Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On December 21 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

  "login": {
    "input_user": "User ID",
    "input_password": "Password",
    "title": "Welcome.",
    "page_title_password_change": "Reset password",
    "page_title_lockout": "Account locked",
    "page_title_password_expired": "Password expired",
    "page_title_session_timeout": "Session timeout",
    "page_title_user_registration": "User registration",
    "page_title_login": "Login",
    "forgot_password_title": "Forgot your password?",
    "forgot_password_description": "Enter Email address and activate reset password.",
    "forgot_password_with_userID_description": "Enter Email address and User ID and activate reset password.",
    "forgot_password_input_email": "Email address",
    "forgot_password_warning": "Invalid email address.",
    "expired_password_warning": "Your password has expired. Please change your password.",
    "lockout_password_warning": "You account is locked. To unlock it contact your system administrator and try login again: ",
    "session_timeout_warning": "Your session has timed out. Go to ",
    "login_failed_warning": "Login failed. Re-enter your user name and password. If this problem persists, contact your system administrator.",
    "input_user_warning": "User ID cannot be empty.",
    "input_password_warning": "Password cannot be empty.",
    "input_password_no_match": "Passwords don't match.",
    "forgot_password_success": "Request sent. Check your email for password reset instructions.",
    "logout_success": "Logout is successful. Go to ",
    "change_password_success": "Password successfully changed. Go to ",
    "label_password_old": "Old Password:",
    "label_password_new": "New Password:",
    "credentials_title": "Login credentials",
    "change_password_title": "Reset password",
    "forgot_password_timeout": "A reset email was recently sent to that user. Check your spam folder or try again after {{minutes}} minutes",
    "label_first_name": "First name",
    "label_last_name": "Last name",
    "label_email_address": "Email address",
    "label_password": "Password",
    "label_password_confirm": "Confirm password:",
    "label_password_hint": "Password hint",
    "login_page": "Login Page",
    "label_security_question": "For your security, answer the secret question below to enter a new password.",
    "label_security_question_answer": "Answer",
    "input_security_question_answer_empty": "Answer cannot be empty."
  "logout": {
    "title": "Logout",
    "stop_transfers": "Logging out will stop all running uploads."
  "download": {
    "title": " - Attachment Download",
    "welcome_title": "Welcome to ",
    "main_header": "Main content",
    "content_description_1": "Your download will start shortly.",
    "content_description_2": "In case of a problem, use the",
    "content_description_3": "direct link to download the file",
    "content_error": "The secret answer is incorrect. Try again.",
    "input_secret": "Secret answer",
    "error_expired_link": "The requested package does not exist, the download link may have expired"
  "header": {
    "poweredby": "",
    "navigation_main": "Main",
    "user_welcome": "Welcome ",
    "preferences_language": "Language",
    "preferences_transfer": "Transfer mode",
    "label_transfer_binary": "Binary",
    "label_transfer_binary_recommended": "Binary (Recommended)",
    "label_transfer_ascii": "ASCII Text",
    "preferences_password": "Password",
    "preferences_password_old": "Current password",
    "preferences_password_new": "New password",
    "preferences_password_confirm": "Confirm new password",
    "user_menu": "User menu",
    "navigation_skip_link": "Skip to main content"
  "alerts": {
    "delete": "Delete selected {{count}} items? Deleted items cannot be restored.",
    "mail_deleted_one": "Message deleted",
    "mail_deleted_other": "{{count}} messages deleted",
    "folder_deleted_one": "Folder deleted",
    "folder_deleted_other": "{{count}} folders deleted",
    "file_deleted_one": "File deleted",
    "file_deleted_other": "{{count}} files deleted",
    "items_deleted": "{{count}} items deleted",
    "shared": "Folder shared",
    "unshared": "Folder unshared",
    "renamed_folder": "Folder renamed",
    "renamed_file": "File renamed",
    "created": "Folder created",
    "sent": "Message sent",
    "sending": "Sending message",
    "message_still_processing": "Message sent, but processing takes longer than usual. Please check its status in the Sent messages list.",
    "message_moved": "Message(s) moved",
    "files_moved": "Files moved",
    "items_moved": "Items moved",
    "draft_discarded": "Draft discarded",
    "draft_saved_at": "Draft saved at ",
    "attach_large_file": "Files too large for {{browser}} 4 GB upload limit: ",
    "preferences_saved": "Preferences successfully saved",
    "draft_saved_auto": "Message automatically saved as draft",
    "status_success": "Success",
    "status_warning": "Warning",
    "status_error": "Error",
    "password_changed": "Password successfully changed",
    "secret_question_answer_changed": "Secret question and answer successfully changed",
    "error_confirm_password": "Confirm password does not match new password",
    "error_old_length": "Current password is required",
    "error_new_length": "New password is required",
    "password_locked": "User account has been locked",
    "secret_answer_required": "Secret answer is required",
    "incorrect_password": "Password is not correct",
    "secret_question_not_found": "Secret question is not found",
    "error_confirm_length": "Confirm password is requried",
    "error_change_language_pending_transfers": "Please wait for transfers to be completed before changing the language",
    "error_local_storage_full": "Persistent storage maximum size reached.",
    "warning_before_session_timeout": "Your session will expire in {{time}}, press or click anywhere on the page to extend it.",
    "message_less_than_minute": "less than a minute",
    "warning_local_storage_disabled": "Your browser does not support localStorage or it is disabled. The application may not function properly.",
    "warning_unable_to_create_draft": "Unable to create draft",
    "message_of_the_day_title": "Message of the day"
  "mailbox": {
    "tree_heading": "Mailbox tree",
    "tree_description": "Create and remove mailbox folders",
    "label_from": "From:",
    "label_to": "To",
    "label_cc": "Cc",
    "label_cc_button_hint": "Add Cc recipients",
    "label_bcc": "Bcc",
    "label_bcc_button_hint": "Add Bcc recipients",
    "label_message": "Message:",
    "label_subject": "Subject:",
    "label_date": "Date:",
    "label_expires_in": "Expires in:",
    "label_days_60": "60 days",
    "label_days_30": "30 days",
    "label_days_7": "7 days",
    "label_days_1": "1 day",
    "label_days_never": "never",
    "security_group_title": "Options",

    "label_expiration": "Expiration",
    "label_access": "Access",
    "label_enrollmentType": "Enrollment type",
    "label_licensed": "Licensed",
    "label_unlicensed": "Unlicensed",
    "label_phoneNumber": "Phone Number",
    "label_phoneNumberPolicy": "Phone number must start with '+' and can have numbers and whitespaces only.",
    "label_toFieldPolicy": "Only one recipient should be entered for mobile enrollment.",
    "label_secret_question": "Security question",
    "label_question": "Question",
    "label_answer": "Answer",
    "label_unread": " unread messages",
    "label_unread_message": "Unread message",

    "sent": "Sent",
    "drafts": "Drafts",
    "inbox": "Inbox",
    "messages": "Messages",

    "compose_message_title": "Message",
    "compose_attachments_title": "Attachments",
    "compose_attachments_description": "There are no attachments to this message yet. Drop files over this window or use the Attach button to add some.",

    "option_secret_question_no": "Don't use secret question",
    "option_secret_question_best_friend": "What is the name of your best friend from childhood?",
    "option_secret_question_first_teacher": "What was the name of your first teacher?",
    "option_secret_question_first_job": "What is the name of your manager at your first job?",
    "option_secret_question_first_number": "What was your first phone number?",
    "option_secret_question_vehicle_number": "What is your vehicle registration number?",
    "option_secret_question_library_card": "What is your library card number?",
    "option_secret_question_custom": "Write my own question",
    "data_date": "Date",
    "data_subject": "Subject",
    "data_sender": "Sender",
    "data_recipients": "Recipients",
    "data_expires": "Expires",
    "data_folder": "Folder",
    "data_messages": "Messages",
    "folders_listbox_heading": "Mailbox folders list",
    "attachments_heading": "Attachments",
    "inbox_listbox_heading": "Inbox messages list",
    "sent_listbox_heading": "Sent messages list",
    "drafts_listbox_heading": "Drafts messages list",
    "messages_listbox_heading": "Messages list",
    "option_delivery_pick": "Select delivery method",
    "option_delivery_anonymous_link": "Send attachment link only",
    "option_delivery_anonymous_link_title": "Any recipient can see the message and download the files from anonymous link",
    "option_delivery_challenged_link": "Protect attachment link with security question",
    "option_delivery_challenged_link_title": "Any recipient who knows the answer can see the message and download the files from anonymous link",
    "option_delivery_existing_account": "Send to existing users only",
    "option_delivery_existing_account_title": "Only registered users will receive the package. Any other recipients will be unable to download the files",
    "option_delivery_enroll_unlicensed": "Allow recipients to enroll as restricted users (receive and reply to messages only)",
    "option_delivery_enroll_unlicensed_title": "Allow unregistered users to create new accounts. Unlicensed Users have access only to inbox and can not compose new packages",
    "option_delivery_enroll_licensed": "Allow recipients to enroll as unrestricted users",
    "option_delivery_enroll_licensed_title": "Allow unregistered users to create new accounts with full access",
    "option_delivery_enroll_mobile": "Mobile Phone Enrollment",
    "error_to_field_required": "Field is required",
    "error_to_field_limit": "Only one recipient allowed for mobile enrollment",
    "error_to_field_group_not_allowed": "Groups are not allowed for mobile enrollment",
    "error_to_field_invalid": "The address is invalid",
    "error_phone_number_required": "Phone number is required",
    "error_phone_number_policy_not_fulfilled": "Phone number does not comply with the policy",
    "error_address_not_found": "Matching address not found",
    "error_delivery_method_required": "The delivery method is required",
    "error_delivery_method_answer_required": "The delivery method answer is required",
    "error_delivery_method_custom_question_required": "The delivery method custom question is required",
    "error_delivery_method_custom_answer_required": "The delivery method custom answer is required",
    "error_move_message": "Some messages could not be moved.",
    "discard_confirm_message": "This message will be deleted from Drafts and cannot be restored.",
    "save_compose_confirm_message": "There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?",
    "dialog_title_draft": "Draft",
    "send_without_subject": "Do you want to send this message without a subject?",
    "to_input_addremove_description": "Enter recipients",
    "cc_input_addremove_description": "Enter cc recipients",
    "bcc_input_addremove_description": "Enter bcc recipients",
    "no_subject_placeholder": "[no subject]",
    "expiration_never": "Never",
    "expiration_today": "Today",
    "expiration_after_one_day": "After 1 day",
    "expiration_days": "{{days}} days",
    "rejected": "Rejected",
    "sending": "Sending",
    "deliveredPartially": "Delivered Partially",
    "deliveryFailedInternalError": "Failed",
    "dropzone_mailbox": "Drop files here or use the Attach button.",
    "message_processed": "Message processed",
    "processing_message": "Processing. This might take a few seconds.",
    "message_blocked": "Message blocked by corporate policy.",
    "message_revise": "Revise the message and attachments for sensitive words or information and try sending again.",
    "expiration_expired": "Expired",
    "sorting_bysubject": "Sort by subject",
    "sorting_bysender": "Sort by sender",
    "sorting_byrecipients": "Sort by recipients",
    "sorting_byexpiration": "Sort by expiration period",
    "error_icap_denied_common": "Message contains data that was denied by ICAP. Content that was considered malicious will be missing.",
    "error_icap_denied_attachment": "Attachment is blocked by ICAP.",
    "label_tooltip_subject_unlicensed": "Unlicensed users are not allowed to modify the subject.",
    "attachment_status_processing": "Processing"
  "files": {
    "tree_heading": "Your files tree",
    "tree_description": "View and organize ",
    "tree_description_files": "View and organize your files",
    "data_owner": "Owner",
    "data_owner_myself": "me",
    "data_users": "Users",
    "data_creationTime": "Created",
    "data_fileName": "File name",
    "data_lastModifiedTime": "Modified",
    "sorting_bydate": "Sort by modified",
    "listbox": "All files and folders",
    "listbox_heading": "List of all folders and files",
    "dropzone": "Drop files here or use the Upload button.",
    "input_foldername": "Folder name:",
    "input_newname": "New name:",
    "input_foldername_placeholder": "Untitled folder",
    "share_input_addremove": "People",
    "share_input_addremove_description": "Enter collaborators",
    "share_listbox": "Collaborators emails",
    "share_listbox_heading": "List of collaborators",
    "share_listbox_not_share_description": "This folder is not shared with anyone yet.",
    "share_listbox_add_collaborator_description": "Use <i>People</i> edit box to add some collaborators.",
    "share_input_ownernotification": "Notify me when a file is uploaded",
    "share_heading_colaboration": "Collaboration",
    "share_heading_access": "Options",
    "share_heading_notifications": "Notifications",
    "share_input_access": "Access",
    "share_input_access_download": "Download only",
    "share_input_access_upload": "Download and upload",
    "share_input_access_overwrite": "Download, upload and overwrite files",
    "share_input_showcollaborators": "Allow people to view collaborators",
    "share_input_access_collaboratorsnotification": "Send notifications to collaborators",
    "share_write_not_allowed": "File upload is not allowed in this shared folder (no access rights)",
    "share_overwrite_not_allowed": "Overwriting files is not allowed in this shared folder (no access rights)",
    "resume_input_browse": "Browse for the file to resume",
    "replace_title_upload": "Upload files",
    "replace_title_move": "Move files",
    "replace_message": "There are already some files with the same name in this location. Replace the file?",
    "folder_upload_message": "Folder uploads are not allowed",
    "name_empty_message": "The name of the {{itemType}} should not be empty.",
    "name_invalid_char_message": "The name of the {{itemType}} should not contain: \\ / : * ? \" < > |",
    "name_length_message": "The name of the {{itemType}} should not be longer then 255 characters.",
    "action_upload_forbidden": "Upload action is forbidden. Cannot upload ",
    "action_download_forbidden": "Download action is forbidden. Cannot download ",
    "action_upload_same_file_in_progress": "A file transfer is already in progress at path ",
    "share_disabled_title": "The user does not have an e-mail",
    "share_disabled_message": "As a result share folder functionality is disabled. Please contact your administrator if you think this is a mistake.",
    "file": "file",
    "folder": "folder",
    "subfolder": "subfolder",
    "file_status_waiting": "{{fileName}} (Waiting)",
    "file_status_failed": "{{fileName}} (Failed)",
    "file_status_cancelled": "{{fileName}} (Cancelled)",
    "identical_file_exists": "File {{fileName}} will not be processed because an identical file already exists on the server at this path.",
    "share_error_subscription_not_allowed": "You are not allowed to share subscription folders or sub-folders of subscription folders.",
    "share_error_contain_subscription_not_allowed": "You are not allowed to share folders which contain subscription folder(s).",
    "share_error_change_settings_not_supported": "Changing sharing settings of a sub-folder present in shared parent folder is not supported.",
    "share_error_unable_to_share_contains_shared_folders": "Unable to share folder {{folder}} because it already contains shared folders. Unshare them and try again.",
    "share_error_unable_to_share_with_email": "Unable to share folder. User account with e-mail address {{email}} is disabled.",
    "share_error_share_with_email_not_allowed": "You are not allowed to share folder {{folder}} with {{email}}.",
    "share_error_folder_already_shared_with_user": "You have already shared a folder named {{folder}} with user {{user}}",
    "share_error_unable_to_share": "Unable to share folder: {{folder}}",
    "share_error_failed_wrong_target": "Sharing has failed. Target file is not a directory: {{folder}}",
    "share_error_share_error_occurred": "An error occurred while sharing folder {{folder}}",
    "share_error_unable_to_unshare": "Unable to unshare folder: {{folder}}",
    "share_error_unshare_failed_wrong_target": "Unsharing has failed. Target file is not a directory: {{folder}}",
    "share_error_unshare_error_occurred": "An error occurred while unsharing folder {{folder}}",
    "share_error_get_metadata_failed": "Unable to get metadata for folder {{folder}}",
    "file_error_cannot_rename_subscription_folder": "Cannot rename a subscription folder.",
    "file_error_unable_to_rename_folder_not_empty": "Unable to rename directory: {{folder}}. (directory is not empty)",
    "file_error_unable_to_rename_file_to_folder": "Unable to rename file: {{file}} to directory: {{folder}}",
    "file_error_unable_to_rename_folder_to_file": "Unable to rename directory: {{folder}} to file: {{file}}",
    "file_error_unable_to_rename_file_path": "Unable to rename filePath: {{filePath}} to newFilePath: {{newFilePath}}",
    "file_error_destination_already_contains_folder": "The destination already contains a folder with name {{folder}}",
    "data_lastAccessTime": "Last accessed",
    "data_permissions": "Permissions",
    "data_md5": "MD5",
    "data_coreId": "Core ID",
    "data_symbolicLink": "Symbolic Link",
    "data_subscription": "Subscription",
    "data_folder_type": "Folder type",
    "search_results_title": "Search Results",
    "search_input_label": "Search",
    "search_found_label": "Found",
    "search_processed_label": "Processed",
    "search_status_searching": "Searching",
    "search_input_stop": "Stop search"
  "address_book": {
    "favorite": "Favorite",
    "no_contacts_found": "No contacts found",
    "label_add": "Add",
    "label_search": "Search",
    "search_placeholder": "Name or email",
    "all_contacts": "All contacts",
    "favorites": "Favorites",
    "is_favorite": "Is favorite",
    "is_not_favorite": "Is not favorite",
    "all_groups": "All groups",
    "favorite_not_exists": "This favorite contact no longer exists",
    "label_search_for": "Search for",
    "label_select_contact_group": "Select contacts group"
  "ui": {
    "control_login": "Sign in",
    "control_files": "Your Files",
    "menu_actions": "Actions",
    "control_mailbox": "Mailbox",
    "control_toggle": "Toggle Uploads monitor",
    "control_pause": "Pause",
    "control_resume": "Resume",
    "control_cancel": "Cancel",
    "control_ok": "OK",
    "control_close": "Close",
    "control_clear": "Clear",
    "control_yes": "Yes",
    "control_no": "No",
    "control_replace": "Replace",
    "control_create": "Create",
    "control_remove": "Remove",
    "control_upload": "Upload",
    "control_save": "Save",
    "control_upload_title": "Browse for a file to upload",
    "control_attach_title": "Browse for a file to attach",
    "control_createfolder": "Create folder",
    "control_refresh": "Refresh",
    "control_download": "Download",
    "control_download_file": "Download file",
    "control_download_all": "Download all",
    "control_moveto": "Move to...",
    "control_move": "Move",
    "control_renameto": "Rename...",
    "control_rename": "Rename",
    "control_edit": "Edit",
    "control_details": "View Details",
    "control_delete": "Delete",
    "control_view": "View",
    "control_view_as_tiles": "View as icon tiles",
    "control_view_as_list": "View as list",
    "control_share": "Share",
    "control_unshare": "Unshare",
    "control_book": "Address Book",
    "control_reply": "Reply",
    "control_replyall": "Reply All",
    "control_send": "Send",
    "control_forward": "Forward",
    "control_discard": "Discard",
    "control_compose": "Compose",
    "control_attach": "Attach",
    "control_preferences": "Preferences",
    "control_account": "Your Account",
    "control_password": "Password",
    "control_accessibility": "Accessibility",
    "control_secret_question": "Secret Question",
    "control_answer": "Answer",
    "control_help": "Help",
    "control_logout": "Logout",
    "control_reset_password": "Reset password",
    "control_register": "Register",
    "toolbar_breadcrumb": "Breadcrumb",
    "toolbar_breadcrumb_title": "Breadcrumb toolbar",
    "toolbar_actions": "Actions",
    "toolbar_actions_title": "Actions toolbar",
    "toolbar_sorting": "Sorting",
    "toolbar_sorting_title": "Sorting toolbar",
    "sorting_byname": "Sort by name",
    "sorting_bystatus": "Sort by status",
    "sorting_bysize": "Sort by size",
    "data_name": "Name",
    "data_status": "Status",
    "data_size": "Size",
    "empty_folder": "This folder is empty.",
    "strings_and": "and",
    "strings_more": "more",
    "strings_sortedby": "sorted by",
    "strings_in": "in",
    "time_minutes": "minutes",
    "strings_remaining": "remaining",
    "control_checkbox_do_not_show_again": "Do not show again",
    "control_about": "About",
    "control_version": "Version",
    "data_items": "Items",
    "data_selected_items": "Selected items",
    "control_refresh_status": "Refresh status",
    "control_open": "Open",
    "control_view_in_folder": "View in folder"
  "queue": {
    "title": "Uploads monitor",
    "title_pending_uploads_one": "Uploading one file",
    "title_pending_uploads_other": "Uploading {{count}} files",
    "heading": "Uploads list and actions",
    "progress_total": "Total uploads progress",
    "actions_toolbar": "Upload actions",
    "actions_toolbar_title": "Upload actions toolbar",
    "listbox": "Uploads",
    "listbox_title": "List of uploads",
    "toggle_title": "Expand or collapse the Uploads monitor section",
    "data_speed": "Speed",
    "data_date": "Started",
    "sorting_bydate": "Sort by started",
    "resume": "Resume Transfer",
    "resume_description": "Uploading {{fileName}} was canceled.<br />To resume the transfer browse for the file.",
    "resume_filenames_mismatch": "The selected file {{newFileName}} does not match the target file {{fileName}}.",
    "remove_running_transfers_title": "Confirm remove",
    "remove_running_transfers_msg_one": "One running upload will be canceled.<br />Are you sure you want to remove it?",
    "remove_running_transfers_msg_other": "{{count}} running uploads will be canceled.<br />Are you sure you want to remove them?",
    "upload_progress": "{{fileName}}, {{uploadProgress}}% completed, {{remainingTime}}",
    "failed_uploads": "{{count}} failed recently",
    "status_all": "All statuses",
    "status_running": "Running",
    "status_paused": "Paused",
    "status_failed": "Failed",
    "status_completed": "Completed",
    "status_canceled": "Canceled",
    "status_waiting": "Waiting to start",
    "status_calculating_md5_before": "Checking file integrity",
    "status_reading": "Reading",
    "status_uploading": "Uploading",
    "status_calculating_md5_after": "Checking file integrity",
    "status_md5_mismatch": "MD5 check mismatch.",
    "status_md5_failure": "MD5 check failure.",
    "status_md5_timeout": "MD5 check timeout.",
    "status_icapdeny": "DLP/AV server blocked the file.",
    "status_waiting_after_upload": "Waiting",
    "root_folder": "Root",
    "status_subtransmission_failure": "Subtransmission failure.",
    "status_getting_subtransmission_status": "Checking subtransmission status",
    "filter_status_label": "View by status"
  "grid": {
    "header_name": "Name",
    "header_sort_by_name": "Sort by name",
    "header_remotedir": "Folder",
    "header_sort_by_remotedir": "Sort by folder path",
    "header_modified": "Last modified",
    "header_sort_by_modified": "Sort by last modified",
    "header_size": "Size",
    "header_sort_by_size": "Sort by size",
    "header_status": "Status",
    "header_sort_by_status": "Sort by status",
    "header_started": "Started",
    "header_sort_by_date": "Sort by date",
    "header_speed": "Speed",
    "sort_direction_ascending": "ascending",
    "sort_direction_descending": "descending"
  "secret_question": {
    "group_header": "Secret question",
    "current_password_label": "Current password",
    "secret_question_label": "Secret question",
    "answer_label": "Answer",
    "save_button_label": "Save",
    "missing_password_error_message": "Current password is required",
    "missing_answer_error_message": "An answer is required",
    "incorrect_password_error_message": "The password is incorrect",
    "explanation": "For your security, specify a secret question. The answer will be required if you forgot your password and want to reset it."
  "reset_password": {
    "error_old_password_mandatory": "You must provide the old password.",
    "error_old_password_not_correct": "Old password is not correct",
    "error_new_password_must_be_different": "New password must be different than old one.",
    "error_new_password_mandatory": "You must provide the new password.",
    "error_new_password_retype": "You must retype the new password.",
    "error_new_passwords_dont_match": "New passwords don't match",
    "password_policy_total_characters": "Password must have at least {{number}} characters total.",
    "password_policy_alpha_characters": "Password must have at least {{number}} alpha character(s).",
    "password_policy_numeric_characters": "Password must have at least {{number}} numeric character(s).",
    "password_policy_special_characters": "Password must have at least {{number}} special character(s).",
    "password_policy_recent_passwords": "Password must be different than the last {{number}} recently used passwords.",
    "password_policy_min_age": "At least {{days}} days must pass after the last password change."
  "error": {
    "password": {
      "invalid": "Password is wrong",
      "policyNotMet": "Password policy not met."
    "token": {
      "invalid": "The authorization token expired or is not valid"
    "secretQuestion": {
      "answer": {
        "invalid": "Secret answer doesn't match",
        "short": "Secret answer is too short",
        "detail": "Secret answer must have at least {{number}} characters total"
    "unauthenticated": "Provided username and username from account initiated password request does not match",
    "username": {
      "invalid": "Invalid username."
  "accessibility": {
    "connectives": {
      "then": "then",
      "or": "or"
    "goto": {
      "header": "Go To",
      "open_popup": "Open the Accessibility pop-up",
      "your_files_focus": "Go to Your Files (with focus on the Your Files tree)",
      "mailbox_focus": "Go to the Mailbox (with focus on the Mailbox tree)",
      "queue_list_focus": "Go to the Uploads queue (with focus on the list of transfers)",
      "your_files_or_mailbox": "Focus Your Files tree or Mailbox tree navigation",
      "your_files_tree": "Focus Your Files tree navigation",
      "mailbox_tree": "Focus Mailbox tree navigation",
      "your_files_list_or_messages": "Focus Your Files list or list of messages",
      "your_files_messages": "Focus Your Files list",
      "mailbox_messages": "Focus list of messages"
    "selection": {
      "header": "Selection",
      "next_item": "Select next item",
      "prev_item": "Select previous item",
      "all_items": "Select all items",
      "clear": "Clear the selection",
      "extend_down": "Extend selection down",
      "extend_up": "Extend selection up",
      "select_deselect_current": "Select or deselect current item",
      "select_deselect_other": "Select or deselect current item and deselect all other items",
      "move_down": "Move down without changing selection",
      "move_up": "Move up without changing selection"
    "common_actions": {
      "header": "Common Actions",
      "delete": "Delete an item (confirmation is displayed)",
      "create": "Create an item",
      "open": "Open an item",
      "move": "Move an item",
      "refresh": "Refresh",
      "display_all_actions": "Display all actions menu",
      "view_details": "View details about an item"
    "tree_navigation": {
      "header": "Tree Navigation",
      "move_first": "Move selection to first item",
      "move_last": "Move selection to last item",
      "move_prev": "Move selection to previous item",
      "move_next": "Move selection to next item",
      "collapse": "Collapse selected tree item",
      "expand": "Expand selected tree item"
    "file_and_folder_actions": {
      "header": "File and folder actions",
      "focus_upload": "Focus upload action",
      "download": "Download selected files",
      "delete": "Delete selected files or folders",
      "create": "Create a folder",
      "open": "Open a folder",
      "goto_prev": "Go to the previous folder",
      "rename": "Rename file or folder",
      "move": "Move a file",
      "refresh": "Refresh a folder",
      "display": "Display all actions menu",
      "view_details": "View details about a file or folder",
      "share": "Share a folder"
    "mailbox_actions": {
      "header": "Mailbox Actions",
      "compose": "Compose a message",
      "delete": "Delete a message",
      "open_message": "Open a message",
      "create_folder": "Create mailbox folder",
      "move_message": "Move a message",
      "reply": "Reply to a message",
      "reply_all": "Reply all to a message",
      "forward": "Forward a message",
      "display_all_actions": "Display all actions menu",
      "refresh": "Refresh a mailbox folder",
      "view_message_details": "View message details"
    "message_view": {
      "header": "Message view",
      "send": "Send an email",
      "focus_cc": "Focus the Cc edit box",
      "focus_bcc": "Focus the Bcc edit box",
      "save_all_attachments": "Save all attachments"
    "transfer_queue": {
      "header": "Transfer Queue Actions",
      "pause": "Pause a transfer",
      "resume": "Resume a transfer",
      "cancel": "Cancel a transfer"