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Submitted URL: http://www.sgworld.com/
Effective URL: https://www.sgworld.com/
Submission: On June 18 via api from IE — Scanned from CA

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GET /pages/search-results-page

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SG World have a diverse product range but all our solutions have a common
thread; making it easy for businesses and schools to adopt best practice
processes into their daily routines. Whether it’s tracking your visitors,
creating a safe working environment, safeguarding your students or managing your
asset inventory - we help busy people make the most of their time and budget.

Explore Our Range

Visitor Management

Whether you're looking for a paper visitor book or touchscreen visitor sign-in,
we have the right solution for you.

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Pre-Use Inspections

Best practice checklist solutions for all sectors including Logistics,
Recycling, Manufacturing & Construction.

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Tools for Schools

Solutions tailored specifically for schools including visitor management, asset
management, accident/incident reporting.

See Range

5D Software Family

Cloud-based software platform - visitor management, asset inventory and
incident/accident reporting

See Range

Visitor Management

Whether you're looking for a paper visitor book or touchscreen visitor sign-in,
we have the right solution for you.

See Range

Pre-Use Inspections

Best practice checklist solutions for all sectors including Logistics,
Recycling, Manufacturing & Construction.

See Range

Tools for Schools

Solutions tailored specifically for schools including visitor management, asset
management, accident/incident reporting.

See Range

5D Software Family

Cloud-based software platform - visitor management, asset inventory and
incident/accident reporting.

See Range

Contractor Management

Solutions which help you manage the inherent risks of having contractors working
on site.

See Range

Permits to Work

A wide range of permits including hot work, electrical, working at height and
confined spaces. Customisation service available.

See Range

Safety Signage

Safety notice boards - add you own logo, dry wipe, magnetic finishes, med kit
accessories and full
customisation service

See Range

Asset Management

Track, tag, manage and maximise your assets throughout their life cycle.
Easy to use and quick to audit.

See Range

Contractor Management

Solutions which help you manage the inherent risks of having contractors working
on site.

See Range

Permits to Work

A wide range of permits including hot work, electrical, working at height and
confined spaces. Customisation service available.

See Range

Safety Signage

Safety signage and notice boards - hazard/warning signage, access and traffic
control, fire safety and construction

See Range

Asset Management

Track, tag, manage and maximise your assets throughout their life cycle. Easy to
use and quick to audit.

See Range


We have a wide collection of solutions tailored specifically for schools
including visitor management, asset management, accident/incident reporting and
student attendance.

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. . . we've been doing this for over half a century. That’s a lot of experience
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. . . across Manufacturing, Education, Logistics and many other sectors

52000 SQ FT

. . . enough room for our factory floor, software development, product design
and customer service teams


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