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By Chema Garcia

December 1, 2023 at 3:00 AM

Category: Malware

Tags: .NET Framework, Advanced URL Filtering, Advanced WildFire, Agent Raccoon,
backdoor, CL-STA-0002, CL-STA-0043, Cortex XDR, DNS, DNS security, Mimikatz,
Mimilite, Ntospy

This post is also available in: 日本語 (Japanese)


Unit 42 researchers observed a series of apparently related attacks against
organizations in the Middle East, Africa and the U.S. We will discuss a set of
tools used in the course of the attacks that reveal clues about the threat
actors’ activity. We are sharing this research to provide detection, prevention
and hunting recommendations to help organizations strengthen their overall
security posture.


These tools were used to perform the following activities:

 * Establish backdoor capabilities
 * For command and control (C2)
 * Steal user credentials.
 * Exfiltrate confidential information

Unit 42 is sharing these results with the purpose of helping organizations
defend against the tools observed here.

We assess with medium confidence that this threat activity cluster aligns to
nation-state related threat actors due to the nature of the organizations that
were compromised, the TTPs observed and the customization of the tool set. We
have not confirmed a particular nation-state or threat group.

Tools that were used in this cluster were the following:

 * A new backdoor we’ve named Agent Racoon
   * This malware family is written using the .NET framework and leverages the
     domain name service (DNS) protocol to create a covert channel and provide
     different backdoor functionalities. Threat actors have used this along with
     the other two tools in multiple attacks targeting organizations across the
     U.S., Middle East and Africa. Its C2 infrastructure dates back to 2020.
 * A new tool we’ve named Ntospy
   * This malware is a Network Provider DLL module designed to steal user
 * A customized version of Mimikatz called Mimilite

The compromised organizations belong to the following industries:

 * Education
 * Real estate
 * Retail
 * Non-profit organizations
 * Telecom companies
 * Governments

Based on unique similarities in tools as well as tactics, techniques and
procedures (TTPs), we are tracking this threat activity cluster as CL-STA-0002.

What follows is a detailed description of the activity we observed as well as
characteristics of the tool set.

Palo Alto Networks customers receive protection from these threats through
Cortex XDR as well as Advanced URL Filtering, DNS Security and Advanced
Wildfire. Organizations can engage the Unit 42 Incident Response team for
specific assistance with this threat and others.

Related Unit 42 Topics DNS, Mimikatz, Backdoor


Activity Summary
Gaining Access to Credentials with Ntospy
Credentials Dumping Through Mimilite
Agent Racoon Backdoor
Data Exfiltration
Indicators of Compromise
Additional Resources


The threat actor used temporary directories such as C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Temp
to deploy specific components of their tool set across the different affected
organizations. They used the following similar filenames for batch and
PowerShell scripts:

 * c:\windows\temp\crs.ps1
 * c:\windows\temp\ebat.bat
 * c:\windows\temp\install.bat
 * c:\windows\temp\mslb.ps1
 * c:\windows\temp\pb.ps1
 * c:\windows\temp\pb1.ps1
 * c:\windows\temp\pscan.ps1
 * c:\windows\temp\set_time.bat
 * c:\windows\temp\usr.ps1

While the attackers commonly used Ntospy across the affected organizations, the
Mimilite tool and the Agent Racoon malware have only been found in nonprofit and
government-related organizations’ environments.

After each attack session, the threat actor leveraged cleanmgr.exe to clean up
the environment used during the session.


To perform credential theft, the threat actor used a custom DLL module
implementing a Network Provider. A Network Provider module is a DLL component
implementing the interface provided by Microsoft to support additional types of
network protocols during the authentication process.

This technique is pretty well documented. Sergey Polak demonstrated the
technique at BlackHat back in 2004 at his session titled “Capturing Windows
Passwords using the Network Provider API.” In 2020, researcher Grzegorz Tworek
uploaded his tool NPPSpy to GitHub, which also implements this technique.

Due to the file naming patterns of the DLL module, and as a reference to the
previous research and tools, Unit 42 researchers named this malware family
Ntospy. The threat actor registers the Ntospy DLL module as a Network Provider
module to hijack the authentication process, to get access to the user
credentials every time the victim attempts to authenticate to the system.

Figure 1 illustrates the path of the processes the malware used during the
authentication process to load the malicious DLL module in an MS Exchange Server

Figure 1. Image path of processes loading the malicious DLL component in an MS
Exchange environment.

The threat actor’s implementation of this technique has some unique features.
They created different versions of the Ntospy malware over the time frame we
observed. They all share similarities, such as the following:

 * Using filenames with Microsoft patch patterns.
 * .msu extensions pretending to be Microsoft Update Package files to store the
   received credentials in cleartext.
 * RichPE header hashes that link different samples to the same compilation

To install the DLL module, the threat actor registers a new Network Provider
called credman. They do so by using an installation script found at
C:\Windows\Temp\install.bat that installs the Network Provider by using reg.exe.
The malware then sets the DLL module path by pointing to the malicious DLL
module c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.dll.

Figure 2 shows static commonalities across the different DLL modules we
identified as belonging to the same malware family. The image also illustrates
that there are overlaps on the RichPE header hash as well as the PE sections of
the samples.

Figure 2. Graph of static features relation across samples.

In the group of samples with the same RichPE header hash, we saw that they had
been compiled using the same environment. In this case, that was Visual Studio
2019 v16.0.0 build 27508. Other samples of the malware family have been compiled
on different environments or even tweaked to avoid overlapping.

The samples that don’t share the same build environment are actually similar in
behavior, but they have some differences in implementation. For instance, some
of the malware samples contain the file path used to store the credentials
hard-coded in plain text. Figures 3 and 4 show how others use an encrypted file
path and stack strings.

Figure 3. Pseudocode showing the hard-coded file path in cleartext. Figure 4.
Pseudocode showing the file path encrypted with a stream cipher.

Decrypting the file path at runtime shows that the versions using an encrypted
file path also use the same file path pattern, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. File path decrypted at runtime.

All the DLL modules we identified use the same file path pattern, abusing the
.msu file extension to masquerade as a Microsoft Update Package. The following
paths are used by the malware samples:

 * c:/programdata/microsoft/~ntuserdata.msu
 * c:/programdata/package cache/windows10.0-kb5000736-x64.msu
 * c:/programdata/package cache/windows10.0-kb5009543-x64.msu
 * c:/programdata/packag~1/windows 6.1-kb4537803.msu

Also, the DLL files are stored in the following file paths:

 * C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.dll
 * C:\Windows\Temp\ntoskrnl.dll
 * C:\Windows\Temp\ntos.dll

While the first file path is the one used to actually install the Network
Provider module, the Temp directory is the working directory used by the threat
actor to temporarily store the DLL modules. As shown in the file paths above,
the threat actor used Windows binary name patterns (based on the Windows system
file named ntoskrnl.exe) in an attempt to trick victims and analysts into
overlooking the malicious DLL component.

The first activity is identified with the malware sample with the file hash
SHA256 bcd2bdea2bfecd09e258b8777e3825c4a1d98af220e7b045ee7b6c30bf19d6df. This
overlaps with another threat activity cluster that we call CL-STA-0043,
originally published in June 2023.


Another tool used for gathering credentials and sensitive information is a
customized version of the well-known Mimikatz tool that, according to references
within the sample, the threat actor calls Mimilite.

The tool is a reduced version of Mimikatz, which needs to be given a password
through the command line to run:

C:\temp\update.exe 1dsfjlosdf23dsfdfr
C:\temp\update.exe 1dsfjlosdf23dsfdfr

When the binary is executed, it takes the command-line argument as a decryption
key to decrypt the actual payload using a stream cipher. Before executing the
decrypted payload, the binary verifies that the payload has been successfully
decrypted with the right key by performing an integrity check. This check is
done by comparing the MD5 hash of the decrypted payload with the hard-coded
value b855dfde7f778f99a3724802715a0baa, as shown in the code snippet in Figure

Figure 6. Execution logic.

When executed properly, the tool dumps the credentials to the file path
C:\Windows\Temp\KB200812134.txt. This choice of filename is another attempt by
the threat actors to masquerade as a Microsoft update.

The Mimilite sample was found at C:\temp\update.exe with the file hash SHA256
3490ba26a75b6fb295256d077e0dbc13e4e32f9fd4e91fb35692dbf64c923c98. It was first
uploaded to VirusTotal on 2020-05-11 05:43:00 UTC and first identified in the
wild on 2021-02-12 21:54:35 UTC. What we find interesting is that according to
VirusTotal, this sample has been uploaded and discovered in the wild using the
following path and filename:


The elements of this path might suggest that the same binary has been involved
in some sort of research that the uploader believed was linked with nation-state


The Agent Racoon malware family is built to provide backdoor capabilities. It is
written using the .NET framework, and leverages DNS to establish a covert
channel with the C2 server. Unit 42 researchers named the malware family Agent
Racoon due to some references found within the code of the identified samples,
as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. .NET Project details.

When executed, the threat has some predefined settings such as:

 * The base domain used to create the DNS covert channel
 * A unique key per sample, used as a seed to generate an encryption password to
   encrypt the DNS communication
 * A fallback DNS server if no DNS server can be read from the compromised

All the C2 domains identified fulfill the same base pattern, with unique values
for the four character identifier across different samples:

[4 characters].telemetry.[domain].com

The value of Program.dns_ip is different for each sample found, which could
indicate that the threat actor is building the binary with specific settings
gathered from the targeted environment.

Figure 8. Main function of the malware sample.

With that pattern, the threat communicates with the C2 server by adding
additional subdomains to build the DNS query. It uses Internationalizing Domain
Names for Applications’ (IDNA) domain names with Punycode encoding. This
encoding type is a representation of Unicode values over the ASCII encoding for
internet hostnames.

The domain names follow the pattern below:

[random_val].a.[4 characters].telemetry.[domain].com

The screenshot from Wireshark in Figure 9 illustrates a complete DNS query:

Figure 9. Sample DNS query.

To manage the communication with the C2 server, the malware uses a communication
loop shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Communication loop.

The following are some main features of the communication loop above:

 * The communication loop finishes when the answer xn--cc is received from the
   C2 server, or a communication error occurs.
 * The randomized delay between messages can have multiple reasons:
   * To avoid network spikes.
   * To avoid potential network congestion.
   * To provide randomness as an attempt to avoid network beaconing detection.
 * The encryption of all the communication messages through Program.Util.RC.

The encryption routine implements a stream cipher that takes the initial unique
key per sample Program.key (this.defaultkey), as shown in Figure 11. It then
creates a 1-byte encryption key to later encrypt the message with an XOR.

Figure 11. Stream cipher routine.

Depending on the length of the message sent to the C2 server, different
subdomains are added to the query, as shown in the code snippet in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Partial request crafting.

The this.Rand() component of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) build is
intended to avoid caching and ensure the request reaches out to the C2 server.

Agent Racoon provides the following backdoor functionality:

 * Command execution
 * File uploading
 * File downloading

Although Agent Racoon does not provide any sort of persistence mechanism by
itself, during the activity we observed, the threat was executed by using
scheduled tasks.

Unit 42 researchers discovered the following samples using different subdomains
of telemetry.geoinfocdn[.]com, as shown in Figure 13. The domain
geoinfocdn[.]com was registered on 2022/08/19 UTC for one year.

Figure 13. Samples linked with file path and base C2 domain.

Unit 42 researchers were able to track the Agent Racoon malware family back to
July 2022. Two samples of the malware family were uploaded to VirusTotal from
Egypt and Thailand in September 2022 and July 2022 with the following SHA256

 * 3a2d0e5e4bfd6db9c45f094a638d1f1b9d07110b9f6eb8874b75d968401ad69c
 * dee7321085737da53646b1f2d58838ece97c81e3f2319a29f7629d62395dbfd1

These two samples used the same subdomain patterns, but this time the domain
used for C2 was telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com. Threat actors performed the
following activities regarding this domain on the dates shown:

 * Registered: 2020/08/27 UTC
 * First seen in the wild: 2021/06/17 23:10:58 UTC
 * Renewed: 2021/08/18 UTC
 * Expired: 2022/08/27 UTC

Figure 14 shows that with this information, two groups of malware samples can be
identified using different C2 domain names and file paths since 2020.

Figure 14. Malware samples identified.

The threat actor tried to disguise the Agent Racoon binary as Google Update and
MS OneDrive Updater binaries.

The malware developers made small modifications to the source code in an attempt
to evade detection. Some samples used a domain hard-coded in plain text to
establish the DNS covert channel (as shown in Figure 15), whereas other samples
used a Base64 encoded string.

Figure 15. Base64 encoded C2 domain.

Aside from the Base64 feature, the differences are in the settings and not in
the actual source code, except for the sample with SHA256 hash

This sample has a compilation timestamp that was modified and is outside the
time frame of activity: 2075/02/23 08:12:59 UTC.

As shown in Figure 16, the threat actor also tried to obfuscate the constant
cmd.exe to avoid signature-based detections. They did so by using the equivalent
Base64 encoded value with the added constant 399 so the equivalent Base64
encoded string can’t be detected through signatures.

Figure 16. Obfuscated cmd.exe pattern.


Unit 42 researchers also identified the collection and successful exfiltration
of confidential information, such as emails from MS Exchange environments, using
PowerShell snap-ins to dump the emails.

In the search criteria from the command above, the threat actor used similar
commands to search through different folders, mailboxes and dates to dump those

After dumping the emails, the threat actor tried to compress the .pst file with
a command-line RAR tool before exfiltrating it:

However, the threat actor canceled the attempt to compress the .pst file by
using the tool taskkill.exe approximately eight minutes later.

Eventually the threat actor discarded the usage of raren.exe and simply renamed
the .pst file, moving it to the IIS root directory and mimicking an error log in
a compressed file to download it through the web server.

And finally, the ai.pst file is removed.

This process is repeated for several mailboxes with different search criteria.

In addition to the email exfiltration, Unit 42 researchers identified
exfiltration of the victim’s Roaming Profile. A Roaming Profile is used to serve
the same profile to the user when logging in from different computers from the
same Active Directory environment.

To exfiltrate this, the threat actor compressed the directory by using the
standalone version of the 7-Zip tool (which they dropped into the system using
certutil.exe), and split the compressed file into chunks of 100 MB.

Later, following the same procedure, the threat actor exfiltrated the content.


Our hope in sharing the descriptions of this tool set is that readers can use
this information to search their networks to identify other possible attacks
using these tools. This tool set is not yet associated with a specific threat
actor, and not entirely limited to a single cluster or campaign.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we found an overlapping Ntospy
sample with SHA256
bcd2bdea2bfecd09e258b8777e3825c4a1d98af220e7b045ee7b6c30bf19d6df with a
previously identified threat activity cluster CL-STA-0043. However, the overlaps
are not limited to that sample.

We have also identified two compromised organizations in common across both
activity clusters. Some of the TTPs match on both clusters, such as the MS
Exchange PowerShell snap-ins and one of the Network Provider DLL modules.

Unit 42 researchers believe this threat activity cluster aligns with medium
confidence to nation-state related threat actors for the following reasons:

 * The detection and defense evasion techniques used
 * The exfiltration activity observed
 * The victimology
 * The customization level of the tools used
 * The TTPs observed

Palo Alto Networks customers receive protections from the threats discussed
above through the following products:

 * Cortex XDR includes detections and protections related to the IoCs shared in
   this research
 * Advanced URL Filtering and DNS Security blocks related C2 domains as
 * The Advanced WildFire machine-learning models and analysis techniques have
   been reviewed and updated in light of the IoCs shared in this research

If you think you may have been compromised or have an urgent matter, get in
touch with the Unit 42 Incident Response team or call:

 * North America Toll-Free: 866.486.4842 (866.4.UNIT42)
 * EMEA: +
 * APAC: +65.6983.8730
 * Japan: +81.50.1790.0200

Palo Alto Networks has shared these findings with our fellow Cyber Threat
Alliance (CTA) members. CTA members use this intelligence to rapidly deploy
protections to their customers and to systematically disrupt malicious cyber
actors. Learn more about the Cyber Threat Alliance.


During the research activity related to the tool set uncovered on this blog,
Unit 42 researchers identified a set of TTPs, which we’ve mapped to the MITRE
ATT&CK matrix in the table below.

ID Name T1003 OS Credential Dumping T1018 Remote System Discovery T1021.006
Remote Services: Windows Remote Management T1027.009 Obfuscated Files or
Information: Embedded Payloads T1030 Data Transfer Size Limits T1036.005
Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or Location T1036.008 Masquerading:
Masquerade File Type T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Channel T1046 Network Service
Discovery T1047 Windows Management Instrumentation T1053.005 Scheduled Task/Job:
Scheduled Task T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell T1059.003
Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell T1070.004 Indicator
Removal: File Deletion T1070.006 Indicator Removal: Timestomp T1071.004
Application Layer Protocol: DNS T1074 Data Staged T1078.002 Valid Accounts:
Domain Accounts T1087.002 Account Discovery: Domain Account T1112 Modify
Registry T1114 Email Collection T1132.001 Data Encoding: Standard Encoding
T1136.002 Create Account: Domain Account T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or
Information T1505.003 Server Software Component: Web Shell T1556.008 Modify
Authentication Process: Network Provider DLL T1560.001 Archive Collected Data:
Archive via Utility T1564.002 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Users T1570 Lateral Tool
Transfer T1573.001 Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography T1583.001 Acquire
Infrastructure: Domains T1583.002 Acquire Infrastructure: DNS Server T1587.001
Develop Capabilities: Malware


IoC Type Description
2632bcd0715a7223bda1779e107087964037039e1576d2175acaf61d3759360f SHA256
ae989e25a50a6faa3c5c487083cdb250dde5f0ecc0c57b554ab77761bdaed996 SHA256
C:\Windows\Temp\install.bat C:\Windows\Temp\install.bat File path Script to
install the Network Provider module c:/programdata/microsoft/~ntuserdata.msu 
File path File to store the stolen user credentials
c:/programdata/packag~1/windows 6.1-kb4537803.msu File path File to store the
stolen user credentials c:/programdata/package
cache/windows10.0-kb5009543-x64.msu  File path File to store stolen user
credentials c:/programdata/package cache/windows10.0-kb5000736-x64.msu  File
path File to store stolen user credentials credman Network provider name Network
Provider name HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\credman Registry key path
Registry path of the Network Provider c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.dll File path
Network Provider module file path C:\Windows\Temp\ntos.dll File path File path
used to temporarily store the DLL module C:\Windows\Temp\ntoskrnl.dll File path
File path used to temporarily store the DLL module
e30f8596f1beda8254cbe1ac7a75839f5fe6c332f45ebabff88aadbce3938a19 SHA256 Ntospy
DLL Module 1a4301019bdf42e7b2df801e04066a738d184deb22afcad9542127b0a31d5cfa
SHA256 Ntospy DLL Module
e7682a61b6c5b0487593f880a09d6123f18f8c6da9c13ed43b43866960b7aa8e SHA256 Ntospy
DLL Module 58e87c0d9c9b190d1e6e44eae64e9a66de93d8de6cbd005e2562798462d05b45
SHA256 Ntospy DLL Module
7eb901a6dbf41bcb2e0cdcbb67c53ab722604d6c985317cb2b479f4c4de7cf90 SHA256 Ntospy
DLL Module f45ea12579f636026d29009190221864f432dbc3e26e73d8f3ab7835fa595b86
SHA256 Ntospy DLL Module
bcd2bdea2bfecd09e258b8777e3825c4a1d98af220e7b045ee7b6c30bf19d6df SHA256 Ntospy
DLL Module C:\temp\update.exe File path Mimilite 1dsfjlosdf23dsfdfr Encryption
key Mimilite decryption key b855dfde7f778f99a3724802715a0baa MD5 Mimilite
payload hash 4351911f266eea8e62da380151a54d5c3fbbc7b08502f28d3224f689f55bffba
SHA256 Agent Racoon
e0748ce315037253f278f7f8f2820c7dd8827a93b6d22d37dafc287c934083c4 SHA256 Agent
Racoon baed169ce874f6fe721e0d32128484b3048e9bf58b2c75db88d1a8b7d6bb938d SHA256
Agent Racoon 3a2d0e5e4bfd6db9c45f094a638d1f1b9d07110b9f6eb8874b75d968401ad69c
SHA256 Agent Racoon
4351911f266eea8e62da380151a54d5c3fbbc7b08502f28d3224f689f55bffba SHA256 Agent
Racoon 354048e6006ec9625e3e5e3056790afe018e70da916c2c1a9cb4499f83888a47 SHA256
Agent Racoon dee7321085737da53646b1f2d58838ece97c81e3f2319a29f7629d62395dbfd1
SHA256 Agent Racoon geostatcdn[.]com Domain C2 telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com Domain
C2 fdsb.telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com Domain C2 dlbh.telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com
Domain C2 lc3w.telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com Domain C2
hfhs.telemetry.geostatcdn[.]com Domain C2 geoinfocdn[.]com Domain C2
telemetry.geoinfocdn[.]com Domain C2 g1sw.telemetry.geoinfocdn[.]com Domain C2
c:/windows/temp/onedriveupdater.exe File path Agent Racoon path
c:/windows/system32/msmdlb.exe File path Agent Racoon path
c:/windows/temp/onedriveupdater.exe File path Agent Racoon path c:/program files
(x86)/google/update/googleupdate.exe File path Agent Racoon path
c:\windows\temp\mslb.ps1 File path Script used to deploy the Agent Racoon
c:\windows\temp\set_time.bat File path Script used to perform timestomping
against additional tools c:\windows\temp\pscan.ps1 File path Script to scan the
network c:\windows\temp\crs.ps1 File path Helper script c:\windows\temp\usr.ps1
File path Helper script c:\windows\temp\pb.ps1 File path Helper script
c:\windows\temp\ebat.bat File path Helper script  c:\windows\temp\pb1.ps1 File
path Helper script c:\windows\temp\raren.exe File path Command line RAR
aabbcc123 Password Password used to create the email archive
086a6618705223a8873448465717e288cf7cc6a3af4d9bf18ddd44df6f400488 SHA256
raren.exe file hash P@ssw0rd1 Password Password used to compress the user
profile directory Assistance$ Username User created for persistence Zaqwsx123
Password User created for persistence


 * It’s All in the Name: How Unit 42 Defines and Tracks Threat Adversaries –
   Unit 42, Palo Alto Networks
 * Through the Cortex XDR Lens: Uncovering a New Activity Group Targeting
   Governments in the Middle East and Africa – Unit 42, Palo Alto Networks
 * NPPSpy - NPPSpy GitHub repository
 * Capturing Windows Passwords using the Network Provider API - BlackHat 2004
 * Network Provider API - Microsoft
 * NPLogonNotify - Microsoft
 * Roaming Profiles - Microsoft


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