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Fresh Hope Refuge Shelter, Angeles City, PI

Hi, you guys! Janine and Sam here, asking for some help. We know that this is a
super hard thing to ask, especially with inflation like it is right now, (thanks
Brandon), but we’ve been asked to provide a few needs for our extended family.
Lola and Lolo (Margaret and Tom) have not been able to leave the Philippines to
come home to their family since COVID. Meaning, they are really feeling the
affects of missing their loved ones and the supplies that the US has to offer.
In normal circumstances, they would come home to the US to itenerate and raise
funds to provide for their needs in PI. As an extension of them, we are reaching
out for your assistance. We have a list that has been provided to us by them.
Any help is much appreciated.

We are needing to raise $800. This will go towards Margaret and Tom’s visas to
stay in PI.

The shelter is in need of several items, here goes:   

*OTC cold and sinus tabs or liquid, *multivitamins (adult and
children)                *OTC acid reflux
tabs                                           *OTC nasal
*Benadryl                                                               *OTC
allergy tabs                                              *canned goods such as
SPAM, corned beef, kidney beans, pork n beans, campbell’s cream of chicken and
mushroom soup                          *strawberry and lime
jello                              * chocolate and vanilla pudding (the kind
that you cook, not already prepared                                *Nestle and
Swiss Miss hot chocolate packs           *chocolate
candies.                                                       *peanut
candies.                                                            *grape,
strawberry, and apricot jam                                  

We will be posting this on our FB page as well as our own personal pages. We
will be happy to meet for any items that are collected and will post a link to
our missions account if you wish to donate. We can make sure you are provided
with appropriate paperwork for tax purposes. Please use the link below to

> Samuel and Janine McNair

Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment March 11, 2022March 14, 2022 4


I generally start out a new post with a picture, usually related to my present
post. This one will be no different. Sam and I are asked on a daily basis, “When
are you guys heading to the Philippines?” The answer is, “We’re not sure, but we
hope to get there soon”. Even though we are not able to be with our Filipino
family physically, we intend to support them any/every way we can.

Many of our friends and family give in support to our ministry. We sincerely
thank you from the bottom of our hearts. With that being said, I wanted to make
sure you guys know what goes on at the shelter on a regular basis. Even through
the Covid challenges, they are still able to support the community by providing
food bags and sharing the love of Jesus. They have taken the time to personally
prepare the meals, package them, and then deliver. The impact they are able to
make during this time is especially uplifting, and the lives they are reaching
is exceptional.

Margaret and Tom Tioaquen are the current missionaries at the shelter. They have
devoted their entire life to serventhood and I for one cannot wait to learn from
them. They love unconditionally just as Christ loves us and only want for the
lives they impact daily to succeed. Because of their obedience to the Lord, they
are able to prepare enough food to feed the community and reach about 200
children monthly. We are so proud to be associated with such an amazing
organization and cannot wait to celebrate victories such as this with them in

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as well as the shelter. Thank you all
for the love and support you show us. It means the world.

Janine McNair Uncategorized 1 Comment March 15, 2021March 17, 2021 1 Minute


Anna Ruby Falls, Helen, GA

If you’ve been reading my posts, then you’ve likely learned I haven’t posted in
quite a while. Partly, because I haven’t had the time and the other part… Well,
I just plain haven’t wanted to. I let myself get wrapped up in a torn and
shattered blanket of self pittiness where I was never warm or comfortable, and
never comforted. I stopped doing things for myself because I stayed focused on
everything and everyone else.”Covid hair” is foreal a thing, and we’re not even
going to discuss the “Covid 15”. Being a healthcare worker during a pandemic has
it’s struggles. Being a missionary trying to get to your “called” destination is
worse. I’ve felt like we’ve been in battle now for over a year. Battling to save
lives, battling the masks, battling the airlines, battling the government,
battling the pharmacy’s, and insurance companies. Trying to keep patients out of
the hospital, trying to convince patients to go to the hospital, trying to
figure out how to get into another country… It’s been a vicious cycle. So, I
finally did what most would do when they reach their breaking point. I fell
apart. Straight up ugly cried. I realized then that I was carrying a burden I
wasn’t meant to have to carry. I had been trying to keep everyone else afloat
and was silently sinking the whole time.

I’ve seen this same senerio more times than I can count. You don’t have to be a
healthcare worker/missionary to be feeling the same way. Pastors are going
through a hard time, small business owners, large corporate companies, your
neighbor even. Give that burden over, don’t hold on to it. Ask the Lord for
guidance and direction. He’ll lead you in the path where you need to go.

I haven’t taken a vacation for just me since the pandemic started. Mostly
because I felt guilty for potentially leaving my comrades in war or for feeling
guilty having a good time when others are struggling to get home to their own
country. This weekend, Sam and I headed out to Helen, GA. Let me just say, it
was exactly the getaway that I needed. I was reminded that in order to continue
where I’m needed, I must be healthy. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. I
cannot effectively perform my job in the secular world or spiritual world if I’m
not in my right mind. I was also reminded that even in the midst of heartache
and struggle, there are still beautiful things to behold. This weekend, I took
it all in.

Anna Ruby Falls, Helen, GA
Janine McNair Uncategorized 1 Comment February 28, 2021March 1, 2021 2 Minutes


Grandmama and Grandaddy’s House

This would have been our first Christmas in PI, but COVID. Christmas would have
looked a lot different for our family this year, but the Lord saw fit that we
celebrate it together with most of our close family members. I know one thing,
they are not complaining, not even the least. I showed up to Grandmama’s house
this year with a fake tree and she didn’t say a word. We’ve had a real tree, cut
down from the woods since I can remember. All of my early childhood memories are
of me, my brother, father, and grandfather scavenging the woods to find “that
perfect one”. She never moved a single ornament on that tree either. It didn’t
matter where my brother or I placed them. She wanted it to stay exactly where it
was because she knew it made us happy. This year she (and Grandaddy) are happy,
just because we’re here. While we know that the Lord has a calling on our lives,
spending as much time with our family before we go is something very important
to us all.

My kiddos were able to make a memory tonight. Decorating the tree (Nana helped
too), with mostly all hand made ornaments while picking out their most favorite
one. Mine is a small crocheted teddy bear. Those memories flooded my heart
tonight. Remembering making most of the ornaments in school or crafting at her
house after school. Remembering the smell of the fresh cut tree mixed with the
smell of USA Gold cigarettes, because Dad and Grandaddy had to smoke at least
one before using the chainsaw to cut the tree down and another on the way back

I wanted to make this year memorable and special. For my kiddos and family. I
have no idea what next year holds for us. Hopes and dreams can change in the
blink of an eye. We just have to have faith and believe that the Lord will lead
us in the right direction, in HIS time. Please continue to pray for our PI
family. They are ready for us to be there. Warmest wishes this holiday season!
Merry Christmas one and all!

Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment December 20, 2020 1 Minute


Orange Beach, AL

We decided to change things up a bit this year, so we loaded up Amos and Big
Mama and left for the beach. This was my first year in a very long time to not
host our families at our home and spend hours cooking and cleaning. I’ll be
honest, I missed it. Well, maybe not the cleaning part. We did, however, get to
spend some much appreciated time with extended family at their RV resort in
Foley as well as my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Shout out to both, you guys rocked
at cooking this year.

We would have been celebrating the Holidays in PI this year, but COVID had other
plans. When you guys pray, please say a prayer for them. Especially during this
time. The world is dealing with so many things, and we’re still unsure of so
much. One thing is for certain though, we still have faith. Our hope is in
Jesus, and we know what he has promised us. We’re just waiting on his timing.

This holiday season will look very different for many families. I encourage you
all to look past the surface. Look into the heart and soul of those around you.
Forget about the politics. Forget that someone’s beliefs are different from your
own. Love them. Pray for them, because that’s what Jesus would want you to do.
Many are struggling to pay bills, buy groceries, find a job, and are just trying
to survive. Be that person with a kind smile, and just love them. Just because.

Happy Thanksgiving from The McNairs

Lake Osprey, Elberta

Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment November 27, 2020November 27, 2020 1


Nicholas “Nerd” McNair

It’s been another busy week for us McNairs. I don’t know about you guys, but I
was struggling trying to tackle things the last few days. Shout out to Amazon
for helping out this mama and getting the kiddos costumes on time. Couldn’t have
done it without you. This was our first year not to trick or treat from house to
house, but I can promise y’all our campground did not disappoint. How have I
lived 31 years of my life and never known that the campgrounds are where it’s
at??? I feel like I’ve been robbed. Seriously. I mean, everyone knows that the
kids get candy for the parents right? It’s like their remittance for us carrying
and birthing them. I can’t be the only mom that tells their kids this.

On a side note, despite all the challenges that have occurred this year, it was
nice to feel normal again. Bless Scarlett’s heart, she was so glad to be out
doing things she didn’t want to go to sleep for fear that it would end, and she
would miss out on something. If you know that child, you know she turns into a
pumpkin about 7:30- 8pm every night. 9pm came around and she was crying because

I try super hard every year to be that cute matching Pinterest family and have
huge intentions of coming up with a really creative costume. I fail every year.
Mostly, because the kids have their own opinions and Sam wouldn’t be caught dead
in anything that’s not hunting related. So, this year we ended up with a “Nerd”
and “Aurora”. Not to be confused with Sleeping Beauty though because “That is
not her real name”, per Scarlett McNair. They had a great time and really that
is what matters. If you need me after work at all this week, I’ll be at the
camper stringing Christmas lights and channeling my inner Griswold. “We’re gonna
have the hap- hap happiest Christmas!”.

Scarlett “Aurora” McNair aka “Not Sleeping Beauty” and aka “I’m Not Tired”

Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment November 2, 2020 1 Minute


Springville Camp and Conference Center

Hello, All! It’s been quite busy for us McNairs the last couple of weeks. I
haven’t had much time to sit and gather my thoughts due to recent events dealing
with “Big Mama”. I have a few moments now so I better take advantage of it!
We’ve had several things to take care of camper related, which by the way,
campers seriously require maintenance. We had to replace our glass pantry door
where somebody’s foot went thru it because they were “surfing”. We’ve also had
some newbie uh-oh moments. That makes for a trip back to the shop. If you’re
planning on buying a camper, just go ahead and put those said moments into your
budget. You’re going to need it.

For those that do not know, our ministry started in Royal Rangers. Sam has been
a commander since 2005 and I followed in 2008. Most of our ministerial time has
been spent pouring into boys/young men of all ages. We’ve watched many grow up
from elementary age to adulthood, and we’re still blessed with the opportunity
to sow that seed. Every year there is a LEAD Conference where other commanders
and leaders gather to learn, share, encourage, and fellowship, which is where
we’ve been this weekend.

We have been surround by several mentors the last few days that we hold very
close to our hearts. Most have known us since the beginning of our marriage and
have watched our ministry bloom over the years. Even though I no longer have my
actual father to rely on for advice or just the regular fatherly duties, I have
many fatherly men to fill that gap. Men that would do everything in their power
to help me if needed. Men that I want my son to look up to because of the role
model they are. I can say that without a doubt, they are who I want to have in
my corner praying for me.

Also, Sam and I have witnessed A LOT of love for missions during this event, and
I’ve got to say I am absolutely blown away. We were invited to share our hearts
and testimony, and in return we were given the opportunity to raise funds for
our missions project. Huge shout out to all the commanders who gave selflessly.
We love and appreciate it more than you know

Lead Conference 2020
Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment October 18, 2020October 18, 2020 2


Gadsden Mall

The McNairs needed a massive brain dump this weekend, so that’s exactly what we
did. Generally, our weekends are jam packed with things needing to be done. We
still had our usual commitments to take care of, but we left room for a little
extra. I don’t know about you guys, but my week was a tad hectic. I had a lot
needing to be dumped out. The kids have been on each other’s nerves more than
usual lately and Daddy had a full work load as well. We were tired! Most days
we’re up by 6am and truthfully the weekends are no different. Thankfully, we
carved out a little bit of time to play a very competitive game of Put Put. It
only gets competitive because we all want to beat Daddy. He wins EVERY.

Hopefully, this week will turn out to
be a little less stressful than the last. I’m asked all the time, “How do you
get away from each other when you’re frustrated?” One word… Outside. Y’all,
outside is our best friend. Sometimes I just have to send the kids on a bike
ride, or we go to the park, or if the weather is warm enough we go to the pool
which is where we’ve been today. Fresh air is where it’s at. Breaking up the
monotony of doing the same thing every day. I’ve truly gained a new perspective
living the #camperlife. Realizing that the life we are living now is really
worth the effort it took to get here. I can only imagine the joy we’ll feel once
we get to our next destination. Whenever that may be…

Janine McNair Uncategorized Leave a comment September 28, 2020 1 Minute


River Rocks Landing, Gadsden, AL

This weather, y’all. It feels so good outside. If you know us at all then you
know we LOVE the outdoors, and fall weather is our favorite weather. The cooler
temps and refreshing breeze is much appreciated. We even have Christmas lights
on the trees to turn on for nostalgia! By no means is it Christmas time, but the
lights make me super happy none the less.

We’re asked on a frequent basis how life is in a camper. This is it. Living life
to the fullest extent possible. Spending “S’more” family time as much as
possible. When the kids are grown and have families of their own, I want their
fondest memories to be times like this. I want them to have adventures and an
imagination. Not stuff. Stuff accumulates to more stuff, and eventually that
stuff gets thrown out and forgotten about. S’mores is where it’s at, y’all. Big,
fat marshmallows smushed together by chocolate and graham crackers. YUM.

I’ve really felt a burden lately for those families that are struggling. Parents
and kiddos are experiencing a lot of changes due to current events. If you’re
reading this, know that these struggles are only for a season. You’re building
your faith. Know that I’m praying for you. More importantly, know that Jesus
loves you. If you can find some time this week in your already packed schedule,
I encourage you to go to the store. Find the isle with the S’more ingredients
and take them home. These will be the moments you’ll remember for the rest of
your life.

Janine McNair Uncategorized 1 Comment September 20, 2020September 21, 2020 1


Campground Laundry Room

I’ve been dreading this day, hoping it would never come. Wishing the laundry
fairy would magically make our piles of dirty clothes disappear. It’s like they
just show up in the basket one day and you have absolutely no idea where they
all came from! 5 loads. F.I.V.E. L.O.A.D.S to wash, dry, and fold!!!! Good
grief!!!! On a side note though, our laundry room at the campground has 5
washers and 5 dryers. Super convenient for that mom living the camper life
needing to get her real life together. That mom is me, 100%. Y’all, on a serious
note, don’t mention the laundry thing to my GM, she’ll have my hide for letting
it pile up like that. 

Turns out, the couple hours of quiet time while waiting on the clothes to finish
was exactly what I needed. I had time to reflect on all the craziness of this
past month. Heck, I’ll be happy do the laundry EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. if it gets me
that!! We’re setting in nicely. Most of our things have a place now and I don’t
feel as “cluttered”. If you know me you know that I loathe clutter. Organization
is definitely on my love language list. Keeping things tidy in such a small
space will be a challenge, but I’m confident that we can make it work.

The kiddos and Sam are at the pool currently and that gave me time to clean up
the camper and actually cook a real supper. Thanks for all the prayers this
week. I have felt them to my bones. It takes a village for sure. Stay tuned for
the next post! Love you, all!!!

Janine McNair Uncategorized 1 Comment September 11, 2020September 11, 2020 1


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