api.emberjs.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a05:d014:58f:6200::64  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://api.emberjs.com./
Effective URL: https://api.emberjs.com/
Submission: On December 12 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

Ember Logo 1c White
 * Docs
 * Releases
 * Blog
 * Community
 * About

 1. Home
 2. Projects
    1. Ember
    2. Ember Data
    3. Ember CLI


 1. Packages
    1.  @ember/application
    2.  @ember/application/namespace
    3.  @ember/array
    4.  @ember/array/proxy
    5.  @ember/canary-features
    6.  @ember/component
    7.  @ember/component/template-only
    8.  @ember/controller
    9.  @ember/debug
    10. @ember/debug/container-debug-adapter
    11. @ember/debug/data-adapter
    12. @ember/destroyable
    13. @ember/engine
    14. @ember/helper
    15. @ember/object
    16. @ember/object/core
    17. @ember/object/evented
    18. @ember/object/mixin
    19. @ember/object/observable
    20. @ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin
    21. @ember/object/proxy
    22. @ember/owner
    23. @ember/renderer
    24. @ember/routing
    25. @ember/routing/hash-location
    26. @ember/routing/history-location
    27. @ember/routing/location
    28. @ember/routing/none-location
    29. @ember/routing/route
    30. @ember/routing/route-info
    31. @ember/routing/router
    32. @ember/routing/router-service
    33. @ember/routing/transition
    34. @ember/runloop
    35. @ember/service
    36. @ember/template
    37. @ember/test
    38. @ember/utils
    39. @glimmer/component
    40. @glimmer/tracking
    41. @glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache
    42. rsvp
 2. Classes
    1.  Application
    2.  ApplicationInstance
    3.  ApplicationInstance.BootOptions
    4.  ArrayProxy
    5.  Component
    6.  ComputedProperty
    7.  ContainerDebugAdapter
    8.  CoreObject
    9.  DataAdapter
    10. Ember.Controller
    11. Ember.NativeArray
    12. Ember.Templates.helpers
    13. Ember.Test
    14. Ember.Test.QUnitAdapter
    15. EmberArray
    16. EmberENV
    17. EmberObject
    18. EmberRouter
    19. Engine
    20. EngineInstance
    21. EventTarget
    22. Evented
    23. Factory
    24. FactoryManager
    25. FullName
    26. HashLocation
    27. Helper
    28. HistoryLocation
    29. Location
    30. Mixin
    31. MutableArray
    32. Namespace
    33. NoneLocation
    34. ObjectProxy
    35. Observable
    36. Owner
    37. Promise
    38. PromiseProxyMixin
    39. RegisterOptions
    40. Renderer
    41. Resolver
    42. Route
    43. RouteInfo
    44. RouteInfoWithAttributes
    45. RouterService
    46. SafeString
    47. Service
    48. TestAdapter
    49. Transition

Show Private / Deprecated


To get started, choose a project (Ember or Ember Data) and a version from the
dropdown menu. Ember has core methods used in any app, while Ember Data has
documentation of the built-in library for making requests to a back end. If
you're looking for documentation of the command line tool used to generate
files, build your app, and more, visit ember-cli. The latest testing API is
available at ember-test-helpers.


 * Components - Classic or Glimmer; a view that is completely isolated
 * Tracked - make your templates responsive to property updates
 * Computed Properties - declare functions as properties
 * Computed Macros - shorter ways of expressing certain types of computed
 * EmberArray - contains methods like forEach and mapBy that help you iterate
   over Ember Objects
 * EmberObject - the main base class for all Ember objects, including the get
   and set methods
 * Ember.Templates.helpers - built-in functions that can be used in templates,
   such as the each, on and fn helpers
 * Helpers - a way to define custom display functions that are used in templates
 * Route - used to define individual routes, including the model hook for
   loading data
 * Service - an Ember object that lives for the duration of the application, and
   can be made available in different parts of your application




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