edition of the weekly hop, we will talk about the strategy behind decentralizing
through the Pathfinder program and the experiments we are launching to progress
down the path of decentralization. 

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Tutorial: How to provide Liquidity on Curve (Polygon)

August 21st, 2021

Curve LP

Tutorial: How to provide Liquidity on Curve (Polygon)


Curve is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows users to swap
assets using liquidity pools, similar to Uniswap. However, Curve differs from
Uniswap in that it is optimized to allow users to trade stablecoins with as
little gas fees and slippage as possible. Slippage is a term that refers to how
much the price of an asset shifts during the time that it takes for your order
to go through and is the result of a few factors:

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Tutorial: How to swap on Curve (Polygon)

August 21st, 2021


Curve is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows users to swap
assets using liquidity pools, similar to Uniswap. However, Curve differs from
Uniswap in that it is optimized to allow users to trade stablecoins with as
little gas fees and slippage as possible.

Slippage is a term that refers to how much the price of an asset shifts during
the time that it takes for your order to go through and is the result of a few

 1. The amount of Liquidity in a pool
 2. The size of your order
 3. Other market conditions (ie other users performing swaps on with the same
    pool at the same time.)

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Tutorial: How to Vote in DAO Governance Using Snapshot

Accelerated Capital
August 20th, 2021


Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) typically rely on democratic
voting mechanisms to facilitate coordination. Token holders are able to express
their position on a variety of governance proposals by using their tokens to

As important as voting is to the proper functioning of a DAO, participation is
notoriously limited. While this is typical of many democratic institutions,
voting on Ethereum is unique in that it requires a transaction to complete. This
means a voter will typically be required to pay gas to signal their opinion on a
proposal. This leaves many smaller token holders left out of governance since
voting on every proposal can quickly become prohibitive due to gas costs.

So how do we lower expenses to ensure that anyone who wants to vote on a
proposal can do so?

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Tutorial: Use Optimism for the first time

Anay Simunovic
August 19th, 2021


Given the recurring hurdle of high gas fees and slow transaction speeds, Layer 2
solutions like Optimism have become increasingly important to scale Ethereum’s
network. Optimism uses optimistic rollups to bundle transactions together using
smart contracts on an Ethereum side-chain before moving them to Ethereum’s
mainnet. With far lower fees, far lower latency, and far greater throughput
compared to Ethereum Layer 1 alone, many of your favorite DeFi protocols like
Synthetix and Uniswap, have already begun to deploy on the network.

If you want to be part of a faster and cheaper Ethereum future, keep reading to
learn how to use Optimism.

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Tutorial: How to Mint alETH on Alchemix

August 18th, 2021

Alchemix lets you take out loans against Ethereum and/or DAI that repay
themselves over time. Using synthetic tokens native to the protocol & backed by
future yield, users can deposit ETH or DAI to mint alETH or alUSD, which can be
borrowed and used however you want.

How do the loans repay themselves? When you deposit collateral into Alchemix, it
starts generating yield immediately from Yearn Finance vaults. The yield earned
on your collateral is then used to pay off the loan you took out.

While other platforms like Compound or Aave allow you to lend/borrow crypto,
Alchemix sets itself apart by paying back your loan for you. This allows you to
"set it and forget it" and never worry about liquidation.

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The Weekly Hop #1: Meet the Pioneers

August 15th, 2021

The Weekly Hop is a newsletter covering the leaders behind RabbitHole, a
platform onboarding the next million users into crypto while training and
connecting them to work opportunities in DAOs.

Since the launch of RabbitHole, the core team has been responsible for creating
quests to guide users through various tasks in understanding crypto. This
process includes: creating content, submitting proposals for what tasks should
be included, developing queries to track completions, and designing NFTs as
additional rewards.

We're now starting to decentralize the ownership of these workflows so that
dedicated community members can be a part of the creation process. That means
that outside contributors can start having a say on how users are being
onboarded into crypto through the existing infrastructure that RabbitHole built.
These individuals are called Pathfinders.

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Tutorial: How to swap on Balancer (Polygon)

Chase Chapman
August 16th, 2021


Balancer is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol that allows users to swap
assets using liquidity pools, similar to Uniswap. Balancer differs from Uniswap
in that liquidity pools can have up to 8 assets deposited in them, and the
desired ratio between those assets can be set by the person that creates it.
This allows users to create custom investment vehicles that can act like index
funds, which comes with the added benefit of being able to maintain the ratios
of the assets in their portfolio by having arbitragers effectively manage the
fund for them.


In this tutorial, we will cover how to swap on Balancer on the Polygon network.
Polygon is an EVM smart contract-enabled side chain that is very similar to
Ethereum. This means that you can use familiar tools like MetaMask to approve
transactions. An added benefit is that the transaction fees on Polygon are much
lower than on Ethereum.

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How to LP on Uniswap (Optimism)

August 15th, 2021

✨ Welcome Crypto Explorers ✨

In this tutorial, we will be learning how to be a liquidity provider (LP) on
Uniswap (Optimism Network).

We'll be covering how to add Optimism to your wallet, deposit funds onto the
Optimism network, and how to provide liquidity on Uniswap.

Let's get started!

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Tutorial: Stream Tokens with Superfluid

August 1st, 2021


Superfluid is a composable DeFi primitive that allows you to Stream tokens from
one address to another on a second-by-second basis. Some use-cases include, but
are not limited to:

 * paying for subscriptions by the second instead of yearly/monthly
 * paying or being paid for work in a more granular way
 * receiving rewards every second for holding a particular token

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Tutorial: Use Polygon for the first time

Vajresh Balaji
August 16th, 2021


Polygon consists of two major components. Polygon Framework and Polygon
Protocol. The polygon framework allows developers to spin up their own
blockchain network that offers the same developer experience and security as
Ethereum while also providing the scalability and flexibility of stand-alone
blockchains. The Polygon Protocol provides the method of connecting two
different Polygon Chains and the Ethereum Main Chain.

Polygon lowers entry barriers by reducing the transaction costs to an absolute
minimum by taking a multi-prong approach to scaling. Protocols like Curve, Aave,
Balancer, and Sushiswap have already launched on Polygon. The low transaction
costs and fast transaction speeds have encouraged game developers to launch on
Polygon. Zed.Run and Aavegotchi are two such games.

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Tutorial: How to Swap on Uniswap (Optimism)

Accelerated Capital
August 13th, 2021


Uniswap is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol for pooling liquidity and
trading ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum. Uniswap removes the need for trusted
intermediaries when exchanging assets via its automated market maker (AMM)
model. This means anyone can permissionlessly trade any ERC-20 token using the
Uniswap protocol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As the leading decentralized exchange (DEX) in DeFi, Uniswap has facilitated
over $300 billion of trading volume since inception. It is essential economic
machinery, enabling peer-to-peer value transfer across all of Web3.

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Tutorial: How to Swap on SushiSwap (Polygon Network)

Accelerated Capital
August 13th, 2021


SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and lending market on Ethereum.
Unlike a centralized exchange, SushiSwap is non-custodial and trustless. It uses
an automated market maker (AMM) model to facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges of
any two ERC-20 tokens in real time.

SushiSwap has quickly evolved into one of the most sophisticated token liquidity
engines in decentralized finance (DeFi) by releasing innovative product
offerings that stretch our conception of what a DEX is supposed to be. In
addition to the steady flow of new features, SushiSwap has expanded across
multiple blockchains, setting itself up to be an extremely versatile multi-chain

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Tutorial: How to deposit assets into a Yearn Vault

August 9th, 2021


Yearn is a DeFi service that provides opportunities for users to passively
invest through their core products: Vaults and Earn. This is done by pooling
users' funds and socializing the transaction costs of moving those funds between
other protocols that generate yield; such as dYdX, AAVE, and Compound. Vaults
are like savings accounts for your crypto assets. They route your deposit
through strategies that seek out the highest yield available in DeFi.

This tutorial will focus on how to deposit funds and begin earning a yield using
the Yearn v2 Vaults. It will also walk you through completing one of the tasks
required to claim the Asset Management Skill and Lending Skill on RabbitHole.

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Tutorial: How to Borrow Assets on Compound

Jonah Baer
August 8th, 2021

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole 🐇 🕳️

Now that you learned how to lend on Compound, it's time to learn how to borrow.

The goal of this tutorial is simple:

Make sure you have the essentials to safely and securely borrow funds on

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Tutorial: How to Supply Assets on Compound

Jonah Baer
August 8th, 2021

Welcome down the DeFi Rabbit Hole 🐇 🕳️

Are you looking to supply your assets for the Compound Quest? Well, you're in
the right place.

The goal of this tutorial is simple:

Make sure you understand the essentials to safely and securely supply assets and
earn interest on the Compound protocol.

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Tutorial: How To Register An ENS Name

August 7th, 2021

✨ Welcome Crypto Explorers ✨

In today's tutorial, we will be exploring one of the ways to own your identity
on the decentralized web.

An ENS name is your username for the decentralized web that can be used to login
across many different blockchain and web3 services. Once you set up your ENS
name, you can use it as a website address, your identity, wallet/bank, and more!

Let's get started!

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Tutorial: How To Borrow Assets On Aave (Polygon Network)

July 27th, 2021


Aave is an open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol for earning interest
on deposits and borrowing assets. It lets users lend or borrow cryptocurrency
without going through a centralized intermediary (like a bank, financial
institution, or centralized exchange).

Depositors earn a passive income when they provide liquidity to the market by
depositing assets. Borrowers are able to borrow assets to obtain liquidity
(working capital) without selling their assets. Borrowers pay interest on their
loans. Usually, people borrow due to unexpected expenses, to leverage their
holdings or for new investment opportunities.

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Tutorial: How to Lend Assets on Aave (Polygon Network)

July 27th, 2021


Aave is an open source and non-custodial liquidity protocol for earning interest
on deposits and borrowing assets. It lets users lend or borrow cryptocurrency
without going through a centralized intermediary (like a bank, financial
institution, or centralized exchange).

Depositors earn a passive income when they provide liquidity to the market by
depositing assets. Borrowers are able to borrow assets to obtain liquidity
(working capital) without selling their assets. Borrowers pay interest on their
loans. Usually, people borrow due to unexpected expenses, to leverage their
holdings or for new investment opportunities.

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Tutorial: How to Signal on The Graph

Vajresh Balaji
July 23rd, 2021


The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from
blockchains. If you are building an application that accesses data from the
blockchain, it might take a long time to look through each block on the
blockchain and extract relevant data. To solve this issue, you could build your
own service to index data and store it in a conventional database. But this
takes time and money.

Here’s where The Graph comes in. By allowing multiple types of network
participants with specific roles, The Graph enables developers to build
applications that can access blockchain data in a decentralized way without
sacrificing performance. This

Let’s look at the participants in The Graph ecosystem.
Indexers: They stake GRT tokens and operate a Graph Node to index relevant data
and process queries. They earn Indexing Rewards and Query Fees. Indexers are
incentivized to serve correct data as their staked tokens will be slashed if
they act maliciously.
Delegators: Delegators stake their GRT tokens on behalf of one or more Indexers.
As a result, Delegators earn a portion of the Indexer rewards and Query fees
without running their own Graph Node.
Consumers: These are the application developers that access data and pay for

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Tutorial: How to create a Gnosis Safe

Vajresh Balaji
July 25th, 2021


Gnosis Safe is a smart contract wallet that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It
allows you to create a wallet that can be controlled by multiple people and
requires a minimum number of signatures before executing a transaction.

Gnosis Safe can be run in a trustless manner as the frontend, backend, and Smart
Contracts are entirely open source. Gnosis supports ERC-20 and ERC-721, which
means all your tokens and NFTs can be managed through the wallet. You can use
the web, desktop, and mobile interfaces to access the safe.

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Tutorial: Rabbithole <> BrightID

July 22nd, 2021

Hi y'all 👋 RabbitHole uses BrightID to ensure human verification of users so
that everyone can have fun in the Metaverse ✨ free from bots and scammers. Once
you set up your BrightID, there are more opportunities for you to interact with
other crypto applications with full confidence that you are among mensch.

🚀 Let's go 🎢


Part 1 link: bit.ly/Part1BrightID

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RabbitHole raises 3.6M to build the on-chain resume for the future of work

June 24th, 2021

 * RabbitHole has received $3.6M of financing led by Electric Capital.
 * RabbitHole helps individuals go down the “crypto rabbit hole” by rewarding
   them for using crypto applications on smart contract blockchains like
   Ethereum and Polygon.
 * Skills entitle users to participate in unique opportunities such as new token
   distributions and becoming a contributor to a crypto project

If you’re reading this, you already know the crypto ecosystem exploded over the
past year.

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