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   This program is not required to start automatically as you can run it when
   you need to. It is advised that you disable this program so that it does not
   take up necessary resources. The following information is a brief description
   of what is known about this file. If you require further assistance for this
   file, feel free to ask about in the forums.

 * Name
 * Filename
   rundll32.exe streamci, StreamingDeviceSetup
 * Command
   Unknown at this time.
 * Description
   Part of the closed caption decdoder/MS VBI codec. Should only run once
 * File Location
 * This entry has been requested 24,507 times.


It is assumed that users are familiar with the operating system they are using
and comfortable with making the suggested changes. BleepingComputer.com will not
be held responsible if changes you make cause a system failure.

This is NOT a list of tasks/processes taken from Task Manager or the Close
Program window (CTRL+ALT+DEL) but a list of startup applications, although you
will find some of them listed via this method. Pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL identifies
programs that are currently running - not necessarily at startup. Therefore,
before ending a task/process via CTRL+ALT+DEL just because it has an "X"
recommendation, please check whether it's in MSCONFIG or the registry first. An
example would be "svchost.exe" - which doesn't appear in either under normal
conditions but does via CTRL+ALT+DEL. If in doubt, don't do anything.

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