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              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Good morning, and welcome to the Analog Devices Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2024 Earnings Conference call, which is being audio webcast via telephone and over the web.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">I now like to introduce your host for today's call, Mr. Michael Lucarelli, Vice President of Investor Relations and FP&amp;A. Sir, the floor is yours.</p>
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you, Gigi, and good morning, everybody. Thanks for joining our second quarter of fiscal 2024 conference call. With me on the call today are ADI CEO Chair, Vincent Roche; and ADI CFO, Rich Puccio. For anyone who
              missed the release, you can find it and related financial schedules at investor.analog.com.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">On to disclosures. The information we're about to discuss includes forward-looking statements, which are subject to certain risks and uncertainties</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">As further described in our earnings release, and our periodic reports and other materials filed with the SEC. Actual results could differ materially from the forward-looking information as these statements reflect
              our expectations only as the date of this call. We undertake no obligation to update</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">These statements, except as required by law. Revenues to gross margin, operating and nonoperating expenses, operating margin, tax rate, EPS and</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Free cash flow in our comments today will be on a non-GAAP basis, which excludes special items.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">When comparing our results to historical performance, special items are also excluded from prior periods. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures and additional
              information about our non-GAAP measures are included in today's</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Earnings release.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">And with that, I'll turn it over to ADI CEO and Chair, Vince.</p>
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks very much, Mike. Good morning and a big welcome to you all. So in the second quarter, our strong focus and execution resulted in revenue of $2.16 billion, with profitability in earnings per share finishing
              above the high-end of our outlook. With 2Q now behind us, we believe we've passed the low point of this cycle. Notably, global manufacturing PMIs, which are highly correlated with our core business are improving, customer inventories
              are stabilizing, and our bookings have improved for a third consecutive quarter.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Our growing optimism remains guarded, however, as short-term economic and geopolitical uncertainty persists, as such, we will continue to manage the near term with great discipline as we fund and execute against our
              longer term strategic priorities to drive increasing levels of value for all of our stakeholders. So with that framing, I'd like to share some examples with you of how we are continuing to strengthen ADI's high performance franchise
              across all markets and creating unique growth drivers that will be additive to what we hope will be a strong cyclical recovery.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">For example, in healthcare, we have exciting wins in areas such as the rapidly expanding surgical robotics market, where the performance of our precision signal processing and connectivity solutions is critical. And
              in the fast-growing continuous glucose monitoring space, we've won multiple opportunities across several customers. Our unique, digitally-enabled analog frontend solutions increase the accuracy and power efficiency of sensors and extend
              battery life from days to weeks.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">In industrial automation, the growth of the digital factory is accelerating upgrades to higher bandwidth, deterministic industrial ethernet that can support up to 10 times the number of Edge devices across the factory
              floor. We believe our leadership position with key customers will create a durable revenue stream beginning next year that can grow to several hundreds of millions of dollars as deployments ramp over time.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Turning to automotive, our solid performance is being driven by the proliferation of higher content vehicles that use more power management, more connectivity, and an increasing number of sensor platforms that open
              new signal processing opportunities for ADI. The increasing content per vehicle is a pervasive trend across all vehicle types, combustion engines, hybrids and full EVs. For example, in advanced safety, we've increased our GMSL design
              wins from 12 to 15 of the top 20 ORMs, and expanded our engagements at two European and one Korean OEM, who intend to deploy our high performance -- high bandwidth connectivity solution across a larger share of their fleets.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We've also seen strong attach for our functionally safe power which is used with sensors and displays in ADAS systems, and recently increased share at the leading global car manufacturer. In electrification, we've
              expanded our battery management system share at leading Chinese OEMs, and more than doubled our BMS share in upcoming European OEM model launches, and two manufacturers intend to deploy our higher content wireless solutions starting
              next year.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Now, I'd like to use the rest of my prepared comments today to share our perspective on the role that artificial intelligence is playing and will play at ADI in the future. This technology has clearly reached a
              tipping point, and our AI opportunity spans from sensor to cloud. While we've been adding algorithmic and software intelligence to our products now for decades, we've expanded the scope and pace of our investments in recent years.
              Today, we are increasingly leveraging AI in and around our products as well as in our operations to more fully meet our customers' needs and extend our industry leadership.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We're deploying AI internally to help accelerate engineering development, enhance manufacturing efficiency, and create a better customer experience. But the majority of our activities are centered around product
              portfolio innovations that position us to take advantage of AI's enormous potential.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We see this business opportunity coming in two distinct waves. The first wave, focused on infrastructure is now underway and as we all know, is growing very rapidly. In order to tackle the intensified energy and
              processing demands of AI compute systems, datacenter customers are investing in new vertical power architectures. As we highlighted previously, our vertical power technology which can reduce power losses by up to 35% compared to
              existing architectures is gaining traction with hyperscalers.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We continue to leverage our heterogeneous integration expertise to create more efficient, smaller vertical power solutions that deliver more value and enable us to capture more share in this nascent space. Power
              efficient computing, though, is just one challenge the AI ecosystem faces, data must also be transported efficiently, securely, and at much, much greater speeds. This is driving wireline customers to upgrade connectivity infrastructure,
              sparking a transition to 800 gigabits and 1.6 terabit optical modules.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">At the electro optical interface, our ability to provide high performance solutions that integrate analog digital and memory in a reduced form factor is indeed a key differentiator. Our high precision controller was
              recently designed into a 1.6 terabit optical module used in the Nextgen AI systems of the high performance compute leader.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">In industrial, AI is fueling extraordinary demand for high bandwidth memory and high performance compute. This in turn is driving a new growth vector for our instrumentation and test business, particularly in SOC and
              memory test. We're working with key players globally to enable faster digital scan speeds, higher channel density and the improved energy efficiency necessary to scale production of AI systems. The significantly greater amount of ADI
              content in these systems is positioning our high performance compute and memory test sectors for record revenues in the near to midterm. The opportunity ahead for ADI is to compound the impact of this first wave by bringing
              application-specific AI models and high performance compute right down to the physical edge, creating greater system value with added improvements in latency, power efficiency, security, and cost.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">So let me share some examples of how we are working to amplify this second wave. For example, in acoustic systems, we are combining our application-specific algorithms with ultra low energy processing hardware to
              enrich our audio platform offerings. We're also developing a mix signal processor with embedded neural networks that enable a system to learn and adapt to the highly variable nature of sound in real time. Excitingly, we have strong
              traction with multiple customers in this area.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Now, in the same vein, we're leveraging our rich domain expertise with our growing processing capabilities to enhance our advanced connectivity platform in next generation 5G radios, for example, we've implemented the
              first AI-enabled technology, combining an energy efficient real time neural network with an AI assisted development tool to give customers the ability to solve their linearization challenges in a fraction of the time.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">In our power management platform, we're using AI to address the arduous challenge of tuning power trees for volatile consumption patterns in datacenters. Our solutions reduce complexity for power engineers and
              compress the time required from weeks to hours, helping to lower costs and, of course, acceleration time to market. The ADI has always operated at the physical edge, where the world's most important real data is born. As multimodal AI
              becomes more pervasive at the Edge and a diversity of sensor types is used to unearth deeper insights, we expect to see an explosion of demand that will accelerate growth for our broad signal chain as well as power portfolios. In short,
              ADI's AI future looks bright across the continuum of sensor to cloud. So in closing, I'm very proud of how our team has executed in one of the largest downturns the semiconductor industry has seen. More importantly, I've never been more
              excited about how we're positioned for the future and what it holds for ADI.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">And so with that, I'm going to hand it over to Rich.</p>
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you, Vince, and let me add my welcome to our second quarter earnings call. As a reminder, our first quarter 2024 was a 14-week quarter, so we are going to limit our comparisons this quarter to year-over-year
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Second quarter revenue of $2.16 billion finished above the midpoint of our outlook. This result was down 34% year-over-year. Industrial represented 47% of revenue in the quarter and was down 44% year-over-year. As
              expected, all applications were impacted by inventory digestion. However, aerospace and defense revenues outperformed broader industrial. Automotive represented 30% of revenue and was down 10% year-over-year.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Continued growth in our leading connectivity and functionally safe power franchises balanced broad-based declines elsewhere. Communications represented 11% of revenue and was down 45% year-over-year. Inventory
              digestion and weaker demand impacted both our wireline and wireless businesses. And lastly, consumer represented 11% of revenue and was down 9% year-over-year with growth in portables, partially offsetting declines across other
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Now let's move from the topline to the rest of the P&amp;L. Second quarter gross margin was 66.7%, down sequentially and year-over-year, driven by unfavorable mix, lower revenue and lower utilization as we continue to
              reduce inventory. Operating expenses in the quarter were $598 million, down significantly year-over-year, driven by lower variable compensation and strong organization-wide execution on cost control. Operating margin of 39% exceeded the
              high-end of our outlook. Nonoperating expenses finished at $64 million, and the tax rate for the quarter was 10.6%. The net result was EPS of $1.40, above the high-end of our outlook.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Our financial position is solid, and I'd like to call out a few items from our balance sheet and cash flow statement. We ended Q2 with more than $2.3 billion of cash and short-term investments and a net leverage ratio
              of 1.1. During the quarter, we raised $1.1 billion of debt for general corporate purposes, including upcoming debt maturities. Inventory decreased $74 million sequentially and days declined to 192 from 201. As planned, we reduced
              channel inventory this quarter with weeks ending at approximately eight.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Operating cash flow for the quarter and trailing 12 months was $0.8 billion and $4.3 billion, respectively. Capex for the quarter and trailing 12 months was $188 million and $1.2 billion, respectively. We continue to
              expect fiscal '24 capex to be roughly $700 million, which is a reduction of approximately 45% versus 2023, as our hybrid manufacturing investment cycle tapers. Not included in these figures are the benefits from both the European and
              U.S. Chips Act.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">During the last 12 months, we generated $3.1 billion of free cash flow, or 29% of revenue. Over the same time period, we have returned roughly 110% of our free cash flow via dividends and share repurchases. As a
              reminder, our policy is to return 100% of free cash flow to our shareholders over the long term.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Now I'll turn to the third quarter outlook. Revenue is expected to be $2.27 billion plus or minus a $100 million, up 5% sequentially at the midpoint. Once again, we expect sell through to be higher than sell in. At
              the midpoint, we expect all B2B markets to increase sequentially with the fastest growth in industrial and for consumer to exhibit seasonal strength. Operating margin is expected to be 40% plus or minus a 100 basis points. Our tax rate
              is expected to be between 11% and 13%. And based on these inputs, adjusted EPS is expected to be $1.50 plus or minus $0.10.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Before passing it back to Mike to begin Q&amp;A, I'll share some final thoughts on our near term. As Vince indicated, we believe we are at the beginning of a cyclical recovery as our bookings increase throughout the
              quarter and we exited 2Q with a book-to-bill above parity for the first time in well over a year. No doubt, cyclical transitions can be challenging, but they also provide opportunity for outsized business acceleration when approached
              with a balance of fiscal discipline, smart risk taking and strong execution. ADI has always excelled in these areas, and we look forward to driving outstanding value for our stakeholders in the quarters to come.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">With that. I'll pass it back to Mike for Q&amp;A.</p>
      <div style="border-top:1px solid #333;border-bottom:1px solid #333;padding-top:25px;padding-bottom:25px;"><a target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener" style="text-decoration:none;color:#444;" href="https://www.marketbeat.com/scripts/redirect.aspx?TriggeredCampaignID=8191&amp;UserID=0&amp;Placement=NativeDisplay&amp;Source=NativeDisplay&amp;interstitial=1&amp;noskip=1"><span style="font-weight:600;color:#444;font-size:18pt;">Trump’s Gift Could Unleash $51 Billion in New Wealth</span> <span style="font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;color:#444;">(Ad)</span><br><p style="text-align:left;font-weight:normal;">In January 2021, Donald Trump silently rolled out a special gift to the American public…
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      <h2>Questions and Answers</h2>
      <div class="transcript-discussion">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks, Rich. Let's get to the Q&amp;A session. We ask that you limit yourself to one question in order to allow for additional participants on the call this morning. If you have a follow-up question, please requeue
              and we'll take your question if time allows. With that, may we have our first question, please.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">[Operator Instructions] Our first question comes from the line of Tore Svanberg from Stifel.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Tore Svanberg</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Stifel Nicolaus</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yes. Thank you, and congratulations on finding the recovery here. I had a question about the outlook for Q3, specifically in industrial, I think you indicated that you expect industrial to be the strongest performer
              at this quarter. I was hoping if you could talk a little bit about what's behind that strength between end market demand, inventory replenishment, and if there's any subsegments within industrial that's driving that outperforming
              growth? Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Sure, Tore. This is Rich, and I'll take that one. So industrial, obviously, is our most diversified and profitable end market, and it's weathered an unprecedented broad-based inventory correction over the past year.
              Importantly, we expect Q2 was the bottom for industrial and it will grow in the second half starting here in 3Q.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Stronger PMIs are supporting the broad-based bookings we've seen for the three consecutive quarters now. And as mentioned in the prepared remarks, we're planning to reduce channel inventory further in Q3, which
              impacts industrial more than any other market. This will be more than a year of under shipping consumption, one reason we believe inventory headwinds have stabilized for industrial. Given these dynamics and the exciting design wins and
              AI-related tailwinds in our instrumentation and test business, which Vince alluded to, we feel strongly we are at the beginning of the industrial recovery.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. I think one other piece of color, Tore, is that the, obviously, the aerospace and defense business is doing well. We've a lot of high prospects for that over the coming years. But I think in general
              geographically, it's been on the upward in terms of demand and across most of the segments, and particularly the ones that Rich pointed out.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">And Tore, on the outlook comment, you're right, that just to clarify what we said, of the B2B markets, industrial grow the fastest. Consumer will grow faster than industrial in 3Q. So if you want to just kind of back
              the envelope it, consumers probably growing about 10% sequentially and industrial is probably closer to mid single digits, and the other two markets are probably a little bit below that industrial level. But all markets should grow in
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Tore Svanberg</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Stifel Nicolaus</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Very helpful. Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Stacy Rasgon</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Bernstein Research</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hi, guys. Thanks for taking my question. I wanted to ask about the book-to-Bill, so it's above one. Is it above one in all the segments or is it just above one in industrial?</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. It's actually, so a good question, is above a one in all end markets. Not all applications within that markets are above one though. And if you think about the shape of that bookings throughout the quarter, we
              talked about last earnings call, bookings improved, and they started below parity and exited the quarter above parity, and that's across all markets and geographies. But again, I'll reiterate, it's not all applications. And we talked a
              little bit about on the last question about what applications are above one. You can think of some instrumentation, some automation, some airspace and defense within industrial. So broad-based improvement in bookings across all markets
              and geographies is really the main takeaway. Got it. That's helpful. Thank you. Anytime, Stacy.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for next question. Our next question comes from the line of Toshiya Hari with Goldman Sachs.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Toshiya Hari</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at The Goldman Sachs Group</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hi. Good morning. Thank you so much for taking the question. I wanted to ask about the back half of the calendar year and how you're thinking about the shape of the recovery. Vince, you've lived through many cycles. I
              think typically the same way we underestimate the magnitude of the pace of the downturn, we collectively underestimate the pace of the upturn. So I'm curious if you expect this upturn to be similar to past cycles and we kind of follow
              those patterns? Or do you see anything in the marketplace today or anything from customers that would indicate something materially different in terms of the shape of the upturn? Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah, thanks, Toshiya. So, yeah, look, first off, we believe we've seen the bottom of the cycle. And as Mike indicated, the stronger PMIs that we've seen, particularly in the industrial sector give us a lot of
              confidence, and there's a strong correlation between our industrial business, which is about half of the company's total revenue. And as we've said now a few times, bookings and backlog coverage out for the next several months beyond
              this quarter would give us strong indications that we expect continued growth during the second half of the year.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">I'll also point out, I think for 2025 we will have a brisk growth year. That's my sense. And we're asked all the time. What's the shape going to be? Well, I don't really know what the exact shape is going to be, but I
              think we're on the upward trajectory. We have confidence in that across the board.</p>
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Toshiya Hari</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at The Goldman Sachs Group</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks, Toshiya.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Vivek Arya with Bank of America Securities.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vivek Arya</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Bank of America Securities</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks for taking my question. Vince, what is the right way to understand the true change in end demand if we set aside all the inventory fluctuations? So, for example, is it worthwhile seeing what did distribution
              sell through year-on-year in Q2? What is the assumption for Q3? And does that inform us in any way about can Q4 be seasonal, whatever is a version of seasonality. I'm just trying to see the right apples to apples way of looking at what
              is end demand doing setting aside all this inventory noise.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. Look, I think it's very hard to answer that question simply because when history is written, we're going to get the average of what's happened pre pandemic and post pandemic. So there's been so much ringing in
              the system, demand overshoot and then demand undershoot. But my sense is, certainly from our perspective I think we're very well positioned to be able to capture the upside if things grow faster than we expect. We've got a lot of
              inventory on the balance sheet. We've kept inventory closer to ADI less downstream. And with the -- we've got as well a tailwind here from AI, which I think is going to be a multiyear tailwind, so we've got that pushing us along. But at
              the same time, we've got still -- we've got high interest rates. We've got still relatively high inflation in many places. So I think ultimately the size of the recovery and the pace of the recovery will have a strong economic and
              geopolitical tone to it. But, I mean, overall, my sense is we'll see good growth for the remainder of this year and strong growth in '25 and beyond that. I think we've got many, many growth drivers that we feel very confident about.
              We're selling more value into each of our customers in each of our segments, and I feel good about the place that semis are in as an industry right now as well in terms of overall demand. As the Edge becomes more intelligent and the
              cloud builds out, but very, very hard to give you an answer on the puts and takes. I mean, the dynamics of the relatively near term are hard to decode. But what we can tell you is, given where PMIs at, given where our demand is at,
              we're in a recovery phase.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. And, Vince, I would add to that. While it's impossible to get perfect visibility into our end customer inventory, certainly the signals that we monitor tell us that customer inventories are much healthier than
              they were previously as we enter into the second half. And this is also aided by our belief that we have been under shipping, under consumption for over a year now, both in the channel and direct.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">And on the channel commentary [Speech Overlap]</p>
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vivek Arya</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Bank of America Securities</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">You would have some quantification, right, of what the sell through has been in the reported quarters year-on-year?</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah, I can help you out there, Vivek. I think your question is kind of what, sell in versus sell through. We talked about last year -- we talked about reducing the channel inventory by about $100 million. We achieved
              that in our 2Q. We actually did a little better than that. As you look to 3Q, we'll reduce channel dollars again but not by that much, not nearly a 100 -- much less than $100 million. So we're getting more normal in the channel as our
              weeks are coming down into our target range. So that normalization is helping some of the growth, but sell through is also increasing in 3Q from 2Q, which is really how we drive the business and look our for indication. As you
              fast-forward to 4Q, if these bookings continue, we don't. Know, there's no reason to think we won't be more in balance in 4Q from a ship in versus ship out perspective as well, and then we'll see how 1Q goes from there. So I think
              that's kind of the question you're asking is, there's a piece Rich talked about and Vince talked about, about the customer's inventory, that's leaning out. If you look at us and what we're shipping to the channel, that's also
              normalizing, setting us up for a good second half in 2025.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vivek Arya</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Bank of America Securities</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Christopher Danely from Citigroup.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Christopher Danely</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Smith Barney Citigroup</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hey, thanks, gang. Can you talk about the gross margin drivers from here? Maybe touch on utilization rates and inventory trends? And some of your competitors have talked about pricing returning to historical norms. If
              that happens, can you still get the gross margins back to the previous peak?</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Sure. I'll take that one. From a gross margin and utilization perspective, we talked a little bit about this in the Q1 call. We expect both utilization and gross margin bottomed in our Q2. However, we do expect the
              pace of gross margin expansion in the second half to be modest. And specifically for Q3, we anticipate gross margin a bit above 67%. Looking from here, gross margins expansion is going to be dictated by continued revenue growth, mix of
              business and utilization.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">From a balance sheet perspective since our peak in Q3, we've reduced balance sheet inventory significantly, including over $70 million in Q2. For the third quarter, we expect to reduce inventory again, but a lesser
              amount than in Q2. Overall, we executed pretty strongly against our inventory reduction goals while mitigating the impact on gross margin, leveraging our dynamic hybrid manufacturing model. One of the things that's been super helpful in
              protecting us in this trough is the flexibility to swing capacity back into our fabs to help maintain utilization. We've done that effectively, which is why we called the floor on utilization. So I expect that utilization as the demand
              continues to increase will start to increase and aid in our margin expansion.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">From a channel -- as Mike mentioned, from a channel perspective, our goal was to reduce by $100 million, which we achieved. We will reduce an additional amount in Q3 to a lesser degree, and ultimately we expect that
              this will get us firmly back into our target range of seven to eight weeks of inventory in the channel.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Let me make a comment on the pricing side of things. So across the portfolio our pricing has been very, very stable, and I expect that to continue. Our products are very sticky to franchise. It's very diversified. Got
              lots of long life products in it, and we tend to hang on to our sockets for, I think, on an average more than a decade. So clearly where the competition is for the new sockets, right, but ADI has the premier innovation system in the
              analog mix signal space and we've been pushing that innovation. While others are focused on volume, we're focused on value. So I think it's a very, very different approach to things. We're not a commodity supplier at all. So we are --
              we're not immune to price pressure, but we are more protected. I think. We have a better moat because of the innovation value that we generate. And I'll note as well, our ASPs are more than four times the average. And it's our
              innovation premium that enables us as well to capture more value and to produce the kinds of gross margins that we do.</p>
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Christopher Danely</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Smith Barney Citigroup</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Great. Thanks, guys.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks, Chris.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Ross Seymour from Deutsche Bank.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Ross Seymour</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hi, guys. Congrats Mark in the trough and turn in the corner. Vince, I wanted to ask a bigger picture question. I think it's been four years since you guys bought Maxim, and I believe it was four years prior to that
              with Linear. So, how are you looking at the M&amp;A environment? And are there any kind of pieces to the puzzle that you wish you had?</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. Thanks, Ross. So, yeah, we've always acquired assets that get ADI ahead of customers' needs. We tend to take a long term view, get ahead of our customers' needs. Obviously, we've been very, very selective. I
              will say, Ross, it's fair to say that in terms of scale and scope of Analog high performance franchise, we are where we need to be. So Analog mix signal power, we've got a wonderful power franchise now. But we've been adding, I alluded
              in my remarks or stated in my prepared remarks that we have been putting more software content, more digital content, and we've also been, for about several years now developing machine learning, neural networking capability. So those
              are areas where, as the world becomes more and more software defined, that is clearly an area where ADI has been organically investing. We've done some more token type acquisitions as well that help us in that area. But I think right
              now we're really focused on making sure that we fully capture all the synergies from -- the revenue synergies from Maxim, and -- but when we have, we're always looking, by the way, we're always looking for assets. But clearly I think
              Analog is complete, and it's other areas we're now looking.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Ross Seymour</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks, Ross. Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Mark Lipacis from Evercore ISI.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Mark Lipacis</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Evercore ISI</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hi. Thanks for taking my question. Vincent, for you, I think. If you look at your, if you adjust your revenues for the step function increase that you had for pricing, it looks like on a unit basis you're shipping 25%
              below the trend line, and I don't think you shipped that far below your long term trend line since the world financial crisis. And at the same time that's happening, you talked about your customers lowering, or the supply chain lowering
              inventories, you're lowering inventories, and it seems like there's a real risk that the industry is setting up for you and the industry setting up for like, a really tight supply environment, maybe even as the early as the end of this
              year or early next year, and I'm wondering how do you think? Is there a risk that we enter that kind of a scenario? And it seems like your customers never learn about trying to get their inventories right and the orders to you on time.
              So is there something that's changed in your operations that will enable you to adjust to that, what has historically happened, which is your customers overshooting the downside on their inventories and then come in at the last second
              when things are really tight? Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah, well. Yeah, I think surging demand is a problem of a high quality. And as we have virtually 200 days of inventory in our balance sheet, staged primarily at the dice duct level. So that gives us a tremendous
              amount of output that we could bring within weeks to the market. It's a question of packaging and test to a first approximation. Obviously, we're carrying finished goods as well. We have also spent $2.5 billion plus on making sure that
              we have internal capacity in our four internal fabs to be able to meet the demands across the nodes that produce most of the revenue for ADI. We've got great partners, partners like TSMC, for example, who are a critical part of our
              hybrid manufacturing model.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">So I think in terms of the ability to be able to address a really short order snapback is good, just given the coverage that we've got with internal inventories. Our distributors are carrying virtually eight weeks as
              well of inventory, and then we've got all this new capacity. We've more than doubled the internal capacity on the critical nodes that address every single market that we participate in. So I think in terms of manufacturing agility,
              inventories, we're in good shape.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Mark Lipacis</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at Evercore ISI</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Very helpful. Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thanks, Mark.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Harlan Sur from J.P. Morgan.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 ml-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Harlan Sur</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at J.P. Morgan</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. Good morning. Thanks for taking my question, and great job on the quarterly execution. Within your distribution business, it's about 60% of your overall revenues, you can monitor sell through in your real time,
              which allows the team to tightly control the inventories into this channel. On the direct business, less visibility on consumption levels of inventory here. I think direct customer orders to you are probably the best indicator of where
              they are in terms of their inventory targets. So is the return to quarter-on-quarter growth in July and second half optimism on growth being driven by order growth at direct customers as well? And then just any qualitative differences
              on the residual excess inventory [Indecipherable] versus direct.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah, Harlan, this is Mike. Yes, the orders we talk about are direct orders as well as channel orders. But what's driving the growth is direct sales out of the channel on a sell through basis as well [Indecipherable]
              directly to our end customers. So, yes, it's not about -- we're not growing because the channel is refilling. We're growing because there's real demand out there on the end market level across all of our markets.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We expect to reduce both balance sheet and channel inventory further in Q3 while growing.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Hope that answers your question, Harlan.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-right mb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-green rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Harlan Sur</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1"> Analyst at J.P. Morgan</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yes, it does. Thank you.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">We'll go to our last question, please.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-phone" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light rounded py-2 px-3">
            <div class="transcript-line-speaker">
              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the line of Joseph Moore from Morgan Stanley.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Joseph Moore</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Morgan Stanley at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Great. Thank you. I wanted to also touch on your margin profile. You used to peak with operating margins in kind of the low 40s, and now you're, as you said you would, in a very difficult trough you're troughing for
              the full year probably above 40. So that's pretty good structural improvement. Can you talk about that? What's going on. If you sort of look over a decade, why is your through cycle margin profile going up so much?</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Richard Puccio</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah. So I think a couple of things, right? As we've talked about the resiliency of our manufacturing process allows us to swing capacity in and out, which allows us to offset some of the downcycle pressure on margins
              because we're able to keep utilizations at a higher level given that swing capacity. Obviously, we continue to look for productivity and are executing on productivity improvements across all of our internal fabs, so I think that helps.
              And then if you think at an overall operating margin perspective, We've been demonstrating and we'll continue to demonstrate pretty strong operational control over expenses. When we look, we expect we'll continue to see expansion in the
              margin as we grow. And as revenue returns to a growth phase, we will get comfortably back into our long term margin model.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image mt-3 mr-3" style="background-image: url(https://insidertrades.com/media/2070push_Roche.Vincent.jpg);"></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Vincent Roche</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">Yeah, I think Joe as well. In addition to what Rich has said, it's important to point out that, first and foremost, we're innovation centered. And if you look at the vintage bands of our products in each of the
              segments, the big segments that we address, Industrial, automotive, consumer and communications, we're seeing ASP increases year-on-year. We're putting more value into our products, we're capturing more value. So I think that is kind of
              the root of things when I look forward, that's, I mean that's what's happening to -- that's the origin, if you like, of the margin story for ADI. Our diversity helps us a lot. Our franchise isn't as price sensitive as many. And as I
              said earlier, life cycles matter when we get our products designed and the pricing is tremendously stable.</p>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">The other thing that's been happening from a price dynamic over the last several years is that, whereas Moore's law kind of taught everybody that we could give back lots of the value that was generated in prior years
              in the new year. That has stalled. That has stopped. We often talk roughly to zero now. We don't give price away. We compete for sockets and compete in innovation, but that is really the origin of ADI's margin story.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
          <div class="insider-image text-center mt-3 mr-3"><span class="mb-icon icon-menu-login" aria-hidden="true"></span></div>
          <div class="flex-shrink-1 position-relative transcript-arrow bg-light-blue rounded py-2 px-3">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold">Michael Lucarelli</div>
              <div class="secondary-title font-italic mb-1">Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&amp;A at Analog Devices</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">All right. Thank you, Joe, and thanks, everyone, for joining us this morning. A copy of the transcript will be available on our website and all reconciliations there as well. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and
              thank you for listening in on ADI's call.</p>
        <div class="transcript-line-left pb-4">
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              <div class="font-weight-bold mb-1">Operator</div>
            <p class="pb-2 mb-0">[Operator Closing Remarks]</p>
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MarketBeat Week in Review – 5/27 - 5/31
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FIFA unites World Cup winners and club executives as teammates to study for
soccer diploma
Kuwait's emir names new crown prince, Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al Sabah
Biden Nomination CANCELED? (Ad)
Panama prepares to evacuate first island in face of rising sea levels
Downtown Atlanta water service disrupted, forcing business closings and water
boil notice
MarketBeat Week in Review – 5/27 - 5/31
Claim Your Complimentary Bitcoin Reward (Ad)
Boeing's first astronaut flight called off at the last minute in latest setback
Louisiana law that could limit filming of police hampers key tool for racial
justice, attorneys say
Trump’s Gift Could Unleash $51 Billion in New Wealth (Ad)
FIFA unites World Cup winners and club executives as teammates to study for
soccer diploma
Kuwait's emir names new crown prince, Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al Sabah
Biden Nomination CANCELED? (Ad)
Panama prepares to evacuate first island in face of rising sea levels
Downtown Atlanta water service disrupted, forcing business closings and water
boil notice
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May 22, 2024
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 * Michael Lucarelli
   Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A
 * Vincent Roche
   Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors
 * Richard Puccio
   Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


 * Tore Svanberg, Stifel Nicolaus
 * Stacy Rasgon, Bernstein Research
 * Toshiya Hari, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
 * Vivek Arya, Bank of America Securities
 * Christopher Danely, Smith Barney Citigroup
 * Ross Seymour, Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
 * Mark Lipacis, Evercore ISI
 * Harlan Sur, J.P. Morgan
 * Joseph Moore, Analyst



Good morning, and welcome to the Analog Devices Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2024
Earnings Conference call, which is being audio webcast via telephone and over
the web.

I now like to introduce your host for today's call, Mr. Michael Lucarelli, Vice
President of Investor Relations and FP&A. Sir, the floor is yours.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thank you, Gigi, and good morning, everybody. Thanks for joining our second
quarter of fiscal 2024 conference call. With me on the call today are ADI CEO
Chair, Vincent Roche; and ADI CFO, Rich Puccio. For anyone who missed the
release, you can find it and related financial schedules at investor.analog.com.

On to disclosures. The information we're about to discuss includes
forward-looking statements, which are subject to certain risks and uncertainties

As further described in our earnings release, and our periodic reports and other
materials filed with the SEC. Actual results could differ materially from the
forward-looking information as these statements reflect our expectations only as
the date of this call. We undertake no obligation to update

These statements, except as required by law. Revenues to gross margin, operating
and nonoperating expenses, operating margin, tax rate, EPS and

Free cash flow in our comments today will be on a non-GAAP basis, which excludes
special items.

When comparing our results to historical performance, special items are also
excluded from prior periods. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures to the
most directly comparable GAAP measures and additional information about our
non-GAAP measures are included in today's

Earnings release.

And with that, I'll turn it over to ADI CEO and Chair, Vince.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Thanks very much, Mike. Good morning and a big welcome to you all. So in the
second quarter, our strong focus and execution resulted in revenue of $2.16
billion, with profitability in earnings per share finishing above the high-end
of our outlook. With 2Q now behind us, we believe we've passed the low point of
this cycle. Notably, global manufacturing PMIs, which are highly correlated with
our core business are improving, customer inventories are stabilizing, and our
bookings have improved for a third consecutive quarter.

Our growing optimism remains guarded, however, as short-term economic and
geopolitical uncertainty persists, as such, we will continue to manage the near
term with great discipline as we fund and execute against our longer term
strategic priorities to drive increasing levels of value for all of our
stakeholders. So with that framing, I'd like to share some examples with you of
how we are continuing to strengthen ADI's high performance franchise across all
markets and creating unique growth drivers that will be additive to what we hope
will be a strong cyclical recovery.

For example, in healthcare, we have exciting wins in areas such as the rapidly
expanding surgical robotics market, where the performance of our precision
signal processing and connectivity solutions is critical. And in the
fast-growing continuous glucose monitoring space, we've won multiple
opportunities across several customers. Our unique, digitally-enabled analog
frontend solutions increase the accuracy and power efficiency of sensors and
extend battery life from days to weeks.

In industrial automation, the growth of the digital factory is accelerating
upgrades to higher bandwidth, deterministic industrial ethernet that can support
up to 10 times the number of Edge devices across the factory floor. We believe
our leadership position with key customers will create a durable revenue stream
beginning next year that can grow to several hundreds of millions of dollars as
deployments ramp over time.

Turning to automotive, our solid performance is being driven by the
proliferation of higher content vehicles that use more power management, more
connectivity, and an increasing number of sensor platforms that open new signal
processing opportunities for ADI. The increasing content per vehicle is a
pervasive trend across all vehicle types, combustion engines, hybrids and full
EVs. For example, in advanced safety, we've increased our GMSL design wins from
12 to 15 of the top 20 ORMs, and expanded our engagements at two European and
one Korean OEM, who intend to deploy our high performance -- high bandwidth
connectivity solution across a larger share of their fleets.

We've also seen strong attach for our functionally safe power which is used with
sensors and displays in ADAS systems, and recently increased share at the
leading global car manufacturer. In electrification, we've expanded our battery
management system share at leading Chinese OEMs, and more than doubled our BMS
share in upcoming European OEM model launches, and two manufacturers intend to
deploy our higher content wireless solutions starting next year.

Now, I'd like to use the rest of my prepared comments today to share our
perspective on the role that artificial intelligence is playing and will play at
ADI in the future. This technology has clearly reached a tipping point, and our
AI opportunity spans from sensor to cloud. While we've been adding algorithmic
and software intelligence to our products now for decades, we've expanded the
scope and pace of our investments in recent years. Today, we are increasingly
leveraging AI in and around our products as well as in our operations to more
fully meet our customers' needs and extend our industry leadership.

We're deploying AI internally to help accelerate engineering development,
enhance manufacturing efficiency, and create a better customer experience. But
the majority of our activities are centered around product portfolio innovations
that position us to take advantage of AI's enormous potential.

We see this business opportunity coming in two distinct waves. The first wave,
focused on infrastructure is now underway and as we all know, is growing very
rapidly. In order to tackle the intensified energy and processing demands of AI
compute systems, datacenter customers are investing in new vertical power
architectures. As we highlighted previously, our vertical power technology which
can reduce power losses by up to 35% compared to existing architectures is
gaining traction with hyperscalers.

We continue to leverage our heterogeneous integration expertise to create more
efficient, smaller vertical power solutions that deliver more value and enable
us to capture more share in this nascent space. Power efficient computing,
though, is just one challenge the AI ecosystem faces, data must also be
transported efficiently, securely, and at much, much greater speeds. This is
driving wireline customers to upgrade connectivity infrastructure, sparking a
transition to 800 gigabits and 1.6 terabit optical modules.

At the electro optical interface, our ability to provide high performance
solutions that integrate analog digital and memory in a reduced form factor is
indeed a key differentiator. Our high precision controller was recently designed
into a 1.6 terabit optical module used in the Nextgen AI systems of the high
performance compute leader.

In industrial, AI is fueling extraordinary demand for high bandwidth memory and
high performance compute. This in turn is driving a new growth vector for our
instrumentation and test business, particularly in SOC and memory test. We're
working with key players globally to enable faster digital scan speeds, higher
channel density and the improved energy efficiency necessary to scale production
of AI systems. The significantly greater amount of ADI content in these systems
is positioning our high performance compute and memory test sectors for record
revenues in the near to midterm. The opportunity ahead for ADI is to compound
the impact of this first wave by bringing application-specific AI models and
high performance compute right down to the physical edge, creating greater
system value with added improvements in latency, power efficiency, security, and

So let me share some examples of how we are working to amplify this second wave.
For example, in acoustic systems, we are combining our application-specific
algorithms with ultra low energy processing hardware to enrich our audio
platform offerings. We're also developing a mix signal processor with embedded
neural networks that enable a system to learn and adapt to the highly variable
nature of sound in real time. Excitingly, we have strong traction with multiple
customers in this area.

Now, in the same vein, we're leveraging our rich domain expertise with our
growing processing capabilities to enhance our advanced connectivity platform in
next generation 5G radios, for example, we've implemented the first AI-enabled
technology, combining an energy efficient real time neural network with an AI
assisted development tool to give customers the ability to solve their
linearization challenges in a fraction of the time.

In our power management platform, we're using AI to address the arduous
challenge of tuning power trees for volatile consumption patterns in
datacenters. Our solutions reduce complexity for power engineers and compress
the time required from weeks to hours, helping to lower costs and, of course,
acceleration time to market. The ADI has always operated at the physical edge,
where the world's most important real data is born. As multimodal AI becomes
more pervasive at the Edge and a diversity of sensor types is used to unearth
deeper insights, we expect to see an explosion of demand that will accelerate
growth for our broad signal chain as well as power portfolios. In short, ADI's
AI future looks bright across the continuum of sensor to cloud. So in closing,
I'm very proud of how our team has executed in one of the largest downturns the
semiconductor industry has seen. More importantly, I've never been more excited
about how we're positioned for the future and what it holds for ADI.

And so with that, I'm going to hand it over to Rich.

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Thank you, Vince, and let me add my welcome to our second quarter earnings call.
As a reminder, our first quarter 2024 was a 14-week quarter, so we are going to
limit our comparisons this quarter to year-over-year only.

Second quarter revenue of $2.16 billion finished above the midpoint of our
outlook. This result was down 34% year-over-year. Industrial represented 47% of
revenue in the quarter and was down 44% year-over-year. As expected, all
applications were impacted by inventory digestion. However, aerospace and
defense revenues outperformed broader industrial. Automotive represented 30% of
revenue and was down 10% year-over-year.

Continued growth in our leading connectivity and functionally safe power
franchises balanced broad-based declines elsewhere. Communications represented
11% of revenue and was down 45% year-over-year. Inventory digestion and weaker
demand impacted both our wireline and wireless businesses. And lastly, consumer
represented 11% of revenue and was down 9% year-over-year with growth in
portables, partially offsetting declines across other applications.

Now let's move from the topline to the rest of the P&L. Second quarter gross
margin was 66.7%, down sequentially and year-over-year, driven by unfavorable
mix, lower revenue and lower utilization as we continue to reduce inventory.
Operating expenses in the quarter were $598 million, down significantly
year-over-year, driven by lower variable compensation and strong
organization-wide execution on cost control. Operating margin of 39% exceeded
the high-end of our outlook. Nonoperating expenses finished at $64 million, and
the tax rate for the quarter was 10.6%. The net result was EPS of $1.40, above
the high-end of our outlook.

Our financial position is solid, and I'd like to call out a few items from our
balance sheet and cash flow statement. We ended Q2 with more than $2.3 billion
of cash and short-term investments and a net leverage ratio of 1.1. During the
quarter, we raised $1.1 billion of debt for general corporate purposes,
including upcoming debt maturities. Inventory decreased $74 million sequentially
and days declined to 192 from 201. As planned, we reduced channel inventory this
quarter with weeks ending at approximately eight.

Operating cash flow for the quarter and trailing 12 months was $0.8 billion and
$4.3 billion, respectively. Capex for the quarter and trailing 12 months was
$188 million and $1.2 billion, respectively. We continue to expect fiscal '24
capex to be roughly $700 million, which is a reduction of approximately 45%
versus 2023, as our hybrid manufacturing investment cycle tapers. Not included
in these figures are the benefits from both the European and U.S. Chips Act.

During the last 12 months, we generated $3.1 billion of free cash flow, or 29%
of revenue. Over the same time period, we have returned roughly 110% of our free
cash flow via dividends and share repurchases. As a reminder, our policy is to
return 100% of free cash flow to our shareholders over the long term.

Now I'll turn to the third quarter outlook. Revenue is expected to be $2.27
billion plus or minus a $100 million, up 5% sequentially at the midpoint. Once
again, we expect sell through to be higher than sell in. At the midpoint, we
expect all B2B markets to increase sequentially with the fastest growth in
industrial and for consumer to exhibit seasonal strength. Operating margin is
expected to be 40% plus or minus a 100 basis points. Our tax rate is expected to
be between 11% and 13%. And based on these inputs, adjusted EPS is expected to
be $1.50 plus or minus $0.10.

Before passing it back to Mike to begin Q&A, I'll share some final thoughts on
our near term. As Vince indicated, we believe we are at the beginning of a
cyclical recovery as our bookings increase throughout the quarter and we exited
2Q with a book-to-bill above parity for the first time in well over a year. No
doubt, cyclical transitions can be challenging, but they also provide
opportunity for outsized business acceleration when approached with a balance of
fiscal discipline, smart risk taking and strong execution. ADI has always
excelled in these areas, and we look forward to driving outstanding value for
our stakeholders in the quarters to come.

With that. I'll pass it back to Mike for Q&A.

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Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thanks, Rich. Let's get to the Q&A session. We ask that you limit yourself to
one question in order to allow for additional participants on the call this
morning. If you have a follow-up question, please requeue and we'll take your
question if time allows. With that, may we have our first question, please.


[Operator Instructions] Our first question comes from the line of Tore Svanberg
from Stifel.

Tore Svanberg
Analyst at Stifel Nicolaus

Yes. Thank you, and congratulations on finding the recovery here. I had a
question about the outlook for Q3, specifically in industrial, I think you
indicated that you expect industrial to be the strongest performer at this
quarter. I was hoping if you could talk a little bit about what's behind that
strength between end market demand, inventory replenishment, and if there's any
subsegments within industrial that's driving that outperforming growth? Thank

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Sure, Tore. This is Rich, and I'll take that one. So industrial, obviously, is
our most diversified and profitable end market, and it's weathered an
unprecedented broad-based inventory correction over the past year. Importantly,
we expect Q2 was the bottom for industrial and it will grow in the second half
starting here in 3Q.

Stronger PMIs are supporting the broad-based bookings we've seen for the three
consecutive quarters now. And as mentioned in the prepared remarks, we're
planning to reduce channel inventory further in Q3, which impacts industrial
more than any other market. This will be more than a year of under shipping
consumption, one reason we believe inventory headwinds have stabilized for
industrial. Given these dynamics and the exciting design wins and AI-related
tailwinds in our instrumentation and test business, which Vince alluded to, we
feel strongly we are at the beginning of the industrial recovery.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah. I think one other piece of color, Tore, is that the, obviously, the
aerospace and defense business is doing well. We've a lot of high prospects for
that over the coming years. But I think in general geographically, it's been on
the upward in terms of demand and across most of the segments, and particularly
the ones that Rich pointed out.

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

And Tore, on the outlook comment, you're right, that just to clarify what we
said, of the B2B markets, industrial grow the fastest. Consumer will grow faster
than industrial in 3Q. So if you want to just kind of back the envelope it,
consumers probably growing about 10% sequentially and industrial is probably
closer to mid single digits, and the other two markets are probably a little bit
below that industrial level. But all markets should grow in 3Q.

Tore Svanberg
Analyst at Stifel Nicolaus

Very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Stacy Rasgon with Bernstein Research.

Stacy Rasgon
Analyst at Bernstein Research

Hi, guys. Thanks for taking my question. I wanted to ask about the book-to-Bill,
so it's above one. Is it above one in all the segments or is it just above one
in industrial?

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Yeah. It's actually, so a good question, is above a one in all end markets. Not
all applications within that markets are above one though. And if you think
about the shape of that bookings throughout the quarter, we talked about last
earnings call, bookings improved, and they started below parity and exited the
quarter above parity, and that's across all markets and geographies. But again,
I'll reiterate, it's not all applications. And we talked a little bit about on
the last question about what applications are above one. You can think of some
instrumentation, some automation, some airspace and defense within industrial.
So broad-based improvement in bookings across all markets and geographies is
really the main takeaway. Got it. That's helpful. Thank you. Anytime, Stacy.


Thank you. One moment for next question. Our next question comes from the line
of Toshiya Hari with Goldman Sachs.

Toshiya Hari
Analyst at The Goldman Sachs Group

Hi. Good morning. Thank you so much for taking the question. I wanted to ask
about the back half of the calendar year and how you're thinking about the shape
of the recovery. Vince, you've lived through many cycles. I think typically the
same way we underestimate the magnitude of the pace of the downturn, we
collectively underestimate the pace of the upturn. So I'm curious if you expect
this upturn to be similar to past cycles and we kind of follow those patterns?
Or do you see anything in the marketplace today or anything from customers that
would indicate something materially different in terms of the shape of the
upturn? Thank you.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah, thanks, Toshiya. So, yeah, look, first off, we believe we've seen the
bottom of the cycle. And as Mike indicated, the stronger PMIs that we've seen,
particularly in the industrial sector give us a lot of confidence, and there's a
strong correlation between our industrial business, which is about half of the
company's total revenue. And as we've said now a few times, bookings and backlog
coverage out for the next several months beyond this quarter would give us
strong indications that we expect continued growth during the second half of the

I'll also point out, I think for 2025 we will have a brisk growth year. That's
my sense. And we're asked all the time. What's the shape going to be? Well, I
don't really know what the exact shape is going to be, but I think we're on the
upward trajectory. We have confidence in that across the board.

Toshiya Hari
Analyst at The Goldman Sachs Group

Thank you.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thanks, Toshiya.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Vivek Arya with Bank of America Securities.

Vivek Arya
Analyst at Bank of America Securities

Thanks for taking my question. Vince, what is the right way to understand the
true change in end demand if we set aside all the inventory fluctuations? So,
for example, is it worthwhile seeing what did distribution sell through
year-on-year in Q2? What is the assumption for Q3? And does that inform us in
any way about can Q4 be seasonal, whatever is a version of seasonality. I'm just
trying to see the right apples to apples way of looking at what is end demand
doing setting aside all this inventory noise.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah. Look, I think it's very hard to answer that question simply because when
history is written, we're going to get the average of what's happened pre
pandemic and post pandemic. So there's been so much ringing in the system,
demand overshoot and then demand undershoot. But my sense is, certainly from our
perspective I think we're very well positioned to be able to capture the upside
if things grow faster than we expect. We've got a lot of inventory on the
balance sheet. We've kept inventory closer to ADI less downstream. And with the
-- we've got as well a tailwind here from AI, which I think is going to be a
multiyear tailwind, so we've got that pushing us along. But at the same time,
we've got still -- we've got high interest rates. We've got still relatively
high inflation in many places. So I think ultimately the size of the recovery
and the pace of the recovery will have a strong economic and geopolitical tone
to it. But, I mean, overall, my sense is we'll see good growth for the remainder
of this year and strong growth in '25 and beyond that. I think we've got many,
many growth drivers that we feel very confident about. We're selling more value
into each of our customers in each of our segments, and I feel good about the
place that semis are in as an industry right now as well in terms of overall
demand. As the Edge becomes more intelligent and the cloud builds out, but very,
very hard to give you an answer on the puts and takes. I mean, the dynamics of
the relatively near term are hard to decode. But what we can tell you is, given
where PMIs at, given where our demand is at, we're in a recovery phase.

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Yeah. And, Vince, I would add to that. While it's impossible to get perfect
visibility into our end customer inventory, certainly the signals that we
monitor tell us that customer inventories are much healthier than they were
previously as we enter into the second half. And this is also aided by our
belief that we have been under shipping, under consumption for over a year now,
both in the channel and direct.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

And on the channel commentary [Speech Overlap]

Vivek Arya
Analyst at Bank of America Securities

You would have some quantification, right, of what the sell through has been in
the reported quarters year-on-year?

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Yeah, I can help you out there, Vivek. I think your question is kind of what,
sell in versus sell through. We talked about last year -- we talked about
reducing the channel inventory by about $100 million. We achieved that in our
2Q. We actually did a little better than that. As you look to 3Q, we'll reduce
channel dollars again but not by that much, not nearly a 100 -- much less than
$100 million. So we're getting more normal in the channel as our weeks are
coming down into our target range. So that normalization is helping some of the
growth, but sell through is also increasing in 3Q from 2Q, which is really how
we drive the business and look our for indication. As you fast-forward to 4Q, if
these bookings continue, we don't. Know, there's no reason to think we won't be
more in balance in 4Q from a ship in versus ship out perspective as well, and
then we'll see how 1Q goes from there. So I think that's kind of the question
you're asking is, there's a piece Rich talked about and Vince talked about,
about the customer's inventory, that's leaning out. If you look at us and what
we're shipping to the channel, that's also normalizing, setting us up for a good
second half in 2025.

Vivek Arya
Analyst at Bank of America Securities

Thank you.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Christopher Danely from Citigroup.

Christopher Danely
Analyst at Smith Barney Citigroup

Hey, thanks, gang. Can you talk about the gross margin drivers from here? Maybe
touch on utilization rates and inventory trends? And some of your competitors
have talked about pricing returning to historical norms. If that happens, can
you still get the gross margins back to the previous peak?

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Sure. I'll take that one. From a gross margin and utilization perspective, we
talked a little bit about this in the Q1 call. We expect both utilization and
gross margin bottomed in our Q2. However, we do expect the pace of gross margin
expansion in the second half to be modest. And specifically for Q3, we
anticipate gross margin a bit above 67%. Looking from here, gross margins
expansion is going to be dictated by continued revenue growth, mix of business
and utilization.

From a balance sheet perspective since our peak in Q3, we've reduced balance
sheet inventory significantly, including over $70 million in Q2. For the third
quarter, we expect to reduce inventory again, but a lesser amount than in Q2.
Overall, we executed pretty strongly against our inventory reduction goals while
mitigating the impact on gross margin, leveraging our dynamic hybrid
manufacturing model. One of the things that's been super helpful in protecting
us in this trough is the flexibility to swing capacity back into our fabs to
help maintain utilization. We've done that effectively, which is why we called
the floor on utilization. So I expect that utilization as the demand continues
to increase will start to increase and aid in our margin expansion.

From a channel -- as Mike mentioned, from a channel perspective, our goal was to
reduce by $100 million, which we achieved. We will reduce an additional amount
in Q3 to a lesser degree, and ultimately we expect that this will get us firmly
back into our target range of seven to eight weeks of inventory in the channel.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Let me make a comment on the pricing side of things. So across the portfolio our
pricing has been very, very stable, and I expect that to continue. Our products
are very sticky to franchise. It's very diversified. Got lots of long life
products in it, and we tend to hang on to our sockets for, I think, on an
average more than a decade. So clearly where the competition is for the new
sockets, right, but ADI has the premier innovation system in the analog mix
signal space and we've been pushing that innovation. While others are focused on
volume, we're focused on value. So I think it's a very, very different approach
to things. We're not a commodity supplier at all. So we are -- we're not immune
to price pressure, but we are more protected. I think. We have a better moat
because of the innovation value that we generate. And I'll note as well, our
ASPs are more than four times the average. And it's our innovation premium that
enables us as well to capture more value and to produce the kinds of gross
margins that we do.

Christopher Danely
Analyst at Smith Barney Citigroup

Great. Thanks, guys.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thanks, Chris.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Ross Seymour from Deutsche Bank.

Ross Seymour
Analyst at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft

Hi, guys. Congrats Mark in the trough and turn in the corner. Vince, I wanted to
ask a bigger picture question. I think it's been four years since you guys
bought Maxim, and I believe it was four years prior to that with Linear. So, how
are you looking at the M&A environment? And are there any kind of pieces to the
puzzle that you wish you had?

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah. Thanks, Ross. So, yeah, we've always acquired assets that get ADI ahead of
customers' needs. We tend to take a long term view, get ahead of our customers'
needs. Obviously, we've been very, very selective. I will say, Ross, it's fair
to say that in terms of scale and scope of Analog high performance franchise, we
are where we need to be. So Analog mix signal power, we've got a wonderful power
franchise now. But we've been adding, I alluded in my remarks or stated in my
prepared remarks that we have been putting more software content, more digital
content, and we've also been, for about several years now developing machine
learning, neural networking capability. So those are areas where, as the world
becomes more and more software defined, that is clearly an area where ADI has
been organically investing. We've done some more token type acquisitions as well
that help us in that area. But I think right now we're really focused on making
sure that we fully capture all the synergies from -- the revenue synergies from
Maxim, and -- but when we have, we're always looking, by the way, we're always
looking for assets. But clearly I think Analog is complete, and it's other areas
we're now looking.

Ross Seymour
Analyst at Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft

Thank you.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thanks, Ross. Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question
comes from the line of Mark Lipacis from Evercore ISI.

Mark Lipacis
Analyst at Evercore ISI

Hi. Thanks for taking my question. Vincent, for you, I think. If you look at
your, if you adjust your revenues for the step function increase that you had
for pricing, it looks like on a unit basis you're shipping 25% below the trend
line, and I don't think you shipped that far below your long term trend line
since the world financial crisis. And at the same time that's happening, you
talked about your customers lowering, or the supply chain lowering inventories,
you're lowering inventories, and it seems like there's a real risk that the
industry is setting up for you and the industry setting up for like, a really
tight supply environment, maybe even as the early as the end of this year or
early next year, and I'm wondering how do you think? Is there a risk that we
enter that kind of a scenario? And it seems like your customers never learn
about trying to get their inventories right and the orders to you on time. So is
there something that's changed in your operations that will enable you to adjust
to that, what has historically happened, which is your customers overshooting
the downside on their inventories and then come in at the last second when
things are really tight? Thank you.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah, well. Yeah, I think surging demand is a problem of a high quality. And as
we have virtually 200 days of inventory in our balance sheet, staged primarily
at the dice duct level. So that gives us a tremendous amount of output that we
could bring within weeks to the market. It's a question of packaging and test to
a first approximation. Obviously, we're carrying finished goods as well. We have
also spent $2.5 billion plus on making sure that we have internal capacity in
our four internal fabs to be able to meet the demands across the nodes that
produce most of the revenue for ADI. We've got great partners, partners like
TSMC, for example, who are a critical part of our hybrid manufacturing model.

So I think in terms of the ability to be able to address a really short order
snapback is good, just given the coverage that we've got with internal
inventories. Our distributors are carrying virtually eight weeks as well of
inventory, and then we've got all this new capacity. We've more than doubled the
internal capacity on the critical nodes that address every single market that we
participate in. So I think in terms of manufacturing agility, inventories, we're
in good shape.

Mark Lipacis
Analyst at Evercore ISI

Very helpful. Thank you.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Thanks, Mark.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Harlan Sur from J.P. Morgan.

Harlan Sur
Analyst at J.P. Morgan

Yeah. Good morning. Thanks for taking my question, and great job on the
quarterly execution. Within your distribution business, it's about 60% of your
overall revenues, you can monitor sell through in your real time, which allows
the team to tightly control the inventories into this channel. On the direct
business, less visibility on consumption levels of inventory here. I think
direct customer orders to you are probably the best indicator of where they are
in terms of their inventory targets. So is the return to quarter-on-quarter
growth in July and second half optimism on growth being driven by order growth
at direct customers as well? And then just any qualitative differences on the
residual excess inventory [Indecipherable] versus direct.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Yeah, Harlan, this is Mike. Yes, the orders we talk about are direct orders as
well as channel orders. But what's driving the growth is direct sales out of the
channel on a sell through basis as well [Indecipherable] directly to our end
customers. So, yes, it's not about -- we're not growing because the channel is
refilling. We're growing because there's real demand out there on the end market
level across all of our markets.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

We expect to reduce both balance sheet and channel inventory further in Q3 while

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

Hope that answers your question, Harlan.

Harlan Sur
Analyst at J.P. Morgan

Yes, it does. Thank you.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

We'll go to our last question, please.


Thank you. One moment for our next question. Our next question comes from the
line of Joseph Moore from Morgan Stanley.

Joseph Moore
Morgan Stanley at Analog Devices

Great. Thank you. I wanted to also touch on your margin profile. You used to
peak with operating margins in kind of the low 40s, and now you're, as you said
you would, in a very difficult trough you're troughing for the full year
probably above 40. So that's pretty good structural improvement. Can you talk
about that? What's going on. If you sort of look over a decade, why is your
through cycle margin profile going up so much?

Richard Puccio
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Analog Devices

Yeah. So I think a couple of things, right? As we've talked about the resiliency
of our manufacturing process allows us to swing capacity in and out, which
allows us to offset some of the downcycle pressure on margins because we're able
to keep utilizations at a higher level given that swing capacity. Obviously, we
continue to look for productivity and are executing on productivity improvements
across all of our internal fabs, so I think that helps. And then if you think at
an overall operating margin perspective, We've been demonstrating and we'll
continue to demonstrate pretty strong operational control over expenses. When we
look, we expect we'll continue to see expansion in the margin as we grow. And as
revenue returns to a growth phase, we will get comfortably back into our long
term margin model.

Vincent Roche
Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors at Analog Devices

Yeah, I think Joe as well. In addition to what Rich has said, it's important to
point out that, first and foremost, we're innovation centered. And if you look
at the vintage bands of our products in each of the segments, the big segments
that we address, Industrial, automotive, consumer and communications, we're
seeing ASP increases year-on-year. We're putting more value into our products,
we're capturing more value. So I think that is kind of the root of things when I
look forward, that's, I mean that's what's happening to -- that's the origin, if
you like, of the margin story for ADI. Our diversity helps us a lot. Our
franchise isn't as price sensitive as many. And as I said earlier, life cycles
matter when we get our products designed and the pricing is tremendously stable.

The other thing that's been happening from a price dynamic over the last several
years is that, whereas Moore's law kind of taught everybody that we could give
back lots of the value that was generated in prior years in the new year. That
has stalled. That has stopped. We often talk roughly to zero now. We don't give
price away. We compete for sockets and compete in innovation, but that is really
the origin of ADI's margin story.

Michael Lucarelli
Vice President, Investor Relations and FP&A at Analog Devices

All right. Thank you, Joe, and thanks, everyone, for joining us this morning. A
copy of the transcript will be available on our website and all reconciliations
there as well. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and thank you for listening in
on ADI's call.


[Operator Closing Remarks]


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 * perm_identity
   Personalised advertising and content, advertising and content measurement,
   audience research and services development
 * devices
   Store and/or access information on a device

Learn more
   How can I change my choice?
   What if I don't consent?
   How does legitimate interest work?
   Do I have to consent to everything?

Your personal data will be processed and information from your device (cookies,
unique identifiers, and other device data) may be stored by, accessed by and
shared with 136 TCF vendor(s) and 62 ad partner(s), or used specifically by this
site or app.

Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest,
which you can object to by managing your options below. Look for a link at the
bottom of this page to manage or withdraw consent in privacy and cookie


Manage options


Data preferences



You can choose how your personal data is used. Vendors want your permission to
do the following:

TCF vendors



Cookies, device or similar online identifiers (e.g. login-based identifiers,
randomly assigned identifiers, network based identifiers) together with other
information (e.g. browser type and information, language, screen size, supported
technologies etc.) can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each
time it connects to an app or to a website, for one or several of the purposes
presented here.

View details
Consent (118 vendors)


Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such
as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type
or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit
the number of times an ad is presented to you).

View details
Consent (71 vendors)Legitimate interest (31 vendors)help_outline


Information about your activity on this service (such as forms you submit,
content you look at) can be stored and combined with other information about you
(for example, information from your previous activity on this service and other
websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a
profile about you (that might include possible interests and personal aspects).
Your profile can be used (also later) to present advertising that appears more
relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities.

View details
Consent (95 vendors)


Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on your advertising
profiles, which can reflect your activity on this service or other websites or
apps (like the forms you submit, content you look at), possible interests and
personal aspects.

View details
Consent (91 vendors)


Information about your activity on this service (for instance, forms you submit,
non-advertising content you look at) can be stored and combined with other
information about you (such as your previous activity on this service or other
websites or apps) or similar users. This is then used to build or improve a
profile about you (which might for example include possible interests and
personal aspects). Your profile can be used (also later) to present content that
appears more relevant based on your possible interests, such as by adapting the
order in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to
find content that matches your interests.

View details
Consent (29 vendors)


Content presented to you on this service can be based on your content
personalisation profiles, which can reflect your activity on this or other
services (for instance, the forms you submit, content you look at), possible
interests and personal aspects. This can for example be used to adapt the order
in which content is shown to you, so that it is even easier for you to find
(non-advertising) content that matches your interests.

View details
Consent (24 vendors)


Information regarding which advertising is presented to you and how you interact
with it can be used to determine how well an advert has worked for you or other
users and whether the goals of the advertising were reached. For instance,
whether you saw an ad, whether you clicked on it, whether it led you to buy a
product or visit a website, etc. This is very helpful to understand the
relevance of advertising campaigns.

View details
Consent (77 vendors)Legitimate interest (46 vendors)help_outline


Information regarding which content is presented to you and how you interact
with it can be used to determine whether the (non-advertising) content e.g.
reached its intended audience and matched your interests. For instance, whether
you read an article, watch a video, listen to a podcast or look at a product
description, how long you spent on this service and the web pages you visit etc.
This is very helpful to understand the relevance of (non-advertising) content
that is shown to you.

View details
Consent (31 vendors)Legitimate interest (14 vendors)help_outline


Reports can be generated based on the combination of data sets (like user
profiles, statistics, market research, analytics data) regarding your
interactions and those of other users with advertising or (non-advertising)
content to identify common characteristics (for instance, to determine which
target audiences are more receptive to an ad campaign or to certain contents).

View details
Consent (57 vendors)Legitimate interest (21 vendors)help_outline


Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with
ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to
build new products and services based on user interactions, the type of
audience, etc. This specific purpose does not include the development or
improvement of user profiles and identifiers.

View details
Consent (65 vendors)Legitimate interest (38 vendors)help_outline


Content presented to you on this service can be based on limited data, such as
the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type,
or which content you are (or have been) interacting with (for example, to limit
the number of times a video or an article is presented to you).

View details
Consent (10 vendors)Legitimate interest (2 vendors)help_outline



Your data can be used to monitor for and prevent unusual and possibly fraudulent
activity (for example, regarding advertising, ad clicks by bots), and ensure
systems and processes work properly and securely. It can also be used to correct
any problems you, the publisher or the advertiser may encounter in the delivery
of content and ads and in your interaction with them.

View details



Certain information (like an IP address or device capabilities) is used to
ensure the technical compatibility of the content or advertising, and to
facilitate the transmission of the content or ad to your device.

View details



Information about your activity on this service may be matched and combined with
other information relating to you and originating from various sources (for
instance your activity on a separate online service, your use of a loyalty card
in-store, or your answers to a survey), in support of the purposes explained in
this notice.

View details



In support of the purposes explained in this notice, your device might be
considered as likely linked to other devices that belong to you or your
household (for instance because you are logged in to the same service on both
your phone and your computer, or because you may use the same Internet
connection on both devices).

View details



Your device might be distinguished from other devices based on information it
automatically sends when accessing the Internet (for instance, the IP address of
your Internet connection or the type of browser you are using) in support of the
purposes exposed in this notice.

View details


With your acceptance, your precise location (within a radius of less than 500
metres) may be used in support of the purposes explained in this notice.

View details

Vendor preferences

Accept all

Confirm choices


Vendor preferences



Vendors can use your data to provide services. Declining a vendor can stop them
from using the data you shared.

TCF vendors



Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location
data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 395 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 395 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Non-precise location
data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 3629 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 184 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 397 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 3650 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction
data, Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Precise location


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 720 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 21 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Browsing and interaction data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 390 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 400 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 274 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 395 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location
data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location
data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 183 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Device identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 1825 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 25 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location
data, User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 393 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 30 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 30 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, User-provided data


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 30 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location
data, User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 1825 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, Device
identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 914 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 120 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 30 (days).

Data collected and processed: Device characteristics


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device characteristics


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 397 (days).

Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location
data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Device characteristics


View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Device characteristics


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data,
Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Browsing and interaction data, User-provided data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Non-precise location data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
User-provided data, Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: Uses session cookies.

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data,
User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 365 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Precise location data, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 180 (days).

Data collected and processed: Users’ profiles, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Probabilistic identifiers


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, User-provided data


Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Browsing and interaction data, Probabilistic identifiers


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data,
Non-precise location data, Probabilistic identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Doesn't use cookies.

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Non-precise location data


View details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 60 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 396 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, Users’ profiles, IP addresses,
Device identifiers, Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics,
Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers, Device
characteristics, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session. Uses other forms of storage.

View details | Privacy policylaunch
ConsentLegitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 730 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Browsing and
interaction data, Non-precise location data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Device identifiers


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 1825 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Device characteristics, Browsing and interaction data


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch
Legitimate interesthelp_outline


Cookie duration: 90 (days).

Data collected and processed: Privacy choices, IP addresses, Device


View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch


Cookie duration: 366 (days).

Data collected and processed: IP addresses, Device identifiers,
Authentication-derived identifiers, Device characteristics, Precise location
data, Browsing and interaction data, Non-precise location data, Probabilistic


Cookie duration resets each session.

View details | Storage details | Privacy policylaunch

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